The Mark of the Beast or the Seal of Yahuah?
The Mark of the Beast
or the Seal of Yahuah?
We are entering the final battle over the hearts and souls of men. It is the arena of the New World Order, with its three factions divided into the Geo-Political, Geo-Religious, and Geo-Economic arenas. Under Satan’s direction, this global oligarchy will create a cataclysmic showdown against YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah) and His eternal Kingdom government. All humankind will be brought into the battle arena to decide who will sit on the throne of their heart. Who do you honor? Are you prepared for the most significant conflict this world has ever seen? If not, every minute is another chance to turn this around.
Your Creator and Redeemer love you with an everlasting love beyond what you can imagine. He has made every possible way for you to choose HIM and live forever in the kingdom prepared for you and all humble confessing sinners who seek His face and walk in His kingdom laws. The choice is between LAWS: Satan’s New World Order Laws vs. the TORAH LAW of YAHUAH Alahim and His Son YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah). One is born of rebellion, and the other of self-sacrificing love.
What is the MARK OF THE BEAST?
The Mark of the Beast is not a visible mark that you and I can see. During the final conflict, it will be revealed by the choices we individually make in our minds, symbolized by the “forehead,” and by the actions that those choices produce, as symbolized by our “right hand.” The MARK is, therefore, a result of our own choices to utterly reject and commit the unpardonable sin against the continual outreaching of YAHUAH Alahim and His Son, the Messiah, through the still small voice of His Ruach ha Kadosh (His power, presence, and provision). It is our choices that, in turn, willingly open the door to any vetting system the Luciferian New World Order desires to use to mark their subjects. These will be the only ones allowed to work, buy, sell, etc. No one outside yourself can give you the Mark of the Beast.
Based on the rumors of what is coming down the pike, it is likely that this New World Order elite will utilize and impose a tattoo QR code system, computer chip, or a series of vaccines loaded with nano-particles that can be used to control and monitor all its willing subjects. It appears that these injections and/or another method will also carry whatever digital system is necessary to allow participants to buy or sell using bitcoin, blockchain, or whatever the latest tool to control you might be. So those not participating in these control systems the world over will be left to die of starvation. Shocking as it may be, culling most of the population is on their agenda. But our Messiah and Savior will protect His own and has promised that our bread and water will be sure.
The important thing to remember is that no one can place the Mark of the Beast on anyone without their willing approval. It will be a combination of many choices over a period of time.
Who Receives the MARK OF THE BEAST?
Revelations 13 and 14 reveal who receives the Mark of the Beast. Everyone will receive it except for a very small group of people. Here is what Revelation says:
“And he [the Beast] causes ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17
Revelations 13 and 14 describe the dire situation for all who receive the Mark of the Beast. You can read it for yourself.
Who Won’t Receive the Mark?
Among the overwhelming majority who forfeit their eternal life for the ability to “buy and sell” for a short space of time in the global New World marketplace, there emerges a small group of believers who meet the following eight criteria as found in Revelation 14:1-5, 12, Exodus 13:9-10.
These eight criteria result from the decisions these individuals make, choice by choice over a period of time. But together, they become the vetting system for the Eternal Father, YAHUAH Alahim, and His Son, YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah). Ultimately, the individuals in this category are SEALED into both the Father and Son by their decisions to be faithful and obedient citizens of the ETERNAL KINGDOM GOVERNMENT while still on Earth. Together, this is the ETERNAL’S IMMUNIZATION and INOCULATION METHOD to ensure His faithful will not receive the MARK OF THE BEAST.
1. They stand upon MT. ZION, the mountain of lunar appointed time-measuring.
2. They have the FATHER’S NAME on their foreheads, which reads YAHUAH Alahim or Yahusha haMashiach.
3. They alone sing a new song that no man can learn except they themselves, the 144,000, which are redeemed from the Earth.
4. These are not defiled by “women,” which means they are not corrupted by the false Christian Churches, Rabbinical Pharisees, or pagan religion ideologies of Popes or false prophets, who have turned from the truth (Titus 1:14). (It has nothing to do with abstaining from marriage. The word “women” is a symbolic term for religious systems only in prophecy.)
5. “These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes.” Meaning they keep all the prophetic Feast Days as depicted in the Wilderness Sanctuary and later Temple ceremonies according to the correct full moon as the start of the calendar year and months as displayed throughout the Torah Law. This model alone typifies Salvation’s atoning work of the Messiah in the Temple courts above, from Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day in spring), counting 14 days to Passover (the day the promise of a sacrificial lamb was fulfilled), and onward to Tabernacles (Sukkot), and the Last Great Day (Yom Shimini).
6. In their mouth is found no guile, because they have confessed their sins and “have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb”, Yahusha haMashiach, the only Messiah. “And they overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives even unto death.” Revelation 12:11
7. These alone have shalom (peace) of the Zadok (Righteous), for they keep the entire TORAH LAW of YAHUAH Alahim and have the TESTIMONY OF YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah). Click here for an explanation of what is included in the Torah Law.
“It [PASSOVER] shall be for a SIGN TO YOU ON YOUR HAND and as a MEMORIAL BETWEEN YOUR EYES that YAHUAH’S TORAH LAW may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand YAHUAH has brought you out of Egypt [Babylon, Rome, and the New World Order]. You shall, therefore, keep this ordinance [PASSOVER] in its season (#4150 mo’edah – specific lunar appointed date) from year to year.” Exodus 13:9-10
Having faithfully met these criteria, like cause and effect, the Messiah’s obedient followers are then ultimately SEALED INTO THE ETERNAL KINGDOM, and they loved not their lives even unto death. But those who die will be resurrected. Their decisions to seek truth, as well as trust and obey Yahusha haMashiach, have become their covering of protection granted by the MOST HIGH. (Psalms 91:1-16). So why don’t these faithful receive the Mark of the Beast? Because they have chosen to follow by faith the Torah Law and have the Testimony of YAHUSHA the Messiah (Isaiah 8:20, Rev. 14:12) as born out in the Prophetic Feast Day blueprint, and explicitly PASSOVER. These are fulfilled in them as they seek and find His preordained calendar model, its original full New Moon, and the correct 14th day count to Passover. This was designed to celebrate it with their beloved Messiah for all eternity, just as did Moses, Aaron, and all of Yasharal (Israel) just before the Exodus.
Can I Just Say No to Receiving the Mark of the Beast?
Remarkably, just saying NO to receiving the Mark of the Beast is not enough. It requires proactive preparation of both a mental choice (memorial between your eyes) and of choosing to be faithful and obedient to YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah) so that He alone may sit upon the throne of their heart. Second, it requires obedience (a sign to you on your hand) to the Torah Law, which includes the Ten Commandments, the Statutes, Judgments, and Testimonies. And within these, His calendar model beaconed by the trinity of lights, of the sun, moon, and stars, is revealed.
He desires that those who seek Eternal Life with Him in His kingdom government will choose now to align their soul temples with His preordained worship rhythm. This begins each year in the spring with Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day), and each month commences upon the full moon as His original preordained New Moon. The seventh-day Sabbaths are lunar and are sequenced from one full New Moon to the next. All Feast Days are numbered or counted from the full New Moons, and each day is demarcated by its own unique lunar phase, from 1-29 or 30.
So the reality remains that all will receive the Mark of the Beast, who have not made the two-fold preparation in advance to receive the SIGN and SEAL of YAHUSHA haMashiach’s SAVED.
Two Vetting Requirements
While Yahusha haMashiach’s (the Messiah’s) load is easy and His burden is light, he has two vetting requirements for entering at the door of salvation and into His holy (Kadosh) city. It is succinctly described in both the Tanakh (O.T.) and Revelation (N.T.), describing this small group. So, might it be of the most significant relevance?
From the Tanakh (O.T.)
“To the TORAH LAW [of instruction] and to the TESTIMONY [of the Messiah and His shed blood on Passover, the 14th day counted from the New Moon]. If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light [truth] in them.” Isaiah 8:20
When all the worldly factions cry for PEACE and SAFETY, there will still be no PEACE among them. Only those who have honored the TORAH LAW, “washed their robes, and made them white in the Blood of the LAMB (true Messiah on Passover the 14th day counted from the full New Moon Day),” will have PEACE and are COMFORTED. Why? Because their eternal outcome is set, and they are already citizens of His ETERNAL KINGDOM.
Notice that Revelation 14:12 repeats the very same two criteria as found in Isaiah 8:20. But in its Greek translation, it was purposely altered by the Roman/Greek factions because they were remaining true to their Creed to have nothing whatever to do with the TORAH LAW of the JEWS or the original Hebrew sacred names, so they changed some terms and the Messiah’s name to Jesus Christ.
“Here is the patience [peace/shalom] of the saints [righteous/zadok], here are they who keep
the commandments[TORAH LAW of instruction] ofGod[Yahuah Alahim] and have the TESTIMONY ofJesus Christ[YAHUSHA haMashiach] [the Messiah who shed His blood for us]. Revelation 14:12
Note, the Greek word translated as commandments means (G#1785 – en-tol-ay – authoritative prescription). It does not specify the Ten Commandments only as many believe. Rather, it is a broad term that more likely includes the entire Torah Law of Instructions. Have you ever considered that our Messiah meant for His followers to “keep ALL His commands that you heard from the beginning that you should walk in them,” all 613, as referred to in 2 John 1:6?”
Call of the Two Witnesses
Together, these two verses define the two pillars of YAHUAH’S obedient followers. These stand as two witnesses that give power to YAHUAH Alahim’s vetting system, defining the criteria for who is saved and who is lost. These two principles will be the foundational call of the TWO WITNESSES, who come with power shortly, such as Moses and Elijah (Eliyahu).
Why the Jews Can’t Meet the Standard
The Jews were given every opportunity to have the fullness of these two witnesses cemented into their ideology through temple ceremonies and Scriptural Scrolls. Yet, as a people, they chose NOT to embrace YAHUSHA, the Lamb, as their Messiah. To this day, they continue deliberating over whether He will even come the first time. Even their Torah Law teachings have been tarnished or traded for the Babylonian Talmud and Mishna teachings with their oral traditions, entirely at odds with the divine word. What a sad state of affairs is theirs. THEY HAVE NO MESSIAH AND, AS A RESULT, HAVE NO PORTION IN THE LIFE HEREAFTER unless they humbly seek to return and be restored, in the same manner as everyone else!
Why the Christians Fall Short
Early in the 4th century A.D., Roman Emperor Constantine was so fed up with the Jews that He inaugurated a CREED, from which all the daughter Christian churches have subscribed.
Creed of Constantinople Church
“I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspirations, purifications, sanctifications, and propitiations, and fasts and New Moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants, and observances, and synagogues.
Absolutely everything Jewish, every [TORAH] Law, rite and custom and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Cain and the leprosy of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable. And may I be an anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils.” Stefano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium Martyrum Orientalium at Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105. [Emphasis mine]
Single-handedly, Constantine’s CREED dictated for all the following generations who identified as Christian, either Catholic or Protestant, that “they are no longer under the TORAH LAW.” This was then neatly welded into a storyline of being “under GRACE and not under the LAW,” or even “the Law ended at the Cross.” But folks, nothing is further from the truth. The only one laughing is Satan, as removing this pillar of faith from the masses of Bible followers, he determined that he has more than a 50/50 chance of tricking you right out of an eternal reward and to the great sorrow of your Messiah.
Both the Jews and the Christians are standing on a single-footed and shaky platform. Both need an overhaul and restoration onto the solid foundation of His TWO WITNESS PILLARS OF FAITH, PURE PERFECT AND UNDEFILED. Absolutely, no one will enter at the PEARLY GATES into the Holy City of YAHUAH Alahim and His only begotten Son, Yahusha haMashiach, who continues to deny this dual premise of honoring the TORAH LAW of instruction and have the TESTIMONY of YAHUSHA the Messiah, that was so well laid out in Isaiah 8:20 and Revelation 14:12.
Strikingly, PASSOVER is the juncture and intersection of both the TORAH LAW and the TESTIMONY of YAHUSHA haMashiach. It alone reveals the POWER, the PROMISE, and the PROVISION of what the ETERNAL FATHER and SON have provided. Together in their GREAT LOVE AND COMPASSION, they have made every provision for you and me to discover the truth, humbly confess our sins, and seek the PATHWAY OF UNTO ETERNAL LIFE. The lamb sacrifice that began in Eden met its fulfillment in YAHUSHA haMashiach on the same date of the 14th of Abib, 4,000 years later, as counted from the full New Moon of Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day in spring). There is no other way to conquer the power of evil and sin except through the BLOOD OF THE PASSOVER LAMB, YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH.
This is why PASSOVER is the only SIGN AND SEAL of YAHUAH Alahim’s righteous and obedient people throughout all generations. Below is the sacred directive for all people of all generations, and not for the Jews only.
“It [PASSOVER] shall be for a SIGN to you ON YOUR HAND and AS A MEMORIAL BETWEEN YOUR EYES that YAHUAH’S TORAH LAW may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand YAHUAH has brought you out of Egypt [New World Order]. You shall, therefore, keep this ordinance [PASSOVER] in its season (#4150 mo’edah – fixed appointed lunar time) from year to year.” Shemot (Exodus) 13:9-10
The church that I grew up in continues to tout that “Saturday,” as their seventh-day Sabbath, is the “Seal of (God). They declare it to be the antidote, the only method whereby anyone may avoid the Mark of the Beast, which they claim is Sunday worship. But here are the facts:
- Neither Saturday nor Sunday are recorded anywhere in Scripture, nor is their Roman solar worship rhythm supported. However, there is a reference in Amos 5:26 to Chiun, the star of SATURN, connecting “Saturday” to a heathen worship practice, the cause for which Yasharal (Israel) went into Babylonian captivity. Otherwise, we have only acquired these planetary terms because we have bought into the Roman replacement calendar paradigm, which in turn adopted many Babylonian ideologies. Would the Eternal Father judge the entire world based upon a tug-of-war between two opposing days, which are both products of the same pagan calendar system that are not even mentioned in Scripture once? NO! NO! A THOUSAND TIMES NO!
- The original New Moon and authentic lunar seventh-day Sabbath have always existed in the eternal Kingdom from one New Moon to another and even prior to sin on earth. (Isaiah 66:23, Ezekiel 46:1-3.) Keeping the New Moon and true lunar Sabbath holy is a sign of faithfulness and obedience to the MOST HIGH. But the Sabbath existed in eternity before this earth was created or sinned. Therefore, the Sabbath was NEVER designed as the mechanism to restore sinful mankind back to the Eternal Father. As a result, it cannot be the antidote to sin.
- So, what was designed as the antidote to sin? NEWS FLASH! THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB! The SON of the LIVING YAHUAH Alahim, YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah), the LAMB (our Messiah) was preordained to enter upon Earth’s stage to lay down His life as atonement for sinful mankind, that you and I may be restored to YAHUAH Alahim and His STANDARD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (His Ten Commandments), which includes the lunar seventh-day Sabbath.
Through the synchronization of LUNAR APPOINTED TIME & EVENT, PASSOVER (the annual slaying of the Lamb) was to prefigure in types and shadows the SIGN & SEAL for sinners of a hope beyond the grave. PASSOVER alone was ordained to tie the sinner to their Savior for all eternity, not a false pagan holy day such as Saturn’s-Day.
- It was through the BLOOD of the LAMB, YAHUSHA haMashiach, who laid down His life as a sacrifice for confessing sinners that we may be clothed with His ROBES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and be counted worthy of entrance into the Holy City, the New Jerusalem at His Second Coming.
- As counted 14 days from the full New Moon, PASSOVER is the single PROPHETIC event that: A) Fulfills the PROMISE of the Torah Law. B) It identifies the original calendar model. C) It signifies the authentic full New Moon lunar phase. D) It declares the Sabbath is lunar. E) And it gives glory and honor to the one and only authentic Messiah by the only NAME under heaven whereby we must be saved. YAHUSHA haMashiach is our PASSOVER LAMB!!!
- All others who claim to be the Messiah but come in another name, such as the name of “Jesus Christ,” and purport to die on a Friday and rise on a Sunday of the replacement Roman calendar are all frauds. The name Jesus Christ and the witty Roman calendar invention were both created by Emperor Constantine nearly 300 years after the sacrifice of our Messiah. These replacements were provided in his quest to remove all things Jewish (Hebrew) and the Torah Law from the New Testament narrative. As a result, all ‘Christian Churches’ today are founded upon erroneous principles of a pagan kind.
Only One Calendar Locates the Authentic Passover
So the question… From which calendar do we locate the authentic Passover of YAHUAH Alahim and Yahusha haMashiach (the Messiah)? Many factions are vying for a position to produce their own scripted calendar version of sacred times, including Passover and all the Feast Days. Will any calendar model facilitate this most vital puzzle piece, completing our Creator’s blueprint of The Plan of Salvation? Might it be the Mayan calendar, Chinese, French Renaissance, Russian, Peruvian, or Roman Beast calendar? Is it the modern Rabbinical Pharisee calendar with its dark conjunction New Moon, which they adopted in 358 B.C. when their Roman captors forced them to change their calendar and its divinely appointed prophetic time-measuring model? Or might it be the crescent as found among the Karaite Jews, Hebrew Roots, Islam, Wiccans, and Messianic groups today? Scripture weighs in on this vital question with a consistent and concise answer: “NONE OF THE ABOVE!”
It All Begins With the Correct Lunar Phase
Scripture outlines in definitive language a calendar prepared from the foundation of the Earth for humanity to synchronize their soul temples to that of His eternal worship rhythm. The signal is as a LIGHT on a hill that rules by night and enters at the EAST GATE, designed that all may see and know. NEWS FLASH! It has always been the FULL MOON. The full moon was ordained as the icon for the Messiah, a reflection of the fullness of the FATHER. Refer to the article, The East-West Time Continuum.

All lunar phases are viewed oppositely between the Northern and Southern hemispheres on any given night. While the conjunction lunar phase remains invisible, the brilliant full moon alone presents itself to both hemispheres equally on the same night.
Stunningly, this single lunar phase light source is witnessed in the same shape and brilliant fullness in both hemispheres within the same 24-hour rotation of the Earth once each lunar month. Thus, it can be the only visual announcement to all the world as the Creator’s Lunar International Dateline (C.L.I.D.). So it is that the Creator’s Calendar, with its full moon as the original New Moon, sets the time on Earth as it is in heaven (shamayim) above. Now is the time to check this out and test it for yourselves so that you may know that YAHUSHA haMashiach (your Messiah) continues to lead you ever upward and onward where He, the LAMB, is the LIGHT OF THAT GREAT CITY. HalleluYAH!!!
The Secret to Receiving the Seal of Yahuah Has Been Provided
In His great love and compassion for His children, Yahusha haMashiach has provided the secret to receiving His SEAL and stamp of His authority in your life through His blood spilled on Passover the 14th, counted from the full New Moon Day. If you follow this road map, you will not receive the MARK OF THE BEAST. He has made every attempt to provide salvation for all, but only a few will fortify themselves with the truth to stand for Him and one day with Him.
Only a few will be willing to review how they may have been led astray with a counterfeit calendar, pseudo-sacred day, and a false antidote to receiving the Mark of the Beast. This is a complex reality to face and admit. But you are not alone. Scripture tells us that “All the World” has been deceived.” Otherwise, there would be no need to call them out. Only a few can humbly consider their error, as we were all deceived. And because getting it right is more important than clinging to the past view and pretending to be right, they will use every passing minute to turn it all around. The new light of this LUNAR TRUTH is far greater than continuing in a life of deception as a willing prisoner of a false church system of the Roman Beast power kind and its counterfeit calendar. These will take up the banner and restore the Creator’s full New Moon Days, lunar Sabbaths, and Feast Days to align their soul temples with His Kingdom and eternal worship rhythm. HalleluYAH!!!
All have been deceived in multiple ways, but we have time now during the COVID-19 lockdown and beyond to focus on things of eternal weight. The TWO WITNESSES of the TORAH LAW and the TESTIMONY OF YAHUSHA THE MESSIAH are encapsulated in the FEAST OF PASSOVER, as the SEAL OF YAHUAH. By honoring this Feast Day (and all the others), we show YAHUAH Alahim that we seek faithfulness to Him alone through our thoughts and actions regarding His blood sacrifice of His only begotten Son and an ETERNAL REWARD IN HIS KINGDOM GOVERNMENT.
I pray that you take this seriously and make every desire of your heart known to Yahuah Alahim, that you find the path of truth and never look back.
I look forward to the day we meet on the Sea of Glass and eat from the Tree of Life in the company of our dear Messiah.
“YAHUAH will give strength to His people; YAHUAH will bless His people with PEACE (SHALOM).” Tehilim (Psalms) 29:11
That seal is the Robe or Covering of Yahusha, the Messiah’s shed blood, and time-centric to it is honoring the lunar date of Passover, the 14th day counted from the full New Moon of Rosh Hashanah in spring.
For details on the authentic Creator’s Calendar beaconed by the full moon, visit
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