Why Must Rome Fix Easter to the Full Moon? Part 2
Why Must Rome Continue to
Fix Easter to the Full Moon?
Part 2
Why Must Rome Fix Easter to the Full Moon? Part 2. It was done to ensure that Easter would never fall on the Biblical Passover of the Jews. It all began as early as the first century B.C., when the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar divorced the entire Roman calendar system from that of the Creator. This decision eliminated New Moons for Years, lunar months, lunar weeks, lunar Sabbaths, annual Feast Days, and the demarcation of days within his new solar calendar model.
But shockingly, by some strange twist of fate or divine intervention, ROME had to return to utilizing the lunar calendar, i.e., full moons to place EASTER SUNDAY to ensure that Easter never occurred on Passover of the hated Jews. This single yet specific event was set to happen every year and has done so to this very day. This is a SIGN of grand proportions that Easter is a fiction and that Passover, marked by the 14-day count from the New Moon, is in concept synchronized with Scripture.
Digressing for a moment, because of their hatred for all things Jewish, they had adopted their own version of the salvation story, marking it with a replacement day of their own making, and also required that Easter must never fall on the same day as the Jewish Pasch (Passover). But the only way to accomplish this consistently was to utilize the same original lunar month cycles as the Jews once used, with its 19-year Metonic cycles. Shockingly, the Romans always utilized the 13-month years seven times within this time frame to locate Easter Sunday. But instead of counting from the full moon 14 days to Pasch (Passover) as Scripture requires, they deviated with two changes to meet their own criteria. So from the early fourth century A.D. until today, the Romans, who resolutely keep a solar-only calendar model for all timekeeping, have painstakingly determined EASTER as the first SUNDAY after the FULL MOON, following the Vernal Equinox.
“At the Council of Nice [Nicea] the last thread was snapped which connected [Roman] Christianity to its parent stock. The festival of Easter had up till now been celebrated for the most part at the same time as the Jewish Passover [by all the Messiah followers], and indeed upon the days calculated and fixed by the Synhedrion [Sanhedrin] in Judea for its celebration; but in future its observance was to be rendered altogether independent of the Jewish calendar, “For it is unbecoming beyond measure that on this holiest of festivals we should follow the customs of the Jews. Henceforward, let us have nothing in common with this odious people; our Savior has shown us another path. It would indeed be absurd if the Jews were able to boast that we are not in a position to celebrate the Passover without the aid of their rules.” These remarks are attributed to the Emperor Constantine . . . [and became] the guiding principle of the [Christian] Church, which was now to decide the fate of the Jews [and their original time-measuring system].” Heinrich Graetz, History of the Jews, Vol. II, pp. 563-564.
It may have been that the Jews reacted to this determination by Emperor Constantine to create the “Christian Easter Sunday holiday.” But it also could be that by replacing their New Moon designation from the original full moon to the dark conjunction approximately 30 years later, it was a ploy to remove themselves as far as possible from the memorial date of Yahusha haMashiach’s real resurrection date. Now, they can utilize the difference in the New Moon they honor as evidence against the true Messiah. But also, it removes them and their children from all reality that He lived and died for their sins and was resurrected from the dreaded stigma of having participated in His demise.
Two Witnesses
Two witnesses affirm that a calendar swap did occur and endures to this day. First, as Scripture records, we have the STANDARD of TIME that remains intact to testify of the Creator’s authentic and original full New Moon. Secondly, the Romans would never have needed to step so far outside their own SOLAR-ONLY comfort zone unless there was a very compelling reason. What could persuade the Roman Emperor to utilize the lunar months and the 19-year Metonic cycles with 13-month years occasionally, unless this was the original method used at the time of the Messiah’s resurrection and 300 years later still kept by the Jews? But, even then, they fixed it to a Sunday rather than counting 14 days to Passover.
