Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
Which Came First,
the Chicken or the Egg?
A Scriptural Study on When the Day Begins
By Kerrie French
Delving into the timeless paradox of “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” inherently embarks upon a journey of unraveling mysteries, a quest both ancient and perpetual. Additionally, this article explores a Scriptural odyssey, not merely to ponder over riddles but to untangle the complexities of creation itself.
The age-old quandary, often dismissed as a mere puzzle, unfurls its significance within the context of divergent beliefs—evolution, paganism, atheism, and the sacred narratives chronicled in the Bible. Within the latter lies the bedrock of resolution, where the Genesis account unveils creation in its entirety, fully formed and endowed with apparent age. We discover that Eve emerged from Adam’s rib as a mature being, and so did the remainder of all created things. Nothing was created as seeds, eggs, or babies. Thus, the riddle finds its answer within the annals of divine genesis, etched by Moses, relegating it from paradox to revelation.
Which Came First, Sunrise, Sunset, or Midnight?
And yet, akin to the timeless debate on origins, another dilemma casts its shadow—the inception of time itself. “Which Came First, Sunrise, Sunset, or Midnight?” echoes through the corridors of time, weaving through epochs and philosophies. The essence of dawn and dusk, the chronicles of day and night, and the modern metric of time, the twenty-four-hour cycle, intertwine in a labyrinth of discord.
Guided by the twin beacons of the Torah Law of the Old Testament Tanakh and the Brit Hadasha (New Testament), this article charts a course through the mists of time, promising not just answers but an encompassing resolution. Amidst entrenched paradigms and celestial testimonies, it beckons the reader to scrutinize, reflect, and perhaps reconsider. For in the crucible of evidence lies the vessel of change—a transformative journey awaiting those who dare to seek.
With meticulous clarity and illustrative detail, this article endeavors to shepherd its audience through the labyrinthine depths of inquiry, offering not just knowledge but a pathway toward unity in understanding.
This article aims to resolve this long-standing conflict, whether for one person or a million good folks willing to utilize the evidence provided. For simplicity’s sake, this topic will be presented step-by-step with illustrations.
# 1. The Day/Night Cycle in Perpetuity
As mentioned in the opening paragraph, those who reside under the shadow of evolution, atheism, or paganism will continue to see the question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” as a paradox beyond resolve. But those who live in the light of divine intervention will discover the Biblical answer illuminated from the pages of Scripture. And so it is with this subject of when the day begins. All three options for when the day begins, such as sunrise, sunset, and midnight, are represented in this model below.
Here are a few things from Scripture you may not have known or have been led to believe differently:
- The day ruled by the visible sun and its shadow on a sundial is 12 hours long, as declared by the Messiah… “Yahusha (Jesus) answered, ‘Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbles not, because he sees the light of this world.’” John 11:9
- The night (ruled by the visible stars and moon) was not originally measured by hours as with the sun’s shadow on a sundial but by the four watches of the night. “Watch ye, therefore, for you know not when the master of the house comes, at even, at midnight, the cockcrowing, or in the morning.” Mark 13:35
- Today, while the foundation of time remains the sun, moon, and stars, atomic time has taken center seat. Yet, it is only accurate because it aligns with the perpetual rhythms of the sun, moon, and stars. So, a day in atomic time is defined as 24 hours, which includes the day/night cycle. But this was not the case in Biblical times, as defined above.
To begin our journey of discovery, let us begin with concepts in which the supporters of all three options agree.
- Each day/night cycle (civil calendar date) is measured today by atomic time and explained as 24 hours.
- Each day/night cycle includes one sunrise, one sunset, and one midnight.
- Each day/night cycle includes both the daylight and darkness of night.
- Each day/night cycle continues forward in time, perpetually and unbroken.
- The trinity of lights, i.e., the sun, moon, and stars, are the predominant measures of day and night in nature. (Genesis 1:14, 16)
- All three models contain the same amount of time for days and nights relative to each other.
Consider each of the three contestants below as you ask the question on everyone’s mind… According to Scripture, in a day/night cycle (24-hour civil calendar date), which comes first, the day, the night, or midnight?
#2. One Sunrise, One Sunset, One Midnight
Because there can only be one sunrise, one sunset, and one midnight per day/night cycle (24-hour civil calendar date), each of these three options below has been labeled with an A, B, or C at its beginning point to ensure no double dipping or plural use of any of these division elements as we proceed forward with the illustrations.
Sunrise = A
Sunset = B
Midnight = C
According to its framers and supporters, each option represents one whole day/night cycle (24-hour civil calendar date).
All examples illustrate time measurement from left to right. Because the point of this article is to establish the beginning of each day/night cycle (24-hour civil calendar date), you will find the appropriate and matching A, B, or C at the bottom left, at the beginning of each of the three options below.
Here is how these three calendar date options would appear in perpetuity. The “A” commences at sunrise and terminates just before the following sunrise. The “B” begins at sunset and ends before the following sunset. The “C” starts at midnight and finishes just before the following midnight.
#3. Scriptural Criteria from Leviticus 23
This article will proceed by testing these three civil calendar contestants against two Scriptural principles. The first will be Leviticus 23:26-32 from the Old Testament Torah Law, which provides specific time-measuring constraints for measuring the period of afflicting one’s soul on the Day of Atonement. The second will be from Matthew 12:40 of the New Testament concerning the “three days and three nights” the Messiah would be in the Tomb.
The following verses are word for word from the King James Bible Version, but the sacred name of Yahuah (YHUH) Alahim (God) has been restored to the text.
The Day of Atonement Test Criteria
Leviticus 23:26-32
According to the above verses from Leviticus 23:26-32, the criteria provided are as follows:
- Because these verses specify the “day” and the “even,” we can be confident that “day” = “daylight” and “even” = sunset.
- The Day of Atonement will occur on the tenth daylight of the seventh month.
- The Day of Atonement is a holy convocation.
- This holy convocation is a Sabbath of rest, in which no work will be done.
- The afflicting of souls (fasting) is to begin on the ninth of the month at even (sunset).
- The afflicting of souls (fasting) extends from even unto even, meaning sunset to sunset, and includes the daylight of the 10th.
From the above criteria, is it fair to make the following 3-point detailed hypothesis to test each of the three competing time-measuring models?
- To ensure there would be no “fast cheating,” the Father set the start of the “fasting” to the sunset (even) before the daylight of the tenth (the period of the Day of Atonement).
- The period of afflicting souls (fasting) was designed to stretch from the evening of the ninth day/night cycle (24-hour civil calendar date) until the evening of the tenth day/night cycle (civil calendar date). It must include the sacred hours of the Day of Atonement on the tenth daylight.
- Regarding these verses in Leviticus 23:26-32, can we agree that the term “even” equals sunset? So that “even unto even” equals “sunset unto sunset.” If yes, then let’s move on.
#4. Testing Each of the Three Models
Beginning with Midnight to Midnight Model C, locate the sunset (even) of the 9th and measure unto the sunset (even) of the 10th, and then ask yourself if this measurement also includes the 10th daylight. If so, the answer will be YES; if not, the answer will be NO.
Second, we will consider the Sunrise to Sunrise Model A. Here again, locate the sunset of the 9th and, measure to the sunset of the 10th, and ask yourself if it includes the daylight of the 10th.
Last, we will test the Sunset to Sunset Model B. To be consistent with Jewish and Seventh-day Adventist time reckoning, we must remember that their “day” begins at sunset. This causes us to begin measuring from the sunset on the 9th, as the beginning of the day count, to the sunset on the 10th, as the end of the day count. The 10th day/night cycle begins at sunset immediately after the 9th daylight.
From Part 1 of this article, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” and its first test, we have discovered that both Model C (Midnight to Midnight) and Model A (Sunrise to Sunrise) pass the test as they are both able to measure from sunset of the 9th to sunset of the 10th and include the daylight portion of the 10th civil calendar date. Unfortunately, Model B (Sunset to Sunset) falls short as it cannot measure and include any portion of the 10th daylight or civil calendar date within its 24-hour spread. The reason is that by counting the night of the 9th followed by the daylight of the 9th, we have used up ALL of the time elements spelled out before we even arrived at the 10th daylight. So, in Part 1 of this experiment, Model B (sunset to sunset) failed the test.
Now, we will move to the second portion of this Biblical test to see which of these day/night cycles (civil calendar date models) meets the Scriptural criteria of the New Testaments (the Brit Hadasha). Will there be more than one? Which Model will stand or fall when we apply the Messiah’s own riddle to the criteria for Part 2, where He said He would be “three days and three nights in the heart of the earth?”
PART 2 – Matthew 12 Riddle & Test
Three Days and Three Nights Riddle
The riddle of “three days and three nights” (Matthew 12:40), as given by our Messiah shortly before His crucifixion, was to be a prefigured SIGN and way-mark of authentic time-measuring for His obedient followers from then until the end of time. But, for nearly 2,000 years, this “three days plus three nights” time sequence has been a source of contention among scholars, religious leaders, and laymen alike. They have all struggled to appropriate traditional Roman or Jewish time units to define the parameters of this most monumental, preordained, and sacred time-centric event. Yet, try as they might, to no avail, all because this was no commonplace riddle but one proactively fashioned to carry the Creator’s divinely ordained standard for time-measuring and His set-apart (Kadosh) prescription for worship assemblies.
The Importance of the Greek Word “Proi”
It is only in rightly dividing the time-centric facts as they relate to these “three days and three nights” that Yahuah’s pragmatic truth and revelation of His original ordained time-measuring system can be discovered and the riddle solved. This can only be accomplished by utilizing the original Greek translated from Hebrew, not modern Latin or English translations.
We can trust that our Messiah resurrected while it was yet night at the tail end of the third full day/night cycle. The inherent problem has been that whenever the Greek term “proi” (G#4404 – proi – daybreak watch, (fourth watch of the night) has been translated within the context of the resurrection, it was written as early in the morning or dawn instead of the fourth watch of the night. However, this significant word makes a pragmatic difference between a two-day/two-night or three-day/three-night time span in rightly dividing the Creator’s time units.
Because this is a vital subject, I don’t want you to simply believe me; check it out for yourself in the provided links below. The Greek word “proi” is used in the following three verses. It specifies that the time of our Messiah’s resurrection was not at the beginning of the 16th day/night cycle but at its end, as in the fourth watch of the night. The following links illustrate this as foundational evidence.
Mark 16:1-2 & 9
Luke 24:1 & 13
John 20:1
For more on this subject, refer to the article Three Days and Three Nights.
Inclusive Time Reckoning
What is inclusive time reckoning? Inclusive time reckoning was taken for granted by all the writers of the Scriptures as they wrote in harmony with the common literacy used in those days. As a result, any part of a daylight was counted as a whole daylight, and any part of a night was counted as a whole night in the Hebrew economy unless otherwise stated, for example:
“A short time in the morning of the seventh day is counted as the seventh day; circumcision takes place on the eighth day, even though, of the first day only a few minutes after the birth of the child, these being counted as one day.” The Jewish Encyclopaedia, Vol. 4, p. 475.
If this principle were ignored, countless contradictions would appear in both the Tanakh (O.T.) and Brit Hadasha (N.T.). We must compare Scripture with Scripture and use the idioms of the language in which it was written, not our own thoughts, preconceived ideas, and traditions handed down from those who have turned from the truth. Titus 1:14.
#1. Three Days and Three Nights Facts
Below, we will be utilizing the same three day/night cycles (24-hour atomic civil calendar dates) as Model contenders for when the day begins. When compared with the Matthew 12:40 riddle, the question is — will we get the same answers we did above in Part 1, or will we discover something different? Will the winner be the modern Roman Midnight to Midnight Model C, the Sunset to Sunset Jewish Model B, or the Sunrise to Sunrise Model A? Add to this that the winning Model must win both the Old Testament and New Testament Tests.
So let’s begin with the Scriptural facts from which we will derive the criteria for this New Testament riddle of the three days and three nights our Messiah was to be in the tomb (heart of the earth). So, let’s list the facts for testing:
- “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Matthew 12:40 NKJV
- The Messiah died on Passover, the 14th civil calendar date of the first lunar month in spring. (Luke 22:15; John 13:1; John 13:28; John 18:39; John 19:14; 1 Corinthians 5:7.)
- The 15th civil calendar date was/is the seventh day Sabbath of that lunar month of every year, which was also the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, making it a high Sabbath of double significance and importance. (Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54, 56; John 19:31.) Note – the only way for the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the seventh-day Sabbath to occur on the 15th of every year is because every month is counted in the same way from the New Moon Day. The modern Roman solar calendar can never produce this effect, with the same date falling on the same day of the week every month.
- The 16th civil calendar date was the day of the Resurrection and First Fruits Offering. (John 20:1) Below is an illustration that exposes part of the problem of why the full three days and three nights have not been accounted for all these years. The Greek word “proi” (G#4404) has been falsely translated as “early in the morning” instead of “the fourth watch of the night.” (More to come on this point regarding proi G#4404.)
