THREE Unanswerable Objections to the Flat Earth Theory
THREE Unanswerable Objections
to the Flat Earth Theory
by Kerrie French
Isn’t it fascinating how our understanding of the world can spark such diverse conversations? Lately, there’s been a resurgence of interest in the Flat Earth Theory, which, while unconventional, draws attention from various circles. Some attribute this renewed curiosity to sources like the apocryphal Book of Enoch or even Bible translations, which present intriguing perspectives on our planet’s shape. In light of these discussions, we invite you to explore with us in this article, “Three Unanswerable Objections to the Flat Earth Theory,” as we delve into the question of the earth’s true shape and why it’s significant. Let’s embark on this journey together, shall we?
Let’s extend an open invitation to explore the various perspectives contributing to this fascinating discussion. We can identify four main groups who might find themselves intrigued by Flat Earth Theory (FET):
- The Truth Seekers, who approach knowledge with sincerity akin to searching for buried treasure, who are willing to place every preconceived view on the altar that truth may be revealed;
- Individuals who place implicit trust in modern Bible translations, perhaps without delving into Hebrew Dictionaries for the original meanings of Hebrew terms;
- Those who yearn to carve out their own narratives, even if they reside in realms that some may consider mythical;
- The Conspiracy Theorists entertain the notion that the widely accepted belief in the earth’s spherical shape is merely another grand government conspiracy theory that cannot be trusted.
Each of these perspectives adds depth to our exploration, and we warmly welcome everyone to join us on this journey of discovery. Let’s embrace the richness of diverse viewpoints and engage in thoughtful conversation together as we seek the truth.
Speaking for myself, I’d like to think that I fall into the “honest of heart” category, but I also recognize that conspiracy theories are a very real part of life. So I decided that if this theory proves out, through the course of my research, I would accept it, whether popular or not.
Certainly, the arguments presented by proponents of the Flat Earth Theory (FET) offer much food for thought. In addressing these arguments, I’ve chosen to focus on three fundamental principles concerning our planet, each of which is observable, repeatable, and quantifiable. So, what are these three challenges to the FET that I propose? They are made up of the extraterrestrial movements of the SUN, the MOON, and the STARS, which are positioned in the heavens according to the Creator’s decree, as outlined in Bereshit (Genesis 1:14-19), as viewed from our earthly vantage point. Let’s discover these aspects together with an open mind and a spirit of inquiry.
Exploring the teachings and theories of Flat Earth is indeed a commendable endeavor, demonstrating a healthy skepticism and a desire for personal understanding. It’s important to ensure one’s beliefs are rooted in personal investigation rather than simply accepting mainstream views. However, this exploration requires a delicate balance. It’s about discerning without dismissing outright and understanding without rejecting solely based on novelty or contrast with the established norms. Let’s approach this journey with an open heart and a balanced perspective, embracing the opportunity to expand our understanding while respecting the wisdom of the past.
“For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for YAHUAH (Creator), but not according to knowledge.” Romans 10:2
It’s important to recognize that the author has endeavored to present the facts respectfully and non-condescending. However, for those who have fully embraced the Flat Earth Theory (FET), this article may seem to challenge the newfound beliefs you hold dear. Let’s approach this discussion with openness and understanding, acknowledging that differing viewpoints can lead to valuable insights and opportunities for growth.
Flat Earth Model and the Sun
Many Flat Earth Theorists (FET) teach that the sun is not nearly as far from earth as we were taught but rather glides above the earth in a level circle just above the clouds. (Click on images to increase size.)
Many FETs teach that the sun is not visible at night for two reasons. Although in a perfect line-of-sight on a flat earth, the sun is too far away to see, and secondly, because it behaves as a spotlight. The significant nature of a spotlight is that it shines only in one direction and that its light source cannot be viewed from the side. At night, it is so far away from the observer that from a distance, the angle prohibits it from being visible. The FETs teach that as this giant sun spotlight comes in or out of view, it ends or begins the night where you are as the first rays of light can be first seen or disappear at the end of the day. This is how they explain sunrise and sunset.
Illustration of the Spotlight Theory of the Near Terrestrial Sun
- With this Flat Earth Theory, the sun remains on the same visible plane as the observer, but must move close and far away to produce day
and night.
- It is necessary for the sun to move far enough away from the observer so that night can occur. But in doing so it means the size and shape of the sun must correspondingly reduce greatly until it is invisible. Invisibility would be sunset. This view is explained, in that the sun shines as a spotlight in a downward aspect and not from the sides.