So today, both the Romans and all their daughter churches who celebrate sunrise Easter services on Sunday morning or sing in an Easter Cantata on Saturday have traditionalized themselves right out of any connection to the TRUTH. This, together with the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews’ claim to dismiss any discussion that the Messiah has ever come as of yet. Neither view nor its calendar system can synchronize anyone with the only PATHWAY of our MESSIAH that leads His followers back to the FATHER.
Both the Romans and the Jews, by manipulating the actual day for Passover, the real sign of the promised Lamb Messiah and His Resurrection, have become guardians of the lie.
Such a strategically placed diversion has prevented so many people from ever comprehending the importance of the Scriptural lunar appointed Feast Days. Their eyes have been blinded to these feast days’ prophetic role in pinpointing the Messiah’s step-by-step progression of restoring humanity back to the Father. Ultimately, many souls will be lost because of this, as their path to the Cross and finally to the Father by the other six lunar appointed Feast Days is utterly derailed and detoured by Rome’s proactive mixing of truth with error.
Rome’s version of the sacred Resurrection has been scrambled in with Easter eggs, fertility bunnies, and pagan mythologies of sun worship. This has caused Passover, the most Kadosh (holy) day each year, to be desecrated even further as it is proclaimed to have occurred on “SUN” day of the pagan Roman Empire’s Julian calendar. “Sun” day was announced in honor of Tammuz, the sun god. Easter Sunday has come down through the ages as Rome’s monument to her cleaver craftiness about connecting the events of Scripture to the traditions of the ancient pagan SUN worship.
The Greatest Ponzi Scheme in History
Therefore, Yahuah’s sanctified and set-apart days have been marred and nearly lost under the rubble of false traditions. It is by no coincidence that on this modern pagan calendar, every day of every year honors a false god in place of the Creator. Indeed, Rome has “thought to change times and laws,” and in this way, she has deceived the whole world.
This is the greatest Ponzi scheme ever to see the light of day. Genuine Scriptural truth was proactively swapped for fiction on a global basis. As a result, the whole world has been deceived and has come to believe a lie. If the proverbial blinders were removed so the unsuspecting might glimpse the facts, would they note that neither Saturday nor Sunday has ever been holy days according to Scriptural time reckoning?
Many people assume that the current modern Gregorian calendar was the same one used at the time of the crucifixion. Or, they believe that whatever calendar was in use at that time, at the very least, utilized the seven-day continuous weekly cycle. However, the civil calendar of the Roman Empire, which was in use during that period, was the old Julian 8-day nundinal cycling week calendar. It had been crafted by Sosigenes for Julius Caesar back in 45 B.C. Until Constantine changed the length of the week in A.D. 325, the 8-day nundinal cycling week was the only official length of the week being utilized by Rome.
Since Scriptural scholars will never be able to be fooled into believing that the Israelites, or Hebrew people, kept a seventh-day Sabbath on an eight-day week, there is no contest. Therefore, it is necessary to expose the lie: that the later invention by Rome of a seven-day cycling week cannot be harmonized with the Scripture’s astro-luni-solar week. In those days, the Jewish people were functioning under two different calendar systems: The Julian Calendar of the Roman Empire and the Ancient Hebrew lunisolar Calendar that had been given to Moses and Aaron by Yahuah before the Exodus from Egypt. The Scriptural astro-luni-solar week, which was in effect when the Messiah was living, was the one that is, even to this very day, beaconed and refreshed each month by the full New Moon day.
Most theologians and some scholars assume that mainstream Jewish society, at the time of Jesus [Yahusha]…was practicing a fixed seven-day week which was the same as the modern fixed [cycling planetary designations] seven-day week. This is extremely doubtful. The change, from a lunar to a fixed week, was brought about by the power and influence of Rome. As long as the Nazarenes held power in Jerusalem, all Roman practices and customs, including that of the consecutive week, were held at bay. Shawui Sabbath: Ancient Sabbath Observance
Even after Constantine’s edict about Sunday, it took another generation or two for the seven-day week to catch on throughout the empire. The 24-hour system took longer, having to wait until the invention of the mechanical clock in the Middle Ages by monks anxious to observe with precision their canonical hours. Before this, people marked the passage of time during the night by using the stars and during the day either by eyeballing the sun or by listening to public announcements of the time. Calendar, David Ewing Duncan, p. 47, New York, Avon Books, 1998.
