Worship at the East Gate – Ezekiel 46:1-3
Worship at the East Gate
by Kerrie L. French
Based on Ezekiel 46:1-3
Building Blocks of Time
These three verses in Ezekiel 46:1-3 are foundational corporate worship markers describing the EAST GATE as it coincides with Yahuah’s great mountain of time. This is the true Mount Zion, the sacred Mount of the congregation as it is beaconed by the shamayim (heavens) from the east unto the west, as it is masterfully displayed in the sides of the north. These principles reveal fascinating details of how the Temple services of earth were synchronized to the Creator’s time in the New Yarushalom (Jerusalem). His worship times were designed to be predominantly regulated by the brilliant full New Moon, together with the stars by night and its reflection of the fullness of the sun.
The full moon is the only lunar phase that arises in the EAST and shines even unto the west, ruling together with the stars by night. Ironically, by design, it is the only visible lunar phase consistent in both the northern and southern hemispheres in the same 24-hour period. This brilliant LIGHT announces that the next morning is to commence the New Moon day, the first day of the lunar month.
None of these corporate worship details were designed to diminish in any way the personal prayer time of each individual who raises their voice, calling on the name of Yahuah, any time of any day or night.
These three verses in Ezekiel are reminiscent of Genesis 1:1-31 and Exodus 20:8, identifying the six days for work as designated during the creation week along with its seventh day, the sacred Kadosh Sabbath. But here in Ezekiel, additional building blocks are indispensable for providing a fuller and more accurate picture of Yahuah’s set-apart MOUNTAIN OF TIME. If these verses in Ezekiel did not exist, nor the supporting evidence found in Isaiah 66:22-23 regarding the New Moon day, it would be much more difficult to provide evidence for the lunar count of weeks. But these do exist as witnesses for a calendar style that has been entirely cast aside and replaced. With the moon utterly divorced from years, months, weeks, and days by the powers that be (Romans and Jews), we can trust that it is Yahuah Alahim and His soon-returning Son who are restoring these truths, for they seek to have a people on earth who willingly cross the threshold of man’s divide to clasp the hand of the divine in preparation for the Eternal Kingdom and its predominant time-honored celestial call to worship.
The Open and Shut East Gate
“Thus declares the Almighty Yahuah, “the GATE of the courtyard interior facing the EAST shall be SHUT six days for work, and in the day of the SABBATH it shall be thrown open wide, and in the day of the NEW MOON it shall be thrown open wide.” Ezekiel 46:1
Verse 1 reveals the otherwise lost understanding that the EAST GATE was, after all, regulated from one full New Moon to another full New Moon each lunar month. This gate was to be thrown open wide for the daylight portion of each set-apart mo’edim (H#4150 – מועד: lunar appointed times) as described in Ezekiel 46:3. These are specifically the New Moon Day, seventh-day Sabbaths, and annual Feast Day events. Although the word sunrise is not mentioned in this verse, it is clearly implied that the gate was to be opened during the entire daylight portion and then closed at sunset, as described in verse 2.
Strikingly, this EAST GATE was to be closed tight at sunset at the end of each 12-hour daylight period. Some of you may be tempted to cling to the belief that this gate was closed following a 24-hour period from sunset to sunset in support of the modern Jewish tradition. This is understandable, as our paradigms are usually deeply ingrained. For more on when the day begins, refer to the article, A Day in Genesis.
Let us review the calendar evidence presented in Ezekiel 46:1-3.
- New Moon day was the first day of each month.
- The first day of the first lunar week was the second day of each lunar month.
- The Sabbath was the seventh day of each lunar week, but the eighth day as counted from the New Moon day.
- There are four complete week cycles following each New Moon day.
- Approximately every other lunar month, a seventh-day Sabbath will occur on the day prior to the New Moon day.
Continuing the explanation, utilizing this calendar of the Eleventh Month of 2014, we can see the layout as described in each of the five points above. We can identify the night that the moon is full and new on the night prior to day 1, as it arises in the east to rule the night sky and sets the following morning after sunrise.
But the key point here is with the last Sabbath of this lunar month as it relates to the EAST GATE. Notice that the very next day is the New Moon day of the following month. Here’s the question: If the East Gate was open for 24 hours, as many declare on the Sabbath, from sunset to sunset, then what sense can be made of this example that illustrates that the Sabbath is followed the next day by the New Moon day?
Here’s the problem: What would become of the New Moon Day if the East Gate were to open at sunset and remain open for a 24-hour Sabbath, and then close the following sunset? The East Gate is to be opened during the same period of time on the New Moon day, yet Ezekiel 46:3 tells us that it closed at sunset after the Sabbath at the very moment the assumed 24-hour New Moon day was to begin. Is the Gate to close for only a moment and then reopen, as this theory alludes to? NO!!!
When we accurately follow the details as given in Ezekiel 46:1, the East Gate is only opened during the DAYLIGHT from sunrise to sunset. Then, the East Gate being opened or closed harmonizes perfectly with a 12-hour Sabbath DAYLIGHT that is followed by a night of intermission. It is then reopened the next day at sunrise for a 12-hour New Moon DAYLIGHT. Wow! What a difference an accurate DAY makes!
The evidence in Scripture suggests a far different paradigm than has been proclaimed by the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews and the Romans alike. On the Sabbath, the East Gate is opened at sunrise and closed promptly at sunset. This does not adversely affect the preparation for the New Moon Day or Sabbath, for there are night hours after sunset and before sunrise for preparing food, kindling a fire, etc. The East Gate was then opened on the New Moon day at sunrise and closed at sunset, just as it was for the sacred Sabbath day. This illustrates that the nights are not to be counted as the sacred portions of the mo’edim (lunar appointed times) or set-apart days unless it is specified.
Three Kinds of Days Each Month
The counsel given to us for studying and gathering truths, as demonstrated in Isaiah 28:13, is “precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little.” Yet most Scripture believers today consistently refuse to recognize that according to the Scriptural weight of evidence, it teaches as a whole that the year, month, week, and even the demarcation of days is to be calculated according to the beacon signal of the ordained lunar phases. (Click on the image below to enlarge it.)
Test it Out for Yourself
An additional point to add here is that you can easily test this out for yourself by looking at your own wall calendar. Randomly, look at two or three different months to locate the full moon (or the dark lunar phase NASA has identified as their New Moon) in each.
First, you will notice that the lunar phases appear to float through the Roman months. But this idea of “floating lunar phases” is an allusion based upon a false paradigm Gregorian Calendar standard of time. When reversed, utilizing a lunar calendar as the standard for measuring time, it becomes apparent that the Roman solar months and cycling weeks float throughout the consistent standard set forth by the lunar months at creation.
In the Roman calendar system, notice how the New Moon lunar phases occur on Saturday Sabbaths and workdays alike throughout the year. This is evidence that your wall calendar is not patterned after the Creator’s calendar as defined in Genesis 1:14-16. This verse in Ezekiel 46:1 declares that the EAST GATE is opened on New Moon days and Sabbaths and closed on workdays. The TESTING TRUTH is that the EAST GATE cannot be both opened and closed on the same day period, no matter the fallacy of the modern Roman wall calendar.
This is because the celestial call to worship from the full New Moon arising in the EAST (East Gate) performs like a traffic signal with two distinct messages: to assemble or not to assemble. The green light determines the time to assemble for worship on His sacred worship days of the New Moons and lunar Sabbaths. The red light means that the workdays have arrived and not to assemble. The yellow light is for the night intermissions in which there is never a call to assemble for worship.
At the Open East Gate
“But come unto the exalted one, by way of the porch of the temple gate from without, and stand beside the doorpost of the gate and observe the Kohenim’s (Priests) symbolic Aleph and Tav burnt offering and symbolic Aleph and Tav peace offering. And you shall prostrate in worship upon the threshold of the open gate, coming and going at any time, but the gate shall not be shut until sunset.” Ezekiel 46:2
Verse 2 of this word study adheres to the original Hebrew, while the modern translations depart from the original contextual meaning. Here, we are instructed to come near to the Exalted One to worship at the EAST GATE. Although the earthly Temple no longer exists, for it was only a shadow of the true Temple not made with hands in the shamayim (heavens), we are called to assemble for worship and meet Him at the EAST GATE of the true shamayim Temple on each full New Moon day. This full moon lunar phase alone marks the rhythm of the EAST GATE. It is from the East Gate that each lunar month’s worship schedule is laid out. The first day is New Moon Day, and then we count each week as seven days. While the seventh day of each lunar week is the authentic Sabbath, it occurs only on the specific lunar dates of the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days as counted from the full New Moon Day.
When the earthly Sanctuary/Temple was in full operation, one could observe the New Moon Day and Sabbath Day sacrifices, which commenced at sunrise and ended at sunset. Notice in the examples below that far more animals were sacrificed on the New Moon day than on the Sabbath day.
On the Sabbath day two lambs in their first year, without blemish, and two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour as a grain offering, mixed with oil, with its drink offering . . . Numbers 28:9 NKJV
At the beginnings of your lunar months (#2320 Chodesh) you shall present a burnt offering to the Yahuah: two young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs in their first year, without blemish; three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour as a grain offering, mixed with oil, for each bull . . . Numbers 28:11-12 NKJV
If this was an indicator of the importance Yahuah placed on each of these sacred days, then the New Moon day held far greater significance than the Sabbath day. After all, the full New Moon was the predominant beacon for New Year’s Day and New Moon Days. Then from these, all the set-apart annual lunar Feast Days and seventh-day Sabbaths were counted, including the 29-30 days of each lunar month.
So it is that the seventh-day Sabbaths are the FRUIT of the correct New Moon time-measuring model. The true seventh-day Sabbaths will never be found unless one is obediently seeking to meet with Yahuah, the Exalted One, at the threshold of the EAST GATE where His pre-ordained New Moon abides. The EAST GATE of the shamayim is first open when the full moon rises in the EAST and shines all night, then sets the following morning after sunrise. This brilliant night display beacons all the worship times of Yahuah to begin that sunrise.
Never a Need for Five Rules of Postponement
The Creator’s Calendar was designed in such a way that all, small and great, rich and poor, free and the bond, can see the full New Moon beacon with their own eyes wherever they may be on Earth. They have no need for Kohen (Priestly) conventions, mathematical formulas, or Rules of Postponement. You will never find the Jewish Rules of Postponement in Scripture because they were only an invention of Hillel II, the official Head of the Sanhedrin, as recent as A.D. 358. It was under great pressure from Rome that he and all of Israel finally succumbed to giving up the true astro-luni-solar calendar in exchange for the one Rome would be satisfied with. Hillel sought to harmonize a lunisolar Feast-keeping calendar system with the Roman cycling weeks. It is because of the inherent conflict between the two calendar styles that the Five Rules of Postponement were created. Ironically, the Feast Days are postponed so as not to affect the Roman calendar. It ensures that yearly Feast Days beaconed by the dark conjunction lunar phase will never fall on the Saturday Sabbaths of their honored Roman solar calendar’s continuous weekly cycle.
The very fact that these Rules of Postponement are absent from Scripture highlights that the modern Rabbinical calendar and Sabbaths were changed. The astro-luni-solar calendar designed by the Creator has always been in perfect harmony with itself as both the lunar Sabbaths and lunar Feast Days are each counted from the same starting point of the full New Moon. The Creator’s Calendar never needed these contrived rules to harmonize the Feast Days with the lunar week cycle and lunar Sabbaths.
Recognizing this helps us see that when a document such as the Five Rules of Postponement becomes necessary, it is because the calendar has been changed from its harmonious original to a fraudulent and degraded calendar wannabe.
This has become a useful test to determine which is Yahuah’s true calendar. Leviticus 23 supports this, as all the seventh-day Sabbaths and Feast Days are fixed simultaneously to both the day of the lunar week and the calendar date of the lunar month. So, like a GPS, we can know that they will always remain in their preset and immovable positions.
The Northern and Southern Hemisphere’ Opposing Lunar Phases
On one night only each month, the visible appearance of the full moon lunar phase is witnessed exactly the same on all continents and in both hemispheres within a 24-hour period. All other lunar phases occurring throughout the lunar month are seen in an opposite perspective or may be invisible. This eliminates the possibility for any other lunar phase to be appointed as the Creator’s authentic New Moon because they cannot be consistent in all regions of the world for a single orbit of the earth.
The Morning and Evening Sacrifices
The daily morning and evening sacrifices present additional evidence that all days, including the New Moon and Sabbaths, commence at sunrise and end at sunset. There is no getting around the fact that the above verses have the day identified as a twelve-hour period ruled by the sun, beginning at sunrise and ending at sunset. In the Renewed Covenant (NT), our Messiah substantiates this by declaring:
Yahusha answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the LIGHT of this world. John 11:9 NKJV
Here, the Messiah’s statement that the twelve hours occur when the sun rules with light reflects the sentiments proclaimed in Genesis 1:14-16. The Jews cannot utilize this verse as it is from the Brit Hadasha (NT) and declared by Yahusha, the Messiah, both of which they refuse to recognize. But if you believe the Brit Hadasha (NT) account, you have no excuse other than sheer denial of the facts in order to remain in harmony with your particular church denomination, pastor, rabbi, presumed prophet, reformer, or pastor, as dictated to you.
Additionally, there is not one reference to our Messiah entering the Synagogue during the night, but in each case, He entered for worship during the daylight hours.
The East-West Time Continuum
The EAST GATE is most significant; through it all the lights in the shamayim arise and follow the ecliptic pathway of the east-west time continuum. But most profoundly, the full New Moon arises once each month, together with the stars by night, where they rule from horizon to horizon. This lunar phase is the chief cornerstone of the Temple’s Mount Zion for both the New Year in spring and each lunar month. The Sabbath days are counted from it alone, and all the other set-apart Feast Days.
Just as surely as the luminaries [the sun, moon, and stars] arise from the East and shine forth even unto the West, so in like manner shall be the coming of the Son of man. Matthew 24:27 (Restored Text from Hebrew word study)
The Genesis 1:16 New Moon Criteria
Only one lunar phase meets the Genesis 1:16 criteria for determining which lunar phase is the Creator-ordained New Moon.
- The greater light (sun) was appointed to rule the daylight (from sunrise to sunset).
- The lesser light (moon) was appointed to rule the night together with the stars (without the presence of the sun, in other words the sun and moon are in opposition and not conjunction).
- All three kinds of lights rule along the east-west time continuum, meaning they begin ruling in the visible east and end ruling in the visible west.
- When the lunar phase rules with the stars it does so in total opposition to the sun. This means that at sunset, this ruling lunar phase rises in the east gate.
- The reference to the night determines that the sun is not visibly present while the New Moon and stars rule.
- Neither the New Moon or any lunar phase can be ruling at any time when either the sun is present or the stars are not.
Together these six points identify only one contender for the authentic and original New Moon as the full moon. No other lunar phase can meet the Genesis 1:16 criteria, exposing that the modern Rabbinical Pharisees and Karaite Jews, including those of the Hebrew Roots, are all out of sync with Scripture and their Creator by a minimum of two weeks. The result is that they have no accurate method of locating their seventh-day Sabbaths or Feast Days. The Romans, who have removed the moon from their time-measuring system, have no hope of locating the Creator’s authentic seventh-day Sabbaths because their years, months, weeks, and days are governed by an alternate method.