- Illustrating this point, the source of the spotlight shining on the dog is not visible from a distance. Instead all we see is the beam and the focus of the beam.
- Each spotlight source becomes more visible, both increasing in length and width, when it is closer in proximity to where you are, as shown in the middle and closest spotlight.
- If you were the mouse in the foreground, you could look directly into the spotlight and to the mouse it would appear perfectly round, but from a distance away it becomes oval.
- Notice that with this theory of the sun behaving as a spotlight, also comes the reality of a visible beam with notable edges that stand out against the dark sky. This contrast would be consistently visible from a distance, when one remains standing in the darkness looking toward the light. It is because of this striking contrast of beams of light against the night sky that has made the high powered search lights so popular for announcing big city events.
If this theory of the sun is true as they claim, the first view of the sun would be a tiny dot that grows steadily to a slender line of light that would grow in length and width as it comes closer, with a glaring beam shining downward. As a result, the only time the sun could possibly appear round is when it is directly overhead at noon. So it is that in contrast to this physical and visible spherical phenomenon of the sun that all the world can see, the Flat Earth Theory folks must deny their own eyes.
To this day, I have never seen a sun that behaved this way. Have you?
For example, this illustration depicts that when the sun is at its farthest distance, it remains dark in the observer’s location. It would take six hours for daylight to reach full brightness, as this would correlate directly with the proximity of the sun overhead.
However, as the spotlight theory is refuted, the FET folks are still left with trying to explain the sun getting larger as it comes closer and getting smaller as it moves away. Try as one might, it is impossible to fit the realities of the sun into this FET model. This sun phenomenon has NEVER been observed or recorded in history.
Twelve-Hour Consistent View of the Extraterrestrial Sun
The first unanswerable objection to the Flat Earth Theory is the appearance of the extraterrestrial sun that we all can see with our own eyes, day in and day out, looming high above earth’s atmosphere. With the spherical earth model, when the sun arises, it is perfectly round from the moment it begins to peek above the horizon. Within a short span of five minutes, the sun becomes fully visible at sunrise, and the reverse is true at sunset. As it rises overhead at noon, it remains impeccably round and maintains its relative size and shape as when it was first visible on the horizon.
This continuity of size and shape from sunrise to sunset identifies that the sun’s distance from the observer on earth has remained relatively the same during the entire 24-hour period of earth’s rotation. This means that as the sun follows an arching pathway overhead, it places the earth at the center of the half-circle. Add to this all locations in a 24-hour rotation, and it identifies the earth as a sphere. Profoundly, the sunlight intensity remains consistent. As a result, sunrise and sunset can never display a “low rider” getting larger as it gets closer and farther away, but rather a consistent far distant sun that appears to circle the spherical earth. So it is that this visible three-part reality establishes the earth as a sphere. This cannot be explained with a Flat Earth model. (Refer to videos at the end of this article for further support.)
Flat Earth View of the Nearly Terrestrial Thirty Lunar Phases
Beginning with the full moon lunar eclipse, some FETs claim that the reason the full moon experiences what we call an eclipse is not actually from the spherical earth intercepting the light and casting its shadow upon it. Rather, they teach that a completely different unidentified light-blocking object remains permanently in the daylight sky and intercepts the light on the night of the full moon.
However, if this were true, the unidentified object would have to be large enough to cast an all-encompassing shadow on the moon and still remain unseen from the earth. Yet, whether this was a flat disc or a spherical ball shape, it would be observable. It could be seen when close to the sun or when further from the sun as it contrasts with the dark night sky. Doesn’t this sound very much like what the spherical earth already does when casting a shadow upon the eclipsed full moon?
Is the Moon a Light Source?
In order to explain the 30 unique lunar phases occurring each lunar month, some FETs declare that the moon is NOT a marvelous reflector of the sun, after all. Instead, they claim the moon itself is a light source. According to them, each of the moon’s 30 phases emanates its light from deep within the lunar surface and is uniquely timed with specific divisions.
Yet, anyone with a home telescope or even binoculars is able to see with their own eyes the shadows around the edges of the lunar craters created by the brilliant sun’s direct light source. This is especially obvious with the craters nearest the edges of the moon, where the sun’s full light meets darkness. This would be visible on any night except the full or conjunction lunar phases.