Confusion Over the Year of the Crucifixion
Most of the world today has also bought into another falsehood promoted by Rome, declaring the year of the Cross and Resurrection to be A.D. 33 instead of A.D. 31. This is because of what occurred in the early 18th century. That was when Sir Isaac Newton published his book, Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse. Because of Newton’s assertion that the Roman Easter Sunday could not coincide with the 16th of the lunar month of Abib in A.D. 31 or A.D. 35, the Roman Catholic Church opted to change their historical record from A.D.31 and instead declared the year of the crucifixion to be A.D. 33. This was done just so that Easter Sunday would appear to coincide with the astro-luni-solar calendar resurrection. This kept up the illusion that the Roman Catholic Church was the one true universal church, just as it was made to appear, it was founded on the Sunday morning resurrection of Yahusha, the Messiah.
This is why the Sunday-keeping Roman Catholic Church today, as well as most of the Protestant churches, cling to A.D. 33 as the year of the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Make no mistake about the gravity of this subject. If Sunday, the first day of the Roman planetary week, could NOT be harmonized with A.D. 31, then neither could Saturday, the seventh day.
The problem was not with the year after all but Newton’s research’s erroneous cycling planetary week. His assumption that the current seven-day week cycle existed during the Resurrection led to his applying a square peg into a round hole. The new Gregorian week can never be harmonized with the seven-day lunar week because the lunar week cycles restart following every new moon. This was no small matter; the ripple effects have continued for nearly 300 years.
In his book, Sir Isaac Newton dismissed all Julian years as viable crucifixion years that did not align the lunar date of Abib 14 with a “Friday” and Abib 16 with a “Sunday,” fitting for Rome’s version of the Resurrection day, stating:
“The years 31 and 35 are excluded, because in them the Passion [crucifixion] cannot fall on Friday, without making it three days after the full moon, or four days before it: errors so enormous, that they would be very conspicuous in the heavens to every vulgar eye.” Sir Isaac Newton, Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse, 1733, pp. 164-165.
Newton admitted his own assumption that the crucifixion occurred on a Friday, even though it is a known fact today that the early Julian calendar week in those days consisted of a revolving eight-day market cycle. This eight-day week would have placed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on a different day sequence altogether.
Newton was trying to harmonize a calendar system that had developed several hundred years later, the one ultimately endorsed by Constantine. This calendar had a seven-day week, but neither this week nor its month was tied to the moon’s course.
So, it appears obvious today that Newton himself was also a victim of current Roman calendar dogma, even though he was both mathematically and astronomically proficient. It is also known that Newton was using this knowledge to align the astro-luni-solar calendar with a man-made calendar, which was neither in place nor in use by any persons or in any events whatsoever, which are recorded in the Scripture. As a result, Newton’s final conclusions were hopelessly flawed.
“I take it for granted that the passion was on Friday the 14th day of Nisan, the great feast of the Passover [Feast of Unleavened Bread] on Saturday the 15th day of Nisan, and the resurrection on the day following.” Sir Isaac Newton, Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse, 1733, p. 160.
A.D. 31 Calendar Year Overlay of the Crucifixion and Resurrection
The A.D. 31 calendar illustration below is an overlay of the two calendar models, the Scriptural astro-luni-solar and the Roman Gregorian calendar. The astro-luni-solar calendar portions can be easily identified as they coincide with the lunar phases across the top. Each lunar month commences upon the full New Moon day.
In contrast, the Roman calendar days are in black font, and the months are in black boxes. Their light green color can identify Saturdays, and Sunday is the following day. Notice how the Roman Gregorian months, weeks, and dates float through the Creator’s lunar months and years. This also occurs with the pagan holidays of the Gregorian calendar.
