The East-West Time Continuum
The East-West Time Continuum
In modern times, all maps and directions are oriented to NORTH, but in ancient Biblical times, all things recorded in Scripture and among the Hebrew people were oriented to EAST. Why might this be? And why was it changed throughout most of the world? Discover what the orientation to the East has to do with the ruling SUN by DAY and the MOON and STARS by NIGHT. How might this orientation define the original and authentic start of years, lunar months (H#2320 – chodesh – new moon, lunar month), days, and the specific first day of the lunar month?
Hebrew Definition of East
The Hebrew word “EAST” is “kedem/qedem.” From both Strong’s and Brown-Driver-Brigg’s Hebrew Lexicons, we discover that the Hebrew word kedem H#6924 is a direct reference to EAST, as a point on the compass. But simultaneously and intrinsically, it relates to a point in TIME, not just any point. “EAST” is specifically tied to the “front, beginning, and before.” None of the other compass points identify as “the beginning, the front, or that which is before.” (See Hebrew definitions below.)
The East Gate of the Garden and the Temple
The Garden of Eden was placed eastward, and after Adam and Eve were driven out because of sin, the Cherubims with flaming swords were placed at the East Gate to guard the entrance to the Tree of Life. In like manner, 2,500 years later, the wilderness Sanctuary and later the Temple, where mankind’s sins are atoned for, were also oriented to the East, with its most prominent entrance gate on the east side. This is the symbolic entrance gate and pathway of the Messiah.
It is by entering at the East Gate and following the east-west time continuum of the restorative work of the Messiah on our behalf that anyone may truly “follow the Lamb” wherever He goes.” This is the ordained process of the sanctuary/temple. It is redemption’s word picture and storyline in types and shadows to illustrate the prophetic Blueprint of the Plan of Salvation, a necessary feature for restoring all that was lost.
All are invited to enter at the East Gate, which is opened for assembly on New Moon Days, seventh-day Sabbaths, and lunar appointed Feast Days. But on all other regular workdays, the East Gate is closed. A fact not otherwise noticed is that the East Gate of the earthly Temple is always aligned to the rhythm of the full moon and its four lunar monthly Sabbaths. (Ezekiel 46:1-3) In this way, the earthly Sanctuary, Tabernacle, and Temples mirrored the time mechanism beaconed from the heavens.
The Front and What Comes Before
EAST is the most vital point on a compass as it marks the “beginning and the front” of the east-west time continuum. The daily and perpetual sacrifices for confessed sin occurred in the easterly most end of the Temple. The Kadosh Kadoshim (Holy of Holies) and the ark of the covenant were located at its farthest, westerly end. Therefore, the sinner needed an advocate high Kohen priest to take the blood from the sacrifice and carry it all the way to the farthest west end and sprinkle it upon the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant to atone for it one time each year on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). And then return the blessing of forgiveness from the West to the East. If this were not accomplished, the sinner would have no hope and remain without forgiveness.
From the Book of Mysteries
In his book, “Book of Mysteries,” Jonathan Cahn relates wisdom from his teacher as follows:
“The earth is a sphere . . . and it turns on its axis on an east-west continuum. Therefore, the earth has a north pole and a south pole, but no east or west pole.”
“There is a measurable distance from the south pole to the north pole. Since there are two poles, the distance is limited. All north comes to an end at the North Pole. And all south ends at the South Pole.
If the Temple had been built on a north-south continuum, then sin would have been removed a few thousand miles from the sinner, in a limited distance. But how far is the east from the west? East and West have no poles. Therefore, they never end. East and west are infinite. They go on forever. In fact, the Hebrew word for the EAST, kedem, also means everlasting.”
“But back then no one knew the earth was a SPHERE.”
“Alahim (God) did. And all this is a shadow of the atonement of Messiah, our salvation. So in Messiah, how far does Alahim (God) remove your sins from you? An infinity away . . . an eternity away. And if you had all eternity, you could never find them again. As it is written, ‘So far has He removed our sins away from us . . . AS FAR AS THE EAST IS FROM THE WEST.’”
The temple and its ceremonies performed on earth were to provide a word picture and story-line in types and shadows to illustrate the real work of salvation provided by our Messiah on the east-west time continuum. He alone was to be the Lamb sacrifice, the atoning High Kohen Priest, and the Eternal Father the Judge.
