The Creator’s Calendar Portal
The Creator’s Calendar Portal
Embark on a transformative journey into a truth deliberately concealed, a reality so profound that its authentication may appear stranger than fiction.
This platform is devoted to unveiling the Creator’s Calendar, an intricate celestial arrangement divinely ordained during the week of creation comprising a harmonious trinity of the sun, moon, and stars. This unique astro-luni-solar gear system was ingeniously designed to herald the entrance and exits of our Creator’s YEARS, MONTHS, WEEKS, and DAYS. Remarkably, ALL DIVISIONS OF TIME were originally designed to unfold from FULL MOON TO FULL MOON, initiating the springtime Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day) annually, along with lunar months, lunar weeks, and the lunar count of days on our spherical Earth (Genesis 1:14-16, Exodus 12:1-4, Psalms 104:19).
Emerging from the rubble left behind by the popularized Roman solar calendar, which commences its year near the winter solstice and has divorced itself from the lunar prescription, the Creator’s unique model stands apart. It also distinguishes itself from the modern Rabbinical Jewish calendar, which is now anchored in the Babylonian dark conjunction lunar phase or crescent. This ancient solar calendar model and its dark new moon deviated 180 degrees from the Scriptural Full Moon and constellation time stamp as early as the third generation after the great flood. However, in the 4th century A.D., when in Roman captivity, this time-measuring model was adopted by the Jews along with the Roman continuous weekly cycle.
This platform delves into the captivating narrative of how the original Full Moon as the start of lunar years and months, the genuine lunar seventh-day Sabbath, and the sacred lunar Feast Days of Scripture’s Torah Law have been taken hostage by the Romans and Jews alike. In response, our mission is to heed the call for restoration and return the Creator’s calendar and sacred days to their rightful places.
“And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in.” YeshaYAHU (Isaiah) 58:12
These time-centric truths emerge as vital puzzle pieces and stepping stones for the elect in Earth’s final conflict, preparing them for the eternal Kingdom. Join us in this exploration and restoration journey!
“A truth’s initial commotion
is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed.
When a well-packaged web of lies
has been sold gradually to the masses over generations,
the truth will seem utterly preposterous
and its speaker, a raving lunatic.”
~ Dresden James
An Invitational
You are invited to take your time and browse through the pages of this website. The evidence herein is staggering as it has been gathered from Scriptural, historical, and astronomical sources. In His compassion, our Eternal Father, YAHUAH Alahim/Elohim, continues to reveal more profound insights to prepare His faithful for His imminent RETURN. No one will be left with an excuse. There’s a wealth of knowledge awaiting your discovery, and we trust that the truth you encounter will empower you with the courage and fortitude to share this urgent and divine message with your family and friends.
This empirical testimony in the cosmos revolves around the Creator’s genuine and heavenly ordained timekeeping model, intricately linked to His Bridal Covenant and wonderous Plan of Salvation. Through the interplay of TIME & EVENT, the REMEDY for SIN, as orchestrated by our Messiah, unfolds in the tapestry of Temple ceremonies and finds explicit expression in the seven annual Feast Days. While all of His appointed times were designed to synchronize His obedient earthlings to His worship rhythm, the seven annual Feast Days are specific to Salvation’s mechanism designed to RESTORE mankind back to His Standard of Righteousness and His Kingdom government. Only those who “have eyes to see and ears to hear” will be willing to synchronize their soul temples to His time-centric PLAN and respond succinctly to the midnight call. Soon, the call will be heard, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go you out to meet Him!” As the parable of the wise and foolish virgins testifies, these faithful will arise, trim their lamps, and enter at the door while it remains open, at the specific space of time.
While you were sleeping, time passed quickly by,
First the sun, then the moon, and all the stars in the sky.
Celestial bodies revolving, ever onward to show,
His magnificent timepiece, from its EAST to WEST flow.
Matthew 25:5; Genesis 1:14-18; Psalms 19:1-3; Psalms 97:6-7;
Placed in the heavens, at the Creator´s command,
They brought joy and harmony, throughout the whole land.
If this weren’t enough, He portioned the moon’s light,
For lunar years, lunar months, and lunar Sabbaths delight.
Genesis 1:14-18; 1 Chronicles 23:3-32; Exodus 12:1-3;
Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23; Psalms 81:3
Lost and Forgotten
Although nearly lost and forgotten, the Creator’s calendar and clock in the shamayim (heavens) have continued since time on earth began primarily to declare the majesty of YAHUAH Alahim (Psalms 19:1-4). But also, this single preordained calendar is a call to worship according to the prescriptive rhythm of His unchanging astro-luni-solar time-measuring model.
Consistent New Moon and Sabbath markers are exhibited in the storylines of Creation, the Covenant of Abraham, the Exodus from Egypt, and most explicitly, the crucifixion of our Messiah. Shockingly, each portrays the original first day of the lunar month with the full moon, followed by the Sabbath as a subdivision of the lunar month.
“Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), both periodically recur in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle… Originally the New Moon was celebrated in the same way as the Sabbath.” Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Holidays,” Volume 5, p. 410.
“The period of New Moon was, in pre-exilic [pre-Babylonian Talmudic] times, celebrated by the cessation of labor; it was superior even to the Sabbath-day, which formed but a part of it [four Sabbaths within its lunar cycle] (see I Sam. xx. 18-34; II Kings iv. 23; Amos viii. 5; Hos. ii. 13 [A. V. 11]; Ezek. xlvi. 3); but it lost its importance during the [Babylonian and later Roman] exile and was observed mainly as the determining factor of the calendar with its festivals… In the Temple, New Moon was celebrated by special sacrifices [which differentiated it from work days and seventh-day Sabbaths] (Num. xxviii. 11-15; II Chron. ii. 4, viii. 13; Ezra iii. 5; Neh. x. 33) and by the blowing of the trumpet (Num. x. 10)…”,Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906 Edition, New Moon, Kaufmann Kohler, Vol. 9, p. 243.
Prophetic East-West Time Continuum
From the beginning of Genesis 1:16, we find that the greater light (sun) rules the DAY. This means the visible sun rules the daylight from east to west and never from west to east during the night. The stars rule from east to west for the entire night. This means that just as the sun and starry constellations visibly arise in the east to rule, so too does the brilliant full moon rise and rule from the east to west without the presence of the sun. This means that the sun has already set on the night the moon beacons the start of the new month. Only one lunar phase meets this criterion, as it appears in its brilliance and journeys across the starry heavens from horizon to horizon.
New Moon and Renewed Moon Terminology Options
The term New Moon has been defined as the dark lunar phase for nearly 1,700 years. When the Rabbinical Jews adopted the dark lunar phase in the 4th century A.D. to represent the start of lunar months, they simply applied the Biblical Hebrew term (chodesh H#2320) to it, which means “new.” Much later, the Karaite Jews adopted the first visible crescent and called it “new” as well. When the Bibles began to be translated into English, etc., “Chodesh” was translated as New Moon. So, with both options being one day apart and being called new, it determined that the full moon that occurs 14-15 days later within this lunar month cycle was to be called the renewed moon. Yet, nowhere in all of Scripture is the term chodesh literally tied to either the dark or the crescent. Rather, these are both new moon wannabees.
But this wasn’t always the case, as you will discover in this article and website. For the previous 4,000 years, the start of the month had been the full moon, the only lunar phase honored and guarded by YAHUAH’s faithful followers.
The Strong’s Hebrew definition: (H#2320 – Chodesh – חדשׁ – the new moon, month, monthly, 1a) the first day of the month, 1b) the lunar month).
The Strong’s Hebrew definition: (H#2318 – Chodash – חדשׁ – to be new, renew, repair).