During the years in Roman captivity, the Jews succumbed to pressure to change their entire calendar system. In A.D. 358, they adopted the Babylonian dark/crescent New Moon and the continuous weekly cycle of the Roman planetary cycle. These two calendar systems, one based upon the moon and the other not related to the moon, caused the Jews to invent the Rules of Postponement. The Rules of Postponement were a necessary device to postpone yearly Feast Days when they are going to fall on a Saturday Sabbath, an incident that had NEVER occurred before this calendar swap. This is also the reason behind the complicated rules for calculating Leap Years and using the Dominical Letters for the Gregorian calendar, with its ecclesiastical full moon and ecclesiastical spring equinox of March 21. The very existence of the Rules of Postponement is evidence of calendar fraud today.
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The Reassuring Lie
Three Days and Three Nights
For fifteen hundred years, the earthly tabernacle/temple services presented a visual aid of the work of the promised Messiah to come, depicting redemption’s ordained method for restoring mankind back to their Creator. Each Feast Day represents a change in His ministration according to the plan of salvation and is synchronized only to the Creator’s astro-luni-solar timepiece.
The Passover week and the other sacred days do not come from the Jews but from the loving Father and are ordained for all humanity. Salvation is a free gift to all, not just the Hebrew people. However, the Hebrews did play a significant role in Scriptural history. As long as they continually adhered to all the Father’s times and laws, they were honored to bear His sacred oracles of truth upon this earth.
These divine oracles of truth, which had once been bestowed upon Israel for the express purpose of sharing with the world, He would like to write on each heart today. But, they would only be safe within the borders of His covenant agreement. Israel’s story of disobedience and back-sliding is our story, and their captivity in Egypt, Babylon, and Rome is our captivity.
Who Remains in Roman Captivity?
Shockingly and unrecognized by most, today, the whole world is in captivity under Roman rule through her crafty substitution of all of the Creator’s units of time, including the calendar. But our Savior, Yahusha, has succeeded thus far in His plan to restore all things to those who desire it and who are willing to obey His original divine covenant. Only to those searching and eager to enter into His covenant will He impart His sacred and set-apart oracles of truth. These oracles of Yahuah’s truths are the only key that will set Rome’s “prisoners of time” free at last.
What Ended at the Cross/Stake?
The old covenant was illustrated and fixed to the preset foundation of astro-luni-solar time-keeping in the earthly temple services. It was based upon promises yet to come to pass (Romans 9:4; Romans 15:8; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Galatians 3:16, 21; Hebrews 8:6; 2 Peter 1:4). The reason the system of sacrificing animals came to an end at the cross/stake, was because it was only then that the risen Lamb, Yahusha, fulfilled what was prophesied on His behalf.
Nothing that was nailed to the cross/stake terminated at the Messiah’s crucifixion but commenced with magnified power instead. At the moment of Yahusha’s redemptive death, the atoning blood sacrifice for all humankind’s forgiven sins began. At that moment, the TIMES and LAWS of PASSOVER were fulfilled, exonerated, and ratified, displaying to the world the continued harmonious intertwining of the Old and New Covenant, past, present, and future. The only thing that ended at the time of the cross was the sacrificial system, utilized as a teaching aid during the Patriarchs and Prophets. That Temple/sanctuary system required the life of an innocent lamb as a sin offering, illustrated in the visible earthly building made with human hands.
But did you know no animals were nailed to the cross/stake that day, yet that was the only system that ended? Yet, all things nailed to the cross/stake continued unbroken into eternity and beyond. Not another living creature was to give its life for the sins of humanity. The earthly sanctuary or temple service ended that day only because the true Lamb was sacrificed. At the end of the Feast of Weeks count, our true high priest, Yahusha, took His ordained and appointed place in the shamayim Sanctuary, not made with hands.