All who observe the craters witness that light is not emanating from within the lunar surface but that the sun’s rays are shining on the moon, casting shadows around the outer edges of the craters that face the sun. This image illustrates deep shadows created because of the sun’s angle to the rims of the craters.
Spherical Earth View of Thirty Unique Extraterrestrial Lunar Phases
The second Unanswerable Objection to the Flat Earth Theory speaks to the light and darkness on the moon. The FET folks that teach the moon is its own light source lack understanding with regard to the magnificent TIME measuring mechanism placed there by our Creator. Each unique lunar phase corresponds directly to its proximity in the shamayim (heavens) relative to the sun and from the perspective of the observer on earth, ever counting out lunar days from 1-29 or 30. Most principles in the universe are tied to two or more principles that must each be correct for them to operate accurately. If even one explanation is incorrect, the entire system will fail. A clock is an example of a finely tuned machine in which all parts must work in unison to keep perfect time. (Click on images to increase size.)
The lunar phases are actually borne out of the synchronized movement of the moon orbiting the earth each lunar month. One lunation takes 29.5 days and thus fluctuates from 29 to 30-day monthly intervals. Each lunar phase correlates with precision to its position relative to the sun and the observer upon the earth in a definable yet imaginary triangle. So, the amount of light appearing on the moon by the observer is always directly related to its location along its monthly circuit of the earth. Therefore, the angles of the imaginary triangle between the sun, moon, and the observer on earth will change with each passing day. This is not a theory because it is observable and reproducible every day, month, and year while debunking the Flat Earth Theory.
While the amount of light and darkness on the face of the moon waxes or wanes in a daily progression, the moon, like the sun, remains relatively consistent in size. This means that every 24 hours, we do not see it arise on the eastern horizon as a speck in the distance grows in size and then reduces again to disappear on the opposite horizon.
The moon consistently shows only one side of itself to earth, even though the percentages of light and darkness change daily. This cannot be accomplished with the Flat Earth Model for the reason that folks living in Canada would have a different angular view than those living in South America. In this way, the natural characteristics of the moon consistently debunk the Flat Earth Theory.
The moon can be seen in its similitudes by day and night, but there is only one natural progression of the lunar phases through its orbit, which begins with the full moon, announcing day one. Support Link. This chart above is oriented facing south so that the E (East) is located in the East. Our Creator oriented His TIME MEASURING mechanism of the extraterrestrial sun, moon, and stars to commence in the EAST from mankind’s perspective on earth. This is a 180-degree contrast to those world religions that have taken up the dark or crescent moon in the west as the new moon. Support Link. The lunar phases never occur randomly but always in perfect sequence from first to last, from Aleph to Tav, commencing and terminating in the full marvelous light.
This graphic also illustrates that the moon maintains a relatively consistent distance from the earth as well as the sun. The time continuum remains unchanged whether the earth spins on its axis in a Heliocentric Universe model or the sun and stars circuit the earth at high velocity in a Geocentric Universe.
Note that the lunar phases closer to the center of the circle illustrate the actual visual orientation of that lunar phase from the perspective of the observer on earth. None of this reality can work according to the FET because using the full moon at its farthest distance from the sun, it would never actually receive light from a sun that behaves as a spotlight shining downward only and entirely disappearing in the opposite direction.
If it were possible to observe the moon from the perspective of the sun, the moon would ALWAYS appear full. But because the moon orbits the earth, each day, our perspective of it will be different (imaginary triangle effect). As pictured above, the four-quarter divisions give us the general layout of the lunar weeks. Yet, it is still important to count out the seven-day weeks to ensure accuracy as the moon’s lunar phases have some variance by way of apogee and perigee, as it changes from 29 to 30-day months.
You may have never realized that the very term “month” is derived from the word moon. The astro-luni-solar year is divided into 12 or 13 lunar months. These 13-month years, known as embolismic years, occur once every two or three years for a total of seven times in 19 years, when the astro-luni-solar years are once again synchronized with the solar year. (Refer to videos at the end of this article for further support.)
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse is a visible sky manifestation that all may behold, both young and old alike. Continuously and without interruption, the sun shines on this spherical-shaped earth, which acts like an umbrella, casting a circular round shadow into space. In a lunar eclipse, the full moon passes through this round shadow made by the earth a couple of times a year, either in a partial eclipse (penumbra) or a total eclipse (umbra). The visual effect is of the full moon passing from one edge of the very large round shadow through the middle, completely engulfed in the shadow, and then passing out of the other side. Further, this event is visible only between the hours of sunset and sunrise, when the moon and the sun are in opposition to each other and the earth comes directly between them.
