Unraveling the Lies
Unraveling the Lies
From behind the curtain and in every possible way, the enemy of souls, otherwise known as Satan, has spent the last 6,000 years honing his skills at deceiving mankind. He accomplishes this by mixing a little truth with error. He has discovered that just as a little poison mixed with good food attracts more takers, so it is with lies. All the fallacies are designed to destroy humankind’s knowledge and trust in their Eternal Father and His Son, the Messiah, to ensure they will lose their eternal reward.
He further accomplishes his plan by tarnishing the fine points of Yahuah’s TRUTHS that explain the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW of the BLUEPRINT and REMEDY for Redeeming mankind from sin, known as salvation. As a result, a worldwide transformation has occurred whereby the majority of humankind in all the religious organizations have knowingly or unknowingly become GUARDIANS OF THE LIE. Through the many long-held customs, traditions, and replacement theology in both the churches and synagogues, they have come to “LOVE AND BELIEVE THE LIE.”
This may be more obvious in the political arena today as a vast gulf has formed between the two parties. This is then further exaggerated by a slanted media bias. All these lies create confusion, and all for an elusive financial power play. Yet, as greater knowledge of Scripture increases, as foretold in Daniel 12:4, seekers of truth are discovering that some of their long-held and deeply established beliefs and paradigms are turning out to be entirely erroneous.
“A truth’s initial commotion
is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed.
When a well-packaged web of lies
has been sold gradually to the masses over generations,
the truth will seem utterly preposterous
and its speaker, a raving lunatic.”
Dresden James
List of Beloved Lies and Conspiracy Theories
Here is a listing, although incomplete, of some of the lies that have been long-held as truth among many religious organizations, churches, synagogues, and secret societies. If you discover in the list below one or two that you disagree with, continue reading on, as it may be discussed in more length later. And don’t trust me, but do your own research.
No one is immune to having held dear some erroneous beliefs. But it takes a special person who, in humility, is willing to turn it all around to seek a closer, more faithful, and obedient relationship with the Eternal Father (H#3068 – יהוה -YHUH) Yahuah Alahim (God) and Yahusha haMashiach (the Messiah) as His RETURN draws ever nearer. Truth can always bear scrutiny and afford to be fair.
- The LIE – You will become gods, knowing both good and evil, if you eat from the forbidden tree.
- The LIE – Each day of Creation was 1,000 years in length. Refer to – A Day in Genesis.
- The LIE – The earth has been sustaining life for millions and millions of years. Refer to – The Nephilim and the Daughters of Men.
- The LIE – Astrology will answer all of life’s questions and lead you on the road to prosperity. Refer to – Five Historic Methods of Time-Measuring.
- The LIE – The Theory of Evolution defines mankind as evolving from our ancestors, the monkey.
- The LIE – Your astrological sign defines your personality and important events in your life. Refer to – The Star of David Deception.
The LIE – The sun marks time with the starry constellations by day when the stars are not visible, as Nimrod of ancient Babylon taught. Refer to – Five Historic Methods of Time Measuring.
- The LIE – Yahuah Alahim (H#3068 – יהוה), the Most High Eternal Father, created darkness and evil. Refer to the word study – Isaiah 45:7 Hebrew Word Study.
- The LIE – The Jewish Talmud and Mishna trump all the sacred Scriptures.
- The LIE – Modern prophets trump Scriptural prophets or, at the minimum, are on an equal plane (as in Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventism, Christian Science, etc.).
- The LIE – The Messiah was born on Christmas Day, December 25. Refer to – Our True Messiah’s Prophetic Birthday.
- The LIE – Neither Yahusha, the Messiah, nor Satan, the adversary of souls, are active in the affairs of this world or in the personal lives of individuals today.
- The LIE – Eating the communion wafer is eating the actual body of the Messiah, known as Transubstantiation.
- The LIE – The Messiah has not yet come for the first time. Refer to – Our Messiah’s True Prophetic Birthday.
- The LIE – There was no solar eclipse on the day of our Messiah’s crucifixion. The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.
