The Star of David Deception
The Star of David Deception
This end-time deception study will focus on the hexagram, which we’ve been told is the “Star of David,” the universally recognized symbol of the state of Israel and the Jews today.
The truth is that King David never used a star as a symbol, so calling it the “Star of David” is a nice-sounding name to cover what it really represents. Satan hides the true meaning of his symbols behind counterfeit explanations.
What is a Hexagram?
The Hexagram is a symbol composed of two overlaid equilateral triangles that form a six-pointed star. It is the supreme symbol of Satanic tyranny, which has been used by people throughout history to directly or indirectly worship Satan. The idolatrous Babylonians, Egyptians, and Assyrians used it. The Israelites worshiped the star of elohims (heathen gods), such as Remphan and Chiun. Solomon used it in the worship of false elohims and to invoke the powers of Satan. The Antichrist Beast of Revelation, the Roman Catholic Church, uses it. The Jesuit-controlled ultra-wealthy Rothschild family uses it to steal the world’s wealth. Satanists, Luciferians, astrologers, and witches use it to invoke the power of demons.
The six-pointed star numerically equals 666 (6 points, 6 triangles, 6-pointed hexagon). It’s on Israel’s flag because the Antichrist Jesuits control the state of Israel.
All Bible believers in YAHAUH [the Eternal Father and His Son YAHUSHA haMashiach, the Messiah] should have nothing to do with the six-pointed Star, as it is Satanic.
What is Its Number?
This “Mark of the Beast” identifies people groups that are anti-Messiah (Antichrist). Babylonian astrologers used this six-pointed star for Sun worship. They divided the starry heavens into 36 constellations (ten days each). These were represented by different amulets called “Sigilla Solis,” or the Sun Seal. The pagan priests wore these amulets, containing all the numbers from 1 to 36. By these figures, they claimed to be able to foretell future events. Adding the numbers of any column horizontally or vertically and the two diagonals crossing the square, the total is the same — 111. The sum of the six columns, horizontally or vertically, equals 666.
The number 666 is associated with pagan sun worship, which originated in the mysteries of ancient pagan Babylon. Sun worship, which is really Satan worship, has existed for thousands of years and is still worshiped to this very day by Mystery Babylon, the Roman Catholic Church, and the global elite in the world.
The Israelites, when unfaithful, worshiped the Star of foreign elohims (heathen gods) and were punished for it… Israel adopted the six-pointed Star in Babylon when in apostasy. The Israelites worshiped the mark of Cain as the Star of Remphan, which represents the god Saturn, also called Chiun.
“But you have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your elohiym [heathen gods], which you made to yourselves.” Amos 5:26
Just before being stoned to death by the Jews, Stephen accused the Jewish leaders:
“And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your elohiym [heathen god] Remphan, the figures which you made in order to worship them.” Acts 7:43
Saturn Worship is Satan Worship
Satan got King Solomon to worship him through false elohims (gods). After marrying Pharaoh’s daughter in 922 B.C., Solomon gave himself up to witchcraft and idolatry and built altars to Moloch, Ashtoreth, and Remphan, the ancient Egyptian “Star” of their elohim. This is very significant because Solomon was originally noted as a man of wisdom who was allowed to build the temple of YAHUAH, yet late in his life, Satan enticed him to worship and build altars to these false elohim (gods) and use the hexagram to invoke the powers of Satan.
King Solomon reintroduced the six-pointed Star to the Kingdom of Israel, so this Talisman of Saturn became known as the Seal of Solomon. The six-pointed star is engraved on the Talisman of Saturn and used in ritual magic. A bull’s head is enclosed in a six-pointed star and surrounded by letters composing the name Remphan, the planetary genius of Saturn, according to the alphabet of the Babylonian Magi. The bull represents Moloch worship and, ultimately, Satan worship.
“Satanists, Occultists, and Freemasons venerate King Solomon, who [according to the sages] owned a magic ring that was engraved with the “Seal of Solomon,” which gave him power over the invisible monarchy of demons.” (The History and Practice of Magic, Vol. 2).
The six-pointed Star represents Satan, not King David. The hexagram equates to 666, which YAHUSHA, the Messiah, said is the sign of the beast. It has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and its interior forms a six-pointed hexagon — thus, it reveals the number of Satan’s antichrist beast. The six points, six triangles, and the six sides of the hexagon = 666! The Scriptures attribute the number 666 to Solomon.