Together, they have promised to the confessing sinners, who received forgiveness, “So far has He removed our sins away from us . . . AS FAR AS THE EAST IS FROM THE WEST.” Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn
Sun, Moon, and Stars Start their Rule on the same East-West Time-Continuum
The sun, moon, and stars were placed in the heavens to rule at their appointed time according to the boundary markers of the exact same east-west time continuum.
To define the DAY, the greater light (the SUN) rules and measures time by daylight, from sunrise to sunset (east to west). The lesser light (specifically the full New/Renewed Moon) was ordained to rule and measure time by night together with the stars, from sunset to sunrise. This was to define the parameters of the darkness of night but also the start of the lunar month. The moon and stars rule together from east to west without the presence of the SUN one night only per month. This demonstrates that the SUN, MOON, and STARS visual display was stunningly ordained to begin their rule on the east-west time continuum, for which the prophetic Temple system was synchronized.
The east-west time continuum identifies the start of YEARS, lunar MONTHS, lunar WEEKS, and the rising and setting of each unique lunar phase designed to demarcate one day from the next for 29-30 DAYS. Even the start of the DAY was permanently linked to the east with the sun’s rising. The starting points in the east set the Creator’s authentic calendar model apart from all the other calendars of the world, whether modern or from antiquity. All the pagan time-measuring systems have been removed from their eastern bearings. Add to this that most fraudulent units of time are born of darkness or a mixture of light and dark. Meanwhile, each of the three of the Creator’s ruling LIGHTS rule in their brilliant fullness.
From the EAST unto the WEST points on the compass, THE FULL MOON IS AUTHENTICATED as the NEW MOON (announcing the start of the lunar month). It is the only visible and light-bearing lunar phase that spans the night sky from EAST to WEST, ruling the entire night in opposition to the sun (after sunset), to fulfill Genesis 1:16, Psalms 136:7-9, Jeremiah 31:35-36, and Revelation 12:1.
Note that the night of the full moon is the last night of the month. In its brilliance during the dark of night, it announces that at sunrise, the new month will begin. It can be easily verified at the moment of sunrise when the sun and moon give a nod to each other before the full moon sets in the west. This is the announcement that the New Month has begun.
Isaiah 28 Explains How to Recognize the Authentic New Moon
“Therefore thus says YAHUAH Alahim, ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a foundation a stone [used of the Messiah and the full New Moon], a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation:
And you shall appoint this ordinance and divine law [of the full New Moons] for the measuring-line and righteousness [obedience] for the plummet. And together, these [full New Moon & Messiah] shall sweep away Yahuah’s judgments, as a refuge from falsehoods and deception, and a shelter of protection.
Waters shall wash away and cancel your alliance with death, and your compact with hell shall not be carried out. A scourge of national judgment will rush in, then they shall cause it to cease to exist [the full New Moon Corner-stone], these [the full New Moons] will become forgotten and trodden under foot.
From out of their abundance [the fully waxed New Moons] they shall CROSS OVER [cross over the night sky & syzygy line of opposition to the sun], and it shall be your SIGN MARKER from first to last. For assuredly with sunrise on the morrow, they shall CROSS OVER [cross over the syzygy line of opposition to the sun] in the daylight. But by night it shall be the established beacon, yet surely, an object of controversy to understand and heed the announcement.” Isaiah (YeshiYahu) 28:16-19
Refer to – The Creator’s Calendar Restored Text
Which Light was Ordained for Sacred Assemblies?
The first chapter of Genesis provides the time stamp for all our Creator’s time units. The astro-luni-solar calendar mechanism in the shamayim (heavens) is the only calendar identified in Scripture. It is the perpetual motion of this trinity of LIGHTS, with their TIME-CENTRIC interlocking gear system of the sun, moon, and stars, that was established by Yahuah Alahim (Eternal Father) at Creation. Earth was marvelously placed within the center of this dynamic calendar and clock system to ensure worship synchronization between heaven and earth, the Creator and the created.
No wall calendars, wrist watches, or international datelines were needed because all were perfectly incorporated into the rhythm of the lights high above and out of the reach of man and beast. Each unit of time was ordained to fit perfectly into the next larger unit with no overlapping. This is because they were all beaconed by the same trinity of lights in a marvelous pattern and rhythm that set each apart. This reality alone provides a consistent and visual platform through which mankind may meet with the Creator for all His appointed times.