Compare the definition from H#2320 with H#2318. Notice each maintains the exact same Hebrew spelling with no vowel points. From this second definition, H#2318, we discover that “Chodash” means all three: new, renewed, and repaired.
So the question remains…now that we are restoring the full moon as the start of lunar years and months, what are we to call it? Should we be concerned that if we call it the New Moon along with its New Moon Day designation, it may confuse some folks? Or should we call it the Renewed Moon along with its Renewed Moon Day designation, a title that will never be found in Scripture to correlate with it and support it except in Hebrew? While it is somewhat of a conundrum, moving forward, it seems important to tie it to what translators have provided as “New Moon and its designated New Moon Day.” But theoretically, H#2318 and the Full Moon are represented by all three: new, renewed, and repaired. As a result, this article and website will refer to the Full Moon as the Full New Moon and the New Moon Day as the Full New Moon Day because it is the name given for the start of lunar months throughout Scripture. Refer to 349 New Moon Occurrences in Scripture.
How the Creator’s Calendar Works
Here is an example of how the Creator’s Calendar works. Note that this blue calendar example while providing the 29-30 DAYS of the LUNAR MONTH with the large numbers that begin with the full NEW MOON DAY (H#2320 – חדשׁ – chodesh – new moon, lunar month, the first day of the lunar month.) each month, it also breaks down the four divisions of the lunar month into lunar WEEKS (always made up of seven days). Each lunar week then ends with the authentic lunar seventh-day Sabbath. When each lunar month ends, it is refreshed and renewed with the next full moon as the New Moon and the start of the new lunar month.
Six workdays (2-7) followed by the FIRST SABBATH – Day 8
Six workdays (9-14) followed by the SECOND SABBATH – Day 15
Six workdays (16-21) followed by the THIRD SABBATH – Day 22
Six workdays (23-28) followed by the FOURTH SABBATH – Day 29
Transition (free day) – (day 30 occurs every other month.)
Six workdays (2-7) followed by the FIRST SABBATH – Day 8
Six workdays (9-14) followed by the SECOND SABBATH – Day 15
Six workdays (16-21) followed by the THIRD SABBATH – Day 22
Six workdays (23-28) followed by the FOURTH SABBATH – Day 29
Note that each consecutive month begins with the full New Moon Day, which refreshes and renews the count of days and the four weeks to complete the next lunar month layout, plus or minus the 30th day. The very fact that the New Moon Day exists causes it to break the cycle of weeks every lunar month. Interestingly, while the Sabbath is always the seventh day of the week, it is never the seventh day of the lunar month for the mere fact that the New Moon Day exists. Refer to the article, The Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates.)
Four Pivotal Synchronized Events in Biblical History
Four distinct time-centric events spanning 4,000 years are illustrated in four articles linked below. Each occurs on the day of a dark moon in the middle of the lunar month and not on the full moon as has been traditionally proclaimed by the Jews. Ironically, this evidence identifies the original start of months (New Moon) as the full moon, from which all days of the month are demarcated and dated. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
Compare the following articles and note how, by Divine design, they were ordained to synchronize with each other to the very day of the same month but hundreds and even thousands of years apart. Separately, they pinpoint Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day) in the spring with a full moon and Passover’s covenant sacrifice for sin as counted fourteen days later on a dark conjunction lunar phase. But together, they highlight the pivotal truth of the long-promised and finally fulfilled, prophetic appointed time of the true Messiah’s sacrifice upon the cross/stake for you and me.
- The First Sacrifice in Eden for Sin – Passover’s Blood-Stained Trail of Promise
- Abrahamic Covenant – “The Night was Dark.”
- The First Passover and Exodus from Egypt – “Restoring the Creator’s Calendar.”
- Our Messiah’s death on Passover in the middle of the lunar month, during an enhanced and extended solar eclipse, on the 14th day as counted from the New Moon. “The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.”
Blueprint from Antiquity
This is the blueprint from antiquity. And all this, according to the continuation of His time-honored specific lunar appointed Feast Days. It identifies His sacred pathway of TRUTH and RESTORATION through the main entranceway when the Door/Gate is open on the night of the full moon along the east-west time continuum. It highlights His full New Moon Day and its four sequenced lunar Sabbaths each month (Ezekiel 46:1-3). Might this be the key to our Messiah’s parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins and whether they will enter in at the door at the correct time (Matthew 25:1-13)?
There’s No Debate
No one is debating that Sunday is the first day and Saturday the seventh day of the modern Roman Gregorian calendar, because they are. The elephant in the room is the discovery that the entire Roman Julian/Gregorian solar calendar itself is THE FRAUD, THE ILLEGITIMATE REPLACEMENT of the Creator’s original lunar calendar model, as set forth to be defined predominantly by the moon and stars, and of course, the sun, at creation (Genesis 1:14). Who would have suspected that our modern calendar is a Roman man-made substitute time-measuring system, which ALL THE WORLD was taught to follow since the fourth century A.D.? It was originally crafted by Julius Caesar and perfected over time by Emperor Constantine and Pope Gregory. But it was specifically designed to stand defiantly in rebellion to the Creator, His Torah Law, New Moons, His authentic lunar seventh-day Sabbaths, and lunar appointed Feast Days.
As a result, the entire calendar is the SIGN or MARK OF THE BEAST POWER. Any day on a continuous weekly cycle wholly divorced from our CREATOR’S LUNAR STANDARD for YEARS, MONTHS, WEEKS, and DAYS will only occasionally align with the authentic seventh-day Sabbath of our Creator and Savior. So, by extension, Saturday is Sunday’s twin sister as both are FRAUDS. Neither has ever been Holy, Sacred, or set apart as the true Sabbath of our Creator, except occasionally when they coincide with His preordained sacred Lunar Sabbath. Refer to the article, No Debate, Saturday is the Seventh Day of the Roman Calendar.
Our Creator’s Original Sabbath
Stunningly, and by extension, the Creator’s authentic and original Kadosh (Holy) Sabbath was ordained to be counted according to the same lunar cycle as the month and year, but not from the dark moon or crescent, as honored by the modern Rabbinical or Karaite Jews, but specifically from each restored and refreshed full New Moon marker. Why? Because each unit of time has always been a smaller subdivision of the previous larger unit. Before anything is divided, it begins as a whole, such as a whole pizza, and then it is divided into separate smaller portions and units of time.
There are two significant signs of calendar tampering by mankind: 1) When units of time are entirely divorced from the three-part orchestration of the sun, moon, and stars, and 2) When units of time are independent of each other, not sub-divisions of the next larger time units.
In contrast to today’s popular time-measuring systems, our Creator’s original and authentic lunar months contain four Sabbaths that cycle only within the boundary framework from one full New Moon Day to the next full New Moon Day, and always in perfect harmony (Isaiah 66:23).
The lunar calendar falls short of the solar cycle by 10 days each year. But the moon itself performs an auto-correct. Not only is time never lost when utilizing the astro-luni-solar timekeeping model, but lunar time automatically restores itself to solar time every nineteen years by way of seven years that contain the thirteenth month. This occurs in years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 are called embolismic years because they each have the added 13th intercalary month in the cycle sequence. Today, this nineteen-year cycle is referred to as the Metonic Cycle, named after Meton, the Greek astronomer, but no doubt all nations recognized it as a lunar anomaly that kept lunar time-measuring from falling out of sync with the solar wheel. The moon itself solely performs this action and has nothing to do with human manipulation.
It looks like this, with the twelve-month years represented in blue and the thirteen-month years represented in green. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 – 15 – 16 – 17 – 18 – 19. Refer to the article/study, “New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep.”