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX.” Revelation 13:18
“Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE [sixty] AND SIX talents of gold…” 1 Kings 10:14
So, in this correlation, it appears possible that Solomon (not David) used the Hexagram. This worship of Satanic false elohims (gods) angered YAHUAH so much that after Solomon died, YAHUAH split the kingdom of Israel into two parts. The end times false Messiah [Antichrist] will undoubtedly be like a reincarnated Solomon, who unites the world with his pseudo wisdom.
Who is the Beast of Revelation?
To understand the Mark of the Beast, you must first know who the Beast is. If you’ve read our Scripture studies, you know that the Roman Catholic Church is the “Anti-Messiah [Antichrist] beast of Revelation, the ‘Little Horn of Daniel, and the Pope is the ‘Son of Perdition.” To read a Scripture study on the beasts of Daniel and Revelation that reveals the antichrist beast system, read also about the beasts of Daniel and Revelation.
[Insert by Kerrie French of Ironically, two separate Beasts are found in Revelation 13. The first one accurately appears to be the Roman Vatican with a Papal mouthpiece, and although some have declared the Lamb-like Beast with two horns to be America, consider another option. There is evidence that this second, Lamb-like Beast is none other than the Yahudim (Jewish elite). These are split into two factions, the Rabbinical Pharisees and the Karaites, represented by the two horns of the Lamb-like Beast.
These (Anti-Messiah) Yahudim (Jewish) factions have long been in bed with the Romans since their close collaboration in our Messiah’s crucifixion. And even in their long years of Roman bondage. Together, the Jews have intended to absolve themselves from any connection to their part in masterminding the death of the anointed Messiah. The Yahudim (Jewish factions) have taken their denial so far as to claim that the MESSIAH HAS NEVER COME AT ALL. They changed their calendar model (partly under duress from the Romans, they adopted units of time from both Babylon and Rome), but also partly to prove that no Messiah ever fulfilled the requirements of the Biblical Torah Law according to their current lunar appointed times, on Passover.
What is His Symbol?
Is the hexagram the symbol Satan will use as the Mark of the Beast? As you will see, it makes sense because it’s a symbol that’s already accepted by almost every religion. In the New World Order, they will promote a one-world religion in the name of “peace,” so they will use a symbol that will unite the major religions, and the so-called Star of David is the perfect symbol.
Often, it’s the “Christians” who speculate about the Mark of the Beast, pointing to UPC codes, implanted RFID chips, RFID tattoos, and other technology. While there’s no doubt that those types of devices will be used to control whether people can buy or sell in the one-world government and financial system… Receiving the Mark of the Beast is a RESULT of WORSHIPING THE BEAST’s IMAGE. [This means to honor and respect an entity more than or in place of YAHUAH the Most High.]
Revelation 13:15 says, “He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship [honor] the image of the beast, to be killed.”
When you refuse to “worship or honor the image of the beast,” you will be killed by the enforcement arm of the Beast Power or will be prevented from buying and selling. You will have eternal life when you profess your allegiance to Yahusha, the true Messiah, even in the face of death.
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives unto the death.” Revelation 12:11
If you “worship or honor the image of the beast” to preserve your life, then you will incur the wrath of YAHUAH. This is because, at the very end of time, the pressure will be to choose who you love, serve, honor, and obey. And there will be only two choices: YAHUSHA haMashiach, the true Messiah with His Eternal Kingdom Government, or the counterfeit Antichrist anti-Messiah by the name of Satan, and His terminally ill earthly kingdom, whose days are numbered.
Revelation 13:17 says, “…and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Who are the Jesuits?
The Jesuits are represented by the beast of Revelation 13, which will enforce the Mark of the Beast. The Jesuits control all of the world’s financial organizations, such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the International Bank of Settlements; the Central Banks of almost every country in the world, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank; and they control the major banks and financial institutions, such as Citibank and Goldman Sachs. They control all this through their City-state, the City of London Corporation. So they can regulate who buys and sells in the New World Order.
Your Final Choice Will Determine Your Eternal Destiny
So, your eternal destiny primarily depends on whether you will kneel and worship the Anti-Messiah beast system. Taking the mark of the beast is a result of worshiping the beast.
If you believe you will be “raptured” out before the tribulation period and won’t have to face the beast system, you definitely want to read the Scripture study called the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Myth. The mark will identify which people belong to the Beast Power, as it will clearly show that they are subject to its authority.
