Constantine’s Creed
Constantine’s Creed
The Forgotten Foundation of ALL Christian Churches
The Creed of the Constantinople Church is the “Christian” legacy established by Emperor Constantine. It was predominantly designed to abolish all things related to the hated Yahudim (Jews) within the Roman Empire, but it covertly undermined and ended obedience to the Scriptures (O.T.) Torah Law. This very LAW was created as an outline of instruction, testifying to the time-centric prophetic revelation of the Messiah’s mediatorial work of salvation. Now relegated to the proverbial trash bin.
Just like that! This ancient path of truth, the Torah Law, was specifically recorded for His followers through the ages and was now abolished and hidden from view. The Torah Law had been fashioned as the ever-present instruction and wall of safety to help Yahuah (YHUH) Alahim’s (God’s) followers discover the REMEDY UNTO SALVATION and how to harmonize their soul temples to that of His.
Most folks are unaware that although wildly popular today, the term “Christian” is the brainchild of the Roman Emperor Constantine, and further, it still does not originate in the New Testament Scripture as we have been led to believe. The term “Christ” was a Greek/Roman replacement name for the Hebrew Messiah. Most Protestant Christian Churches, as we know them today, HAVE NOT made a true or complete break-off from their Roman Catholic mother church. They continue to retain much of her DNA from the crown of their heads to the tips of their toes.
While each denomination has some unique truths, some more in line with Scripture than others, they also sustain their own spin on many of their mother church’s pagan traditions. But still, most Christian church members of varying denominations don’t study Scripture or church history, and don’t want to know the truth, or are purposely left in the dark by their church leaders for the sake of peace and unity, even if that unity is established upon false paradigms. Do they care?
The fact remains that most of their foundational doctrines were established through the decrees of the Roman Emperor Constantine, first at the Council of Nicaea and later by Emperor Julian (the last Constantinian Emperor) at the Council of Laodicea. Yet, at the end of the day, these hold no positive relevance to the true prophetic Messiah of Scripture, His sin-removing mechanism, as laid out in the Torah Law, or to His promise of an eternal reward through GRACE to the humble, forgiven, and who remain obedient to His Torah Law of instruction.
Not surprisingly, the details found in the Creed of the Constantinople Christian Church reveal the thoughts and sentiments of their leader, Constantine, Emperor of Rome and framer of Christianity, in opposition to the Torah (Law) of the Old Testament Scripture. It demanded the full cooperation of the church with its bishops, cardinals, and teachers. This Creed reveals how it was that the entire Tanakh (O.T.) containing the Torah (Law) and its Feast Days, the sacred Hebrew names of the Father Yahuah Alahim/Elohim, and His Son, Yahusha haMashiach, and the Hebrew calendar of Scripture, were all reduced to rubble. Even Yahuah’s preordained YEARS commencing in spring, MONTHS signaled by New Moons, SABBATHS counted from the New Moon, and DAYS demarcated by each lunar phase and counted from one New Moon to another were all targets. All were denounced and relegated to the trash bin, right along with His sacred Feast Days and the hated Yahudim (Jews) themselves during their long Roman captivity.
This article aims to expose the many ways this single document, The Creed of the Constantinople Church, from the 4th century A.D., is the abomination that makes desolate, spoken of twice by Daniel the prophet in Daniel 11:31-32 and 12:11.
Constantine’s Creed
In order to be a faithful Roman citizen in the fourth century A.D., all were pressured to recite this Creed under oath.
Creed of Constantinople Church
“I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspirations, purifications, sanctifications, and propitiations, and fasts, and New Moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants, and observances, and synagogues.
Absolutely everything Jewish, every [TORAH] Law, rite and custom and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Cain and the leprosy of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable. And may I be an anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils.” Stefano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium Martyrum Orientalium at Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105. [Emphasis mine]
The creed is recorded above in Greek and below in Latin.
“Renuntio omnium mores, ritus, legalisms azymos panes Hebraeorum et sacrificia ex agnis, et solemnitatibus ceteris Hebraeorum sacrificia, vota, appetitiones, purgationes, sanctificationibus procurationesque et ieiunia et in kalendis et in sabbatis et superstitiones, et hymnis, et canticis, et observationibus, et synagogam eorum. Omnia simpliciter Iudaea omnibus legibus implicatus consuetudine ritus postea negare velitis et revertens et Judaica pravitate sive inventus fuerit comedens cum Iudaeis eis convivium, pro Christiana religione aperte an clam condemnare redarguens eos colloquentes condemnare vana fides, tunc et tremore Cain lepra Giezi adhaereat mihi ut et ego agnosco cui subiacet obnoxium. Et ego anathema esse in futuro seculo, et sedi cum Patre meo anima Satanam eiicit daemonia.”
Is this not enough evidence to illustrate that the YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, and DAYS of the Roman Gregorian Calendar you and your church follow for holy days was proactively designed to have NOTHING IN COMMON with Scripture or the first week of creation?
A Second Witness
As a second witness, consider the following paragraph written by Jerome of Rome, who first translated the Greek Septuagint (LXX) into Latin. Ask yourself… Does it sound like he may have known something about the differences between Christianity and the true followers of the Messiah, who referred to themselves as Natsarim? Only the true Messiah followers continued to keep both the TORAH Law (the entire O.T.) and believed in the sacrificial death of their Messiah on the 14th of the lunar month in spring, who had come and died for the sins of the whole world. Yet, Jerome calls them HERETICS for honoring the TORAH LAW, with its New Moons, lunar seventh-day Sabbaths, and lunar Feast Days. Take in the gravity of what he says.
“We shall now especially consider heretics, who… call themselves Nazarenes [Natsarim]; they are mainly Jews and nothing else. They make use not only of the New Testament, but they also use in a way the Old Testament of the Jews; for they do not forbid the books of the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings… so that they are approved of by the Jews, from whom the Nazarenes do not differ in anything, and they profess all the dogmas pertaining to the prescriptions of the [Torah] Law and to the customs of the Jews, except they believe in Messiah… They preach that there is but one god, and His son
Jesus[Yahusha]. But they are very learned in the Hebrew language; for they, like the Jews, read the whole Law, then the Prophets… They differ from the Jews because they believe in Messiah, and from the Christians in that they are to this day bound to the Jewish rites, such as circumcision, the Sabbath, and the other ceremonies [such as Passover on the 14th of the lunar month].” Jerome – Epiphanius; Panarion 29; translated from the Greek. (Jerome translated Greek Septuagint Bible into Latin language 1,615 years ago, he was an early Roman Christian Church father, here referring to the Natsarim.)
According to Jerome, an early Roman Christian Church father, the true followers of Messiah were despised heretics because they refused to fall in line with the new Roman Christian religion and its solar calendar with its pagan holidays. The Natsarim were unique because of the following:
Natsarim Characteristics
- The Natsarim continued to follow BOTH the Old Testament TORAH LAW and the New Testament [the testimony of the Messiah].
- The Natsarim fully embrace, and do not forbid or shun the books of the TORAH LAW, the Prophets, or the Writings. (This forbidding of the O.T. and the TORAH LAW was the brain child of Roman Emperors in the 4th century A.D., and not the Messiah upon the cross/stake, as many Pastors teach.)
- The Natsarim were very fluent in the Hebrew language. Most likely because the New Testament, testimony of the promised Messiah, is only relevant in light of the Old Testament. It may also be discovered one day that the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew, my personal belief.
- The Natsarim teach that there is one Alahim (God), and His Son
JesusYahusha the Messiah. (Note the lack of reference to a third person of the godhead or Holy Spirit as part of the trinity. The Holy Spirit as a third person of the trinity teaching, originated with the Romans and is touted as their most important and primary doctrine.) The Old Testament teaches that the Ruach is the power, presence, and provision of the Most High Yahuah (YHUH) and Yahusha the Messiah, and not a seperate personage.- The Natsarim only differ from the Jews in that they follow Yahusha the Messiah, who came and laid down His life for the sins of humble confessing sinners on the 14th, and who rose again to new life at the end of the 16th day/nigh cycle. He promises eternal life to all who follow Him, and live under the banner of the blood of the lamb and according to the Torah Law and put their trust in Him.
- The Natsarim differ from Christians in that they continue to be faithful to the TORAH LAW, with its ordained lunar time-centric worship schedule, including each full New/Renewed Moon as the original and authentic sacred New Moon, lunar seventh-day Sabbath, and annual lunar Feast Days.
- The entire calendar laid out in Scripture is not the same one Jerome and all the Roman Catholics or Protestant Christians utilize to this day. Neither is it the same as what the modern Rabbinical Pharisee Jews keep. When in Roman captivity the Jews succumbed to Roman pressure to give up their true and original calendar. And because it is impossible to synchronize the sacred days of Scripture to a pagan solar calendar with weeks utterly divorced from the lunar phases, it becomes evidence of calendar fraud.
The Testimony of Two Witnesses
Here you have the testimony of two witnesses, 1) Constantine’s Creed and 2) Jerome, identifying that our Messiah NEVER did away with the TORAH (Law of Instruction), but rather it was Constantine in his hatred for all things Jewish, and His newly developed replacement religion called Christianity. Constantine made certain that his counterfeit “Christian Religion” would have absolutely nothing in common with the Old Testament teachings found in the TORAH (Law) and the Prophets of the Jews, including all the sacred days on the Creator’s astro-luni-solar calendar. Yet strikingly, today, the whole world is living under the time-measuring banner of Rome, the twin sister of Babylon and the seat of Satan.
From these two witnesses, is there any evidence that the modern Roman continuous weekly cycle, with its planetary designations of Sunday through Saturday, continues to be synchronized to the first week of creation? Absolutely none!
In fact, this modern calendar system was created from a heart of rebellion and for the very purpose of undermining all things found in the TORAH LAW of the Old Testament, with its witty calendar invention that appears to be in sync with Scripture but to the contrary is utterly divorced from it.
Unconcealed Explosion of Evidence
This Creed boldly identifies that the TORAH (Law of instruction) had not ended at the time of our Messiah’s Crucifixion, as many teach today, but was eliminated by Constantine himself 300 years later in the name of proclaiming His new religion, Christianity.
So, at that time, in order to be at peace with Roman Emperor Constantine and not be executed as a heretic, one was required to accept his new replacement religion, “Christianity,” and his new replacement god, “Jesus Christ.”
In addition, all were mandated to keep the Emperor’s new solar calendar with its continuous weekly cycle. This new seven-day planetary week cycle preempted the misguided belief that we were taught to trust in the sanctity of either Saturday or Sunday as worship days. Yet, most folks today are unaware that this new Roman time-measuring system, legislated under the pain of death, was designed to honor pagan gods with the ancient Babylonian pagan holidays of Easter and Christmas, etc. In this way, Rome could quickly bind some precepts of Scripture to pagan Babylonian time-scripted events and sell them to the unsuspecting and trusting followers and churches.
Today, all the professed “protestant” church denominations continue to stand in line to receive their official stamp and title of authentication as a Christian Church, which will renounce all things Hebrew (Jewish) and all or partial teachings from the Torah (Law of Instruction).
Thus it is, in order to become one of them (i.e., Christian), one must submit to the heathen and blood-stained Creed of the Constantinople Christian Church. This took root in A.D. 325 and, since that time, has proactively brainwashed the people universally to ignore the teachings of YAHUAH in the Old Testament Torah. It has also taught a variant form of the long-promised Messiah with a Greek name and a pagan set of solar years, months, weeks, and days, but also holidays in this way, making pagan infidels out of the unsuspecting church attendees.
Not Under Law, But Under Grace
This set the stage for the foundational teaching of all Christian churches, i.e., “We are no longer under the LAW but under GRACE.” This view was further propagandized in the Roman Christian declaration that “The LAW was nailed to the cross/stake.”
This is not in reference to the Ten Commandments alone, as these are only a portion of the Torah Law of Instruction.
Profoundly, the TORAH (Law) of the Old Testament contained the foundational time-centric prophecies destined to be fulfilled by YAHUSHA, our true Messiah. Our Messiah honored the Torah (Law of instruction) during His life and in his death and resurrection here on earth. All the Messiah’s disciples and apostles continued to keep and teach that the New Moon, lunar seventh-day Sabbaths, and each lunar appointed Feast Day were still binding throughout their lives. They continued to advocate the Torah life through Feast keeping seven times each year, as this is what it is to be true children of Yasharal (Israel). By this method and pathway alone, the faithful are able to “follow the LAMB, wherever He goes.”
Nailed to the Cross/Stake
Another false ideology that is often taught is that “all things nailed to the cross/stake came to an end.”
Astoundingly, nothing could be further from the truth. For all things nailed to the cross/stake continued forward and are forever established in eternity, receiving superior honor. This includes 1) our living Messiah, 2) His Covenant, and 3) the Torah Law (O.T.), with its prophecies regarding the Messiah and His time-centric mechanism of Salvation. This is the true solved mystery with regard to “the LAW being nailed to the cross/stake. Think of the cross/stake as a “time machine,” with everything attached to it receiving eternal life.
“THINK NOT that I am come to destroy the TORAH LAW, or the PROPHECIES [NEVI’IM]. I am not come to destroy, but to FULFILL [all the Messianic prophetic requirements of the TORAH LAW].” Matthew 5:17
The concept that everything nailed to the cross was abolished is FAKE NEWS.
Feast Days to be Celebrated throughout Eternity
But further, still, our Messiah’s ministerial work, in salvation’s seven-part mechanism, was designed to continue in the shamayim (heavenly) courts above until all the Feast Day Prophecies were completed and then into eternity and beyond as will honor them as memorial celebrations of the love and compassion of their Messiah.
“But Messiah being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this [human] building. Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered in once into the Kadoshim (holy place), having obtained eternal redemption for us… And for this cause He is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Covenant [TANAKH and TORAH LAW], that they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.” Hebrews 9:11, 12, 15
The entire work for the salvation of mankind’s soul temples, both on earth and later in the true tabernacle above, was laid out according to the time-centric footprint of the Old Testament as revealed in the TANAKH, with its TORAH (LAW), Nevi’im (Prophecies), and Ketuvim (Writings). All unanimously orchestrating PROPHETIC TIMES with SACRED APPOINTED EVENTS, called set-apart Feast Days (Kadosh mo’edim).
Divine TRUTH requires that the time-centric prophecies of Torah can NEVER be changed or severed from their EVENTS, but can only be fulfilled by YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah), the LAMB/KOHEN PRIEST, alone.
Replacement Terms for the New Distinctly Roman Religion
From the time of the crucifixion of Yahusha haMashiach to the days of Constantine, a period of approximately 300 years, the Messiah’s true followers (Natsarim) were called Quartodecimen (fourteeners) by the Romans. (As pointed out, they were NEVER called Christians.) This name was dubbed on them because they (Messiah’s followers) continued to keep Passover according to the 14th day of the First Lunar Month (Abib), as counted from the Rosh Hashanah (first New Moon), in spring. But after A.D. 325, these Quartodecimen/Natsarim were compelled under penalty of death to recant and join the Roman Catholic holy communion of Christianity and depart from their distinctly Old Testament Torah Law-keeping, Hebrew (Jewish) ways.
Stunningly, the term “Christian” did not exist before that date, and the name “Jesus Christ” resulted from the Greek translation to Latin and then later to English, as shown in the following image.
Changing the name of the Messiah was not the result of a simple language barrier but an outright refusal of Roman Emperor Constantine to pay homage to a Hebrew Yahudim (Jewish) Messiah or His Hebrew name. So they replaced the name of the Hebrew Messiah with a name His Hebrew followers would never consider using as a replacement for YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah). A name His mother had never heard or called Him.
The Early Believers Were Neither Romans nor Christians
All references to the “early believers” refer to the true followers of Yahusha, the Messiah, who were never associated with a “church” at all but remained the faithful and obedient Torah Law observers of Yasharal (Israel). They were the ecclesia or called out ones (in Hebrew – people of the sacred assemblies). In great contrast to the Roman Catholic Christian worldview, all mentions of the “early believers” speak of a single group of believers who held three attributes of great consequence: 1) They followed YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah); and 2) They continued to hold near and dear the entire TANAKH (Old Testament), containing the Torah Law of instruction, the Nevi’im (Prophets), and the Ketuvim (Writings). 3) They continued to hold fast to the astro-luni-solar calendar found in the Torah Law for New Year’s Day in spring and counted fourteen days to locate PASSOVER and, in this way, all the other sacred days. The faithful and obedient Yasharal are summed up in Scripture this way:
“To the Torah Law [containing commandments, judgments, statutes, testimonies] and to the Testimony [Tabernacle of the Testimony Feast Day prophecies of the Messiah], if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 8:20
Yet, the Papacy (Roman Catholic Church) desired that all the world believe that Romanism’s new religion, called “Christianity,” represented the original followers of the Messiah after the resurrection. Yet, these two are several hundred years apart and NEVER synonymous. All areas of Roman influence were ultimately fused into Romanism’s Christianity, and its non-adherers were to be hunted down as heretics. All were required to adopt a set of customs, beliefs, and rules that are completely absent from and opposed to those of Scripture. For example:
“In the year 325 A.D. was perpetrated one of the most colossal frauds and deceptions in the annals of history. This was the date of the Council of Nicaea, whose task it was to create a new religion that would be acceptable to Emperor Constantine…” The Historical Apollonius Versus the Mythical Jesus, By Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D.
“The Council of Nicaea was a pivotal event in the history of Christianity [The Messiah followers called themselves Natsarim but were at the time called Quartodecimen by the Romans. The term “Christians” was the creation of Constantine in the 4th century A.D.]. The sudden adoption of a quasi-philosophic term to define the historic
Jesus[Messiah] as equal to God was a major departure from Scripture and tradition. Further, the use of this term “trinity” in a Creed meant that, from A.D. 325 on, Nicenes could and did proclaim other dogmas that have no basis in Scripture.” – State Church of the Roman Empire; Ben H. Swett; 1998
Subsequently, special creeds were drafted, in which all within the Roman Empire had to sign on the dotted line or swear an oath to give up their TORAH LAW (first five books of the Old Testament) from the ancient Scriptural scrolls, such as…
“I accept all customs, rites, legalism, and feasts [holidays] of the Romans, sacrifices. Prayers, purifications with water, sanctifications by Pontificus Maximus (high priests of Rome), propitiations, and feasts, and the New Sabbath “So! dei” (day of the Sun, better known as Sunday), all new chants and observances, and all the foods and drinks of the Romans. In other words, I absolutely accept everything Roman, every new law, rite and custom, of Rome, and the New Roman Religion.”
The Council of Laodicea
In 358 A.D., 33 years following the establishment of Rome’s new Christian Religion and new seven-day cycling week, the Yahudim (Jews), under extreme pressure, finalized the complete overhaul of their calendar. Seven years later, in A.D. 365, the Council of Laodicea, as recorded in one of the Roman Canons, legislated:
“Christians must not Judaize by resting on the [lunar] Sabbath , but must work on that day. Rather, honoring the Lord’s Day [new planetary Sunday]. But if any shall be found to be Judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.” Council of Laodicea, Canon 29
If we had no knowledge of the recorded evidence that the Yahudim (Jews) had just seven years previously changed their calendar, reflecting their adoption of the Roman Saturday as their new Sabbath, we could assume, along with the ignorant, that Saturday had always been the Sabbath of the Jews. In this case, this quote legislating that the Sunday-keeping Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath of the Jews, meaning Saturday, was likely designed to keep up appearances as a way of segregation from the hated Jews.
On the other hand, this piece of legislation from the Council of Laodicea may have likely also referred to the original lunar Sabbath that the Jews had traditionally kept since antiquity. But, whichever the case, the real truth shines forth by the weight of evidence that, indeed, both the Romans and the Jews of that era changed every single unit of time. Thus, neither reflects the Torah Law, the prophecies of the true Messiah, or its principles of time-measuring today that were designed to synchronize the Creator’s followers with His true worship rhythm.
What Sunday Keepers Have Known for Years
Did you know that Sunday-keeping Theologians have been thoroughly knowledgeable about the true Scriptural Hebrew lunar Sabbath, no less than since 1916? But this knowledge has not affected their worship rhythm, as they declare themselves immune and excused from obedience, having accepted Constantine’s Creed that proclaims, “We are not under the Torah Law but under Grace.”
The following quote from the unexpected book, Sunday the World’s Rest Day, has been republished and is available on Please note that this book is a compilation of the Fourteenth Congress of the Lord’s Day Alliance of 1916. This militant organization was formed to develop unity for Sunday keeping as the Lord’s Day. This organization has long been at war with Saturday Sabbath keepers of several persuasions, as they have known all along that neither Saturday nor Sunday was ever the original Sabbath of the Hebrews (Israelites) of Scripture. Check this out.
“The changes in the calendric position of the weekly religious rest day have been few from pre-historic times to the present day. The Sabbath which came down to the Jews from pre-historic [prior to Moses] times was the seventh-day of the lunar week. The lunar week and the lunar month gave the simplest form of time division to early man… Moon and month meant the same thing. The division of the month into four weeks of seven days . . . and the weekly division begun again at the time of the next new moon. The change from the lunar week to the seven-day week running continuously through the year, while a momentous change, was unrecorded. The use of two styles of weeks seems to have existed together, and the more modern seven-day week slowly, but finally, supplanted its ancient…
competitor. The lunar week was simple and serviceable… When the continuous seven-day week was generally accepted, then it was linked with the past, as we now date events before Christ by a scale unknown to the people and historians of those times… The lunar Sabbath was succeeded by the seven-day weekly [Saturday] Sabbath without confusion, and the mention of the Sabbath in Exodus 31:13 and elsewhere, may be taken to refer to the lunar day.” Sunday the World’s Rest Day, “The Sabbath, the Day Which Divine Love Established and Human Love Must Preserve,” Theodore Gilman, p. 479. Published for the New York Sabbath Committee, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York, 1916.
For more historical quotes, refer to The Lunar Sabbath’s Stunning Historical Evidence.
Council Given Yasharal Not to Change Set-Time Laws
It was through the covenant made with Abraham that Yasharal (Israel) was given the great honor of bearing the oracles of the PLAN OF SALVATION, THE REMEDY for sin, with its time-centric prescription of the ministry of the Messiah by way of the lunar appointed Feast Days. But still, the greatest honor was to carry the seed of the long-promised Messiah. Yet, here we find the conditional qualification of obedience is linked to a specific predetermined time-measuring model in which Yahuah declares:
“If you (Yasharel – Israel) shall remove the prescribed SET-TIME LAWS, the oath of the covenant from before My face, declares Yahuah, then indeed (you) the children of Yasharal shall cease from existence and being a nation before My face all the days (forever).” YirmeYAHU (Jeremiah) 31:36
Since the Eternal Yahuah Alahim knows the end from the beginning, might He have introduced this subject because He knew this was, in fact, going to occur? Might this verse in YirmeYAHU have been utilized as a warning mechanism for His beloved set-apart children? So the question of the day is, “Has Yasharal (Israel) actually removed all or part of Yahuah Alahim’s prescribed set time-measuring model?” Yes, Yes, and Yes! They have changed ALL of it! Not even one unit of time remains according to the recorded Kadosh (sacred) standard.
Not only did this occur in YirmeYahu’s day, after which it was ultimately restored, but the calendar changes also transpired in the 4th century A.D. But, to this day, these calculated and willful calendar alterations have never been restored back to their authentic originals of creation. So, while this article began with a focus on Constantine and the Christian Churches abolishing the truths found in the Torah Law, including the calendar, the Jews themselves have also succumbed to altering all holy, sacred, and divine things that were given to them to guard and protect. This levels the playing field, identifying that all have fallen from grace and all need to be restored.
“In AD 351-352 Roman persecution flared and the Jews revolted. They were soon crushed. Many Jewish towns were destroyed and decrees issued against the local authorities and against Judaism. The privileges of the head of the Sanhedrin and the freedoms of the Sanhedrin itself were curtailed. Roman pressure to conform “Jewish” TIME to Roman TIME had reached crisis level. ibid
Under this pressure Hillel II agreed to limit the functions of the head of the Sanhedrin, as well as the Sanhedrin itself, with respect to proclaiming the New Moon, setting festival dates, and employing intercalation [inserting the 13th lunar month]. With the decline of the Jewish power-base in Israel, the Jewish community in Babylon had been rising in influence to fill the vacuum. Hillel II published details informing all Jews of the methods of the [new] calculated calendar developed in Babylon. From that time on the Sanhedrin in Judea ceased to function or to maintain calendar experts. Hillel II is thus given the credit for the present fixed Rabbinical calendar, but in reality it originated in Babylon and was just the starting point of the development of the Rabbinical calendar in use today.” Encyclopedia Judaica, s.v. “Hillel.”
The very fact that modern Yasharal (Israel) has maintained to this day the Roman cycling week, which corresponds to the seven-day cycle from Sunday to Saturday, tells us that the nation of Yasharal (Israel) remains in Roman captivity. But how, you might ask?
In 358 A.D., when under extreme pressure from Rome to change their calendar model to anything other than that of the TORAH LAW, they, in combination with their new Babylonian dark/crescent New Moon, also adopted the Roman continuous weekly cycling, fully divorced from the New Moon. Their original style of the week depended on the lunar cycles and phases, and the new one was entirely removed from these preordained markers.
Rules of Postponement
Uniting these two conflicting time systems created an altogether new problem for the Jews…utter chaos. It generated and necessitated the use of an additional synchronizing interface. The Yahudim (Jews) called their new invention The Rules of Postponement. It was crafted for this purpose, as it NEVER existed before this calendar change and its resulting pandemonium.
All of this was and remains to this day a mere charade of playing “Calendar” with fictional rules and numbers. How can we know? Because as long as the true time-measuring model of Scripture was consistently utilized for the long centuries previously, there was NEVER a calendar conflict between the Sabbath and the Feast Days. Both are derived from and synchronized by the same beacons of time-measuring found only in the correct use of the trinity of lights, the sun, moon, and stars.
So this prophecy given by YirmeYAHU, as a voice of YAHUAH Alahim to Yasharal (Israel), has been fulfilled at least twice since his day. First, when the children of Yasharal were taken into Babylonian captivity in 605 B.C. because of their disobedience, and the last time in the years after being taken into Roman Captivity in A.D. 70, for rejecting the Messiah, the benefactor of their would-be eternal inheritance.
Yasharal Remains in Captivity Today
So if Yasharal (Israel) has removed the principles of Yahuah’s original time-measuring system without restoration, where does that leave them today, according to Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 31:36? It places them outside His divine protection and without the PROMISE manifest by Yahusha haMashiach (the Messiah) for their eternal future.
As difficult as this may be for some to take in, YAHUAH Alahim has stated His case. Not a single soul will be saved, receiving an eternal reward on that last GREAT DAY simply because of their genealogy. Rather, the opportunity will continually be provided by our loving Eternal Father through the extended arms of the Messiah for their full reformation and restoration. GRACE is freely given to ALL, but SALVATION is only provided to those who respond to GRACE with OBEDIENCE to His TORAH LAW OF INSTRUCTION. The purpose of GRACE was never intended to eliminate obedience to the TORAH LAW (the Bridal Covenant. To be accepted as the bride of His pure covenant, we must neither spot nor wrinkle.
The greatest sign of a converted heart is revealed in the trusting obedience to the MOST HIGH’S TIME-HONORED TORAH LAW and its time-centric CALENDAR MODEL for the express purpose of synchronizing worship to YAHUAH Alahim and YAHUSHA haMashiach in the Ruach and in TRUTH. For it is the ONLY WAY, PATH, and PROVISION that mankind may truly follow the Lamb, the Messiah, whithersoever He goes (Rev. 14:4). From full New Moon to full New Moon, and from lunar Sabbath to lunar Sabbath, all Zadok (righteous) flesh shall come and worship before Yahuah Alahim (Isaiah 66:23). Add to this the prophetic Feast Days, each counted from the full New Moon, and we have a complete blood-stained road map provided by the Messiah alone, unto Eternal Life.
These alone will recognize that their promised Messiah came on time the first time and will come again at the appointed time, as promised. Of a truth, the TIME (our Creator’s original astro-luni-solar calendar) and the EVENT of Yahusha haMashiach (the Messiah) giving His life for mankind are forever entwined. To remove either one of these from the equation, the WHO and the WHEN, of necessity, automatically destroy the application. United, they stand, and divided, they fall.
Evidence that Saturday Sacredness was Never Changed to Sunday!
Unfortunately, many Sabbatarians today, not knowing their history, continue to proclaim that the Sabbath of Scripture is unquestioningly “Saturday,“ the seventh day of the pagan Roman calendar. While ignorant that they are miss quoting, they claim that at the Council of Laodicea, the sacredness of “Saturday“ was changed to “Sunday.” But this is not correct! Stunningly, this quote speaks of the Hebrew lunar Sabbath and not “Saturday” of the new Roman calendar. These are two unique days on two different time-measuring calendar models. Additionally, their assumption that the calendar of creation and its weekly cycle is based upon the same time-measuring principles as the Roman Julian and later Gregorian solar calendars is entirely groundless. For more on this subject of what actually changed, refer to the article Constantine and the Week.
The first problem with this view is that the Romans changed their original calendar from their existing lunar time-keeping system, in which weeks were counted from the New Moon. They introduced the eight-day continuous weekly cycle entirely divorced from the moon in 45 B.C. That was when Julius Caesar eliminated the moon entirely from the new Roman Julian calendar. So, this is not accurate according to Scripture. Something was changed, but the sacredness of Saturday (Dies Saturnis) was not transformed into Sunday (Dies Solis)!
“In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Cæsar invited Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar, and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the lunar calendar altogether. Months must be arranged on a seasonal basis, and a tropical (solar) year used, as in the Egyptian calendar.“ Encyclopedia Britannica. “The Julian Calendar.
“Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day. Rather, honoring the Lord’s Day [Sunday]. But if any shall be found to be Judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.” Council of Laodicea, Canon 29
If you notice the second quote above, it says, “Christians must not Judaize by resting on THE SABBATH.” There were three options represented, the first of which Constantine had fully and utterly denounced as the Jewish lunar Sabbath of the original Hebrew New Moon calendar; the second was the seventh day, “Saturday” of the new Roman calendar in which the Jews were pressured to adopt; and the third was his new Sunday worship day called Dies Solis (Sunday) of the Roman planetary calendar, in which all Christians in good standing were to adopt. But whether by design or a simple result of Sunday being the first day of Rome’s new week cycle, this new arrangement caused the seventh day of this pagan planetary week to consistently fall on Dies Saturnis (Saturday), causing Saturday to appear to be the seventh-day Sabbath.
It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that folks awaken to the truth and recognize that the original Sabbath day of the Yahudim (Jews) is NOT the same day of the same calendar the Jews have succumbed to keeping since the 4th century A.D. of their Roman captivity. Prior to that, they adhered only to the TANAKH and the TORAH LAW of Scripture, starting years, months, weeks, and days with the New Moon Day, and counted seven days to each lunar Sabbath. For this reason, Constantine bitterly hated and denounced ALL THINGS JEWISH in his creed. His traditional pagan view had become “CHRISTIANIZED” as set forth in this Creed. He forced the Jews to give up the very truths that had tied them to the Torah, their Creator, and to the promise of the Messiah, who takes away the sins of the world. To this day, the would-be followers of the Messiah, under the name “Christian,” have never returned to the authentic sacred calendar of Scripture, with its signature full moon as New Moon and lunar Sabbaths.
The true Sabbath referred to in this historical document highlights that the Sabbath was found “from one New Moon to another” in the Hebrew astro-luni-solar calendar. Nobody misunderstood what the Roman law required because everyone knew that the Sabbath referred only to the Hebrew calendar’s LUNAR seventh day. While both Saturday and Sunday were spurious days only found on the pagan Roman calendar, both were wholly divorced from the moon and its lunar phases since the days of Julius Caesar. Anyone who had been keeping the true Sabbath was either Judaizing because they were Messiah followers, or they were Yahudim (Jews) who would rather be synchronized to the Romans than have anything to do with following the teachings of the Messiah or the New Testament.
Strikingly, neither the early obedient Jews nor the faithful Messiah followers ever kept Saturday as their Sabbath until after A.D. 358, when Hillel II, chief of the Sanhedrin, created a calendar that would appease the Romans and, at the same time, keep up appearances to keep the seventh-day Sabbath of the Torah Scriptures. In addition, he adopted an all-together changed New Moon to commence their months, for the TRUE and ORIGINAL were no longer allowed by their Roman captors.
“Declaring the new month by observation of the new moon, and the New Year by the arrival of spring, can only be done by the Sanhedrin. In the time of Hillel II [4th century A. D.], the last President of the Sanhedrin, the Romans prohibited this practice. Hillel II was therefore forced to institute his fixed calendar, thus in effect giving the Sanhedrin’s advance approval to the calendars of all future years.” The Jewish Calendar: Changing the Calendar,
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being Kohenim (Priests) for Me. Because you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also will forget your children.” HoshaYAH (Hosea) 4:6
Everyone at that time knew that “Sabbath“ and “Saturday” represented two different days on two distinctly different calendar models. It is only as the facts of history have been forgotten that “Saturday” has been assumed to be synonymous with the Sabbath of Scripture and of the Jews prior to the fourth century A.D.
“This planetary week was paganism’s counterfeit of the true Biblical week instituted by the Creator in the beginning of earth’s history. In the counterfeit week, employed in ancient paganism, “the venerable day of the Sun” was esteemed by the heathen above the other six days because it was regarded as sacred to the Sun, the chief of the planetary deities . . . Just as the true Sabbath is inseparably linked with the Biblical week, so the false Sabbath of pagan origin needed a weekly cycle. Thus we have found that the planetary week of paganism is Sunday’s twin sister, and that the two counterfeit institutions were linked together …” Odom, op. cit., p. 243-244, emphasis supplied.
This rebellious time-keeping system was first instituted in Babylon around 2,000 B.C. by Nimrod and his wife, Semiramis. It was known as the birth of the pagan sun worship cult. A system that began to measure time at 180 degrees in opposition to the Creator’s preordained plan. Years later, the Egyptians carried variations of this rebellious time-keeping torch, and then the Romans, beginning with Julius Caesar, when the first draft of the Julian calendar was drawn for the purpose of eliminating the moon altogether from his new time-keeping method. It was later supported by Pope Sixtus, Victor, Bishop of Rome, and ultimately Emperor Constantine, who enforced it through his clever invention of “Christianity.”
Today, the entire world marches succinctly to the beat of the rebellious Roman time system. Many varied churches under the Roman umbrella of Christianity worship their Creator under a replacement name and according to an illegitimate calendar system.
Does Your Church or Synagogue Carry the DNA Torch of the Roman Mother Church?
If truth holds any value for you, please consider how one or more of the following points may reveal whether your Christian church or Synagogue carries any DNA of the mother Roman Catholic Church, connecting it with the Beast and its Mark. In like manner, as Martin Luther discovered he couldn’t bring change to the Roman Catholic Church, no truth seeker will impact change for their church today. We can only change hearts, one individual at a time, through the knowledge of the truth.
Roman Mother Church DNA
- Like Constantine, they worship Jesus Christ as the Son of God in place of YAHUSHA the true Messiah, who came in the name of His Father YAHUAH Alahim, written in Hebrew over 7,000 times in the Tanakh (O.T.).
- Like Constantine, its members call themselves Christians, even though this term did not exist until Constantine created a new god for the Roman Empire in A.D. 325.
- Like Constantine, they worship the “Lord God” as a replacement for YAHUAH Alahim, the Eternal Father.
- Like Constantine, they follow the rhythm of the pagan Roman sun cult Gregorian calendar for all worship occasions.
- Like Constantine, they identify either Saturday (Dies Saturnis) as the seventh day Sabbath or Sunday (Dies Solis) as Holy on the Roman calendar, specifically designed to oppose the creation week as found in the Torah Law of Scripture.
- Like Constantine, they celebrate New Year’s Day on January 1st in winter, instead of Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day) on the full New Moon day of Abib 1, in spring, as the Torah Scripture indicates.
- Like Constantine, they denounce the New Year in Spring, New Moons, lunar Sabbaths, and all sacred lunar appointed Feast Days of the sacred Torah Scripture.
- Like Constantine, they follow a continuous seven-day weekly cycle, instead of the one that starts and stops with each full New Moon.
- Like Constantine, every month and day of the month is printed on a wall calendar with NO consistent synchronization to our Creator’s uniquely designated lunar phases corresponding to each day of the lunar month.
- Like Constantine, they proclaim we are no longer under the Old Testament Torah Law, and declare it came to an end at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but that we are under New Testament covenant of GRACE. Say what? It was Constantine and not our Messiah, Yahusha haMashiach, who did away with all things Hebrew, including the Torah Law, in A.D. 325.
- Like the mother church, they misapply what is meant by the Torah Law being nailed to the cross/stake. As they declare it ended.
- Like Constantine, they celebrate Christmas on December 25, with an assortment of pagan festivities that are really attributed to the birthday of many pagan gods.
- Like Constantine, they celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of “Jesus Christ” on “Easter Sunday,” the first Sunday after the full moon following the Vernal Equinox in spring, to ensure it NEVER occurs on the true Scriptural Passover and Wave Sheaf Offering of the Jews. Yet, Scripture appointed Yahusha the Messiah to give up His life for the sins of mankind on Passover, the 14th of Abib, as counted from the full New Moon in spring, and resurrected on the day of the Wave Sheaf Offering of the 16th. This fulfillment was to be evidence that He alone was the true Messiah.
- Some Saturday keepers even hold “communion” four times a year (every 13th Sabbath) as a replacement to PASSOVER, which was designated to be counted fourteen days from the first full New Moon in the spring.
- Most teach that when you die you go directly to heaven or hell, when the Scriptures teach that all mankind remain in their graves until the eternal reward of LIFE or DEATH, is meted out at the RETURN of the Messiah.
- Some teach that you can pray or even pay a loved one into heaven from purgatory or hell through the use of indulgences.
- Some teach that Mary is the divine intercessor between the Eternal Father and mankind.
- Some pray to images of a patron saint for help, health or safety.
- Some recognize that the Vatican is the Beast of Revelation, but the evidence with regard to Postponements, suggests that the Rabbinical Pharisee Yahudim (Jews) are in league with Rome with regard to altering TIMES and LAWS of YAHUAH Alahim.
- All churches believe the MARK OF THE BEAST will NOT touch them, or affect their eternal reward, because of their denominations unique and ill-perceived antidote.
- Saturday Sabbatarians believe that faithfully keeping Saturday (Dies Saturnis) as the seventh-day Sabbath will prevent them from receiving the Mark of the Beast, which they believe to be Sunday Worship. (An ignorance born out of a lack of knowledge of calendar history, and the Creed of Constantine, the abomination that makes desolate.)
- The Sunday (Dies Solis) worshipers believe they are exempt, because they are no longer under the Torah Law, but under Grace. (The result of Constantine’s Creed, the abomination that makes desolate, and a sheer lack of knowledge of calendar history.)
- Like Constantine, your church does not recognize that both the Roman calendar swap and/or Rabbinical Pharisee Jewish calendar swap, produce the MARK of the BEAST.
Historical Lunar Week and Sabbath Quotes
The popular notion that the modern week and its continuous weekly cycle has come down uninterrupted since Creation is not an assumption shared by modern Jewish scholars who know their history and the immovable tenants of the Torah Scripture. Rather, it appears the 2nd – 4th-century Jewish leaders, along with the Romans, had a part to play in the egregious changes to calendation (time-measuring) known to the world today, simply by the putting away of our Creator’s Calendar beaconed by His trinity of LIGHTS, the sun, moon, and stars.
“The connection of the Sabbath with lunar phases, however, was (later) discarded by the Israelites . . .” The New Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia, p. 135-136.
“In the years following Clement of Alexandria’s time (A.D. 150-215), an ominous change started to take place that was to radically change the Christian concept of the Sabbath.” This intimate connection between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom — without paying any regard to the days of the month (i.e. the luni-solar month) . . . so that the New Moon no longer coincided with the first day of the month. Then, on page 4179 of the same encyclopedia, we read: “The introduction . . . of the custom of celebrating the Sabbath every 7th day, irrespective of the relationship of the day to the moon’s phases, led to a complete separation from the ancient view of the Sabbath. . . Encyclopaedia Biblica, 1903 p. 5290.
Even after Constantine’s edict about Sunday [A.D. 321-324], it took another generation or two for the seven-day week to catch on throughout the empire. The 24-hour system took longer, having to wait until the invention of the mechanical clock in the Middle Ages by monks anxious to observe with precision their canonical hours. Before this, people marked the passage of time during the night by using the stars and during the day either by eyeballing the sun or by listening to public announcements of the time.” Calendar, David Ewing Duncan, p. 47, New York, Avon Books, 1998.
“The invention of the continuous week was therefore one of the most significant breakthroughs in human beings’ attempts to break away from being prisoners of nature [time preordained by the Creator with the correct use of the sun, moon, and stars] and create a social world of their own.” The Seven Day Circle: The History and Meaning of the Week, Eviator Zerubavel, New York: The Free Press, 1985. p.11.
“Most theologians and some scholars assume that mainstream Jewish society, at the time of Jesus…was practicing a fixed seven-day week, which was the same as the modern fixed [Roman planetary cycling] seven-day week. This is extremely doubtful. The change, from a lunar to a fixed week, was brought about by the power and influence of Rome. As long as the Nazarenes held power in Jerusalem, all Roman practices and customs, including that of the consecutive week, were held at bay.” Shawui Sabbath: Ancient Sabbath Observance
“The [early] Hebrews employed lunar seven-day weeks, which ended with special observances on the seventh day, but none the less were tied to the moon’s course.” Rest Days, Hutton Webster, p. 254-255
“He [Constantine] wished, almost the necessity, of so keeping Easter as to make the day of crucifixion Friday, and of the resurrection Sunday, caused differences of opinion that led to persecution and bloodshed.” Mazzaroth, The Constellations, Frances Rolleston, p. 133. Rivingtons, London, 1862.
“The Jewish festivals being regulated solely by the moon, may fall on any day of the [modern Roman] week.” Oxford English Dictionary, 1971 Edition, Vol. 2, “Pentecost.”
“The modern seven-day week came into use during the early imperial period, after the Julian calendar came into effect, apparently stimulated by immigration from the Roman East. For a while it coexisted alongside the old 8-day nundinal cycle, and fasti are known which show both cycles. It was finally given official status by Constantine in 321.” Roman Calendar Encyclopedia, Days of the Week.
“The Sabbath depending, in Israel’s nomadic period, upon the observation of the phases of the moon, it could not, accordingly be a fixed day [planetary day of the modern Roman cycling week]. The Jewish Encyclopedia: A Descriptive Record of the History. Edited by Isidore Singer, Cyrus Adler. Volume 10, p. 590.
“It is certain that the Jews celebrated the sheaf-waving on Nisan 16 and Pentecost on the fiftieth day after . . . without regard in either case to the day of the [modern Roman] week.” Oxford English Dictionary, 1971 Edition, Vol. 2, “Pentecost.”
“We shall be taken for Persians [Mithraists], perhaps . . . The reason for this, I suppose, is that it is known that we pray towards the east . . . Likewise, if we devote the day of the Sun to festivity (from a far different reason from Sun worship), we are in a second place from those who devote the day of Saturn, themselves also deviating by way of a Jewish custom of which they are ignorant.” Tertullian, Apologia.
The weeks do not continue in a regular cycle regardless of the moon. Each month has four weeks, their beginning with the New Moon. I have no doubt that this was the old Hebrew system. Babylonian Menologies and the Semitic Calendars, p. 89.
“It should be noted that the oldest dated Christian inscription to employ a planetary designation [Sunday – Saturday, unbroken cycle of weeks] belongs to the year 269 A.D.“ Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae, ed. De Rossi, 1861, i, No. 1.
“The present Jewish calendar was fixed [to the Roman planetary weekly cycle] in the fourth century.” Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Letter by Louis Finkelstein to Dr. Leroy E. Froom, Feb. 20, 1939.
“There was a distinct break between the Old Testament requirements . . . dealing with the Sabbath worship… They wanted to show that Christianity was distinct from Judaism… The other thing that we should remember, too, is that our calendar that we follow, including Seventh-day Adventists, is not only a calendar that was devised by the Catholic Church, but also it is a calendar that’s based upon the solar year, not the lunar year and the Jewish calendar that was observed in the time of Christ follows a lunar [lunisolar] calendar . . . So the great irony is that even the Seventh-day Adventists themselves are not worshiping on exactly the same Sabbath day as the Jews of the time of Christ.” Patrick Madrid, Catholic University Professor made the startling comment on EWTN, Global Catholic Radio Network on Jan 5, 2006 when answering a question about the Catholic Church changing the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.
With the slight of his hand, Constantine applied Dies Solis (Sunday) to the Resurrection of our Messiah as His contribution to removing the calendar from the Yahudim (Jews). To the untrained eye, ignorant of history’s past, this proactive action caused it to appear that Scripture’s original seventh-day Sabbath had always been “Saturday.” This was accomplished simply by ensuring that every year, Easter occurs on Sunday, the first day of the new Roman planetary week cycle. Then, by extension, it made Saturday (Dies Saturnis) the seventh day of the same week cycle. And yet, it had never been so previously, according to Scripture.
“The long-term effect was that ‘Easter Sunday’ entered the Christian paradigm as ‘The Day of Christ’s Resurrection.’ The corollary to this realignment of time calculation was that the day preceding Easter Sunday, Saturday, became forever after ‘The True Bible Sabbath.’ This is the true significance of Constantine’s ‘Sunday law’ and it laid the foundation for the modern assumption that a continuous weekly cycle has always existed.” eLaine Vornholt & Laura Lee Vorholt-Jones, Calendar Fraud, “Biblical Calendar Outlawed.”
Have we been dead wrong most of our lives with regard to our desire to be a Christian and denounce the continued viability of the Torah (law of the OT)? Are we motivated to turn a blind eye to the ORIGINAL TIME-MEASURING MODEL set forth at creation, with its New Moons, lunar Sabbaths, and lunar appointed Feast Days, all because we have been told a LIE that we are now “SAVED BY GRACE,” and the TORAH is no longer binding? YES, because we did not know better! But folks, every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.
It has been written for all to see in this Creed of Constantine, as recited by the Church of Constantinople, that the Hebrews kept the New Moon Days to mark their months in accordance with the Torah (law). And it was Yahuah Alahim’s lunar Sabbath that Constantine urgently desired to eliminate. He never tried to discard Saturday of his uniquely crafted Roman sun cult calendar model. The bottom line is that the original lunar seventh-day Sabbath was not the one the Rabbinical Pharisees Jews were later coerced to adopt in A.D. 358 and utilize to this day. They keep the Roman Saturday along with all the pagans. Might this truth be painful to hear?
And for those of you who have considered adopting the Enoch solar calendar model or the New World Calendar, coming soon, consider the clues provided in this Creed, a mirror of Constantine’s views. It identifies the exact calendar model the Hebrews had kept prior to A.D. 325. It was not the Enoch solar calendar or the Roman solar calendar, but the calendar was based entirely upon the moon for time-measuring. But not just any lunar phase qualifies as the start of the lunar month, but only the full moon. It was the brilliant beacon of light to announce the New Year and New Months and count to all the sacred days.
The Hebrews, in Roman captivity at the time of Constantine, were required to give up the continued viability of YAHUAH’S TORAH, His New Moons, lunar Sabbaths, and lunar appointed Kadosh (sacred) Feast Days. Yet, the Hebrew/Jewish/Semitic people have never to this day returned to Yahuah’s ordained time-keeping model that preceded the time of Constantine and had been obediently honored by all the Patriarchs and Prophets for more than 4,000 years. By extension, the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews and all who follow the modern Roman calendar model remain in Roman captivity to this day. As stated previously, the modern Roman power is the twin sister of the ancient Babylonian power and the very seat of Satan.
Here we stand at the END OF TIME, and referring to the BEAST POWER, as influenced by ancient Babylon, born out through the Roman power and her Creed, our Messiah’s urgency is heard through the voice of His messengers, shouting:
“BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLEN, IS FALLEN . . .” Hazon (Revelation) 18:2
“. . . COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, LEST YOU SHARE IN HER SINS, AND LEST YOU RECEIVE OF HER PLAGUES.” Hazon (Revelation) 18:4My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. WHY? Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being Kohenim (Priests) for Me. Because you have forgotten THE TORAH (LAW) of your Elohim, I also will forget your children. HoshaYAH (Hosea) 4:6
“Our beliefs, right or wrong.
If right, to be kept right;
and if wrong, to be set right.”
May our conscience win over politics and popularity as we discover that Constantine’s Creed from the 4th century A.D. has caused all Christian Churches to lose sight of the true sacred names, the true messiah, the authentic calendar, and holy days of Yahuah Alahim. So now is your opportunity to restore what was proactively lost from view and return to obedience to Yahuah in all things He prescribes.
May He have continued compassion upon us all as we wake up from our slumber and follow Him out of these false organizations and into His full light of truth in preparation for His impending judgment and ETERNAL KINGDOM GOVERNMENT. His call is to COME OUT and “BE SEPARATE!
Please follow up this article with these related articles:
- Constantine and the Week
- Constantine’s Creation of Jesus Christ
- Constantine’s Easter Controversy with the Messiah’s Quartodecimen
- Mo’edim and the Missing Key Puzzle Piece
The following is a Christian’s challenge and a Rabbi’s rebuttal of the quote’s premise.
Hunting the Wild Misquotation
Posted on May 17, 2010 by Roger Pearse
As I wander around the web, I come across supposed quotations that slap me in the face and shriek at me as “fake.” Today, I found this:
The following creed is that of a church at Constantinople around the time of the “Council of Nicea”:
“I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads & sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspersions, purifications, sanctifications and propitiations and fasts, and new moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants and observances and Synagogues, and the food and drink of the Hebrews; in one word, I renounce everything Jewish, every law, rite and custom and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with the Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable. And may I be anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils.”
Do you think that this religion (Constantinianism) is what Yeshua wanted us to become entangled in?
This is a canon of Nicaea I. It sounds like a personal confession of faith. The poster, of course, gave no reference. But a Google search on I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened bread & sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews gave me this link at, which said nothing about Nicaea and gave “From Assemani, Cod. Lit., 1, p. 105″ as the reference, and “from James Parkes: The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study in the Origins of Antisemitism, (New York: JPS, 1934), 394-400.”
Assemani was an oriental scholar who published texts from Syriac in Rome in the 18th century, most of them medieval. So, this also is not in accord with the starting post.
Adding Assemani to the Google search brought up a slew of material such as this, headed Constantine’s and Rome’s Christian Creed, giving “Stefano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium Martyrum Orientalium at Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105” as the reference for the very same paragraph.
We’re clearly in the realm of the polemical quote when we have two references for the same thing. Of course, “Sanctorium” is itself a typo, but suggestive of someone who has repeated, rather than checked, the data.
Is the book online? Not in Google Books or — not a good start.
What about the “Cod. Lit.” reference? This site tells us that J. A. Assemani published, inter alia:
“Codex Liturgicus ecclesiae Universae in XV libros distributus” (Rome, 1749-66). — This valuable work has become so rare that a bookseller in Paris recently issued a photographic impression of it.
So the “quote” has two references, neither readily accessible, both in Latin at best.
Volume 8 of the codex Liturgicus is here, and several others are accessible. Is volume 1, I wonder? After a lot of searching, I found it here. Page 105 is p.162 of the PDF. The renunciation starts at the top of p.106 and starts as per the quote.
But … it’s misleading. This is not the whole statement. A huge chunk has been omitted from the middle without being marked. For it should at least indicate the omission: “In one word, I renounce everything Jewish, every law, rite and custom … And if afterward I shall wish to deny”. In fact, the sentence before the break is truncated, and the one afterward starts before the ‘and.’
I renounce everything Jewish, legalism, custom, and rite; and above all, he who is expected by all the Jews in the shape and dress of Christ, I renounce Anti-Christ, and join myself to the true Christ and God. And I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; the holy and consubstantial and individual Trinity; I profess the dispensation where one of the holy trinity, the Word of God, took flesh and became man; …
And later:
…if I pretend to be a Christian and then I wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition…
I don’t have time to translate the whole confession, but the extracts are more than a little misleading.
The other question — is this Nicene? — must be answered in the negative. There is no trace of such a statement in all this. No, this is a medieval Greek catechism for someone converting to Christianity from Judaism.
Quite why the Christians should not require a Jew professing conversion to be sincere, of course, we are not told by the original post.
Rebuttal by OvadYah
Thanks, Roger – I read your sobering critique against the hordes of posts on the internet that promote this ‘Constantine Creed.’ I admit that I found this particular Creed promotion too, ‘obviously’ stating the truths of history’s great anti-Semitism and hate against anything Jewish – except, of course, the very Bible that was authored mainly by Jews – including the ‘New Testament’!
True, in sober research, one often gets across (and should be wide awake against) this exuberance of most of modern day’s ‘Hebrew Roots Restorers’ seeking confirmation of their newfound ‘restored true Faith.’ This modern notion is so volatile these days that it could well point to a (mis)interpreted ‘anti-missionary’ onslaught by Jews – as suggested by one of your respondents, Kevin.
Kevin (receiving your agreement), in fact, confirmed my surmising while reading your sobering guidance of another danger inherent in the highlighting of the probable (mis)quotation by these exponents. Kevin’s views, in one swoop, cover up ALL the evidence of the GREAT Jew hatred of the Church from the time of its birth to this day (to various degrees, of course). Typically, as of the media apparatus with all they wish to sweep under the carpet, this treatment of the ‘uncovering of the (mis)quotes against Constantine’ places doubts on ALL the ‘evidence’ of history of the barbarous treatment of Jews simply for sticking to the faith of their ‘mamas and papas’ right up to Moses who was taught and enlightened by God. In fact, Kevin style, we could now even doubt the authenticity of Moses! Never mind the lion’s dens of Rome (NOT for Christians but for ‘Jewish style’ Messianics of the time!). Never mind Luther and Calvin’s venom and insult of Jews and everything Jewish! Never mind ….. ALL the awful hatred revealed by Christians against Jews and Judaism. Today, that hatred (SEE definition of hate!) is covered under a cloak of ‘love’ for Israel and Judaism – indeed a true love, infiltrated through by the bitter waters of centuries of Constantine Christianity. If you doubt these statements, which we are faced with daily in dealing with Hebraic Roots Restorers, then please ask the nearest Christian to you what he/she thinks of Rabbinic authority and the Oral Torah.
Irrespective of which of the libraries of ‘evidence’ of Christian hatred of Jesus’ own religion is (mis) quoted or not, ONE salient point of evidence stands unchallenged today: Millions of Christians are leaving the Constantine-originated institutions of Christianity and RETURNING to their ancient ROOTS of that hated Jewish ‘customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened bread & sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspersions, purifications, sanctifications and propitiations and fasts, and new moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants and observances and Synagogues, and the food and drink of the Hebrews.”
I do not believe that casting doubts on the authenticity of “Constantine-like Decrees” can answer for the sound foundations (MUST BE!!!) of this ‘Turn Around’ by multi-millions of souls throughout the world to a Faith which they, the Returnees and Restorers themselves, have rejected before!
So, I commend your alertness – but please be aware that it does NOT sanctify the birth effects of Constantine’s Decrees and attitude, which poisoned the entire world against God’s One True Faith – Judaism. Interpret this approach as you wish, but do NOT lose sight of what the main message of Prophetic Scripture itself proclaims – as, in fact, confirmed by the authentic Jewish Torah principles hidden in the NT itself, which are, in fact, turning its truly seeking readers around to the very principles that Constantine and Christianity vehemently discarded.
Ref. and note the publication “Jewish Secrets Hidden in the NT” on display – written by an orthodox Rabbi.
OvadYah – co-founder KOL HATOR VISION for a restored Israel (of Jews and non-Jews who seek God’s True Way of Judaism.
Kerrie French’s final comments:
It was in response to the Jews rejecting the Messiah outright that the Good News of the Gospel was carried on the wings of the Gentiles. Yet, while they accepted the Messiah, they rejected the Torah Law of the Old Testament, as had been honored for 1,500 years by the Jews, causing the TRUTHS of SCRIPTURE to become defaced in the process. The Torah Law, which was recorded as the Promise and Purpose of the Prophetic and Time-centric coming of the Messiah, was thwarted and, in its place, a fraudulent focus and time system was set up.
So, both sides, the Jews and Christians, rejected one of the two pillars of Scripture. The prophet Isaiah explained it this way:
“To the Torah Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20