A lunar eclipse can NEVER occur intermittently throughout the lunar month during any of the other lunar phases, but only on the night of the full moon when it is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun. Those experiencing daylight when an eclipse occurs cannot witness the event as the moon is only on the dark side of the earth unless it occurs at precisely sunrise, which it does on occasion.
Using this example above of the flat earth, the FET cannot give an adequate or realistic explanation of what mammoth obstruction consistently blocks the sun’s light from reaching the full moon during a lunar eclipse one or more times a year. As a result, I am not able to accept a theory as an eternal truth of the Creator that is so visibly apparent to every eye that observes a full moon lunar eclipse once or twice a year. Refer to this 2-minute video: Turning the Moon Blood Red.
Lunar Eclipses Reflect the Spherical Shape of the Earth
Each lunar eclipse is the direct result of the moon passing through the earth’s shadow. Sometimes, the moon passes through the center of the shadow; sometimes, it is high, and sometimes it is low. But each time it passes through the shadow, it reflects like a mirror to those observing that all edges of the earth’s shadow are curved. Only a spherical earth can cast a curved shadow across the face of the full moon, passing from one side to the other. A flat disc has never been witnessed passing across the full moon on the night of a lunar eclipse.
The Flat Earth Theorists Declare Star Trails Only Occur at the North Pole
The Flat Earth Theorists have declared that long exposure/time-lapse photography can only produce star trails at the North Pole nearest the North Star Polaris. This is when we see a distinct pattern of lines of starlight encircling the North Star. They claim that this same phenomenon does NOT occur at the South Pole, but rather all the stars at the Antarctic spread out into a broad circle along the assumed Antarctic shelf, with the North Star at its center.
So, if it can be illustrated in the Antarctic, using long exposure/time-lapse photography, that the star trails circle a single point, such as with the Southern Cross, the entire Flat Earth Theory would fall like a house of cards. This single-star trail event would establish the earth as a sphere with two distinct and opposing poles for which the stars, sun, and moon progress along the east-west time continuum.
An additional declaration FETs make is that navigators on the high seas have, for thousands of years, oriented to the North Star only. Yet, this is not the case.
The Southern Stars are the Flat Earth Theorists’ Greatest Challenge
As the third unanswerable objection to the Flat Earth Theory, there remains extraordinary evidence regarding the extraterrestrial star trails of the South Pole, near the Southern Cross, as pictured below. This photo was shot from New Zealand by an amateur photographer and not by NASA or another government agency.
There is much documentation on navigating the northern and southern oceans. In the northern hemisphere, the North Star, Polaris, continues to be the central point of orientation, but in the southern hemisphere, the Southern Cross pinpoints the true South Pole.
Below are three very short MUST-WATCH videos. The first video will illustrate the same circular star trails of the South Pole observed from three southern continent perspectives: South America, South Africa, and Australia. This reality of the circling star trails at the South Pole makes the Flat Earth Theory an impossibility. This is because of the mere fact that 1) the stars are tightly circling the South Pole from east to west exactly as they are doing at the North Pole; 2) the stars circling at the South Pole are never visible to those living in the northern hemisphere, and the North Pole circling stars are never visible to those in the southern hemisphere no matter how large a telescope one has. If the earth were flat, the northern pole star, Polaris, would always be visible to Australia, South Africa, and South America using a high-powered telescope. GAME OVER!
Flat Earth’s Greatest Challenge: Southern Stars ~ Brandon Cooper (3.5 minutes).
Find North with the Southern Cross at the South Pole ~ Alfie Aesthetics (4.5 Minutes).
Long Exposure/Time Lapse Star Trails Photography of the Southern Stars from New Zealand ~ Gregory Phua (1.5 minutes).
National Flags at South Pole Highlighted by Southern Light and Orbiting Star Display
So the truth remains that the extraterrestrial stars, from the earth’s perspective, encircle both the North and the South Poles equally from east to west. Each night, as illustrated in the long exposure/time-lapse photography from three separate continents, these starry witnesses arise in the east, make their way up and over, and go down in the west. This occurs in a circular motion that tightens as it gets closer to each of the two-pole centers. Why? Because the earth is a sphere. If it were flat, there would be no second pole for the stars to circle around. This testimony of the stars is irrefutable evidence that the earth is a ball-shaped sphere. (Refer to videos at the end of this article for further support.)