The Jews in Germany had to wear a six-pointed star on the outside of their clothes so that they were easily identified. The hexagram represents Satan’s worship. Satan never seeks to establish his worship system upon the earth. He even tempted YAHUSHA to bow down and worship him. How much more will he lead people in the end times, either through deceit or enticement, to do the same? All to keep them tied to a false system and lose out on their eternal reward.
Most people aren’t going to worship Satan directly, so he uses other “elohim” (‘gods’) and ‘idols,’ and symbols to accept worship indirectly. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Seal of Solomon has been used by Arab Magicians, Cabalist Magicians, Druid witches, and Satanists. It’s the most powerful symbol used to invoke witchcraft, demons, and Satan. It’s used in magic, witchcraft, sorcery, occultism, alchemy, and astrologers’ casting of zodiacal horoscopes. In fact, the word ‘hex,’ as in to put a hex on someone, derives from the word hexagram.
According to former Satanist Bill Schnoebelen, who is now a Bible follower, “a hexagram must be present to call forth a demon,” and “it is a very powerful tool to invoke Satan.” It is no mystery that in all the occults, the hex plays a central role in Satan’s worship, and upon and within these covens, human sacrifices are offered to Satan. The hexagram, like the pentagram, is used in practices of the occult and ceremonial magic, and IT IS ATTRIBUTED TO THE SEVEN “OLD” PLANETS OUTLINED IN ASTROLOGY. The hexagram represents sun worship, which is Satan worship. The symbol is linked with sun worship and the sun god, which links back to the Mystery Religions.
Deuteronomy 4:19 says, “And beware, lest you lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun, and the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them and serve them.”
Satanic Sacrifices According to the Solar Wheel Dates
The Satanic Illuminati offers sacrifices to Satan on his revered days every year, which are based on the cycles of the Sun.
- 3/21 – A human sacrifice is required on the spring equinox.
- 4/19 – A fire sacrifice and a human sacrifice is to be made to the Beast. Note: the Oklahoma City bombing and the Waco Branch Davidian siege occurred on this date.
- 6/21 – A human sacrifice is required on the summer solstice, which is called Litha.
- 9/21 – A human sacrifice is required on the fall equinox, which is called Mabon.
- 12/21 – A human sacrifice is required on the winter solstice, which is called Yule.
Luciferians Revere the Hexagram
Luciferians don’t use the name Satan. They believe that Lucifer is the good god and that YAHUAH of the Scriptures is the evil god. Helena Blavatsky wrote that “Lucifer is the true God,” and she incorporated the hexagram in the emblem of the Theosophical Society, which she founded in 1875. The six-pointed Star is prominent in their logo, which includes the Swastika, the Ankh (cross with a circle representing eternal life), the Aum, and the Ouroboros (an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail). She believed that “There is no religion higher than (Lucifer’s) truth.” “The interlaced triangles, one (lighter) pointing upwards and the other (darker) pointing downwards, symbolize the descent of spirit into matter and its emergence from the confining limits of form. At the same time, they suggest the constant conflict between light and dark forces in nature and man. When, as in the emblem, the double triangle is depicted within the circle of the Serpent, the whole of manifested nature is represented, the universe bounded by the limitations of time and space.”
Satanists Revere the Hexagram
Aleister Crowley was a decadent, heroin-addicted, bisexual Satan worshiper who asked people to call him “The Beast 666.” He believed that he was literally the anti-messiah of the apocalypse. He founded the Satanic order of the Silver Star, and he designed the universal hexagram. His satanic motto was “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
Based on these associations, the conscious Bible and Torah believers should NEVER support anything using this symbol.
The Roman Catholic Church and the Hexagram
The Beast of Revelation, the Roman Catholic Church, uses the hexagram. As you will see, the Anti-Messiah Roman Catholic Church reveres the symbol, and every entity that they control uses it, too. This includes the Rothschild family, Freemasonry, Zionism, the state of Israel, and false religions. You can see the Satanic Hexagram prominently placed on the Pope’s miter. The miter is shaped like a fish mouth, representing Dagon, the Babylonian fish god.
In the mystery religions, both the forehead and hands were tattooed during rites of initiation to honor Dagon, whose hands and head were cut off by YAHUAH in ancient times. Read 1 Samuel 5:1-5. Now think about where the Mark of the Beast will be placed! On the forehead and hand, just as in the Mystery Religions.
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” – David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations.
Who are the Rothschilds?

Zionist’s Star of Moloch.