He set for a sign, His Sabbath with care,
To be counted from New Moons, high up in the air.
The full moon that’s seen, tells us Sabbath’s the eighth,
The fifteenth, twenty-second, and twenty-ninth, is the date.
Genesis 1:14-18; Exodus 12:1-3; 16; 19; Psalms 19:1-3; Psalms 97:6-7;
1 Chronicles 23:3-32; 1 Samuel 20:5; 2 Kings 4:23; Psalms 81:3;
Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1-3; Amos 8:5
Synchronized Worship and the 1844 Disappointment
This section is written specifically for the consideration of our Seventh-day Adventist friends. It contains lunar evidence that ties October 22, 1844, to the lunar calendar alone and exposes info long hidden from them.
The Restored Definition of “Seasons” aka Mo’edim
The Hebrew keyword H#4150 – mo’edim – מועדים, translated as seasons in Genesis 1:14, Leviticus 23:4, and Psalms 104:19, has undergone an interesting evolution over the eons to proactively hide its authentic and intended foundational Hebrew word meaning and significance. This assault on Scripture’s Torah Law, as born out in the time-centric Feast Day road map unto the Plan of Salvation, was crafted by the guardians of the lie in honor of their supplanted solar time-measuring system. But despite their hellish intentions to corrupt the meaning of this keyword, Scripture itself provides the remedy.
Beginning with Genesis 1:14, discover how this most important keyword was assaulted and lost its specific lunar connection, yet is now being restored.
“And Alahim said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:'” Genesis 1:14 KJV
According to Strong’s and Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew dictionaries, the term seasons means: (H#4150 – mo’edim – מועדים = appointed time, appointed place, set feast, a fixed time, an appointment, a festival, an assembly).
However, the Bible spells it out plainly in Psalms 104:19, which has been wholly ignored by the framers of the Strong’s Concordance and B-D-B Hebrew dictionaries. Psalms 104:19 defines the word seasons, aka mo’edim, quite differently. Referring to the Creator Yahuah Alahim, it says:
“He [Yahuah] ordained the MOON for “seasons…” Psalms 104:19
So what does this mean? Does it mean that instead of four seasons each year, we are to have twelve? Or does this verse in Psalms attribute the Hebrew term mo’edim as regulating His twelve and thirteen lunar months?
“He ordained the moon” to regulate all His specific lunar appointed dates (H#4150 – mo’edim – מועדים).” Psalms 104:19
This causes the traditional meaning of the translation of “seasons” to radically change from the popularized Roman solar time-measuring system back to the original LUNAR APPOINTED TIME prescription. As a result, lunar appointed time must then be applied to all the ordained sacred days.
Next, add that Modern Hebrew defines “seasons,” aka mo’edim, as “specific dates or commemorative dates.” This comes from the premier online modern Hebrew translator ( This more perfectly speaks to the purpose of the specific lunar appoint dates as commemorative of the work of our Messiah, the Plan of Salvation, and the REMEDY for SIN.
So combining all the points above, “seasons,” aka mo’edim, means specific lunar appointed dates or commemorative dates.
As a result of the above restoration of the Hebrew meaning of “seasons,” aka mo’edim, we discover that sacred days are only found and honored on a lunar calendar model. So here is how Genesis 1:14 should authentically read:
““And Alahim said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for specific lunar appointed dates, and days, and years.” Genesis 1:14 (Restored Hebrew intent by the Multitude of Witnesses as illustrated above).
Because Psalms 104:19 identifies that the MOON regulates “seasons,” aka mo’edim, for “specific lunar appointed dates,” our Creator’s authentic calendar dates can only be found within each lunation (lunar month of 29-30 days). This means that His calendar year comprises lunar months divided into smaller units of days, each demarcated by its own unique lunar phase. Then, the cycle of lunar dates begins again with each full New Moon Day.
Applying this Restored Puzzle Piece to Leviticus 23
Applying this explosive keyword restoration and STANDARDIZATION to Leviticus 23:1-5 identifies that the sacred seventh-day Sabbaths are also included as mo’edim (H#4150 – mo’edim – מועדים), meaning they occur on “specific lunar appointed dates” only!!! Who knew? WHAT A REVELATION! Here is how it should read:
Leviticus 23:1-5
- “And declared Yahuah unto Moses, saying,
- ‘Speak unto the children of Yasharal (Israel), and command them concerning the specific lunar appointed dates (H#4150 mo’edim) of Yahuah, which you shall proclaim My set-apart (Holy) rehearsal assemblies (H#4744 miqra). These are themselves My specific lunar appointed dates (H#4150 mo’edim): [Note the colon.]
- Six days from sunrise to sunset you shall do your work, but in the day of the seventh it is the Sabbath-rest to observe the covenant, a set-apart (Holy) rehearsal assembly (H#4744 miqra) in which you shall do no work, for it is the Sabbath unto Yahuah in all your dwellings.
- These are the specific lunar appointed dates (H#4150 mo’edim) of Yahuah, the set-apart (Holy) rehearsal assemblies (H#4744 miqra), which you shall proclaim as SIGNS [of prophetic events to be fulfilled by the Messiah alone] at their specific lunar appointed dates (H#4150 mo’edim): [Note the colon.]
- In the lunar month (H#2320 chodesh), the first one of the year, in the fourteenth day counted from the New Moon Day (H#2320 chodesh), between (H#996 beyn) the evenings (plural twilights) (H#6153 ereb), is the PASSOVER of Yahuah.'” Leviticus 23:1-5 and beyond…
As a result of this keyword restoration, we discover that our Creator’s weeks also comprise these lunar dates. They are counted out from Full New Moon Day to Full New Moon Day, from 1-29 or 30 days, as beaconed by the moon, and then each seventh-day Sabbath is specifically lunar appointed for the dates of the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each lunar month. See also Isaiah 66:23.
Each of the annual specific lunar appointed dates (H#4150 mo’edim), often called lunar Feast Days, follow in their sequential order according to the lunar principles provided here. It is because the seventh-day Sabbaths are also identified as specific lunar appointed dates (H#4150 mo’edim) that each of the yearly Feast Days is dually tied, as a G.P.S., to both their approximation to the seventh-day Sabbath as well as to the count from the Full New Moon Day. This discovery renders weeks and Sabbaths that cycle perpetually without end a Scriptural impossibility.
Additionally, because both the seventh-day Sabbath specific lunar appointed dates (H#4150 mo’edim) and the yearly prophetic rehearsal assembly events are also specific lunar appointed dates (H#4150 mo’edim) and counted from the same lunar New Moon phase (H#2320 Chodesh), it is impossible for these days to overlap each other. It is only when utilizing the Roman Gregorian solar wall calendar, or its equivalent that the New Moons appear to float through weekdays and Saturdays alike, but the reality is that the opposite is true. Because the lunar calendar is the Creator’s authentic and original STANDARD, it is only the illegitimate solar months and planetary continuous weekly cycles that do all the floating, identifying them as Frankenstein frauds.
Each person must ask themselves if they are honestly seeking the TRUTH as it is defined by the Most High Eternal Father (YHUH) unto the Promise of the Messiah and the Plan of Salvation, or are they mere guardians of the lie and its traditions of men? It is human nature to cling to what we were taught, believing it to be true. But remember, when Paul preached to the Bereans, they already had their own beliefs, but what set them apart was that they were first willing to hear Paul out, then secondly, search the Scriptures daily to see if those things he taught were true, and when they found it to be truth, they accepted it and that changed their lives.
This must be the mindset of all who seek a heavenly home. The Reformation continues forward as the light of truth continues to shine, illuminating the path of those with eyes to see and ears to hear. We must never be settled in the idea that we have all the truth or have come far enough.
Is It Really Impossible to Know Which Lunar Phase is Full?
Three Kinds of Days Each Month
“Thus declares the Almighty YAHUAH, “the GATE of the courtyard interior facing the EAST shall be SHUT six days for work, and in the day of the SABBATH it shall be thrown open wide, and in the day of the NEW MOON it shall be thrown open wide. But come unto the exalted one, by way of the porch of the temple gate without, and stand beside the doorpost of the gate and observe the Kohenim’s (Priest’s) symbolic first and last burnt offering and symbolic Aleph and Tav peace offering. And you shall prostrate in worship upon the threshold of the open GATE, coming and going at any time, but the GATE shall not be shut until sunset.” And so WORSHIPED the people of the land at the entrance way of the same GATE, in the SABBATHS and in the NEW MOON DAYS, before the face of YAHUAH.” Ezekiel 46:1-3
No Overlapping Ever
“Sabbath, the Full Moon Day, and the week are independent of each other.” Meinhold, “Sabbath und Woche im O.T.” Göttingen, 1905, Jewish, unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, “Week,” by Emil G. Hirsch, Vol. 12, p. 481.

“In the time of the earliest prophets, the New Moon stood in the same line with another lunar observance, the Sabbath. Ezekiel, who curiously enough frequently dates his prophecies on the New Moon . . . describes the gate of the inner court of the (new) temple looking eastward as kept shut for the six working days, but opened on the Sabbath and the New Moon.” Scribner’s Dictionary of the Bible, (1898 edit), p. 521.
Neither Saturday nor Sunday

The Full Moon, the Starting Point for All Other Divisions of Time
New foundational anchor points to the historical perspective have been recently discovered. These are found in François Lenormant’s “Origines de l’Histoire” (History of the Origins), published in 1880 and recorded in the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica, p. 993. He was a French Assyriologist, meaning an archeologist of Assyria and Babylon. He identified that the early Mesopotamian culture utilized the full moon as the start of months and years, crossing swords with traditional Jews and their 1,700-year-old entrenched customs. Remember, this was the first civilization following the flood. This represents the first and second generations of Noah who, along with his family of eight, had remained faithful to their Creator and, as a result, were saved in the ark.
“Assyria and Babylonia—The twelvefold division of the zodiac was evidently suggested by the occurrence of twelve full moons in successive parts of it in the course of each year. This approximate relation was first systematically developed [or maintained] by the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia and formed the starting point for all other divisions of time… [Later] The idea of tracing the sun’s path among the “stars” [by daylight] was when it occurred to Chaldaean astronomers, an original and, relatively to their means, a recondite one. We owe to its realization by them the constitution and nomenclature of the [modern] twelve signs of the zodiac.” 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica – Zodiac, p. 993, Lenormant, Orgines de l’Histoire, Vol. 1, p. 236.
As identified in his quote above, twelve full moons in their order originally designated the lunar months of each year. This does not, however, eliminate the intermittent thirteenth month that brings the lunar years into harmony with the solar years. And because full moons occur by night, they consistently measure the night sky together with the stars exactly as defined by the four witnesses of Scripture as found in Genesis 1:16, Psalms 136:7-9, Jeremiah 31:35-36, and Revelation 12:1.
Secondly, and of equal importance, this quote also validates that it was the full moons that formed the starting points for ALL other divisions (or units) of time. As a result, it includes the time division of Years, Months, Weeks, and Days, each a division of the larger units. And by extension, the authentic seventh-day Sabbath, the sacred worship day of our Creator that has existed from eternity past. So contrary to the modern Rabbinical and Karaite Jews’ Saturday, as found on the modern Roman replacement solar calendar, His Kadosh (holy, sacred, and set-apart) seventh-day Sabbath has and will always be measured from full moon to full moon through all eternity (Isaiah 66:23). This is, therefore, a nail in a sure place as it is in harmony with all of Scripture and astronomy!
Thirdly, note that from the same quote above on page 993 of the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica, still quoting from François Lenormant’s “Origines de l’Histoire” (History of the Origins), he identifies that years later, the Chaldaean astronomers from this same region [likely under the leadership of Nimrod and Semiramis], invented and introduced the method of measuring time by tracing the sun’s path among the starry constellations of the zodiac by daylight instead of night. The term utilized to describe this variance from the original method of utilizing the full moon was a “recondite” one. The term “recondite” means concealed, hidden, and secret. This act of rebellion against the Most High single-handedly caused time-measuring to be 180 degrees out of sync with the sacred time rhythm set forth at Creation and faithfully kept by Noah and his family. Refer to the article Five Historical Methods of Time Measuring.
So, what exciting evidence is brought to light by the discovery of this quote, and what does it all mean?
The full moon was Rosh (head/ first) of all divisions of time, including the Year, Month, Week, and count of Days among the faithful early descendants of Noah who worshiped the one true Yahuah Alahim, our Creator. Then later, the Chaldaean astronomers from the same region, likely under the leadership of Nimrod during the time of building the Tower of Babel, were the originators of the counterfeit and replacement time-measuring system so popular to this day. They single-handedly changed the time-centric laws of the Creator, Yahuah Alahim, by inventing a new method of measuring time that was entirely out of sync with the original. This may have been the pivotal issue in tandem with building the tower that fomented their rebellion against the Creator. They desired to make a name for themselves and did so by implementing a luni-solar method of measuring the stars with the sun by day when the stars are invisible and hidden. By extension, although not overtly stated, the dark moon, in conjunction with the sun, was introduced and utilized to mark the start of years and months from that moment onward.
This was the inception and beginning of the new “secret or hidden” luni-solar system, which was crafted and commenced each year and month, a full 180 degrees opposite that of our Creator’s preordained time-measuring model. Might this be the primary reason for the destruction of the Tower of Babel, the confusion of the languages, and the scattering of the people unto all regions of the earth? The thought to change times and laws… a problem that asserted itself again and again throughout history. (This was the calendar model the Rabbinical Jews adopted in the 4th century A.D. when pressured by the Romans to change their calendar, and is maintained to this day according to the Rules of Postponement.)
In those early years among the faithful and obedient of Yahuah Alahim, following the flood, no wall calendars, wristwatches, or international datelines were needed because all were perfectly incorporated into the rhythm of the lights high above out of the reach of man and beast. Each unit of time was ordained to fit perfectly into the next larger unit with no overlapping. This is because they were all beaconed by the same trinity of lights, with the full moons marking the starting points of all the divisions of time in a marvelous pattern and rhythm that distinguished each one apart from the rest. This reality alone provides a consistent and visual platform through which mankind may rendezvous with their Creator for all His sacred lunar appointed times. Uncovered: Lunar Secrets from Ancient Babylon.
In the third generation, after Noah’s Ark came to rest,
Nimrod’s astrologers altered time, as they were possessed,
From the full moon to the dark, the occult was then born,
Babel’s tower was built, for YAH’S mo’edim* they did scorn.
(*mo’edim = lunar appointed time – Ps. 104:19)
1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica
Uncovered: Lunar Secrets From Ancient Babylon
Out of her dark, deceitful midst, faithful Abraham was called,
From His Covenant unto Moses, YAH’S Torah Law was reinstalled.
Through this lineage of obedient, the Promised Lamb was to come,
Keeping full moon for set time, as the rhythm of a drum.
Support Evidence for the Full New Moon.
What the Solar Eclipse at Our Messiah’s Crucifixion Reveals
While there is a plethora of support throughout Scripture for the lunar calendar and the full moon as the start of months, the single most pragmatic evidence for it occurred at the appointed epi-center of time, the very day of Yahusha haMashiach’s (our Messiah’s) crucifixion. Add to this that the Scriptural evidence reveals that Passover consistently occurred on the fourteenth day of the first lunar month of Abib, as counted from the New Moon, as defined in the following verses.
Exodus 12:6 | Exodus 12:18 | Leviticus 23:5 | Numbers 9:3 |
Numbers 9:5 | Numbers 9:11 | Numbers 28:16 | Joshua 5:10 |
2 Chronicles 30:15 | 2 Chronicles 35:1 | Ezra 6:19 | Ezekiel 45:21 |
Acts 27:33 |
- Notice that in the English translations, all these verses merely refer to the fourteenth day of the “month.” Yet, as mentioned before, every time the word “month” (Chodesh – #2320 – חדשׁ) is utilized in Scripture, it always refers to the lunar month, the New Moon, or the first day of the lunar month. Each is a descriptive term for aspects of the lunar month. What (Chodesh #2320) NEVER refers to is solar months. The only reason you do not automatically notice this is that you were not provided the full story, assuming the term “month” refers to Roman months. In this way, you’ve been lied to as you are led to assume that the months of Scripture are the same as the Roman solar months of today. Is it any wonder the whole world marches to the rhythm of the Roman Beast Calendar? But this is your opportunity to get off that bus heading to Perdition and come out of Babylon. Revelation 17:5; 18:4; 18:10; 18:21.
- Everything YAHUAH Alahim, our Creator, has done is by design and with prophetic intent to bring His ancient promises to their fulfillment and conclusion through His only begotten Son, Yahusha. This includes all the lunar Feast Day Events and, in this case, Passover. Passover was proactively designed to showcase prophetically the saving blood of our Messiah on behalf of sinners as the only REMEDY for SIN. Passover exhibits that His promise and purpose was to lay down His life for you and me on the fourteenth day counted from the New Moon.
- The book of Luke describes the solar eclipse event on the day of Yahusha haMashiach’s crucifixion in this way: “Therefore, it was about the sixth hour, and darkness occurred over all the land until the ninth hour. The sun was darkened, and the veil was rent in the midst of the temple of Jerusalem.” Luke 23:44-45
- Note that Luke’s first sentence tells what he saw and experienced…that at the sixth hour, darkness occurred over all the land until the ninth hour. But his second sentence identifies why there was darkness over all the land. It was because the sun was darkened. The English term for a darkened sun event is referred to as a solar eclipse.
- This Scriptural evidence reveals that the lunar phase was in conjunction (dark) because a solar eclipse occurred during the daylight, midmonth, on the fourteenth day of the lunar month. Fourteen days earlier, the lunar phase was full on the first day of the lunar month. A fact that we can set our calendar by is that a solar eclipse can never occur on the night of a full moon. For a full explanation with illustrations, refer to the article, From the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.
- This solar eclipse event, which occurred on our Messiah’s crucifixion day, directly fulfilled the Amos Prophecy. Thus, we are provided with two witnesses from the Tanakh (Old Testament) and the Brit Hadasha (New Testament), which together illustrate the full moon has always been the start of lunar months, a consistent time-stamp ordained by our Creator. Refer to the article, Amos Prophesied a Solar Eclipse.
Did All the Jews Lose Track of Their Week and Sabbath?
Could all the Torah (the first five books of O.T.) and Tanakh honoring Jews, lose track of their original Sabbath and preordained time-measuring system? The answer is yes! Not only could it happen, but it occurred multiple times, as recorded in Scripture and later in history.
It is a well-known fact that when taken captive, all prisoners are compelled to adhere to the laws and calendar systems of their captors. Scripture records at least two times in which Yasharal (Israel) was taken captive, first in Egypt and later in Babylon, forfeiting all connection to the Torah Laws, New Moon Days, lunar Sabbaths, and Feast Days of their God, Yahuah Alahim. Having submitted to their captor’s laws for a time, ultimately, they were released under the guidance of their compassionate Eternal Father. Upon their return, they restored not only the walls of Jerusalem but each doctrinal stone of truth relating to TIME & EVENT. In each case, their laws and sacred calendar were at last restored. But history records a third time when Yasharal (Israel) was conquered and went into Roman captivity.
Long before the Romans held Yasharal (Israel) captive, Julius Caesar made significant changes to the Roman calendar that would, through the centuries, have a most powerful effect on the Creator’s original and authentic calendar and, specifically, the week of seven days. By removing the moon entirely from defining the lunar month and the lunar week from its count from one New Moon to the next (Isaiah 66:23), Caesar had the option to make them of any length to complete 365 solar days. Thus, twelve months were determined to vary from 28-31 days. And the week was changed from a lunar count of seven to an eight-day continuous weekly cycle. Who knew then the diabolical (demonic) tsunami effect this would have over all the world, including the Creator’s original worship calendar layout, entrusted to the Yasharalites (Israelites) as a wall of protection?
“In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Caesar invited Sosigenes,
an Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar, and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the lunar calendar altogether. Months must be arranged on a seasonal basis, and a tropical [solar] year used, as in the Egyptian calendar, but with its length 365.25 days.” Encyclopedia Britannica, The Julian Calendar, Paragraph 1.
“Julius Caesar’s conquest of Egypt in the 1st century BC introduced this planetary week to the Roman Empire… Since the astrological and Jewish weeks were both seven days long, by the 1st century AD the day of Saturn had become identified with the Jewish Sabbath. After Christianity became the state religion, the Church integrated both cycles to produce our present week, used also by Jews and Muslims.” (Sarah Belle Dougherty in her book review of The Seven Day Circle: The History and Meaning of the Week by Eviatar Zerubavel, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1989. As published in Sunrise magazine, August/September 2003; copyright © 2003 Theosophical University Press)
“In 46 B.C. Julius Caesar asked astronomer Sosigenes to suggest ways to improve the calendar. Acting on Sosigenes suggestions, Caesar ordered the Romans to disregard the moon in calculating their calendars.“ World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, p. 28.
Years later, in A.D. 70, under the command of the Roman Emperor Titus, Yarushalom (Jerusalem) and the Temple was surrounded and destroyed. From that time forward, the Rabbinical Pharisees rose in power and influence from within while the Roman conquerors ruled from without. From the beginning, the Roman forces began to pressure their Jewish captives to adopt the new Roman calendar with its newly revised seven-day weekly cycle.
By the middle of the fourth century A.D., all Roman units of time had been entirely changed and fixed in perpetuity. The Roman Emperor Constantine had created, for all time, the new “Christian religion” and, with it, a counterpart replacement solar calendar to match. Its year was set to start in winter, and the new month, divorced from the lunar cycle, was designed to be of varying lengths. The eight-day cycling week was changed to a seven day cycling week, but still devoid of a New Moon day interlude to break its cycle or mark the first day of the month. The days were stylized to commence at midnight instead of sunrise. All was purposely and proactively designed in opposition to all things the Jews had once held sacred, specifically the Torah Law of instruction in the O.T. Scriptures, their New Moon Days, lunar seventh-day Sabbaths, and lunar Feast Days.
“The history of the Jewish calendar may be divided into three periods—the Biblical, the Talmudic, and the post-Talmudic. The first rested purely on the observation of the sun and the moon, the second on observation and reckoning, the third entirely on reckoning.” Jewish, the unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, “History of the Calendar,” by Joseph Jacobs, Cyrus Adler, Vol. 3, p. 498
“In 325 CE the Council of Nicaea was held… This council made no practical change in the existing civil calendar, but addressed itself to the reform of the Church calendar, which was soli-lunar on the Jewish system. Great disputes had arisen as to the time of celebrating Easter. Moreover, the Church was not fully established, many Christians [Messiah followers] being still simply Jewish sectarians. A new rule was therefore made, which, while still keeping Easter dependent on the moon, prevented it from coinciding with Passover.” Jewish, the unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, “History of the Calendar,” “Talmudic Period,” by Joseph Jacobs, Cyrus Adler, Vol. 3, p. 500.
By this time, the crooked Rabbinical Talmudic Pharisees’ who followed the practices of mystic Babylon arose to power among the captive Jews, and their leadership was in full swing, even under the iron thumb of Roman rule. With the continual pressure from their Roman captors, the Jewish leaders caved to the Roman leadership and discontinued the use of the original and authentic calendar of Scripture’s Torah Law. They returned to their once familiar Babylonian calendar for their dark New Moon, but only for locating a new arrangement of Feast Days, and that is when calendar chaos first commenced. Yet, they ultimately accepted the new Roman continuous weekly cycle, which ironically appears to have originated in Babylon as well. Might this be a primary reason for the call to come out of Babylon throughout Revelation? Refer to the article, The Christian Creed, the Forgotten Foundation of All Christian Churches.
First-century B.C., in the city of Rome,
Caesar thought to remove TIME, from YAH’s heavenly dome.
Sinister plans then began, for an all-out-and-out-lie,
For of TIME man must be the master and not the full moon in the sky.
Genesis 1:14-18; Daniel 7:25; Encyclopedia Britannica; Encyclopaedia Biblica, 1903 p. 5290
While all the world slumbered and all the world slept,
The Julian calendar was crafted, and on walls has been kept.
Through the hands of Constantine, and Pope Gregory it passed,
T’was perfected and honed, and in cement, it was cast.
Matthew 25:5; Roman Calendar Encyclopedia, Days of the Week
Solar years, solar months, and solar weeks were declared!
As from a long string of pearls, days were divided and shared.
The full moon and her phases were erased from the books,
Even from Torah Scriptures, by those dirty crooks.
Iranaeus 2nd Century A.D.; Daniel 7:25;
Jeremiah 8:8-9 and Psalms 74:1-4, 7-9
YAH’s New Moons became “solar months,” to confuse every saint,
Lunar weeks became “cycles,” a Satanic calendar taint,
Years beginning in spring soon began “fall” or “winter,”
And sunrise to sunset, “a midnight or sundown splinter.”
Exodus 12:1-3; Leviticus 23:1-44; Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23; Psalms 136:7-9
Floating unbroken cycles, of successive weeks,
Reflect not of creation but of the counterfeit it speaks.
While the theory of evolution must be avoided at all cost,
Cycling weeks are not an option, or the world will be lost.
Exodus 12:1-28; Exodus 16:1-36; Exodus 19:1-25;
Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23: Leviticus 23:1-44
Calendar Chaos and the Creation of Four Rules of Postponement
With a newly adopted lunar month calendar on one hand and a solar Sabbath and continuous weekly cycle on the other, the Rabbinical Pharisees now faced total calendar chaos. The resulting problem necessitated the creation of a new set of rules called the Four Rules of Postponement. Their purpose was to bring harmony to the two conflicting calendar methods. Without these rules, their newly adopted Roman week cycles were on a collision course with their Babylonian-styled lunar months, depositing “Saturday Sabbaths” upon every day of the lunar cycle throughout the year, including New Moon Days and all the annual lunar Feast Days. This caused it to appear that the lunar months and weeks floated, but in fact, the opposite was occurring without notice. So, to keep their new “Saturday Sabbath” from falling on their pseudo-Passover and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), these rules of postponing the Feast Days by one or two days were implemented. It was determined that if a lunar Feast Day was destined to occur on a Friday or Saturday, it must be Postponed to protect the immovable Saturday at all costs rather than the other way around. Thus, Saturday, the seventh day of a Roman manmade institution, took precedence.
“The FOUR RULES OF POSTPONEMENTS were specifically designed to allow the [new Roman] seven-day week to cycle without interruption, while corrections by way of DELAYS are imposed upon the day of the New Moons [(mo’ed H#4150 – new moon, lunar month, first day of the lunar month) and its specific lunar appointed dates]. This system proactively DELAYS the Feast Days by one to two days.” Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac – U.S. Naval Observatory, Edited by P. Kenneth Seidelmann, p. 586.
This compelling evidence that, indeed, Four Rules of Postponement was necessary from that day onward illuminates the FACT that the modern Rabbinical Pharisee calendar bears no resemblance to the Creator’s original timepiece. Ultimately, Sunday became the first day of the new Rabbinical week cycle, causing Saturday, without fanfare, to be the seventh day. These only appear to fit, as our well-groomed indoctrination of the fraudulent Roman calendar model has become a deeply rooted paradigm for nearly 1,700 years. And because most Christian Churches remain daughters of Roman dogma, they don’t even try to keep the lunar Feast Days anymore. As oil and water don’t mix, the lunar Feast Days cannot be harmonized or located according to the modern solar calendar. Thus, the incompatibility problem between the modern Roman calendar and Scripture’s remarkable lunar (astro-luni-solar) time-measuring, as portrayed long ago in the wilderness Tabernacle and later Temple in Jerusalem, goes unnoticed among most Bible adherents, Theologians, and Pastors. The following quote is one of several that will never be shared from a church pulpit of either the Saturday or Sunday persuasion:
“In AD 351-352 Roman persecution flared and the Jews revolted. They were soon crushed. Many Jewish towns were destroyed and decrees issued against the local authorities and against Judaism. The privileges of the head of the Sanhedrin and the freedoms of the Sanhedrin itself were curtailed. Roman pressure to conform “Jewish” TIME to Roman TIME had reached crisis level. ibid
Under this pressure Hillel II agreed to limit the functions of the head of the Sanhedrin, as well as the Sanhedrin itself, with respect to proclaiming the New Moon, setting festival dates, and employing intercalation [inserting the 13th lunar month]. With the decline of the Jewish power-base in Israel, the Jewish community in Babylon had been rising in influence to fill the vacuum. Hillel II published details informing all Jews of the methods of the [newly adopted] calculated calendar developed in Babylon. From that time on the Sanhedrin in Judea ceased to function or to maintain calendar experts. Hillel II is thus given the credit for the present fixed Rabbinical calendar, but in reality it originated in BABYLON and was just the starting point of the development of the Rabbinical calendar in use today.” Encyclopedia Judaica, s.v. “Hillel.”
“The arrangement of the Jewish calendar as used in the time of
Christ[the annointed Messiah] is no longer operative. Modern Jews are divided into two classes. The Karaite Jews, whose numbers are small, reject tradition and the Talmud, observe their feasts and festivals more nearly with those ofChrist’s[Yahusha the Messiah’s] time as regards to the true season. The larger number of Jews follow the Rabbinical Calendar, the product of Rabbi Hillel II and others about 353 A.D. These incorporated into it many of the ancient rules of calculation, but begin their year, and feasts and festivals a month earlier in the season than the Karaites. We have in 1844 the atonement by the Rabbinical Calendar would be September 23rd, while by the Karaites it was about that time in October. By the Rabbinical calendar the First day of Nisan is always between March 12 and April 11, and is always one of four days, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday the first one after the new moon for that month.” Creation Centered in Christ, by H.G. Guinness, D.D., page 276. Also from Approximate Chronology, H. H. Perry, p. 21-22.
For more Historical Evidence, refer to Stunning Historical Evidence
The Creator’s Calendar Comparison Chart
Discover the profound and unique features of our Creator’s original time-measuring model compared to the witty calendar inventions presented by the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews and the Roman Christians, which are so popular among the masses today. (Click on the chart to enlarge it.) Refer to the article “The Creator’s Calendar Comparison Chart.”
A Spherical Earth – Evidence from the Sun, Moon, & Stars
Our creator has provided us with three predominant ways to know with certainty that the Earth is shaped like a sphere. We have visible evidence that all eight planets in our solar system, which include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are equally spherical in nature. Add to these the moon, which orbits the earth, and then they orbit the spherical sun together in a heliocentric paradigm. (I do not take sides as to whether the earth circles the sun or the sun circles the earth in a geocentric model because the measuring of time is the same either way.) On the other hand, there has been no visible evidence of a flat planet anywhere in our universe.
Aside from some Scripture verses where the authors or their translators seek to explain some aspects of the earth’s shape, these have caused considerable confusion. In each case, a harmonious alternate word can be found by looking into the several definitions of each original Hebrew word.
(Click on the images to enlarge them.)
The Witness of the Sun
This continuity of size and shape from sunrise to sunset identifies that the sun’s distance from the observer on Earth remains relatively the same from the first moment it comes into view until it goes out of view. Profoundly, the sunlight intensity remains consistent. This evidence establishes the earth as a sphere.
According to the Flat Earth Theory, the first view of the sun is a tiny dot that grows steadily to a slender light that would grow in length and width as it comes closer, with a glaring beam shining downward. As a result, the only time the sun could possibly appear round is when it is directly overhead at noon. So it is that in contrast to the physical and visible spherical phenomenon of the sun that all the world can see, the Flat Earth Theory folks must deny their own eyes. Have you ever witnessed the sun appearing like this? Me neither.
The Witness of the Moon
This illustration identifies the pragmatic reality that a lunar eclipse is impossible within the flat earth model. Yet lunar eclipses do occur a couple of times each year, and everyone can see with their own eyes the shadow of the spherical earth pass across the face of the full moon, like a giant movie screen.
The Witness of the Stars
Anyone in the Northern Hemisphere with a time-lapse camera feature can photograph star trails circling near Polaris, the North Star, by night. The circling aspect of these stars is up and over from east to west, just as the sun and moon rise up and over from east to west. But did you know that the same phenomena can be witnessed in the Southern Hemisphere on a clear night looking south? These stars also rise in the east and circle up and over a point near the Southern Cross. This is also evidenced in time-lapse photography.
The supporters of the Flat Earth Theory must entirely ignore this reality. Why? Because the flat earth model presupposes that all stars in the universe only circle the point at the north pole in the center of the Earth’s assumed circular disc shape. This paradigm assumes the stars circle at their widest point in parallel with the Earth’s 360-degree circumference the further south one goes in South Africa, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and the Antarctic. However, if a time-lapse video can illustrate the stars circling a point, such as the Southern Cross, in the Southern Hemisphere, the entire Flat Earth house of cards falls. In 3.5 minutes, you can know which view from the three southern continents is correct by watching the attached short video.
Video – Flat Earth Theorist’s Greatest Challenge: Southern Stars ~ Brandon Cooper (3.5 minutes).
Separately, each of the trinity of lights (sun, moon, and stars) bears witness to the spherical shape of our earth, but together, their testimony is exponential. United, they stand to declare the magnificent creation designed to synchronize faithful mankind to their Benevolent Creator. What He created shall stand up to the scrutiny of all alternate views, unharmed and unchanged.
Refer to the full article with many illustrations, Three Unanswerable Objections to the Flat Earth Theory.
What it Means to be a Berean
We have been counseled to be faithful and obedient Bereans with our eyes and ears wide open, 1) first by hearing, and 2) second by searching the Scriptures daily to see if these things are correct, but also 3) thirdly by accepting the new light of truth in obedience, and walking accordingly with joy. (Acts 17:11)
The disheartening words, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness,” will yield life’s greatest regret. (Matthew 7:23) Yet, these words will be spoken to all those who refuse to listen, second to search, and third to obey the voice of the Eternal Father when it is inconvenient, unpopular, and opposed to one’s current doctrinal paradigms. Mostly, folks will turn a blind eye when anything contrasts too greatly with the views of their established church creed, synagogue leaders, presumed modern prophets, and other long-cherished traditions of men.
Lawlessness is none other than the breaking of the TORAH LAW, which includes 1) the Ten Commandments, 2) the Judgments, 3) Statutes, and 4) the Testimony of the Messiah. Oblivious to the historical facts, all Christian churches have abandoned many of the teachings in the Torah Law merely to keep in step with Roman Christian dogma for the past 1,700 years. And specifically, the lunar calendar, which begins with the full moon for the count to all dates.
But at this late hour, our Eternal Father and Son are calling their followers to rise up and come out of the false teachings to restore the sacred names of Yahuah Alahim and Yahusha ha Mashiach, reinstate the Kadosh (holy) full New Moon for the start of the lunar months, return to the Kadosh (holy) lunar seventh-day Sabbath, and reestablish all the lunar appointed Feast Days. Not so we become Jews (Yahudim), but so that we become Yasharal (Israel), Yahuah’s faithful followers. These are they who obediently guard and keep all the Torah Law, the original sacred names, and His authentic worship calendar rhythm that is time-centric to the Plan of Salvation illustrated through the Temple ceremonies in the Heavenlies not made with human hands.
“…not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth.” Titus 1:14
When Sincerity Fails
The story is told of a little girl who went to a petting zoo with her family. Once inside, she became terrified of being knocked down and trampled by the many larger than life animals scurrying around. Her mother, occupied with a younger sibling, was unable to attend to her and her growing fears.
After closing her eyes tightly, she reached out with both arms for the security of her mother’s familiar nubby woolen skirt. At that very moment, a woolly llama intercepted her embrace. In apparent safety, she buried her face in the wool and held firmly for dear life, believing all this would shortly pass as she would soon be on the other side of the protection of the gate.
After some time of moving about the pen, she opened her eyes just enough to peer out. To her dismay, her mother and siblings were on the far side of the petting zoo. In abject horror, she released her grip!
All the time her eyes were closed, she had believed with all sincerity that she was holding onto the protection of her mother’s skirt, only to discover she had been mistakenly clinging to the very beast she feared.
Being sincere in one’s beliefs is simply not enough. For when our eyes are opened, some will discover only too late that they had been erroneously clinging to the very Beast Power they feared, as described in Revelation 13:16-17.
The Single Antidote
The same singular antidote remains for the Jew and Gentile alike. The only WAY to straighten out the lies is to follow the path of Yahusha haMashiach (the Messiah), the Savior of mankind, the Redeemer of the World, and enter at the door of Rosh Hashanah (the full New Moon of New Year’s Day in the spring) and count 14 days to Passover the 14th.
Your Messiah bore the cross/stake for you and me, and He alone has the power and provision to change any human being who comes to Him in humility, seeking forgiveness and a desire to TURN IT ALL AROUND. Passover’s epic appointed time was marked by a dark conjunction lunar phase in the middle of the lunar month, made manifest by a solar eclipse from the sixth to the ninth hour (12:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.). This identified the authentic New Moon as the full moon fourteen days earlier. Refer to the article, The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.
PASSOVER is the eternal symbol and seal in your hand and forehead of the fulfilled PROMISE & PROVISION made by Yahusha haMashiach (the Messiah) to protect all His set-apart and faithful followers from receiving the Mark of the Beast. The power unto salvation has always been THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, shed for you and me.
Appointed Feast Days of YAH, were replaced with the new,
Passover became “Easter,” on a counterfeit day too.
While Sunday has never, been the Sabbath, it´s true,
Neither Friday night nor Saturday, as kept by the Jew.
Exodus 12:1-8; Leviticus 23:5; Psalms 74:3, Psalms 74:7-8; Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1
You are not alone! All humankind has been SOLD under sin, but also under these long-standing and deep-seated deceptions of the Roman Christians and the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews alike. It is they who, together, have sold ALL the world into Babylonian captivity, the seat of Satan, by way of fraudulent calendars with their altered units of time and the abandonment of the Torah Law. All are counterfeit substitute appointments for meeting with their Maker on their own terms for worship assemblies designed by the enemy of souls unto their undoing.
However, each person can receive the free gift, for you were BOUGHT WITH A PRICE. The price was the LIFE and DEATH of our MESSIAH so that you may be restored into His likeness and synchronize your soul temple to His divinely prescribed worship rhythm, the time model set forth by our Creator that contains the promise of Salvation and REMEDY for SIN. Today, His voice is heard calling, “COME OUT OF BABYLON,” “BABYLON HAS FALLEN, HAS FALLEN,” “BE NOT PARTAKERS OF HER SINS!” “FOR BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM IS COMING, GO YOU OUT TO MEET HIM!”
Over true TIME is the battle, astro-lunar time will be found,
It is the secret of those living, who are eternity bound.
Yet, in accordance with ROME, and a pagan “holiday” feast,
“All the world in complacency, wonder after the BEAST.”
Revelation 16:16; Mark 4:11-12; Leviticus 23:1-44; Psalms 74:3,
Psalms 74:7-8; Acts 18:21; Revelation 13:3-4; Revelation 19:20
While all the world slumbered, and all the world slept,
The Messiah died on conjunction, PASSOVER’S solar eclipse to project;
The truth as is beaconed, from our Creator’s time-centric space,
Full New Moons are the secret, to see His marvelous face.
Luke 23:44-45; Matthew 25:5; Matthew 26:19; 1 Corinthians 5:7;
Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23; Leviticus 23:1-44
Referring to the parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins, only those who first hear the voice of the Ruach ha Kadosh (voice of the Father) restoring His authentic truths of His full New Moon, lunar Sabbath, and prophetic Feast Days to His faithful, will enter at the door at the LUNAR APPOINTED TIME WHEN IT IS OPEN. All others who continue to follow the erroneous customs and traditions of their chosen pied piper, whether the Pope, modern Prophet, Reformer, Rabbi, Pastor, or church denominations, will arrive too late, and the door will be forever shut. And this for the simple reason they smugly believed they already had the truth. Because they did not have a heart that sought to get just as close as possible to Yahusha haMashiach, they lacked “the eyes to see and the ears to hear” His still small voice calling them out.
Refer to the article, The Bride in Waiting
Refer to the article, The Mark of the Beast or the Seal of Yahuah Alahim
Refer to the article, Our Journey Out of Babylon
Refer to the article, Mark of the Beast – Weighed in the Balances and Found Wanting.
Overcoming is a Choice
“Truly, these times of ignorance Yahuah overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.” Acts 17:30
- If you have not yet received the lunar Sabbath as truth, might it be because you believe Saturday or Sunday have already been nailed down as fact by the Jews, Saturday Sabbatarians, Roman Catholics, or protestant churches, as the actual rest day or Sabbath of Scripture?
- Perhaps you have traditionally kept Sunday as the “Lord’s Day,” believing you are no longer under the binding claims of the Torah (O.T.) Law, but under the New Christian dispensation of grace?
- Perhaps you believe the lunar Sabbath to be a mere wind of doctrine blowing about to unsettle you from your perceived “Saturday Sabbath” antidote to receiving the Mark of the Beast?
- Is it altogether possible that our loving Eternal Father may have reserved this Full New Moon and lunar Sabbath revelation for the remnant at such a time as this? Through His progressive and incremental Reformation and leading by His Ruach (power, presence, and provision), might this subject be chosen as a final test and vetting system to discern who you and I seek to worship and serve, before His Second Coming?
- Has it ever been suggested from Scripture that when “new light” is presented that Yahuah’s obedient followers are to REJECT IT OUTRIGHT by closing both their eyes and ears to it, as a sign of allegiance to Him and their preconceived paradigms? It was the Bereans who were honored for first hearing, then searching the Scriptures to see if these things were so.
- Might the reference in Revelation to “come out of Babylon” aptly apply to our coming out of all counterfeit worship rhythms that stunningly originated in Babylon? A system so deceptive, it was designed to cause you to miss out on your eternal reward. Especially as it disregards the time-centric worship rhythm, our appointments with Him, our Creator on His Kadosh (Holy) full New Moon Days, lunar seventh-day Sabbaths, and prophetic lunar appointed annual Feast Days?
Not only are His ARMS outstretched and open to receive you, but He continues to STAND AT THE DOOR OF YOUR HEART and KNOCK. All you have to do is let Him in and be willing to follow the LAMB wherever He goes. He ever proceeds along the well-worn path from one time-centric Feast Day to the next, according to His time-measuring model, and He leads those who diligently follow into all TRUTH. Honoring Him by keeping His authentic calendar with its lunar appointed Feast Days is the only method provided for His believers to take action and partake in the Plan of Salvation, illustrating those who actually do “follow the Lamb wherever He goes.”
“He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His divine messengers (angels).” Revelation 3:4-5
If, in the process of your research, you determine the full New Moon and lunar Sabbath to be in error, the burden of proof falls on you. You are responsible for demonstrating this error from Scripture, as no doctrinal truth will lose anything by close examination. As long as there is a need to restore mankind, Yahuah’s Ruach will progressively lead and reveal His truths to all those who seek Him with all their hearts. The incremental reformation that began with Martin Luther has been unfolding nuggets of truth ever since and will continue unraveling and exposing the time-centric lies until the Second Coming.
You are encouraged to read the evidence presented prayerfully and with an open mind. As a TESTING TRUTH of whether you hear and obey the Most High Father’s call, your choice of a calendar may determine your ETERNAL DESTINY.
As you seek the truth, may you be guided by “the FATHER OF LIGHTS with whom there is no variation or shadow of a turning orbit [full sun, full stars, full moon]?” James 1:17
Fellow Truth Seeker,
Kerrie French
Begin your journey into the discovery of the Creator’s genuine and original time-measuring model sanctioned for ALL His full moon lunar-appointed worship assemblies, and you will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams.
To the Reader… This website has been created to share exciting discoveries from Scripture, History, and Astronomy. Its purpose is to restore truths relating to the sacred NAMES and set apart LUNAR TIMES & EVENTS of the Bridal Covenant and its sole REMEDY for sinners contained in the annual lunar Feast Days performed by our Messiah alone.
This website is copyrighted. It is not in competition with any other website, person, or organization. Meaning it stands alone under Yahusha’s divine guidance. The articles are intended for your consideration, spiritual enlightenment, and knowledge of the truth in preparation for Yahusha haMashiach’s soon RETURN.
While I am happy to answer questions pertinent to furthering your understanding of these subjects, I am not here to debate or respond to questions concerning your beliefs, paradigms, or criticisms.
Rather, I encourage you to read and study more than one article and even build one upon another for greater insight, understanding, and edification. None of this has been taught in the churches or synagogues but has been long hidden under the rubble of Roman laws, fraudulent Jewish traditions, and proactive Scriptural translation alterations, which was allowed by the Father “until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” (Luke 21:24) The times of the Gentiles have now been fulfilled. Yahusha’s followers are waking as they hear His voice calling them to come out of all the false systems of worship. PRAISE HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART THAT YOU ARE ONE OF THESE!!!