The only lunar phase that qualifies is the full moon, as the dark conjunction lunar phase rules with the sun by day, as does the first visible crescent. While the latter is ultimately visible for up to a whole hour after sunset, only 10% of its existence was by night, and then only in the west, while for 90% of its existence, it ruled the day together with the sun. In honest truth, one could hardly declare this crescent to be “ruling the night with the stars.”
The Missing Aleph and Tav
Twice left out in the King James Version of verse 2 is the Hebrew word את (#853 – Aleph and Tav). This becomes more apparent in paleo Hebrew, as read from right to left. The Aleph looks like an “A” lying on its side. This represents “the First or Beginning.” My personal favorite, in addition to referring to the First, I believe it is a word picture of the First Lamb slain, lying on its side on the sacrificial altar of Adam and Eve. This is further brought to view in that the ancient paleo “T” (Tav), as the last letter of the alphabet, suitably signifies the CROSS, the sign or symbol of the last great sacrificial fulfillment of the Promised Messiah. Thus, together, these symbolize both the promise and the fulfillment of Yahusha, the Messiah, the true LAMB that takes away the sins of the whole world. The Renewed Covenant bears testimony that, indeed, the
symbolize the Messiah. Although corrupted by the Greek translation, it is still clear that the Messiah has taken ownership of these terms as referring to Himself.
I am the Alpha [Aleph] and the Omega [Tav], the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Revelation 22:13
Many believe the Aleph represents the head of the Ox with attributes of strength. But I contend that if the Aleph represents the head of an animal, it must be the lamb/ram, as this was to eternally be the symbol of innocence and meekness of the promised Messiah. The Lamb/Ram was the first animal slain in Eden (Genesis 3:21) and again outside of Eden by Abel (Genesis 4:4). While no doubt the Ox does have many characteristics worthy of a symbol, I believe the Messiah chose the Lamb to represent Himself in the symbol of the Aleph. Thus it is: the FIRST sacrifice was a lamb that was slain as a profound and prophetic promise of the coming Messiah, and the LAST sacrifice was a LAMB, our Messiah upon a cross, fulfilling that promise. HalleluYAH!!!
When the Earthly Temple Ended, and the Shamayim Temple Began
“And thus worshiped the people of the land at the entrance way of the same gate in the SABBATHS and in the NEW MOON DAYS before the face of Yahuah.” Ezekiel 46:3
From Verse 3, we learn that when Israel was obedient, they worshiped regularly at the East Gate on full New Moons and Sabbaths from sunrise to sunset. Then in the year A.D. 31, the earthly Temple system, with its Kohenim (priests) and slain animals, came to an abrupt end when the promised Messiah fulfilled His first prophetic ministerial post as “the TRUE LAMB slain from the foundation of the earth.” This was the inauguration of the true Temple above, the system not made with hands. The Earthly Temple system had only been an imperfect shadow and had symbolized the shamayim (heavenly) Temple and the Messiah’s ministry only in part.
At our Messiah’s ascension, He took on the prophetic role as our High Kohen (Priest) of the Melchizedek order, who continues to this day to receive the humble prayers of confessing sinners while standing before His Father at the Altar of Incense in the set-apart sacred place above. He presents the tokens of His own one-time blood sacrifice for our sins. He paid in full our debt for sin upon the cross. Thus, from Yahusha, their living High Kohen Melchizedek advocate, sinners receive full and complete forgiveness for sin and a fresh, clean slate to begin anew, direct from Yahuah’s seat of compassion.
Today, as these truths are being brought back to LIGHT, you are invited to join with the true believers of all ages to worship at the EAST GATE in one accord with our Creator and Redeemer, who receives our outpouring and thankful worship.
Where is the East Gate Today?
Must all those who are obedient and trusting Israel today move to Jerusalem to worship at the East Gate? Not at all! It is at the place where the brilliant full moon rises in the east and shines all night long, announcing the New Moon day to begin at sunrise for the worship of the Creator wherever you may be. It is at the place where the Sabbath day commences at sunrise when counted seven days following the New Moon Day. It is also the place where the yearly prophetic Feast Days are numbered from the New Moon Day, for it is only the brilliant LIGHT of the full New Moon displaying itself from horizon to horizon that was ordained to synchronize Earth’s obedient and faithful followers with the worship rhythm of the shamayim. It is only then that you will be present according to His Ruach (presence) at the New Yarushalom’s true East Gate, Yahuah’s ordained Mount Zion, and His mount of the congregation in the sides of the north.
We physically remain here today in the outer court of the Yahusha’s shamayim Temple system called Earth. Yet, we are invited to enter through the leading of the Ruach and by faith into the sacred chambers above, along with the Messiah, our High Kohen and advocate. Through confession of sin and obedience to Yahuah’s laws and statutes, observing His New Moon Days, lunar seventh-day Sabbaths, and Feast Days, we become citizens of the New Yahushalom while still on earth.
Here at His throne of compassion, He welcomes us as His sons and daughters to receive the forgiveness only the Father can bestow and that the Messiah alone worked out for us upon the cross/stake. By confessing our sins in obedience, we receive full and complete forgiveness and are clothed with the white robes of our High Kohen’s righteousness. Thus, He has taken our sin and given us His righteousness as a fair trade agreement, as His divine covenant.
As a result, this covenant made so long ago with Abraham and written with Yahuah’s finger for Moses can now be written on the hearts of every humble confessing and forgiven believer.
There remain naïve folks who false shepherds have led to believe that they are forgiven simply because they believe that the Messiah paid their debt upon the cross. However, these do not recognize the part they must play in the process of forgiveness. For all must come humbly before Yahuah’s sacred seat of authority and confess all known sins to the Most High to receive this essential cleansing. “For without confession, there is no remission of sins.” (Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; Luke 24:47)
Why is this GATE in the EAST
The GATE is in the EAST because the sun, moon, and stars are the time denominators, and each arises and begins its ruling by way of the EAST. As we participate in Yahuah Alahim’s preordained arrangement, we align our soul temples to that of His shamayim temple. In so doing, we harmonize mentally, spiritually, and physically with the fundamental laws of Yahuah Alahim and the WAY of Yahusha, our Messiah. For His WAY is always coincident with both TIME and EVENT (Kadosh Feast Days) related. This is referred to as “following the LAMB whithersoever He goes.”
To follow Him today is by way of His time-centric rehearsals. We enter at the EAST GATE on Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day in spring). Fourteen days later, we honor our Messiah by celebrating Passover, followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread, etc., until each is complete. In obedience, we keep each of His Feast Days as prophetic rehearsals each year at their appointed times of assembly, acknowledging that we have asked for forgiveness and claim His PROMISEES. As a result, we receive the gift of pardon and have our names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. HalleluYAH!!!
Lucifer’s Grand Deception Will Not Prevail
Those who seek redemption as willing followers of Yahuah will discover Lucifer’s multiplicity of deceptions related to TIME, as he declared in his heart:
“For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into the shamayim (heaven), I will exalt my throne above the stars of Elohim; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation [kadosh Zion assemblies and receive worship due Yahuah] on the farthest sides of the north [TIME measured from EAST to WEST]; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High [YAHUAH].’ Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the pit.” YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 14:13-15
Lucifer (Hillel) declared he would be like the Most High and sit on the “mount of the congregation” (H#4150 -mo’edim: appointed times of worship assemblies), which is the set-apart appointed New Moon Days, Sabbaths, and Feast Days of Yahuah. These set-apart times are only found to be beaconed by the LIGHTS designated at creation and found on the ecliptic pathway, the east-west time continuum “in the sides of the north.” Consistently and perpetually from Earth’s perspective, each of the sun, full moon, and stars rise in the east and set in the west as they rule, testifying toYahuah’s grand and unalterable design.
Lucifer has no power to rule over these shamayim LIGHTS or the ability to move these beacons of Yahuah’s appointed times. He is only left with his masterful skill to deceive through fabricated illusions and falsified systems of time-measuring that have been entirely removed from their relation to the shamayim (heavens) and their Creator. He has expertly worked through the charismatic world leaders to devise calendars wholly disconnected from Yahuah’s true full New Moon and the three-part harmony of His astro-luni-solar calendar. All of this Satan has devised to mislead mankind and to receive to himself the timely worship that is due the Creator.
He has the influence to lead most of the world astray, even to believe that either a dark occulted lunar phase or a nearly dark crescent is the true New Moon or that the moon should never be utilized at all, as the Romans cunningly decreed. Stunningly, this foremost con artist of all time promotes the belief that a starry constellation highlighted by the dark moon and the sun ruling in conjunction marks the commencement of the year and month.
Over time, through repeated wars, the truth has been lost as mankind is forced to accept the lies or accept the consequences of death by their captors. Mankind no longer retains, nor passes down to future generations, the true knowledge of the prophets, as revealed in the Sanctuary/Temple of how the shamayim works and its relation to the full moon as a sacred East Gate sign marker of Yahuah’s worship times.
Changing TIMES and LAWS
As declared in Daniel 7:25, Lucifer, through the willing beast power of Earth, has successfully changed both the times and laws of Yahuah. Stunningly, the parameters of these changes have been discovered to be much more encompassing than any of us had ever imagined. All time units have been utterly manipulated, and many by 180 degrees in Roman and Hebrew time-keeping. Some faulty Scripture translations have been utilized to sell these lies to the unsuspecting. But the RUACH OF TRUTH prevails as Yahuah has begun raising up His honest seekers in preparation for the end-time testing of the remnant and those who will make up His eternal Kingdom.
Remember, the world at large will never seek to overcome or choose to be restored to the true worship rhythms proclaimed in the shamayim (heavens). The reason is that they and even the masses of “Christian” church folks are content with being fed fabrications by their Roman mother church. Thus, they are led to believe the lies. They will not seek to align their hearts in every possible way with that of the Kingdom of the New Yarushalom, its King Yahusha, and His eternal government. They will discover only too late that they have no eyes to see nor ears to hear.
Shocking as this may be, only those who are willing to assemble and enter by Yahuah’s Ruach at the EAST GATE of His shamayim Sanctuary when it is open are truly seeking to worship Yahuah, the Creator. All others worship in vain; they know not what. This is because the EAST GATE is only open for worship on His full New Moon days, His lunar seventh-day Sabbaths, and other appointed Feast Days, as counted from New Moon Day. This EAST GATE or “way” is closed on all other days for corporate worship. As a result, all those who continue to assemble for corporate worship according to the continuous weekly cycle will not be acknowledged in the shamayim courts above. Like the foolish virgins, they will be off purchasing oil instead of meeting their Bridegroom on His sacred appointed New Moon Days, lunar Sabbaths, and Feast Days. When they do arrive, the door is already shut.
This truth has been reserved for the obedient alone. The subject of the EAST GATE, its relation to the true New Moon, and its beacon for worship may be the final call of the Shepherd to His sheep.
“Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:9
He has said: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27-28 NKJV
You and I have the freedom to choose if we will be His true sheep who hear His voice and obey, for it is the voice of YAHUSHA, our Messiah, who calls His sheep to meet Him at the EAST GATE as the full New Moon beacons it. May we make every effort to find our way there, at the foot of Yahuah’s set-apart Mount Zion.