The Rothschilds funded the Zionist movement to create the State of Israel. The Jesuits control the State of Israel, the covert military arm of the Roman Catholic Church, through the Rothschild family. In 1895, Edmond James de Rothschild visited Palestine and subsequently supplied the funds to buy a great deal of property from the Turks and Arabs to found the first Jewish colonies in Palestine. In 1897, the Rothschilds founded the Zionist Congress to promote Zionism (a political movement with the sole aim of moving all Jews into a singularly Jewish nation-state). The “Rothschild Hexagram” was placed on the Zionist flag, which 51 years later ended up on the flag of Israel.
It was the Jesuits who engineered WWI and waited until 1917 when Britain was in trouble. They then promised the British government that they could get the United States to enter WWI (on the side of Britain) and thus ensure Britain’s victory over Germany et al. However, they wanted something in return: Palestine. Thus, the Balfour Declaration was created, which is an official letter from the British Government Foreign Secretary James Balfour to Baron Rothschild. It states that: “His Majesty’s government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object.” They needed Jews to move to Israel to make it all look legit, so they caused the persecution of Jews in Germany during WWII to get them to move to Palestine.
Ninety-seven percent of the people who call themselves Jews are not the descendants of Abraham at all, which is just another fraud that has been hoisted on the world by the Jesuits. You can read about the Ashkenazi Jews by reading the book “Jews Who Are Not Really Jews.” The Jesuits needed the land of Israel so they could control the Middle East oil reserves, and as you’ve seen, with the help of the U.S., Iraq, and Libya’s oil reserves were given to the elite, and an oil pipeline was run through Afghanistan.
New World Order Objective
They also needed to be able to overthrow the leaders of Islamic countries to replace them with Jesuit-controlled puppets, who would help bring each country into the New World Order. The U.S. has assisted in removing the leaders in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, etc., and the leaders of Syria and Iran are in the cross-hairs.
The modern State of Israel serves to mislead “Christians,” as they mistakenly believe that Israel is needed for the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy, “a seven-year tribulation period.” Our studies provide evidence that Yahusha, the Messiah, already fulfilled the 70th week of Daniel, so the foundation for the Jesuit deception about an end-time 7-year tribulation is entirely invalid. The house of Israel and the house of Judah were already regathered before Yahusha’s ministry began, so there is no need for an end-times regathering of the Jews in Israel. Ultimately, the Jesuits needed control of the land of Israel to be able to position their end times false Messiah [Anti-Christ] in Jerusalem, which is the central theme for three major religions.
[Inserted note by Kerrie French of Scripture speaks of the RETURN or Second Coming of the Messiah for His faithful followers who are among the living and the deceased of all ages. From my point of view, this is the GREAT GATHERING or HARVEST of the earth and is not specifically about Jews in the land of Israel. This is the focus of the entire Scripture narrative from Genesis to Revelation, of which Israel is a symbol, proclaiming the Messiah alone was to provide the REMEDY for SIN and eternal damnation by way of His MARVELOUS SACRIFICE upon the CROSS for all His human creation. Those who are ultimately gathered in will hold to His sacred TORAH LAW as supreme and have the testimony of their Messiah in their hearts. This is the description of true Israel (Yasharal). It always was and always will be.
“To the TORAH LAW and to the TESTIMONY [of Messiah]. If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light [truth] in them.” YeshaYAHU (Isaiah) 8:20
“Here is the PEACE of the RIGHTEOUS (zadok), here are they who keep the TORAH LAW and have the TESTIMONY of [YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah)]. Revelation 14:12
Shockingly, this two-part description found in both Isaiah 8:20 and Revelation 14:12 is not met in either faction of the modern Jews, whether in the land of Israel or not, nor is it met in any of the Christian church denominations. This is such an urgent subject to understand. Please read the article, The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of Yahuah Alahim.]

Original flag with the Menorah.
The Satanic Rothschilds put the hexagram on Israel’s flag as a replacement for the menorah. When the Flag of Israel was unveiled, it was met with tremendous opposition from Jews who realized this hexagram was used in the ancient mystery religions as the symbol of Moloch. The emblem on the flag is a blue-colored version of the Rothschild, “Red Hexagram or Sign.” The Star is on the flag because the Rothschilds own and control the State of Israel. The six-pointed star on Israel’s flag represents Satan, not the Star of David.
So it wasn’t YAHUAH, the Eternal Father, who created the modern State of Israel, allowing them to return to their land. It was Satan himself. Today, every major religion uses the hexagram.]
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Two insertions have been added by Kerrie French of