The Magnification Powers of the Telescope
The telescope’s main purpose is to make far-distant objects visible to the human observer. The telescope achieves its optimum ability with a two-part process: 1) to collect a maximum amount of light and 2) its power of magnification. Yet, no matter how many galaxies it detects many light years into the cosmos, if it is based in the Southern Hemisphere, it will never get a glimpse of Polaris or the Little Dipper.
Here is a list of all the major observatories currently in the Southern Hemisphere. Although they represent four continents, there is one factor they all hold in common. Yes, you guessed it. None of these powerful telescopes are able to observe the North Star, Polaris, or any of the stars that circle in the vicinity of the North Pole.
This chart depicts the primary telescopes of earth and the larger ones that are currently under construction. Although the largest one from Chili is greater in size than a Basketball court, it will never observe Polaris, the North Star. And mere distance is not the issue. Why? because this is a simple problem of line of sight on a spherical-shaped earth.
An interesting note is that if you live at the equator, such as in Ecuador, it is possible to view both Polaris at the North Pole and the Southern Cross, pointing to the true south within a single night. From this equatorial vantage point, all the 88 starry constellations can be observed over the course of seven months as they roll up and over from east to west like a rolling pin in the night sky, all the while connecting the two poles with an invisible line through the center of the spherical earth.
This image comes from the free Stellarium program. It illustrates the view mentioned above from the Equator on 04/24/2016. A similar view can be seen from March through September. The lighter blue section in the middle represents the area of the earth with four points of the compass.
Line of Sight Principle
This flat earth illustration (A and B) represents those who can observe the North Star. The (C) represents those who are NEVER able to observe the North Star at the North Pole. The (B) sits at the equator and represents those who can observe both the North Star and the Southern Cross at the lowest points on each horizon within a single night.
If the earth were actually flat, (A, B, and C) would all be able to observe Polaris, the North Star. But (C) is NEVER able. However, (C) has a great view of the Southern Cross, which (A and B) FET must dismiss as non-existent.
For this flat earth model to work, it is necessary that the North Star marking the North Pole define the epi-center of the FET disc. Yet, the position of (B), which sits squarely on the equator, destroys this theory. From (B’s) vantage point, two nearly identical poles are observed simultaneously in opposite directions. Add to this the star trails, and the visible phenomenon is complete. This identifies that the two poles are not one and the same but entirely opposites, with stars circling in the same direction.
The spherical earth image illustrates the straight line of sight across the curvature of the earth. The (A) has a direct line of sight to Polaris, the North Star. The (B) has a direct line of sight to both the North Star and the Southern Cross within a single night. The (C) cannot achieve a direct line of sight to the North Star, missing it completely, but does have a direct line of sight to the Southern Cross. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
For the FET to be true, all the stars currently viewed by those living in the Southern Hemisphere must be written off as mere fiction, denying their existence, including the Southern Cross that has been utilized for thousands of years of ocean navigation.
The Flat Earth Theory was born in the Northern Hemisphere and, of necessity, requires that the Southern Hemisphere see the same stars they see in the North, yet this can never occur.
At the end of the day, this observable North and South Pole synchronized phenomenon, as observed by (B) at the equator, completely destroys the FET model, revealing that there truly is a “DOWN UNDER,” and not merely flat land extending out from a single center pole.
I have a hunch that not many folks from the southern hemisphere support the Flat Earth Theory.
Astrolabium Orrery Time
Let me illustrate with this Astrolabium 2000 Tellurium Orrery that the earth is a sphere and that true TIME is measurable from the animate mechanism of the sun, moon, and stars as set forth at Creation. The concept of the clock was borne out of the movements of the shamayim (heavenly) spherical bodies, and not the other way around, for the shamayim was created at the beginning of time according to the Genesis account. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
Note that this four-part illustration DOES NOT represent flat earth. Rather, with this heliocentric model, the spherical earth is placed on a circuit around the sun while the moon makes its way around the earth each lunar month. The flat brass platform in which these are fastened represents the twelve yearly divisions or the wheel of the starry constellations on the ecliptic circle, referred to in Scripture as the Mazzaroth but known to others as the zodiac. To achieve a geocentric universe model with this instrument, all one has to do is pick up this mechanical clock orrery by the earth’s globe, and the entire mechanism will continue to function given the same time, yet with the sun and the stars now circling the earth along with the moon.