How we understand John 20:1 above is determined by two factors: 1) How the word (G#4404 – Proi) is translated, and 2) When the day begins.
List of Eight Criteria
- We must measure a full three daylights and three nights in which Yahusha, our Messiah, was in the tomb.
- Remember, there are 12 hours of daylight as measured on a sundial, according to John 11:9.
- There are four watches of the night, not measured by hours on a sundial but based upon the movement of the stars. (Mark 13:35)
- Our Messiah was placed on the cross at noon (the 6th hour of a 12-hour day). He died three hours later (the 9th hour of a 12-hour day). Therefore, this count must begin with the daylight of Passover on the 14th, as He was on the cross from the sixth to the ninth hour. So, there were three hours of daylight remaining before sunset.
- Our Messiah remained in the tomb over the Sabbath, the 15th lunar calendar date. It was also the first day of the Hebrew Feast of Unleavened Bread.
- The Resurrection of Yahusha haMashiach occurred on the 16th day/night cycle (civil calendar date). But according to Mark 16:1-2, 9; Luke 24:1, 13., and John 20:1, it appears that the resurrection occurred at the end of the 16th civil calendar date instead of at its beginning, as many were taught.
- The three days and three nights include the daylight of the 14th through the darkness of the 16th but must not cross over to any part of the 17th, either its daylight or its night.
- The Messiah is resurrected during the fourth watch of the night, while it is yet dark, which occurs just before it begins to get light and before sunrise.
#2. Applying the Criteria & Testing Each Model
Beginning with Model B, measure three days and three nights. The count cannot begin prior to the daylight of the 14th. Therefore, include the daylight of the 14th, all of the 15th, and the 16th, but none of the 17th for each of the three models below. You will notice that no matter the method of time-measuring from sunset to sunset, midnight to midnight, or sunrise to sunrise, the measuring line cannot commence prior to the daylight of the 14th.
Now that we have compared the three day/night cycles of all three 24-hour atomic civil calendar date Models here in PART 2, we have discovered that only one Model meets the New Testament criteria of Matthew 12:40 and John 20:1.
Together, PART 1 from Leviticus 23 and Part 2 from Matthew 12 reveal just one WINNER and one standard for when the day begins…
AND THE WINNER IS… (drum roll)
The truth about when a day begins has been revealed, and you are encouraged to test it for yourself. Throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, the consistent and most harmonious understanding of time aligns with sunrise to sunrise. We have demonstrated that neither midnight-to-midnight nor sunset-to-sunset time reckoning fully aligns with the pattern established by our Creator and affirmed by our Messiah during the pivotal events of His crucifixion and resurrection. This understanding of time will play a significant role in the fulfillment of end-time prophecies, as they will also adhere to the sunrise-to-sunrise reckoning.
Sign of Jonah – Three Days and Three Nights
Make no mistake, the time elements revealed in these “three days and three nights” synchronize our risen Messiah at the epi-center of time with the original Creator’s time-measuring standard. As a result, only one model fits like a key in the door of time— ordained from eternity past with continuity into the present and onto the future of His Kingdom government and its worship rhythm. It is this identified timepiece that will be restored among those who seek with all their hearts to “follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes.” This time-measuring model alone unveils the placement of the authentic Holy Feast Days, the Blueprint of Salvation, manifested by the work of Yahusha, our Messiah unto our Salvation, and unto His return as King of Kings. And strikingly, only one time-measuring model reveals the authentic Messiah from the counterfeit.

The three historical dates identified in this image are synchronized because they are all counted from the full moon as the original New Moon.
A Long-Standing Yet Hopeless Tradition
It has been a traditional belief among Roman Catholics and Jews alike for nearly 1,700 years and later testified by the Protestant Christians that the Messiah died on Good Friday and was resurrected on Easter Sunday at sunrise. The introduction and placement of the Sunday Resurrection as a Roman Holiday was a necessary scheme to eliminate the Biblical lunar time-measuring model altogether and establish the Roman solar Calendar tradition among their Christian followers of both Saturday and Sunday persuasions. The dates of the 14th, 15th, and 16th provided in Scripture for Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits have been largely disregarded. This sinister plot included replacing all Biblical units of time with a combination of those derived from Babylon and some of their own Roman invention.
As a result, ALL THE WORLD has been deceived! Due to this historic calendar swap, no one has been able to break the code and meet the Messiah’s criteria built into His famous riddle until now. Isn’t it evident that the riddle had yet to be solved because this traditional Roman view only provides two days and two nights? The requirements necessary to solve this riddle are the divinely ordained lunar calendar and translating the Greek word “proi” as the fourth watch of the night. The result is the discovery that, indeed, the DAY was created to commence at sunrise.
So, no matter how many false narratives have been bequeathed to the inhabitants of this world through powerful men and women who took on the role of the guardians of the lie, only one was fashioned and ordained by the Creator and recorded in Scripture in both the Old and New Testaments. And no matter how long these counterfeits have been honored and traditionalized, according to the weight of evidence, the Creator’s 24-hour DAY/NIGHT civil calendar dates remain status quo, unchanged these past nearly 6,000 years.
The 12-hour daylight is measured from sunrise to sunset. (Leviticus 23:26-32; Matthew 12:40; John 20:1). The daylight is followed by the night, which in Biblical times was divided, measured, and recorded as the four watches of the night, such as the evening, midnight, cock crowing, and morning watch. (Mark 13:35) But while I believe this to be true, and you have tested it for yourself, what do the Bible and the Historical record have to say on this subject?
What Do Other Scriptures Reveal?
“Then Alahim (God) said, “Let there be LIGHTS in the firmament of the shamayim (heavens) to divide the DAY from the NIGHT; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for LIGHTS in the firmament of the shamayim to give LIGHT upon the earth;” and it was so. Then Alahim made two great LIGHTS: 1) the greater LIGHT to rule the day, and 2) the lesser LIGHT to rule the night with the stars.
He made the stars also.Alahim set them in the firmament of the shamayim to give LIGHT upon the earth, and 1) to rule over the DAY and 2) over the NIGHT, and to divide the LIGHT from the DARKNESS. And Alahim saw that it was good. . .” Genesis 1:14-18
“For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made.” Genesis 7:4 NKJV
“And so it was, on the next day, that Moses sat to judge the people; and the people stood before Moses from morning until evening.” Exodus 18:13 NKJV
And so it was, on the sixth day, that they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for each one. And all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses. Then he said to them, ‘This is what Yahuah has said: ‘Tomorrow is a Sabbath rest, a sanctified Sabbath to Yahuah. Bake what you will bake today, and boil what you will boil; and lay up for yourselves all that remains, to be kept until morning.’ “So they laid it up till morning, as Moses commanded; and it did not stink, nor were there any worms in it. Then Moses said, “Eat that today, for today is a Sabbath to Yahuah; today you will not find it in the field. Exodus 16:22-25 NKJV
As presented in the verse above, the Sabbath was called tomorrow on the sixth day of the week. Meaning the Sabbath was to commence on the next day at daylight. All the manna they collected and prepared to eat on the sixth daylight could be kept until the next morning (the Sabbath) without going bad, as it would on all other days. Then, in the morning, at the commencement of the Sabbath, it remained good to eat all day long.
“Remember the Sabbath DAYLIGHT, to keep it holy. Six DAYLIGHTS you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh DAYLIGHT is the Sabbath of Yahuah your Alahim. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six DAYLIGHTS Yahuah made the heavens (shamayim) and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh DAYLIGHT. Therefore Yahuah honored the Sabbath DAYLIGHT and sanctified it.” Exodus 20:8-11 NKJV
As mentioned earlier, in John 11:9, “Yahusha (Jesus) answered, ‘Are there not twelve hours in the day (daylight)? If any man walk in the day, he stumbles not, because he sees the light of this world.’” Was He speaking to the wind or to the heathen? No! He declared truths only received by His elect and called out ones for the purpose of remaining synchronized to His ordained timepiece. These are the moments when you must make a choice based on the weight of evidence. Will you continue to follow the voices of those who teach you otherwise, or follow the Messiah, the Son of the Most High.
“And on all sides of the temple of Alahim they lodged, because the Most High charged them on behalf of its opening, to be morning by morning.” 1 Chronicles 9:27
If the day were to begin at sunset, Alahim (God) would have charged His Kohen (priests) to open the temple, sunset by sunset. But that did not happen. The temple ceremonies, year by year, month by month, week by week, and day by day, were to be utilized as the model for His faithful and obedient for not only the sacred EVENTS in the PLAN OF SALVATION but also for their TIME-CENTRIC application. Absolutely everything about the Temple ceremonies was about the MESSIAH with regard to TIME & EVENT.
“From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same YAHUAH’S name is to be praised.” Psalms 113:3
“And the word of Yahuah came to Jeremiah, saying, “Thus says Yahuah: ‘If you can break My covenant with the day and My covenant with the night, so that there will not be day and night in their [separate and distinct] seasons [mo’edim – lunar appointed time], then My covenant may also be broken with David My servant, so that he shall not have a son to reign on his throne, and with the Levites, the priests, My ministers.” Jeremiah 33:19-21 NKJV
This verse above speaks to a problem that so many today deny. This means that the order of the day and night could possibly be altered, and we know now that it was. Does our Eternal Father see the end from the beginning? Does He know in advance what will occur? Does He provide clues for His people at the end of time so that they can restore what has been lost? YES!!!
“To Him who made great lights, for His compassion endures forever, The sun to rule by day, for His compassion endures forever; the moon and stars to rule by night, for His compassion endures forever.” Psalms 136:7-9 NKJV
“And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.” Genesis 19:34
This verse above is one of three verses in Scripture that speaks of “yesternight.” It comes from the Hebrew word (H#570 – אמשׁ – amish – time past, yesterday, last night, yesterday night). What this word reveals is that the night that came before today belongs to yesterday and not to today, no matter how long the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews have proclaimed it. The night that belongs to today follows the daylight. No doubt, the word “amish” is at the foundation of the religious sect that calls themselves Amish. They pride themselves on living according to the past.
“I have raised up one from the north, and he shall come: from the rising of the sun shall he call upon my name: and he shall come upon princes as upon morter, and as the potter treads clay.” Isaiah 41:25
“That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am YAHUAH’S, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45:6
“So shall they fear the name of YAHUAH from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of YAHUAH shall lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19
“For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, say YAHUAH of hosts.” Malachi 1:11
“Now when evening [sunset] had come, because it was the preparation, that is, (prosabbaton #4315) the
day[eve] before the Sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent council member, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of Yahuah, coming and taking courage, went in to Pilate and asked for the body of Yahusha.” Mark 15:42-44
The above verse illustrates that following the crucifixion on the 14th, after sunset, on the eve before the Sabbath commenced, Joseph of Arimathea asked for the body of Yahusha. This illustrates the Sabbath commences at sunrise for a 12-hour sacred day.
“And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day [daylight], and stood up to read.” Luke 4:16 NKJV
“Now it was the preparation DAY [daylight] of the Passover, and about the sixth hour.” John 19:14 NKJV
In the verse above, we are told it was the preparation day at the sixth hour. This means that the count for measuring time began at sunrise and not at sunset.
What Does History Reveal?
“At the beginning of the Common Era… In order to assure against profanation of the Sabbath, the Jews added the late Friday afternoon hours to the Sabbath.”The Jewish Festivals: History & Observance, p. 13.
“It is not easy to draw any rigid lines separating [Orthodox] Jewish Law and Jewish custom [oral traditions]. There is an ancient saying that in Judaism, custom becomes Law. And the history of Judaism will reveal many religious laws widely recognized and observed, which had their origin in long-accepted folk practices… When the Jews returned to Palestine after their Babylonian exile (516 B.C.E.), they brought back with them the Babylonian astronomy and way of reckoning time…”What is a Jew, p. 105, 108.
These Babylonian laws, customs, and reckoning of time were maintained by the Pharisees, who were constantly at odds with the Messiah. But following the Roman captivity of A.D. 70, Rabbinical Pharisee Judaism became the religion of the Jews. It remains the status quo to this day.
“Later [Orthodox] Jewish calendar: Following the reign of King Josiah (c. 640-609) and especially after the Babylonian exile a number of significant and enduring changes occurred in the Israelite calendar showing that the [Orthodox Pharisee] Jews gradually adopted the Babylonian calendar of the time…The day however, was counted from evening to evening, after the Babylonian fashion…” New Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11, p. 1068.
[Later] “…The Israelites, like the Babylonians, counted their days from sunset to sunset…” NIV Study Bible, p. 707
“…All the days of the earth,
seed-time and harvest
shall never cease,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
Book of Jubilees 6:4-5
The above quote from the Book of Jubilees is nearly word for word from Genesis 8:22, the older of the two, but with one added feature. Jubilees includes the missing words that appear to be removed from Genesis 8:22, which are.. “shall not change their order.” In fact, when you read the whole quote from Jubilees or the verse from Genesis, the pragmatic subject is in reference to the perpetual order of each contrasted event.
Who said there were no alterations in the Bible? Ask who might be motivated to modify this verse and why? It should come as no surprise, now that you have tested the three options of when the day begins, that both the Romans and the Jews (each having a hand in our modern Scripture) in rebellion changed all their units of time-measuring. Today, not even one unit of measure harmonizes with the Biblical record. The real question should be, why is no one talking about it or even interested in restoring the truth?
“In the Hebrew mind the “DAY” began at the rising of the sun.” Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words.“The sun alone indicated the hours for daily worship; at sunrise, when the day began, there was the morning sacrifice; at sunset, when the day closed, there was the evening sacrifice.”International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: “Astronomy” http://www.internationalstandardbible.com/A/astronomy-i.html [Search for Astronomy, and then select Astronomy 1. Scroll down to Section 5: Seasons and then scroll down further to the second part. The Quote above is the first sentence in the paragraph.]
“There only exists one time standard in the whole period covered by the Bible, i.e., the one taking the morning as the beginning of the day [daylight]…“U. Cassuto, in his Commentary on Genesis 1, (English edition in 1961).
“…the time of the transition from the reckoning of the day as beginning with morning to the reckoning of it as beginning with evening… that in the earlier calendar and in the literature which records this the day was reckoned from the morning, presumably from sunrise, while in the later calendar and the literature pertaining thereto the day was reckoned from the evening… Elsewhere we have presented quite a mass of evidence which establishes conclusively that the earlier practice in Israel during the Biblical period was to reckon the day from sunrise to sunrise… That in the earliest period of the Israelite sojourn in Palestine, under calendar 1, the day was reckoned from morning to morning is established by a superabundance of evidence… This in turn, together with other important considerations, would point to a time approximately about the beginning or the first half, of the third century B.C. as that of the introduction of the new system of reckoning the day.” Supplementary Studies in the Calendars of Ancient Israel, p. 1-148)
“‘…Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy’ by doing all one’s work in six days and by resting the seventh day ‘to the Lord your God.’ If we take a closer look at this text we will discover that the ‘time of Sabbath keeping’ is found within the Fourth Commandment. Since God called the LIGHT DAY, we are to remember the Sabbath LIGHT, to keep it Holy (Exodus 20:8). And that Sabbath is on the seventh LIGHT (Exodus 20:10), and not the seventh NIGHT… It is thus important to note at the outset that the method of observing the Sabbath from sunset to sunset is dictated not by the Fourth Commandment itself, but by the method of sunset reckoning, which became normative in Jewish [Rabbinical Pharisee] history.” The Time of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, chapter 6.
“Obviously the Jews in exile in Babylonia knew the calendars of the temples there; they knew the myths of the months. So effective was the influence of Babylonia upon them that they abandoned their own names for the months and accepted the Babylonian names.” Babylonian Menologies and the Semitic Calendars, p. 21.
“In addition to the decimal system familiar to Western culture (which uses powers of 10), Babylonian scholars also used a sexagesimal system (employing powers of 60) originally devised by the Sumerians and coming down to us in the form of the 60-minute hour and the 360-degree circle…This innovation directly inspired the calendar of Orthodox Judaism [following the Babylonian exile].” Peoples of the Old Testament World, p. 71.
“So far as we know, the Babylonian calendar was at all periods truly lunar… the month began with the evening when the NEW CRESCENT was for the first time again visible shortly after sunset. Consequently, the Babylonian day . . . begins in the evening…” The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, p. 106. [Note: In abject rebellion, all Babylonian units of time were 180 degrees opposite of that of Scripture’s Torah.]
Isaiah 21:9, Jeremiah 51:8, Revelation 14:8, and Revelation 18:2 each reveal that “Babylon has fallen, and has become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” Then Revelation 18:4 goes on to say, “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE THAT YOU BE NOT PARTAKERS OF HER SINS AND THE YOU RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES.”
Babylon was established as the very seat of Satan and all his witty, rebellious inventions to deceive mankind and thwart the cause of truth. Following a time-measuring system founded in Babylon and born of rebellion cannot synchronize the souls of those claiming to be Bible believers, including the Catholic Christians, Protestant Christians, whether of the Saturday or Sunday persuasions, or the Jews to the divinely ordained PLAN OF SALVATION. Those who willfully disregard the evidence in Scripture and history, preferring to follow the erring voice of a Pope, Pastor, perceived Prophet, Reformer, or rabbi, will discover their blunder too late.
“The fact is that Rabbis of the Talmud no longer knew or would not acknowledge that in ancient times there was another mode of reckoning the day according to which the evening preceding the tenth day still belongs to the ninth day. In the case of the Day of Atonement the law especially prescribes that the fast be observed in a new manner, covering part of the ninth and part of the tenth day…” Rabbinic Essays, Page 447-451.
“In certain spheres of the population the older system continued to be in use, either exclusively or side by side with the newer system. Thus in the temple service the older system continued all through the time of the existence of the second temple, and there the day was reckoned from morning to morning…” Rabbinic Essays, Page 447-451.
“In Israel, the day was for a long time reckoned from morning to morning… and it was in fact in the morning, with the creation of light, that the world began; the distinction of day and night, and time too, began on a morning (Gen. 1:3-5, cf. 14:16, 18). The opposite conclusion has been drawn from the refrain which punctuates the story of creation: “There was an evening and there was a morning, the first, second, etc., day;.” This phrase, however, coming after the description of each creative work (which clearly happens during the period of light), indicates rather the vacant time till the morning, the end of a day, and the beginning of the next work… The change of reckoning must therefore have taken place between the end of the monarchy and the age of Nehemiah… This would bring us to the beginning of the [Babylonian] exile…” Ancient Israel, p. 181-182
“In the Old Testament the earlier practice seems to have been to consider that the day began in the morning. In Genesis 19:34, for example, the “morrow (ASV) or “next day” (RSV) clearly begins with the morning after the preceding night…” The Handbook of Biblical Chronology, Jack Finegan, p. 7-8.
“The day was either the period of sunlight, contrasted with the night or the whole period of twenty four hours, although NOT defined as such in the Bible… In earlier traditions the day apparently began at sunrise (Lev. 7:15-17, Judges 19:4-19)… Later its beginning was at sunset and its end at the following sunset… this system became normative… and is still observed in Jewish [Babylonian Talmudic] tradition, where for example, the shabbat begins… at sunset and ends… at sunset. Oxford Companion to the Bible, p. 744.
“The flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten on the day of his offering. He shall not leave any of it until the morning.” (Leviticus 7:15 This verse is discussed in the source below). (ibid)
Obviously the implication here is that the next morning is no longer a part of the day upon which the sacrifice was offered, but marked the beginning of the next day… The day was at one time reckoned from sunrise to sunrise. The later practice was to reckon the day from sunset to sunset… It is impossible to tell exactly when this change in the mode of reckoning the day took place in Israel, and what causes brought it about… (ibid)
It most likely coincided with the revision of the festival calendar, which took place in the period after the time of Ezra, and was, in all probability, the work of the soferim (scribes) or of the Great Synod (council) in the fourth century B.C. This may also be inferred from the statement in the [Babylonian] Talmud (Berachoth 33a) that the men of the Great Synod instituted the ceremonies of Kiddush and Havdalah, the solemn sanctification of the Shabbat… and its equally solemn ushering out… in other words, ceremonies specifically marking the beginning and the close of the Shabbat as at sunset. These were ceremonies for the Jewish home instead of the Temple. This coupled with the fact that in the second Temple the old system of reckoning the day from dawn to dawn [sunrise to sunrise] continued to be observed, as we have seen, may perhaps indicate that this entire innovation was the work of an anti-priestly group or party in the Great Synod…” The Sources of the Creation Story, Genesis 1:1- 2:4, p. 169-212.
“If we look at the essentials of a day of rest and reflection, which has a religious orientation, it is possible to justify the shifting of the Sabbath worship to…evening [the celebration of which was moved back to the eve of the feast] as early as the Middle Ages…“Judaism: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow, Kung, p. 518.
“By cautioning the Colossian members not to let others judge them for how they observed the festivals, New Moon celebrations and Sabbaths, Paul didn’t question whether they should be kept. The obvious implication of these verses is that these Gentile Christians were in fact observing these days, and in no way did Paul tell them to desist…the festivals, New Moons, and Sabbaths since the calendar governing those days was determined by movements of the heavenly bodies.” Sunset to Sunset: God’s Sabbath Rest,” p. 45.
“The time between the rising and the setting of the sun was divided into twelve equal parts, which were called hours. John 11:9. As this period of time, however, is longer at one season of the year than at another it is plain that the hours would also be of different length at different times. In winter they were, of course, shorter than in summer. They were numbered from the rising of the sun, and not from the middle of the day, as is common with us.” —Nevin’s Biblical Antiquities, pp. 171,172.
“The Greek Church had no such facilities of examining the authentic records…till the Julian Calendar had been adopted; still the true date of the crucifixion was less disguised by the Greeks than that of the nativity, but he [Constantine] wished, almost the necessity, of so keeping Easter as to make the day of crucifixion Friday, and of the resurrection Sunday, caused differences of opinion that led to persecution and bloodshed.”Mazzaroth, The Constellations, Frances Rolleston, p. 133. Rivingtons, London, 1862.
“In 325 CE the Council of Nice [Nicaea] was held… This council made no practical change in the “existing civil calendar,” but addressed itself to the reform of the Church calendar… Great disputes had arisen as to the time of celebrating Easter. Moreover, the Church was not fully established, many Christians [Messiah followers] being still simply Jewish sectarians. A new rule was therefore made, which, while still keeping Easter dependent on the moon, prevented it from coinciding with Passover.” Jewish Encyclopedia.com, the unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, “History of the Calendar,” “Talmudic Period,” by Joseph Jacobs, Cyrus Adler, Vol. 3, p. 500.
“Since the second century A.D. there had been a divergence of opinion about the date for celebrating the paschal [Passover/crucifixion] anniversary of the Lord’s passion (death, burial, and resurrection). Ibid
The most ancient practice appears to have been to observe the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth days of the lunar month [H#2320 – חדשׁ – chodesh – the new moon, lunar month, first day of the month] regardless of the day of the [Julian – planetary cycling] week these dates might fall on from year to year. Ibid
The bishops of Rome, desirous of enhancing the observance of Sunday as a church festival, ruled that the annual celebration should always be held on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
following the fourteenth day of the lunar month. . . This controversy lasted almost two centuries, until Constantine intervened on behalf of the Roman bishops and outlawed the other group.” R.L. Odom, Sunday in Roman Paganism, p. 188.
Referring to the quote above from R.L. Odom, the portion I underlined is correct, but the last seven words of the same sentence are not. At the Council of Nicea (c. A.D. 325) the application of Easter Sunday was decidedly determined according to the following formula and has remained so until modern times. Easter was to be placed upon the first Sunday following the full moon, after the Vernal Equinox. Although Easter Sunday would be forever tied to the lunar full moon, its purpose was to ensure that Good Friday never fell on the 14th and Easter Sunday on the 16th day. Other than that, this formula paid no attention to the fourteenth day of the lunar month, as it sometimes occurs before and sometimes after.
“Early historical records clearly confirm that very early Gentile Christians also kept the same [lunar] Sabbath Calendar as the…Nazarenes. This practice was first changed by Sixtus in 126 A.D. and later officially changed by a royal Roman decree from the emperor Constantine. Observance of the [lunar] Sabbath day was made illegal and observance of a “Sunday” of a FIXED WEEK was made mandatory for all except farmers. Previous to this time the ROMAN SATURDAY was the FIRST DAY OF THE ROMAN WEEK. The veneration of the Sun in the second century A.D. began to pressure Roman culture to change the first day of their week FROM SATURNSDAY TO SUNDAY. (Had the Jews been observing this same Roman calendar at this early date, as some maintain, then their seventh-day Sabbath would have been on FRIDAY which was the traditional seventh-day of this Roman calendar during the first century A.D.). Ibid
In A.D. 130, Hadrian visited the ruins of Jerusalem left after the First Roman-Jewish War of 6673. He promised to rebuild the city, but planning it as a pagan metropolis to be called Aelia Capitolina. A new pagan temple on the ruins of the Second Temple was to be dedicated to Jupiter.[11] In addition, Hadrian abolished circumcision (brit milah), which he, as an avid Hellenist, viewed as mutilation.[12] A Roman coin inscribed Aelia Capitolina was issued in 132. Hadrian’s policies triggered the massive Jewish uprising, led by Bar Kokhba and Akiba ben Joseph. Following the outbreak of the revolt, Hadrian called his general Sextus Julius Severus from Britain, and troops were brought from as far as the Danube. Roman losses were very heavy, and it is believed that an entire legion, the XXII Deiotariana was destroyed. [13] Roman losses were so heavy that Hadrian’s report to the Roman Senate omitted the customary salutation “I and the legions are well” [14]. Hadrian’s army eventually defeated the revolt however. According to Cassius Dio, during the war 580,000 Jews were killed, 50 fortified towns and 985 villages razed. After the end of the war, Hadrian continued the religious persecution of Jews, according to the Babylonian Talmud [15]. ibid
He attempted to root out Judaism, which he saw as the cause of continuous rebellions, prohibited the Torah law, the Hebrew calendar and executed Judaic scholars. The sacred scroll was ceremoniously burned on the Temple Mount. At the former Temple sanctuary, he installed two statues, one of Jupiter, another of himself. In an attempt to erase any memory of Judea, he removed the name from the map and replaced it with Syria Palaestina, after the Philistines, the ancient enemies of the Jews. He re-established Jerusalem as the Roman pagan polis of Aelia Capitolina, and Jews were forbidden from entering it.” Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia, Hadrian
“This change from the luni-solar to a fixed solar calendar occurred in Rome during the repressive measures which were enacted against ALL Jewish customs . . .during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. With the fall of the Nazarene headquarters…at Jerusalem, this new Roman calendar quickly spread throughout ‘Christendom.’ This new calendar not only replaced yearly festival dates such as Passover, but it also revamped the concept of the week and its seventh-day.” Iranaeus 2nd Century A.D.
“The…calendar was used by ALL the original disciples of Yeshua…This original Nazarene lunar-solar calendar was supplanted by a Roman “planetary week” and calendar in 135 C.E. — when the “Bishops of the Circumcision” were displaced from Jerusalem. This began a three hundred year controversy concerning the TRUE CALENDAR AND CORRECT SABBATH: This [calendar] controversy arose after the exodus of the bishops of the circumcision and has continued until our time.” Epiphanius, HE4, 6, 4.
“In the years following Clement of Alexandria’s time, an ominous change started to take place that was to radically change the Christian concept of the Sabbath. This intimate connection, records the Encyclopedia Biblica, between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom without paying any regard to the days of the month [i.e. the lunar month].” Encyclopedia Biblica, The MacMillan Company, 1899. p. 5290.
“The early Christians [Messiah followers] had at first adopted the Jewish [lunar] seven-day week with its numbered weekdays, but by the close of the third century A.D. this began to give way to the planetary week; and in the fourth and fifth centuries the pagan designations became generally accepted in the western half of Christendom. The use of the planetary names by Christians attests to the growing influence of astrological speculations introduced by converts from paganism.” Rest Days: A Study in Early Law and Morality. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1916, p. 220.
“It seems as if some spiritual genius having control over the pagan world had so ordered things that the heathen planetary week should be introduced just at the right time for the most popular Sun cult of all ages to come along and exalt the day of the Sun as a day above and more sacred than all the rest. Surely this was not accidental.” Sunday in Roman Paganism, Robert L. Odom, p. 157.
“This slow metamorphosis…with pagan calendation principles is largely responsible for the lack of knowledge existing today regarding the true calendar of the Creator. The pagan continuous weekly cycle reaches so far back in history, it is assumed that a continuous weekly cycle has always existed. The historical facts of the Julian calendar have been forgotten and circular reasoning has been used to “prove” that Saturday is the [Biblical] Sabbath.” Calendar Fraud, eLaine Vornholt & Lauralee Vornholt-Jones, p. 44.
“The present Jewish calendar was fixed in the fourth century.” Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Letter by Louis Finkelstein to Dr. L. E. Froom (of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Feb. 20, 1939. Regarding the present Jewish calendar.
“… It appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of this most holy feast we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are, therefore, deservedly afflicted with blindness of soul… Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd; for we have received from our Savior a different way.” Life of Constantine, Eusebius, Vol. 3, Chapter 18, [recorded words of Constantine]
Why Does it Matter?
Amidst the ebb and flow of time, a profound question beckons—why does it matter, after all? The answer, resounding and eternal, reverberates through the corridors of human destiny. For within the symphony of existence lies an invitation—a summons to partake in the grandeur of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, a celestial banquet awaiting in the wake of the Messiah’s triumphant return. Yet, to stand amidst the throng of the redeemed, we must don the wedding garments of divine provision woven with threads of grace and redemption (Matthew 22:1-13).
In this sacred journey towards restoration, the path to communion with our Messiah and the Eternal Father unfolds through adherence to divine ordinance. Through faithfulness to celebrating His preordained worship appointments yearly, monthly, and weekly, we trace the blood-stained trail of promise, illuminating the pathway of salvation provided for fallen humanity. THE REMEDY FOR SIN. Time, the silent witness to divine providence, emerges as the crucible of redemption—each moment a testament to the Eternal Father and Son’s unwavering commitment to our salvation, restoration, and eternal reward. As pilgrims on this sacred journey, our mandate is clear—to humbly align our souls with His divine will and follow the Lamb.
This article unfurls a sobering revelation—a clarion call amidst the cacophony of deception. The enemy, in his insidious machinations, seeks to obliterate the truths ordained by our loving Creator. Through the veils of lies and altered traditions, he erects paradigms that veer far from the divine blueprint set forth by the Most High Eternal Father, Yahuah Alahim. In a relentless assault against divine order, he manipulates the fabric of times and laws, ushering in an era of corruption and distortion (Daniel 7:25).
The modern landscape bears witness to this insidious onslaught—where the vestiges of ancient Babylon and the Roman solar calendar intertwine, ensnaring the faithful and faithless alike. Amidst the clamor of conformity, the call to righteousness resounds. Yet, amidst the throngs, few heed the call, succumbing to the allure of lawlessness and unfaithfulness.
Humanity stands at the crossroads of destiny as a sobering reminder of the perils of lawlessness and rebellion. May our hearts remain steadfast, illumined by the guiding light of divine truth, as we journey towards the celestial banquet awaiting us in the embrace of the Lamb.
Titus 1:14 has something to say about the lawless and rebellious influence.
“Not giving [don’t give] heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. Titus 1:14
In Conclusion
As we have now tested for ourselves and discovered, in addition to evidence from other Scripture passages and historical quotes:
- Model A, the day beginning at sunrise, identifies the day/night cycle as the only model of the three contestants that qualify as the Eternal Father’s authentic and rightly ordained original. It was first shared benevolently with mankind at creation. Later, it was consistently utilized in the daily rhythms of the earthly Sanctuary/Temple system, with its corresponding morning and evening sacrifice designed to synchronize and draw mankind’s hearts back to Himself. This provided the correct day/night order that had been lost. But it also identified the long-promised Messiah from the impersonators and as the one who died on the 14th and rose on the 16th by night. The impostor Jesus Christ is tied to the Roman solar calendar and its seven planetary gods in their order from Sun-day to Saturns-day. According to legend, Jesus Christ died on a Roman Friday and rose on Easter Sunday at sunrise.
- It was discovered that the Greek word “proi” (G#4404) means “fourth watch of the night” and NOT “early in the morning,” as has been taught for these past nearly 2,000 years. And because this fourth watch of the night was dated as the 16th, it provided evidence for an extra day/night cycle that had been lost. (The detailed explanation found in Three Days and Three Nights – Sign of Jonah.)
- The civil calendar dates were provided in each of the two tests, Part 1 and 2. In both cases, these dates were connected to one of the lunar Feast Day Events of the Torah Law, as celebrated consistently among the ancient Hebrews when in obedience. Part 1 included the consistent dates for the Day of Atonement, fasting from the even of the ninth to the even of the 10th. In contrast, Part 2 included the consistent dates for Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits, specifically the 14th, 15th, and 16th. These dates are stated, and these Kadosh (holy) Feast Days consistently occur on these monthly dates each year. On specific days of the week, it reveals an unfailing truth that the modern solar calendar can never meet. In both cases, Part 1 and Part 2, these dates resulted from the count from the New Moon. Solar time can NEVER harmonize the month dates with the days of the week consistently, year after year. This demonstrates an objective reality that the sunrise-to-sunrise day/night cycle, along with its specific and consistent date, is, in all actuality, a lunar unit of time as demarcated from a specific lunar phase within its 29-30 day lunation. What does this mean? The Most High Creator, Yahuah (YHUH) Alahim, has a calendar that the world has too long ignored.
- In this study, the Scriptural two witnesses of the Old and New Testaments reveal that the Messiah’s RIDDLE, found in Matthew 12:40, can only be solved when brought into alignment with the Torah Law of the Old Testament, specifically Leviticus 23:26-32. THIS ILLUMINATES THE FACT THAT THE ANCIENT LUNAR CALENDAR OF THE TORAH LAW NEVER ENDED, as has been declared by both the Roman Catholics and their Protestant Christian counterparts! This means the New Testament (Brit Hadasha) remains entirely dependent upon the time-centric lunar mechanism of the Torah Law of the Old Testament. As a result, it maintains the ongoing and perpetual timepiece necessary to solve our Messiah’s sacred riddle so that mankind may be restored and once again synchronize their soul temples to His.
While it has been there all along,
THIS IS A SACRED FEAT NOT ACCOMPLISHED UNTIL NOW!!! No doubt, in the Messiah’s prophetic foresight, He knew this study, and others like it, in comparing the three Models A, B, and C, was to be the kingpin KEY, alone destined to unlock His sacred lunar calendar rhythms among those who seek His truths with all their hearts. Perhaps this article will even be central to the wake-up call of the 144,000. HalleluYAH!!!
Together with the grand tapestry of celestial rhythms, our benevolent Creator has ordained a time-measuring model intricate in its design and divine in its essence. From the dawn of creation, the years unfold in harmonious cadence, commencing in the vibrant embrace of spring. Lunar months, their genesis marked by the full moon, beckon forth the authentic New Moon Day, a testament to the celestial choreography orchestrated by the Divine hand. Four lunar weeks follow in succession, their seventh-day Sabbaths heralding the sanctity of divine rest. Thus, the “DAY,” illuminated by the sun’s radiant gaze, unfurls its splendor from sunrise to sunset, yielding to the gentle embrace of the NIGHT, as measured by the four watches ordained in the heavens.
This celestial time signature, a masterpiece wrought by the Creator’s hand, resonates with celestial harmony, uniting all creation in the worship of YAHUAH Alahim and YAHUAHS, the Messiah. From the expanse of the heavens to the depths of the earth, the sacred rhythm echoes, a testament to the immutable order ordained by the Eternal One.
In the sacred delineation of a day/night cycle, the daylight portion stands as a beacon of divine grace, spanning twelve hours. As John 11:9 declares, the Messiah, in His eternal wisdom, ordained only twelve hours, laying the foundation for His holy Sabbath rest. “Yahusha answered, ‘Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbles not, because he sees the light of this world.’” Because our Messiah was together with the Father from the beginning and provided the Ten Commandments to Moses, these same sacred hours were used to establish His sacred Sabbath rest. Yet, the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews today cannot utilize this fact because they neither honor the New Testament nor the Messiah, so they fail to grasp this eternal truth. It exposes that they have forsaken the sanctity of divine revelation for the shackles of the popular Roman calendar traditions.
This illustration of the Messiah’s 12-hour day followed by the night watches bears testimony to divine truth and dispels the false customs and traditions propagated by rebellious leaders. The midnight-to-midnight model of the Romans and the sunset-to-sunset tradition of the modern Rabbinical Jews and other Saturday Sabbath keepers stand exposed, their veils of deception rent asunder. As the clarion call resounds, the time is ripe to reclaim lost ground, to raise high the righteous standard of our Creator, YAHUAH Alahim, and YAHUSHA, His Son, as we await His imminent RETURN.
At the commencement of this article, we found in Scripture the answer to the riddle, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Then, similarly, through the evidence portrayed by comparing the three Models A, B, and C, we found the answer to “When the day begins?” This was accomplished by comparing the testimony of the two witnesses spanning 1,500 years, first from the Torah Covenant (O.T.) and then from the Renewed Covenant (N.T.).
The succinct answer to the proposed riddle of “When the day begins?” testifies to the omniscience of our Eternal Father and Son. In their boundless love, they have provided us with a compass, guiding our steps along the pathway of salvation, truth, and righteousness. May our hearts be lifted up and our souls be synchronized with the heavenly rhythms, and may our legacy echo through the annals of eternity that following our restoration to divine truth—WE WALKED WITH YAH, AND WERE NOT, FOR YAH TOOK US!
Additional articles recommended to complete this subject:
Three Days and Three Nights – Sign of Jonah (Includes all four gospel accounts.)
The Missing Key Puzzle Piece Restored (Identifies the Hebrew word mo’edim, which means specific lunar appointed dates and is the foundation for the Creator’s calendar.)
Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates (All Sabbaths in Scripture occur on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of a lunar month.)
Support Evidence for the Full New Moon (A truth well hidden by traditions and commandments of men.)
Disclaimer: Although Leviticus 23:26-32 was utilized for the O.T. test in Part 1, the author of this article believes the specific dates of the 9th and 10th to be manipulated and altered replacement dates for this event of “fasting and Day of Atonement.” The reason is that the dates of the 9th and 10th do not fit the Menorah Gold Standard of Time Model. But even still, this does not change the day/night sequence of time even if applied to other dates.