Twelve Gates are Twelve Full New Moons – Revelation 21:21
Twelve Gates are Twelve Full New Moons – Revelation 21:21
Revelation 21:21
The full moon has always been alluring to old and young alike. Stunningly, this GREAT PEARL in the heavens seems to call us to wonder what our Creator had in mind when He created it.
Did you know that Revelation 21:21 speaks of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, as having twelve whole pearl gates? Have you ever considered that the term “pearl” may be a metaphor for identifying the twelve full moons that occur each year in our Creator’s unique calendar? Consider the possibilities presented in the following article.
Before entering that GREAT HOLY CITY, each over-comer will be given a white pearl stone, a type of entrance ticket signifying an open gate, and a warm welcome into the YAHUAH’S ETERNAL KINGDOM.
Are the Twelve Pearl Gates Twelve Full New Moons?
Twice repeated in this passage is the fact that each of the twelve large gates of the sacred city, New Yarushalom, where dwells our Creator and Redeemer, is made of one whole single white pearl stone. The remainder of the sacred city discussed is of pure transparent gold, with the exception of the walls, which are composed of twelve precious gems. So we have three architectural features described as attributes of this city and its twelve large gates.
“Also, the twelve large gates are twelve pearls, one apiece. Each of the large gates is of one single pearl; and the New Yahushalom city was pure gold, in the manner of transparent stone that shines.” Revelation 21:21
Here I want to make the connection that each whole full pearl gate represents a full New Moon. This most marvelous sacred city has twelve full New Moons every year. In the third Scripture Study in the sequence and listed below, Revelation 22:2 clarifies that there is absolutely a New Moon in the New Yarushalom for which the twelve fruits of the Tree of Life are governed by and accordingly bear one kind of fruit each lunar month. So we have two witnesses, one in Isaiah 66:23 and this one in Revelation 22:2, that indeed there is a New Moon in this city above, which will one day come down from Yahuah, out of the shamayim (heavens) and make its habitation upon the earth with the righteous (Revelation 21:2).
An additional Scripture word study, Ezekiel 46:1-3 illustrates the connection between the “east gate” of the earthly Sanctuary and the New Moon that rises in the east when it rules. At this time, it announces the full New Moon day to begin the following sunrise.
From the time the wilderness tabernacle was first erected until the Messiah died upon the cross/stake and the curtain was rent between the two compartments of the Temple, the New Moon had consistently and perpetually been linked to the east gate (Ezekiel 46:1-3). The full New Moon each lunar month was established when this gate was to be opened for formal and corporate worship for New Moon days, Sabbath days, and all the other Kadosh Feast Days. This is because only the full moon, as the authentic and original New Moon, rises in the east and shines unto the west, marking the pathway of the LAMB (Messiah) for the entire length of the Temple, from the entrance into the outer court in the east, unto the Most Sacred Place in the west.
Ancient Voting Methods
Some organizations still utilize ancient voting methods to reveal that a black or white spherical stone, a little larger than marble, determined whether one was granted admission into the desired club or group. This same method is referred to in Revelation 2:17 as the preferred method to determine our Salvation and entrance to the Holy City.
Black or White Stone BallotsAre you aware that in the induction ceremony of some secret societies, such as the Free Masons, a voting system of new inductees transpires in which the voting members cast their votes by utilizing either a black or white stone sphere?
It must not be assumed that this is an ancient pagan practice simply because we recognize secret societies as objectionable groups who often mix truth with error. But what do the Scriptures say about this voting method?
This verse declares that the gate of the New Yarushalom will be flung open for the overcomers, the redeemed of earth, who receive the white stone. These alone will be granted admittance into the sacred city. This is the voting model used by the ETERNAL KING OF KINGS with reference to the saved and the lost. The Eternal Most High, Yahuah Alahim, made provision that all mankind may receive a white stone sphere as their entrance ticket at the gate. But if sin prevails and one has not confessed all sin and been covered by the blood of Yahusha, the Messiah, thereby receiving His robe of righteousness, even one black stone cast by Satan will be counted against him. Thus, he will be counted unworthy and not be admitted. Make no mistake, the white stone sphere represents the brilliant full New Moon. It is the eternal symbol of the Messiah, His pure, perfect righteousness, and His warm, open-door welcome to His Holy City. Meanwhile, the black stone sphere signifies darkness, sin, rejection, and a closed door, as revealed by the occulted conjunction lunar phase. The dark sphere, having no light, is, after all, the symbol of Satan, who himself was ultimately blackballed from the New Yarushalom and who will stop at nothing to blackball you as well. |
Each Pearl Equals One Open Gate
So, as you can see, it is not a stretch to identify a latent fact that each single whole pearl makes up one of the twelve gates of the New Yarushalom. Each represents the tie between the full New Moon and the east gate being open for worship. As a result of this realization, there is no guesswork as to which lunar phase is the original and authentic New Moon. A single whole pearl is a description John the Revelator gave of what he saw in a vision. A round spherical pearl was the most appropriate and beautiful illustration of our Creator’s marvelous full New Moon and its promise of admittance through His open door.
Might it be that until that great day when the redeemed of the earth are united in the New Yarushalom after our Messiah’s Second Coming, we have entrance by way of acceptance and practice of keeping the true full New Moon? Might it also be that aligning the rhythm of our soul temples to His in worship is the only way we actually accept the gift of His white stone, a symbol of our faithfulness and ultimate salvation?
Yahudim (Jewish) Calendar Fraud
For the last 1,700 years, the Rabbinical Yahudim (modern Jewish Pharisees) have been living and teaching a lie as they have swapped out the astro-luni-solar Sabbath for a fixed Roman Saturday in A.D. 358. Add to this, unrecognized until now, they also switched the New Moon lunar phase from the Creator’s original full moon, which they had held sacred since the time of Abraham and when faithful to Yahuah, to the dark conjunction or crescent. May the symbolism of this change not be lost upon us, as the enemy of souls seeks to bring down the Yahudim (Jews) through false traditions, for the reason that through Abraham, Jacob, and David, the great promised Messiah was to come.
“In AD 351-352 Roman persecution flared and the Jews revolted. They were soon crushed. Many Jewish towns were destroyed and decrees issued against the local authorities and against Judaism. The privileges of the head of the Sanhedrin and the freedoms of the Sanhedrin itself were curtailed. Roman pressure to conform “Jewish” TIME to Roman TIME had reached crisis level. ibid
Under this pressure Hillel II agreed to limit the functions of the head of the Sanhedrin, as well as the Sanhedrin itself, with respect to proclaiming the New Moon, setting festival dates, and employing intercalation [inserting the 13th lunar month]. With the decline of the Jewish power-base in Israel, the Jewish community in Babylon had been rising in influence to fill the vacuum. Hillel II published details informing all Jews of the methods of the [new] calculated calendar developed in Babylon. From that time on the Sanhedrin in Judea ceased to function or to maintain calendar experts. Hillel II is thus given the credit for the present fixed Rabbinical calendar, but in reality it originated in Babylon and was just the starting point of the development of the Rabbinical calendar in use today.” Encyclopedia Judaica, s.v. “Hillel”.
So what might this tell us about those who honor the dark conjunction, the first visible crescent, or no lunar phase at all as Rosh Chodesh and the start of the New Year and lunar months? It tells us that they remain either ignorant of the truth or in full rebellion against YAHUAH Alahim. But at the very least, they remain out of sync with the Temple’s preordained lunar rhythm and its coordination of prophetic TIMES & EVENTS to be performed by YAHUSHA haMashiach alone. If these refuse to heed the call to come out, “having eyes, they do not see, and ears yet do not hear,” they will receive a black stone sphere, the symbol of their own allegiance. They will be blackballed and not granted entrance into the Eternal Kingdom prepared for only those who love and obey the King.
Harmony with Recorded Signs
Redemption only comes through Yahusha, the Messiah, who, in His great LOVE, laid down His life for all of mankind at the appointed time of Passover, the 14th day of Aviv, the first month of spring. It is an uncontroverted fact that this was a mid-month event, yet most have been taught that this was the day of the full moon. But the facts, as presented in Luke, define the opposite picture: this was the day of a dark conjunction lunar phase, a necessary requirement for a total and complete solar eclipse. It was a solar eclipse that was undoubtedly divinely enhanced in length to proclaim its stunning reality. It was on that most epic dark day in all of history that the only begotten Son of the Eternal Yahuah Alahim gave His life as the purchase price for sinners, with the assurance for all who confess their sins before the Eternal Father an eternal future beyond the grave. Praise Yahuah and His Son Yahusha! For more on this solar eclipse event, refer to the article, The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.
We can be assured that at the time of the Messiah, the full moon was the uncontroverted New Moon. Several eyewitnesses, in addition to Luke, attested that on the day of the crucifixion, there was indeed a solar eclipse when the sun was darkened from the sixth to the ninth hour, marking the epic mid-month event of our Messiah’s death on the cross/stake.
This continues to be discounted by the Romans and the Jews alike, especially in the third and fourth centuries A.D. during the time of the Easter Controversy, as together they continued a time change cover-up. However, to their dismay, the Jews’ newly introduced (at that time) Rules of Postponement testify against their denial as it only came into existence in the 4th Century A.D. after their calendar changes, for the purpose of bringing order by way of harmonizing their two newly improvised but opposing counterfeit calendar styles. For more on this, refer to the article Constantine’s Easter Controversy and Stunning Historical Evidence.
Knowledge Shall Increase
So why have we never noticed this before? It is impossible for any church or Jewish synagogue to teach the truth about the twelve pearl gates, its full moon application, or its white stone admission ticket to the Holy City. Why? Because after all the doctrinal changes they have made to their teachings, there is no intrinsic value left for the full moon to play a part as the authentic New Moon. The Jews, while adhering to a New Moon concept (chodesh), have changed their orientation by 180 degrees to the dark or crescent, as introduced by the early Chaldean astronomers (link). The Christians, since the time of Constantine, have continued the long tradition of ignoring the moon altogether for measuring time or synchronizing with the worship schedule of the Most High Yahuah and Yahusha haMashiach. Read more… Uncovered Lunar Secrets from Ancient Babylon.
As new light is progressively revealed from the pages of Scripture, honest men and women are able to release their grip on the status quo traditions of men (Titus 1:14), such as Popes, false prophets, pastors, rabbis, teachers, and unscriptural beliefs, true advancements can be made.
“Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” Titus 1:14
We are promised that the greatest revelation of truth will occur in the very last few years of time, as knowledge shall increase (Daniel 12:4) in preparation for YAHUSHA, OUR MESSIAH’S GLORIOUS RETURN.
For additional studies that illustrate the full moon as the original New Moon in Scripture, refer to this Support Evidence for the Full Moon as the New Moon.