Like the sun, moon, and stars above, this astrolabium clock does more than simply count off hours, minutes, months, and dates. Crowning, this extraordinary precision instrument is a miniature globe of the earth that rotates and revolves around a solid brass sun. The moon is invisibly attached to the earth’s gear assembly, which maintains one synchronous rotation around the earth each lunar month. Most exciting of all, this clock illustrates the earth orbiting the sun in an astro-luni-solar year with 12-13 full moon lunar month designations as seen marked with the black pointer. Together, this clock/calendar clarifies how time has been beaconed in the shamayim (heavens) since the time of creation.
Unlike this replica, the moon always presents the same face to earth-based observers, even when its face encounters varying degrees of light from the direction of the sun.
I believe the FET view aims to undermine mankind’s knowledge of the perfect and distinct clock/calendar displayed in the shamayim (heavens) as the very signature of our Creator, YAHUAH Elohim/Alahim.
They Will Not Endure Sound Doctrine
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desire, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.” 2 Timothy 4:3-4
“It is He that sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretched out the shamayim (heavens) as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in.” YeshaYAHU (Isaiah) 40:22
“And to whom would you liken El (God)? And what likeness would you compare to Him? The workman molds a graven image, and the goldsmith overspreads it with gold, and the silversmith casts silver chains.” YeshaYAHU (Isaiah) 40:18-19
“Did you know? Have you not heard? Has it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the foundations (#4146 – masadot מוסדות – a foundation) of the earth?” YeshaYAHU (Isaiah) 40:21
This verse equally supports the spherical earth view and the flat earth theory. Simply, the concept of a circle does not mean it is two-dimensional or three-dimensional, but only that it is round.
But many Flat Earthers also believe the Earth is a flat square because they believe this is what is meant by the “four corners of the earth” rather than the four points of the compass. The term “four corners of the earth” is used twice in Greek (Revelation 7:1 and 20:8) and twice in Hebrew (Isaiah 11:12, Ezekiel 7:2). The Hebrew definition for “corners” (Strong’s #3671 – edge, extremity, a wing, a flap, a quarter, a pinnacle, end, feather, overspreading, skirt, uttermost part). In Greek (#1137, it means – angle, corner, or quarter).
Jeremiah 49:36 states, “Against Elam I will bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and scatter them toward all those winds…” So the question is, does this mean heaven is square? No, it means the four compass directions, including all of heaven. For the same reason, the verses that refer to the “four corners of the earth” do not mean the earth is square.
It cannot be determined to mean four literal corners of a square flat earth, but four divisions, quarters, or the inclusive uttermost parts.
In verse 26, mankind is called to look up to the stars of the shamayim (heavens), for the “host” refers to the stars and their numbered order on the Mazzeroth wheel of starry constellations on the east-west time-measuring continuum.
“Lift up your eyes on high and see. Who has created these? He who is bringing out their host [of sun, moon, and stars] by number, He calls them all by name, by the greatness of His might and the strength of His power, not one is missing.” YeshaYAHU (Isaiah) 40:26
“He appoints the number of the stars, He gives names to all of them.” Tehilim (Psalms) 147:4
In Job and Psalms 19, the “circle” most definitely refers to the Mazzeroth, the wheel of the stars. This does not mean that either the shamayim (heavens) or earth are flat, but only that they are circular or revolve in a circular aspect.
“. . . He walks above the circle [east-west time continuum] of shamayim (heavens or sun, moon, and stars).” Yobe (Job) 22:14
The shamayim (heavens filled with stars) accurately record the majesty of Alahim (God) and the handiwork of His power from the conspicuous expanse of the firmament. Day unto day gushes forth promises and night unto night demonstrates knowledge. Without promises and without provision their voice shall not be heard, understood, nor obeyed. Through all the earth proceeds forward their measuring line, and in the end of the world their topic will be that the EAST was fixed and ordained for Yahuah’s tabernacle. And Himself like a bridegroom shall proceed forth from His canopied chamber. He shall rejoice as a mighty warrior to hasten along the well-worn pathway [of the sun, moon, and stars]. From the border of the heavens (shamayim) His going forth is in the EAST, and His revolution — a circuit of time in space, because of the end, and nothing shall be hidden from His wrath! Tehilim (Psalms) 19:1-6 Study Link
The Evidence
From each of these illustrations with regard to the extraterrestrial SUN, MOON, and STARS, there is conclusive evidence that the Flat Earth Theory (FET) cannot explain the consistent spherical realities that we observe and experience daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly from the many perspectives from the North to the South Poles. Is this any surprise? This trinity of lights declares in three-part harmony the truth about our planet, the truth about the shamayim (heavens), the truth about TIME, and the truth and majesty of our loving and compassionate Creator. As a result, there is no need to be deceived.