Yahusha, the Messiah, the true PASSOVER LAMB, laid down His life, fulfilling the required sin-offering by the shedding of His own blood. To this day, he continues to be both the Lamb and High Kohen (Priest) in the shamayim courts. He ever stands before His Father in the work of forgiving sin. He raises both hands for each sinner who humbly comes before His seat of compassion, confessing sin. He then cries, “My blood, my blood.” In so doing, the Eternal Father forgives their sins, as the LAMB’s blood covers them. His sacrifice and bloodshed alone cover sinners with His righteousness robes, making them whole and clean again.
He attributes to each person His atoning blood, which He shed upon the cross/stake, as payment in full for the wages of sin. Thus, He swapped His death so that each confessing sinner may have eternal life. This is His continued and ongoing work as both Lamb and High Kohen (Priest). In every aspect of the heavenly Sanctuary, there are always three things: 1) Yours and my confessed sins, 2) Yahusha’s (the Lamb’s) blood, and 3) along with Yahusha, our High Priest’s intercession before His Father. One day soon, Yahusha will complete His work of Atonement, the door of probation will close, and His work as the Lamb and Kohen will be forever ended. All cases will be permanently sealed as stated herein, Revelation 22:11-12:
He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is sanctified, let him be sanctified still.” “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Honored are those who do His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. Revelation 22:11-16 NKJV
For Yahusha Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of Alahim. And the dead in the Messiah will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet Yahusha in the air. And thus we shall always be with Yahusha. Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 NKJV
But now He [Messiah] has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. Hebrews 8:6 NKJV
It is no secret that the New Moon governed the very system set up by Yahuah and shown to Moses for its years, months, weeks, and civil calendar dates. Yet, by 45 B.C., the Romans decided to reckon time according to the sun (solar) only and removed themselves from astro-luni-solar calendation altogether. That year, Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar in place of, and in opposition to, the three-part orchestration of the sun, moon, and stars. In this way, they removed themselves from the binding claims of the Creator and His laws that synchronized time. Rome designed a year that commenced in winter instead of spring, months with varying lengths, and weeks of eight days that cycled without end. Lastly, Rome’s days were to begin at midnight instead of sunrise. In contrast to the “twelve-hour” days of Scripture, the night has been lumped into the “day,” giving humankind a twenty-four-hour “day.”
Yahusha answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. John 11:9-10 NKJV
No Units of Time Remain Intact Among the Romans and Jews Today
It shall be established forever like the moon, even like the trustworthy witness in the sky. Psalms 89:37
Astro-luni-solar time utilizes the earth’s rotation in relation to the sun, moon, and stars (Genesis 1:14-18). From the earth’s perspective, the sun, ruling by day, measures off twelve-hour days and solar years. The New Moon, by night, demarcates the count of days and lunisolar years, while her phases demarcate one day from the next with a monthly lunar date. The stars, by night, divide the day from the night and give visual markers for defining and separating the four night watches. This time continues to be the most accurate timekeeping system on the earth as it was divinely designed to work in three-part harmony without any need for Rules of Postponement, mathematical calculations, ecclesiastical full moons, or Dominical Letters.
From One New Moon to Another
The Eternal Father made no mistakes with His marvelous creation and His grand principles of light that govern time from the heavens, as they never change (Malachi 3:6). This is why only His time-keeping system will be utilized throughout all eternity, “from one New Moon to another” (Isaiah 66:23). It is Rome who has disassociated herself from the actual “times and laws” of Yahuah’s Torah, with its perceived loathsome and binding requirements. As a ruling power that has united church and state, she has sought to portray only the illusion of the Scriptural truths, all the while leading millions to acquire the form of godliness but deny the power that would bring the soul to humility and confession of sin. The sacred days or holidays you choose to keep and the calendar upon which you desire to observe them appear will ultimately determine your eternal destiny.
The loud cry is now going forth to everyone in this world. Can you hear it? Your loving Father is calling His would-be faithful followers to come out of all the false teachings of the world’s pagan and illegitimate customs and be separate. What will your decision be? Who will you serve and worship? With its inconvenient truth, will your choice be the Creator of the shamayim (heavens) and earth? Or will your choice be to follow after the craftsmanship of a counterfeit paper wall calendar with its reassuring lie?