- The LIE – Living a gay, lesbian, or trans-gendered lifestyle is not a sin but is worthy of celebration. Refer to – What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
- The LIE – The Creator’s set-apart establishment of marriage can be equally applied to any combination of man with man or woman with woman, as well as any combination of the trans-gendered. Refer to – What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
- The LIE – We are to worship and pray to the LORD GOD, ADONI, the HOLY SPIRIT, and JESUS CHRIST as replacements for the sacred names of YAHUAH, the Eternal Father, and YAHUSHA the Son, etc. Refer to – I AM YAHUAH.
- The LIE – The TORAH LAW, Ten Commandments, lunar calendar, lunar Feast Days, and lunar Sabbaths were intended only for the ancient Jews (Hebrews). Passover, the True Sign, and Seal of YAHUAH.
- The LIE – The TORAH LAW and the Tanakh (Old Testament) were done away with at the crucifixion of the Messiah. We are now under GRACE alone, as proclaimed by all Christian Churches. Refer to – The Law vs. Grace, an Oxymoron.
- The LIE – Time-measuring methods of both Christians and Jews are in perfect harmony with that of Creation and the Old Testament Law. Refer to – The Consequences for Changing YHUH’s (Yahuah) Set Time Laws.
- The LIE – The Hebrew keyword H#4150 – mo’edim – מועדים, translated as “seasons” in Genesis 1:14, Leviticus 23:4, and Psalms 104:19 refers only to an appointed set time on the Roman Gregorian calendar. Refer to – The Restored Definition of “Seasons,” aka Mo’edim.
- The LIE – The Scripture’s sacred set-apart astro-luni-solar calendar time-measuring model ended at the Messiah’s crucifixion. Refer to – The East-West Time Continuum.
- The LIE – The YEAR begins in winter. Refer to – The Calendar Comparison Chart
- The LIE – The YEAR commences when the dark moon aligns with the sun in spring, as kept by the modern Yahudim (Jews). Together these mark the ruling starry constellation of New Year’s Day in the constellation Pisces (Dagon) on the opposite side of the universe that is not visible during that month. Refer to – The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.
- The LIE – The MONTH commences according to the modern Roman wall calendar, entirely divorced from the lunar phases. Refer to – Evidence for a Thirteenth Month.
- The LIE – The MONTH begins at the dark conjunction or crescent, as taught by the modern Jews. Refer to – Support Evidence for the Full New Moon.
- The LIE – The WEEK has continued since Creation, cycling every seven days without end and without any relation to the moon. Refer to – Constantine and the Week.
- The LIE – The “DAY” (daylight), which the Creator said is to be ruled by the sun, really begins at sunset. Refer to – A Day in Genesis.
- The LIE – All Yahuah’s (YHUH) sacred Feast Days ended at the Messiah’s crucifixion. Therefore we are free to keep the pagan Roman holidays, such as Easter and Christmas. Refer to – Restored Prophetic Feast Days of Yahusha the Messiah.
- The LIE – It is OK for obedient Bible followers to celebrate the Roman pagan holidays of New Year’s Day, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, and Halloween. Refer to – The Shocking Truth About Christmas.
- The LIE – There exists a precession of the stars in relation to the earth and the equinoxes. This theory stipulates that the Creator’s method of measuring time has been steadily changing in the heavens and is no longer in sync with the start of the year at the time of Moses or corresponding to the original Creator’s Calendar. Refer to – Ten Degrees To and Fro on the Sundial.
- The LIE – The long-promised Messiah died on a stake and not on a cross. Refer to – Why All the Wars in the Holy Land.
- The LIE – The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three in one, as noted in the TRINITY doctrine. Refer to – I Am Yahuah (YHUH).
- The LIE – Our Eternal Father, the Creator of the heavens and earth, has allowed His great time-measuring mechanism (sun, moon, and stars) to fall into disrepair and is no longer in sync with His seat of power or His temple, not made with human hands. And He no longer cares if you keep any specific days holy. Refer to – Ten Degrees To and Fro on the Sundial.
- The LIE – Both Saturday and Sunday are defined as Holy days in the Bible. Refer to – I Can’t Find It!
- The LIE – Sunday is the Lord’s Day. Refer to – Sabbath and the Island Dweller’s Bible in a Bottle.
- The LIE – There is no way to locate the true seventh-day Sabbath today, so why try? Because the sun was moved backward at the time of King Hezekiah, and the sun stood still at the time of Joshua, causing the calendar of creation to be in disrepair. Refer to – Ten Degrees To and Fro on the Sundial.
The LIE – Scripture teaches that Saturday is the Holy Sabbath, as kept by the Jews to this day. Refer to – Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
- The LIE – Constantine transformed the sacredness of Saturday, the seventh day, to Sunday, the first day. Refer to – Constantine and the Week.
- The LIE – The lunar Sabbath of Scripture is counted from the dark or crescent New Moon. Refer to – The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase.
- The LIE – The Messiah arose from the tomb on the morning of Easter Sunday! Refer to – The Good Friday Deception and Constantine’s Easter Controversy with the Quartodecimen.
- The LIE – There are some sins for which the Messiah did not die.
- The LIE – Speaking in tongues each week in the church is a sign of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, even though there is no lack of understanding or language barrier present.
- The LIE – Paul sanctions baptism for the dead in Scripture.
- The LIE – The Book of Enoch teaches the truth regarding the sun, moon, and stars. Refer to – The Book of Enoch – Fact or Fiction.
- The LIE – In contrast to the long-held belief that the earth is a sphere made known by the consistent movements and visible principles of the sun, moon, and stars, it is really FLAT. Refer to – Three Unanswerable Objections to the Flat Earth Theory.
- The LIE – All religions lead to the Eternal Father and Salvation. Refer to – Why all the Wars in the Holy Land?
- The LIE – All Scripture translations are the pure, perfect unadulterated Word of the Eternal, with no changes or errors by the scribes of Jewish or Roman influence.
- The LIE – The King James Bible is the only legitimate English translation.
- The LIE – Muslims worship the same God as all Bible followers. Isaiah 8:20.
- The LIE – There is no such thing as judgment day. Refer to – Weighed in the Balances and Found Wanting.
- The LIE – All humanity will be saved in the end. Refer to – The Good Friday Deception.
- The LIE – Satan is in charge of Hell. Ezekiel 28:14-19.
- The LIE – No one ever really dies but lives eternally in either the joyful bliss of Heaven or in the torturous agony of an eternally burning hellfire.
- The LIE – Hell, as taught by post-modern Christendom, is burning today.
- The LIE – The compassionate Eternal Father has been torturing folks in HELL for the past 6,000 years, a full 6,000 years longer than Hitler. How fair is that? Isaiah 40:10, Isaiah 62:11, Revelation 22:12.
- The LIE – We have the power to pray, baptize or pay a priest indulgences to get a loved one out of hell or purgatory.
- The LIE – There is no eternal reward for the righteous seekers of truth who seek to follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Refer to – Why All the Wars in the Holy Land?
- The LIE – Eternal life is accessible to all those who simply say, “I believe.” (Refer to James 2:19 and The Torah Law vs. Grace, an Oxymoron.
- The LIE – My church has nailed down all the TRUTH in contrast to other churches. Therefore there is no need to study the Bible for myself or let the Spirit (Ruach – Yahuah’s power, presence, and provision) guide me. Any new light I must discard that is contrary to my current church doctrines or that of my honored Pope, prophet, Reformer, Rabbi, or Pastor.
- The LIE – Sunday keeping is the Mark of the Beast. Refer to – The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of Yahuah Alahim.
- The LIE – It is other churches and religious organizations who are following Babylon, but my church is immune because we are under “GRACE,” or because of our Saturday Sabbath, we will be preserved from receiving the Mark of the Beast or another useful excuse or antidote not found in Scripture. Refer to – Law vs. Grace, an Oxymoron.
- The LIE – We have the TRUTH because we have a modern prophet and are thereby immune to the lies of Babylon. Refer to – Mark of the Beast, Weighed in the Balances, and Found Wanting.
- The LIE – The blood sacrifice of our Messiah on Passover does not save mankind and is NOT the seal or remedy of Yahuah Alahim. Refer to – Passover, the True Sign, and the Seal of Yahuah.
- The LIE – The Jews alone remain the ordained chosen people of God (YHUH). Refer to – Why All the Wars in the Holy Land.
- The LIE – The Christian churches have replaced the Jews as His true and elect faithful people. Refer to – Law vs. Grace, an Oxymoron.
- The LIE – “Jesus” is the only name under heaven whereby we must be saved. Refer to – Constantine’s Creation of Jesus Christ
No doubt, many more LIES can be added to this list. Perhaps there are a few in this list you continue to hold as truth. But that is exactly the point. We have all been lied to in one way or another. Nonetheless, it can be seen that there are many LIES that humanity has LOVED AND BELIEVED IN over these past millennia. Many of the above LIES were first declared in Babylon and some before that, in the Garden of Eden during the first week after Adam and Eve were created.
Truth is the Key that Sets Us Free from the Bondage of Lies
Scripture’s promises of the coming Messiah as our substitute for sin, together with the Torah Law Bridal Covenant, provide the Blueprint and REMEDY of the Plan of Salvation. These foundational truths expose the lies and reveal the truth for His faithful followers. We have been given the option to know the TRUTH and be set free from the LIES. But so often, when given the opportunity to discover the TRUTH, we have rejected it in favor of the long-cherished deep-seated familiar LIES. Together with peer pressure, it causes us the desire to remain status quo so we will fit in. So how can we turn this all around and become worthy to enter the Kingdom of YAHUAH, His perfect government, and receive the reward of ETERNAL LIFE?
“There are two ways to be fooled.
One is to believe what isn’t true;
the other is to refuse to accept what is true.”
~ Soren Kierkegaard
We have all met and discussed Scriptural themes with folks from varying religious backgrounds. Many of these folks cannot mentally step outside the box of their particular church denomination to hold a conversation without becoming agitated or even angry over something they are not knowledgeable about, especially with regard to things that are currently being restored and coming to light. Two of these subjects are the Hebrew sacred names of the Father (Yahuah) and Son (Yahusha) and the original Biblical calendar with its New Moon Days, lunar Sabbaths, and sacred Feast Days. They feel that if their church, prophet, pope, reformer, or pastor does not teach it, it has no application for them whatsoever. Refer to the article I AM YAHUAH.
The Church Creed
Should we not be holding our denominational churches and synagogues accountable to Scripture’s STANDARD? Yet, most of us are mere products of our churches, never excelling in Scriptural knowledge beyond the preconditioned clear-cut doctrinal boundaries of the church creeds we grew up with or with the churches we currently attend.
Each denomination establishes a creed at its inception, the year the church was formed. Each doctrine of the creed can be symbolized as a stone in a great and high wall. The natural and unstated goal of the creed is to maintain unity within, separating their flock as far as possible from the presumed wolves without.
Is it fair to say that when young people attend a Theological Seminary, they are quickly indoctrinated to uphold, at all cost, the establishment of the represented church affiliation? These are the doctrines of its creed and favored leader, be it a Pope, Reformer, presumed Prophet, Theologian, Evangelist, Pastor, Rabbi, etc. And in order to uphold those teachings of bygone years, might it be that the professors will continue to ignore any and all new light to avoid causing discord and division? Unity within the church keeps things status quo around the globe, with no breaks in the continuance of tithes and offerings. Then this is repeated over and over from generation to generation, which prevents any forward movement of reform or controversy.
The reality is that if your religious organization has a creed, statement of faith, or list of doctrines, without a clause of openness to always seeking new light and a current history of doing so, then your church lacks movement and cannot be led forward into any kind of reform by the still small voice of YHUH’s (Yahuah’s) Ruach (Spirit). In other words, they will be unable to stand up and walk when the end time truths are set before them, utterly impotent to fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel 12:4 as Yahuah, the Eternal Father, calls His faithful out of all the false teachings to restore His truths.
“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:3-4
So it is that the only time new light is received is when its adherers are willing to look over the high stone wall of their church creed to consider new light. It is only in stepping off the hamster wheel of stale and unsupported doctrines of men that they may hear the still, small voice of the Eternal Father calling them. And only then can they “have eyes to see and ears to hear” and come out from the original organization, be it a church, synagogue, or another assembly.
Have you ever considered that this is how all new fellowships and assemblies are formed? Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Thesis to the door of his beloved Roman Catholic Church, but the church was unwilling to bend a knee and change even one identified error on his list. Instead, it was Martin Luther who was forced to step off the Roman Catholic platform of His beloved Christian church and set out on his own, standing tall upon the foundation of his newly established Biblical convictions as guided by the Ruach haKadosh (presence, power, and promise of the Eternal Father). From that pivotal moment and seemingly lonely step, the Protestant Lutheran Church was later born. Yet, this was only the beginning of an avalanche of reform as more and more reformers protested the status quo of Roman Catholicism and established assemblies of believers upon the continued advancement of truth.
As you read through this article, remember that all the Reformers, beginning with Martin Luther, were called out of a previous set of doctrines, beliefs, and creeds and onto a greater foundation of truth with continued forward motion. So too, were the leaders of the Baptists, Methodists, and Seventh-day Adventists, to name a few. But that in no way means they now have all the truth. Nor does it mean they have come far enough and shall smugly go no farther, setting their own doctrines as stones in a great and high wall.
Yahuah Alahim’s (YHUH) Reformation has been moving forward incrementally, and at each step, the faithful and obedient have COME OUT of false teachings and LIES, as they were led under the tender and watchful care of their Eternal Father, Yahuah Alahim, who establishes them upon higher principles.
Consider that here at the end of time, our loving Father is preparing a people for the Messiah’s soon return. All will be tested to see who will “have eyes to see and ears to hear” His still small voice as He leads His faithful followers to restore His final testing truths and COME OUT of “the Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth.” (Titus 1:14 and Mark 7:7).
“The surest barrier to truth is the conviction you already have it.”
“Unfamiliar is no more synonymous with wrong than familiar is synonymous with right.” ~ Kerrie L. French
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to accept what is true.” ~ Soren Kierkegaard
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. And third, it is accepted as self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860
“Neither time nor tradition can transform a lie into truth.”~ Kerrie L. French
“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority. ~ Booker T. Washington
Did Those Who Came Before Really Work Out All the Kinks?
Might it be that we have all, at one time or another believed that those who came before us have worked out all the kinks in Scripture and its doctrinal teachings so that what our pastors present today from the pulpits are without error? Yes! Yes! And Yes! As a result, we must be patient and compassionate with ourselves and others. It is our own personal experience regarding this subject that serves to keep us humble. As a result, we can NEVER seek to browbeat or coerce, via control, manipulation, or condescension, to bring folks back to YAHUAH Alahim’s foundational truths unto Salvation. It just does not work like that. Ours is to share and then leave it at that, trusting YAHUAH will do the rest.
- We can start by sharing our own experience of when we heard the set-apart name of YAHUAH Alahim the Eternal Father and Yahusha the Messiah for the first time and how we felt about that, as did Brian in his recent testimony.
- Discuss that Yahusha, the Messiah as the only way to eternal life, His saving grace is the best platform upon which to develop common ground.
- From here identify what it means to be on the path of salvation. All believers in the Messiah, to one degree or another, believe they are on that path.
- We can declare our overwhelming surprise to discover that the calendar that we have all been raised with is NOT in harmony after all, with that of Scripture, and discuss why it matters.
- But as you are recognizing their resistance to even consider additional truth to what their Pastor or Rabbi teach, while showing them from Scripture, go into greater detail on what it means to be on the WAY or PATH of the Messiah and what it does not mean.
Recent Experience #1
Recently I had two very different experiences. In both cases, I was surprised by the outcome. The first was with a Jehovah’s Witness who came to my door. She surprised me as she was willing to discuss the set-apart names of the Father and Son and admitted that she, too, had discovered that there is no “J” in the Hebrew language and that it was a rather new addition to the English language in the 17th century. She also was excited to show me an illustration that took up the whole page in her New World Bible translation depicting the Hebrew calendar, based on the crescent as the New Moon, with all the ancient Babylonian month names. This also included a thirteenth month and embolismic year, showing how it united with the solar year every 19 (18.6) years. Wow! That was a surprise to discover it there in the Jehovah’s Witness Bible!
She was on my doorstep to invite me to an evening meal (the Lord’s Supper), which she described as occurring the night before Passover. Although her calendar follows the crescent lunar phase as the New Moon, it was clear that she was progressing on the right track, a pathway to the truth concerning these subjects. I encouraged her not to be held back by her church’s status quo (its strongholds) but to continue on her quest for truth. After all, who are we to say, “We have come far enough along this path and shall go no further.” That is like staking out a portion of the path and just sitting down and declaring squatters’ rights when the purpose of the pathway is all about moving forward.
Although folks were waiting in her car, I invited her in and showed her a physical model of the universe with the four primary methods of timekeeping in under 10 minutes. Truly, she appeared to be blown away as the truth settled upon her mind. I illustrated to her that the modern Jewish time system erroneously starts its year with Dagon (Pisces), which cannot be correct according to the Scripture verses I shared with her. She seemed open-minded, as she was not fighting the new info. I was blessed by the realization that although she was part of a different church affiliation, she was a truth seeker.
Folks, our compassionate Eternal Father knows how to start a fire under anyone who is willing to have the teachable heart of a child and the courage to be a Berean. These are the ones who will first receive the new light with an open mind and then search the Scriptures to see if these things are so. Please pray for Dorothy.
Recent Experience #2
A few days later, I was in the neighborhood of a Pentecostal friend, so I dropped in to say hello. We had a delightful first 20 minutes, but when the discussion turned to things of eternal weight, the tension began to grow. She talked about the wonderful and professionally orchestrated Easter program she had just attended. This led to a discussion of Easter and the set-apart days outlined in Scripture. In defense of honoring Easter instead of Passover, she quickly declared that all the Old Testament Feast Days ended at the cross/stake while forgetting her connection to the O.T. Feasts through her “Pentecostal” (Feast of Weeks) beliefs. She became guarded, self-righteous, and accusing.
I found myself seeking to reestablish the foundations upon which we both could agree, such as salvation’s work by the Messiah upon the cross/stake. His work is central to the beliefs of all Bible followers. Yet, I was truly surprised by her responses to a gentle and straightforward discussion of Scripture. It is human nature to become unsettled when our foundational paradigms are seemingly threatened.
“The surest barrier to truth
is the conviction you already have it.”
But ultimately, the thing that brought peace to our dialog was in getting back to the fact that THE MESSIAH IS THE ONLY WAY by which we have eternal life. We discussed what it means to be on the PATHWAY and how it is all about following Him with our whole selves, body, and mind and desiring His Spirit (Ruach – Yahuah’s power, presence, and provision) to lead us each day ever onward in the LIGHT OF TRUTH. This means that ALL are called to be on the path walking forward, not stopping or sitting down, nor saying, “I HAVE COME FAR ENOUGH AND SHALL GO NO FARTHER.”
While she agreed with her mind, she continued to be locked into a tiny box of thinking about what is truth. Yet, only then did she realize that this was her own current position. I saw it in her eyes. I left it alone from there on out, as I believe Yahuah will finish what He has begun in her, just as He has done with me. At that point, it was time for me to leave. Embracing truth is not welcome in a closed, rebellious, unteachable heart or one that is under the spell of a stronghold (false teaching). In that condition, they do not have “eyes to see or ears to hear.” But we can always pray that a wedge was left in the door of her heart, that it may come to mind again in the future, and that it will allow the truth to settle in.
Yahusha’s Pathway of Truth
It is our Messiah’s will that we continue on the path of seeking the FULL LIGHT OF TRUTH no matter the cost, for this, is the process of YAHUAH growing a set-apart heart in each of us. Yahusha, our Messiah, put it this way:
“Yahusha said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'” John 14:6
“And he who does not take his cross (stauros) and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” Matthew 10:38
“Then Yahusha said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross (stauros), and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24
“When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, ‘Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. ‘” Mark 8:34
“Then Yahusha, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, ‘One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in the heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.'” Mark 10:21
“Then He said to them all, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.'” Luke 9:23
“These are the ones who were not defiled with women (false religious systems, ie. churches), for they are virgins (pure and righteous). These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were redeemed from among men, being first fruits to Yahuah and to the Lamb.” Revelation 14:4
For more on the cross/stake question, refer to the article, Why All the Wars in the Holy Land.
Religious Lies Become Strongholds of Satan in the Churches
Lies that are loved and believed in churches and synagogues are strongholds of Satan and the very instrument that invites him to all the weekly assemblies. Once the truth is turned to chaos, Satan has more ways to gain a stronghold or two in each unsuspecting mind. Churches, synagogues, and every other organized religion can become a stronghold of either Yahuah or Satan. Many organizations testify to being a stronghold of Yahuah Alahim, the Most High, but they all teach different doctrines that have entanglements not founded in Scripture.
Every organization crafts a creed with a fixed set of beliefs for which the folks within are not allowed to move beyond, nor are those without allowed to penetrate. This is the definition of a stronghold, whether positive or negative.
These churches and synagogues are no different than fortified cities, strongholds with an established impenetrable HIGH WALL and GATE. Only YAHUAH, the Most High, and His Son, Yahusha, the Messiah, can stand at that Gate of these strongholds and petition individuals within to open it (the door of their hearts) so that the light of truth may flood in. Refer to – How to Breakdown the Strongholds of the Devil.
In the story of the battle of Jericho, as Yahuah Alahim was leading Israel into His promised land, He miraculously destroyed the high walls to break down that stronghold. “For the POWER IS DIVINE to breaking down of strongholds.” (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5) He declares:
“I will cut off the cities of your land and throw down all your strongholds.” Micah 5:11
“. . . Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Revelation 14:8
“And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Revelation 17:5
“And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, ‘Babylon [YOUR CHURCH] the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!'” Revelation 18:2
“And you have OVERTHROWN THE DAY, and OVERTHROWN together the PROPHET with your NIGHT, so also shall you destroy your own kinsmen. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being Kohenim (Priests) for Me. Because you have forgotten the Torah of your Alahim, I also will forget your children.” Hosea 4:5-6
“‘And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.’ Favored are those who do His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and WHOEVER LOVES AND PRACTICES A LIE.” Revelation 22:12-15
Restoring the Ancient Paths of Truth
In contrast to all Satan’s crafty lies, the Eternal Father and Son, through their “still small voice,” are now restoring the ancient paths of TRUTH. He accomplishes this by revealing the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW of His PLAN OF SALVATION. This is the prescription to prepare a people for His soon RETURN and admittance into His Eternal Kingdom. A people who are set apart, who honor and keep sacred the preordained tenants of His Torah Law, which is His Bridal Covenant, the very Blueprint of the Plan of Salvation. Then, through trust and obedience, these faithful of Yahuah and Yahusha, the Messiah, restore the ancient paths of truth before being granted entrance into His Eternal Kingdom government at His RETURN. These will not be harmed by the tribulation and the seven last plagues, and it appears they will be translated to the Holy City, New Yarushalom (Jerusalem), without seeing death.
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?
- WHO – Name of the Father
“For behold, HE WHO forms mountains, and creates the wind; WHO declares to man what His thought is; and fashions the morning LIGHT out of darkness, and walks above the high places of the earth— YAHUAH (H#3068 – יהוה) ALAHIM OF APPOINTED TIMES, IS HIS NAME.” Amos 4:13
Name of the Son
“And He showed me YAHUSHA (H#3091 – יהושׁע), the high priest standing before the angel of YAHUAH, and Satan standing at His right hand to resist Him.” ZachariYAH (Zechariah) 3:1
Yahuah Alahim & Yahusha haMashiach His Son (the Messiah), by their Hebrew names, work tirelessly for 6,000 years to save and restore the otherwise hopeless sinners of the earth who were deceived and tricked out of their birthright in Eden.
WHAT – Salvation’s Blueprint and REMEDY, the promise and plan to restore all those who love and obey Yahuah Alahim from darkness and sin back to Himself through the promise and fulfillment of the mediatorial work of His Son, Yahusha haMashiach. This is illustrated in the ancient Temple ceremony EVENTS and born out in the seven part lunar appointed Feast Days.
WHEN – The mechanism of Salvation is synchronized by TIME & EVENT according to the ancient calendar, born of the trinity of lights (astro-luni-solar). Therefore each of the seven sacred events, referred to as the lunar appointed Feast Days, must be performed by our Messiah above, and are synchronized to His unique lunar calendar alone. Likewise, all prophecy is measured from start to fulfillment. His YEAR commences on the first full moon in spring near the feet of the constellation Bethulah (Virgo). Each lunar MONTH after that follows in sequence with the full New Moon in a new constellation by night. His sacred (kadosh) SABBATH is the seventh day as counted from the full New Moon causing it to occur upon the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of each lunar month. According to the Menorah Gold Standard, all sacred appointed Feast Days occur in an alternating pattern upon either the full moon or the dark moon except the last one.
WHERE – Earth is the stage and theater of the entire universe, where Yahuah’s LOVE is portrayed in contrast to the accusations of Satan. His love justifies, sanctifies and glorifies the body, mind, and soul of the sinner who opens his/her heart to receive it forgiveness for thier confessed sins.
WHY – “For Yahuah Alahim (God) so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes (relies upon, trusts, and obeys) in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:1
HOW – Through the divine and preordained mechanism, the Bridal Covenant as presented in the TORAH LAW. It is the BLUEPRINT, for which we call YAHUAH’S PLAN OF SALVATION, as illustrated in the wilderness sanctuary and later temple ceremonial systems. First as the lamb and then as the priest, all apects are performed by Him.“Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Yahusha, the Son of Alahim (God), let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:14-16
Long-lost Ancient Paths are Found
The predominant ancient paths of truth lost for these last 1,700 years have been discovered, including the sacred names of the Eternal Father and His Son, along with the original lunar appointed Creator’s Calendar (Psalms 104:19 “He appointed the moon for appointed times…”). Without the restoration of the sacred names and the original and authentic time-measuring model, mankind will continue on the course of loving and believing a lie, worshiping an erroneous entity, they know not who, at the gate, they know not when. According to Ezekiel 46:1-3, the East Gate denotes the synchronization between heaven and earth. It identifies His correct worship rhythm when it is open. Ironically, the East Gate is only open on the correct New Moon Day and His lunar Sabbath and is closed on all the non-holy days, as these are the work days of each week.
“…I will make My Kadosh (holy) NAME known in the midst of My people Yasharal (Israel). And I will not let them polute My Kadosh (holy) NAME anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am YAHUAH! Ezekiel 39:7
“For then I shall return unto the peoples a purified language, so that they all call on the NAME OF YAHUAH, to serve Him with one shoulder.” Zephaniah 3:9
“Thus declares the Almighty YAHUAH, “the GATE of the courtyard interior facing the EAST shall be SHUT six days for work, and in the day of the SABBATH it shall be thrown open wide, and in the day of the NEW MOON it shall be thrown open wide…
But come unto the exalted one, by way of the porch of the temple gate without, and stand beside the doorpost of the gate and observe the Kohenim’s (Priest’s) symbolic first and last burnt offering and symbolic Aleph and Tav peace offering…
And you shall prostrate in worship upon the threshold of the open GATE, coming and going at any time, but the GATE shall not be shut until sunset.” And so WORSHIPED the people of the land at the entrance way of the same GATE, in the SABBATHS and in the NEW MOON DAYS, before the face of YAHUAH.” Ezekiel 46:1-3
While it is true that in times of ignorance, Yahuah “winks” (Acts 17:30), His purposes are to utilize His sacred TRUTHS from His ancient paths as a vetting system for all who are seeking Him and who will hear and obey.
So along with instituting the lies, the great deceiver has taken all the ancient truths designed as the REMEDY unto SALVATION, hostage. These are the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW He plans to SAVE you and me. The WHEN portion includes the authentic lunar seventh-day Sabbath, and the Kadosh (Holy) appointed Feast Days of the Most High have been taken hostage by the Romans and the Jews alike. And in response, the goal is to answer the call for restoring these sacred days to their rightful places as essential puzzle pieces of the elect in the earth’s final conflict and preparation for the eternal Kingdom. “There remains, therefore, a rest for the people of Yahuah Alahim.” Hebrews 4:9
What Will Your Choice Be?
From the very last chapter of the prophetic Word (shown above), we discover the future of the two major groups that will include all people of Earth. Revelation 22:12-15 tells us that only the faithful will receive the promised glorious reward. Their promised future includes eating from the Tree of Life and resulting in the gift of Eternal Life with their Creator and Savior in the Holy City within the pearly gates.
“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha (Aleph) and the Omega (Tav), the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Blessed are those who do (guard) His commandments (precepts), that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and WHOEVER LOVES AND PRACTICES A LIE.” Revelation 22:12-15
But WHOEVER LOVES AND PRACTICES A LIE will not enter through the gates into the joy and safety of the GREAT CITY OF YAHUAH Alahim and YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah). These will not have access to eat from the Tree of Life, resulting in NEVER receiving the gift of eternal life.
May each of us seek YAHUAH Alahim, the Most High, and His Son, Yahusha haMashiach, while they may be found. May He guide us out of the enemy’s strongholds and into the progressive forward motion, ever asking for His ancient paths to be restored in us unto Eternal Life. Every man, woman, and child has the freedom to choose to either remain guardians of the lie or become restorers of the truth.