“And Alahim said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the shamayim (heavens) to divide the day from the night; and let them be for SIGNS (#226 – oth = remembrances with a distinguishing mark); SEASONS (#4150 – mo’edim = lunar appointed time of worship assemblies); DAYS (#3117 – yom = 12 hour days followed by the four watches of night); and YEARS (#8141 – shanah = year as a measure of time)…” Genesis 1:14
The Psalmist provides evidence that the term translated as “seasons” (#4150-mo’ed) in Genesis 1:14 directly refers to lunar appointed times of worship assembly. This is because the Creator ordained the MOON to beacon its glorious light (as opposed to darkness) from which all the appointed times of worship assembly are counted.
“He ordained the MOON for ‘seasons’ (#4150 – mo’ed = lunar appointed times)…” Psalms 104:19
The above verse should say in plain English: “He ordained the MOON for lunar appointed times.” By extension, all appointed times are lunar because our Creator ordained the moon to govern them.
Interestingly enough, before the fall in the Garden, the only lunar appointed times of worship were the New Moon Day and the lunar Sabbath. After the fall, a regular lamb sacrifice was instituted on the 14th of Abib to occur each year unto perpetuity as evidence of the long-promised Messiah, the LAMB of Yahuah, to take away the sins of the world. At the time of Yasharal’s (Israel’s) Exodus from Egypt, this sacrifice was restored and given the named Passover (Pasch). But it has previously existed as the great sign of the coming Messiah. Within the next several months of Yasharal’s wilderness journey, all the other lunar appointed times of worship assemblies (prophetic annual Feast Days) were appointed and named.
Following the Exodus from Egypt, these LIGHTS synchronized the Kohen’s (priestly) work with the sun, moon, and stars, first in the wilderness Sanctuary and later in the temple at Yarushalom (Jerusalem). These LIGHTS perpetually beaconed the rhythm of all the Most High’s appointed and sacred days, monthly, weekly, and yearly. All other calendars have divorced aspects of these guiding LIGHTS, favoring the modern witty calendar invention of men instead. The surest sign of an artificial unit of time is that it either is not beaconed by the LIGHTS and/or is not a subdivision of the next larger unit of time.
Artificial time was proactively crafted to remove the Creator from time and man from the binding claims of His Torah Laws. This was the great assault on the worship calendar declared first by Lucifer in Isaiah 14:13 and later spoken of by the prophet Daniel in Daniel 7:25. For if the method of measuring time could be altered, at least in the people’s minds, Lucifer could successfully throw a wrench in the Creator’s plan of restoring mankind through His remedy for sin.
But despite all the calendar chaos that was to occur, the reality is that Yahuah chose to utilize this apparent time-altered problem as part of His end-time test of faithfulness.
It is this subject for which the process of restoring His authentic calendar time-keeping method will show forth His true, faithful, and obedient followers who hear His voice, in contrast to those who, under peer pressure, will continue to follow an assortment of church dogmas on a solar calendar, keeping either Saturday or Sunday as the Sabbath and utterly ignoring His sacred Full New Moon Days, and lunar appointed Feast Days. In essence, these would rather follow after the manmade systems of the world, illustrating that they utterly lack spiritual discernment.
How Did the East Orientation Change?
But how did it all change? Apparently, the orientation to the East was originally changed by non-Hebrews and non-believers, first in Babylon, Egypt, and Rome. Some say the change was attributed to Ptolemy of Alexandria, Egypt. But the Dead Sea Scrolls provide evidence that there were calendar wars among some factions long before the first and second century A.D. And no doubt among other nations as well. The Romans took up the banner to utterly eliminate all things within their power and jurisdiction with any ties to the meaningful traditions of the hated Jewish captives and their Torah Law of instructions. But most predominately, changing the calendar was the surest method of undermining the marvelous PLAN OF SALVATION, the compassionate system our Creator ordained to synchronize earthlings with His unique worship rhythm contained only in His east-west time-measuring model. Later, the Rabbinical Jews succumbed to the pressure to change their calendar, which forever compromised their orientation to the east and their ties to their original mission on earth, to guard and protect the sacred and set-apart oracles of Yahuah.