- As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are three groups of people who may consider the Flat Earth Theory (FET).
– The HONEST OF HEART, who seek for truth, defending their view of Scripture.
– Those who would be KINGS of their own mountain, whether mythical or not.
– CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, who see a conspiracy in all things.- Both the SUN and MOON remain relatively the same size, shape and distance the entire time they are observable from east to west. This disproves the sun as a spotlight that moves in a low and level circuit above a flat earth, coming into proximity and then moving far away into obscurity.
- A LUNAR ECLIPSE consistently occurs when a spherical earth comes between the sun and the moon. The FET cannot explain this without coming up with an alternate spherical body (planet) that systematically comes between the sun and the moon, but only on the nights the moon is full.
- The MOON is a reflector of light in all its phases, which identifies its position on its circuit around the spherical earth. The moon is entirely dependent upon the sun for its light. The deep shadows found in the lunar craters illustrates that its light comes from the sun. The moon as its own light source simply undermines the Creator’s purpose for the moon to work in three part harmony with the sun and stars. The FET causes a further disengagement of the moon from the Creator’s GREAT TIMEPIECE that beacons the four seasons of the year, each New Year in spring, each New Moon Day, the count of weeks and the lunar demarcation of each day.
- Long exposure/time-lapse photography from Australia, South America, and South Africa present STAR TRAILS in the exact same harmonious movement circling east to west at the South Pole, just as is recognized at the North Pole. Those living at the equator can on a clear night view both spectacles simultaneously. This phenomena disproves the FET for the shear fact that there is a DOWN UNDER, in which its inhabitants are unable to see the UP and OVER North Star, ever.
- The most powerful telescopes in the Southern Hemisphere cannot overcome the curvature of the earth to observe the North Star, for the simple reason it is not in their line of sight.
- The Creator’s astro-luni-solar TIME, born in the three-part orchestrated shamayim (heavens), is utterly undermined by this spurious teaching of the Flat Earth, which casts its shadow of lunacy and fiction at the very time our CREATORS CALENDAR “TIME” TRUTHS ARE COMING TO LIGHT. It discounts the truth revealed through the observable mechanics of TIME, taking the SPOTLIGHT from the sun, moon, and stars interplay for beacons of all of our Creator’s kadosh (set-apart) – New Moon’s, seventh-day Sabbaths, and annual Feast Days as found in Genesis 1:14.
- Scripture does not appear to identify in a single word, the exact shape of the earth. For in every example, the Hebrew and Greek definitions reveal a variety of meanings, making it impossible to take a hard stance based solely upon Scripture, but the best example is found in Tehilim (Psalms) 19:1-6 Study Link.
If it is the truth you seek and not just to prove the FET, consider watching these short videos. They reveal a spherical earth in comprehensive terms. They are placed in order of importance. The first one is newly released and out of this world!
Best Videos for Explaining the Shape of the Earth
Video: Flat Earth, Flat Wrong! – Book and video by Robert Sungenis – (1 hour)– creator of the motion picture “The Principle” (Physics Degree and Biblical Scholar) (Goes into the Biblical Hebrew and Greek to expose the errors of Flat Earther’s, who believe the Bible only identifies the earth as flat.)
Video: The Earth is Round and Here’s the Proof – (5 minutes
Video: Proving the Earth is NOT Flat – Part 1-3 (20 min each) (Note that the tone of the narrator is a little condescending. I have included this because of the many good points made. Proceed at your own risk.)
Video: Curvature and Refraction Engineer Survey MATH – (5 minutes)
Video: Level Theory Part 1 – (MATH of Measuring a Sphere) (10 Min)
Video: SUNRISE TO SUNSET – Bristol City Center ( 2 Min)
Video: EARTH: Seen from Space Station (actual speed during daylight)
Video: Earth at Night as Seen from Space
Video: HOW IT WORKS: International Space Station(360 degree view of a spherical earth at the 14:14 min. mark)