“Claudia Ptolemy (90-168 AD), a classical Greek cartographer was credited with creating the first known atlas. His collection of cartography in Geographia was an early example of orienting maps towards the north. North orientation came back into favor during the Great Age of Exploration with the need for seafaring explorers to orient themselves with their compasses. The importance of orienting maps towards the north was a reflection of the importance of knowing where magnetic north was. Today, a north orientation is commonplace among many cartographers and almost all online mapping applications.” Wikipedia
The William Miller Paradigm
So now you, too, have discovered why the Scriptural Calendar was oriented to the East. It was the pre-ordained pathway designed for the continued honor of the MOST HIGH, the CREATOR, through the starting points of the sun, moon, and stars as they visibly and consistently arise to rule the shamayim (heavens) at their ordained time. This system is beaconed from the full moon as the authentic New Moon and the start of lunar years and lunar months and is the only visible lunar phase that enters on the east-west time continuum.
The theme of orienting to the east continues as it honors the placement of the Garden of Eden, mankind’s first home, and the East Gate of the Temple/Sanctuary. Still, further, the wilderness Sanctuary model and later temples all faced east to portray the door of entrance through which Salvation’s faithful and obedient must enter to synchronize their soul temples to that of their beloved Messiah. Its ceremonies and symbolism of time and event portray the correct placement of the prophetic lunar appointed Feast Days. THE EAST GATE is the door and Salvation’s only ordained pathway and mechanism for following the Lamb wherever He goes (Revelation 14:4).
This blood-stained trail of promise fulfills mankind’s restoration narrative from beginning to end and is made manifest by the true anointed Messiah, our Lamb, Priest, and King. All Scripture’s evidence, along with salvation’s east-west perpetual time continuum, declares that the Full Moon announces the New Year and New Month, along with the correct count to the seventh-day Sabbath, essentially establishing all days to be lunar. This brilliant lunar phase, first arising in the east, announces the New Moon Day and the beginning of the new month when it reaches the west at sunrise. Note sunrise is the begging of each new day including New Moon Day. As a result, ALL-TIME UNITS, AS WELL AS PROPHETIC APPOINTED TIME, BEGIN IN THE EAST! HALLELUYAH!!! Refer to: The Blood Stained Trail of Promise.
What You Learned in this Article
What might this East-west time-continuum reveal about the original and authentic New Moon and the start of lunar months?
- The Hebrew word for east (kedem H#6924) means front, beginning, and what comes before.
- The Garden of Eden was oriented to East as well as the wilderness sanctuary and later temples.
- All time units are oriented to the EAST and are manifest by the sun, moon, and stars as they arise.
- The SUN, STARS, and MOON only rule the heavens when they are VISIBLE, rising in the east and setting in the west.
- The Psalmist writes in Psalms 104:19, “He ordained the MOON for SEASONS (#4150 – mo’ed = specific lunar appointed times)...” Meaning that ALL HOLY DAYS are appointed by the MOON.
- The east and west are opposites. This is how when you are forgiven it is said that “your sins are removed as far as the east is from the west.”
- Any calendar that utilizes the moon but begins its lunar count either when the sun is present or when that lunar phase (dark or crescent) is in the west, it is the surest sign of an unorthodox calendar system not ordained by the Father of Lights (James 1:17).
- Our Creator has never changed what He set forth at creation. Only rebellious mankind has done this to provide mankind with a well-groomed but faulty paradigm.
- Only one lunar phase meets all the criteria of rising in the east with stars and ruling together all night long.
- The Karaite Jews begin their month with a crescent moon in the western sky as it is setting.
- The Rabbinical Pharisee Jews begin their lunar month according to a a dark moon during the daylight instead of by night.
- The Romans have eliminated the moon for measuring time altogether, and set up a calendar in all ways opposed to the Torah Law of Yahuah.
- William Miller believed the end of the 2,300 day prophecy would end in 1844 with the Messiah’s Return. While he was correct to utilize Biblical lunar time-measuring, neither the event nor the methods considered for His return were accurate according to Scripture.
May Yahuah continue to guide you as you seek to synchronize your soul temple to that of the FATHER OF LIGHTS (James 1:17) and salvation’s prophetic time-centric revelations.
For more on when the day begins, refer to the following articles: