Lunar Sabbath Testimonies

 These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes.


For the very reason that each testimony is unique and inspiring, we invite you to share your personal testimony and change the world. Simply write one to ten paragraphs about your journey into truth and how you came to believe that the full moon is the original New Moon of Scripture and that the Sabbaths are to be counted from it.


I am Vai Thomas, a 58 y/o woman, mother, and retiree sending greetings from Port Moresby, NCD, Papua New Guinea, a nation just north of Australia and in the South Pacific.

I will forever be grateful for accidentally downloading from the internet while soul-searching for TRUTH before I celebrated the Feast of PESACH. I didn’t really study it (the calendar) right away as I was celebrating the Passover Feast, ULB, etc., from sunsets: Monday the 22nd of April to Tuesday the 30th of April.

It was only after I had completed the Passover week celebration that I opened up The Creators Calendar and to my surprise, realized that the 24th of April was the start of 1st Month Aviv…I was like…WOW, so I knew I was still in my wilderness journey searching for TRUTH. So, here I had stumbled on something new and was humbled to know that I must be on the path to being led to finding a lot more answers to all the Biblical truths that I still had in question. Read more …

Vai Thomas from Papua New Guinea


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It has recently occurred to me that I have lived a large portion of my life and have never kept a Feast day. Now I find out that neither have I kept a real Sabbath day, except once in a while, by accident, of all things. All this time, I had considered myself in compliance. But now I discover that I have yet to keep my first Sabbath day. And this while all my life I thought I was among Sabbath-keepers. What a surprise, what a discovery! Earth shaking, actually!  Read more …

David M. of California


I am 36 years old and have begun following Yahuah’s calendar on your website since July of 2021 this year. I used to follow the Saturday Sabbath and was teaching my two children, who are 4 and 8, the Saturday Sabbath, but since I have learned this truth, I now am teaching them the Lunar Sabbath of Yahuah and all His New Moon Days and Appointed Lunar Times. Read More …

Samantha from South Dakota

It will be three years in January 2022 when we first started keeping the Lunar month calendar back in January 2019.  Wow…time is going by too fast!  But the good news is that Yahshua’s kingdom is getting closer….all the time!!

Since then, we would look for the full moon to start a new month each time.  It is very exciting to be looking out for it!  Whenever I look at the full moon, I look at it differently than I did before.  We didn’t always observe the new moon (crescent, dark, and now full moon).  Read More. . .

Janine from Portland Oregon

We endeavor to obey Truth according to the Bible, no matter what it is, no matter where it leads us, and no matter what it costs us. And we are so thankful to have learned about the Lunar-Solar calendar so that we can keep our Creator’s seventh-day Sabbath and Feast days as set by the full new moon!        Read more . . .

Chris and Carla from Kansas


I appreciate all the work you have put into your website. I truly believe it’s inspired by Yah, you are a blessing to us.

It has been quite a journey for us. We were all in Sunday churches growing up but stopped going when we were young. We met in 2011 at Living Church of God. We came out of that ‘Armstrongism’ about two years ago . . .     Read More . . .

Julie from England


I was raised Roman Catholic and attended a Catholic grade school. Mass was a prerequisite before my classes started, five days a week, and on Sunday, my family took me to church. Growing up, I had never thought about anyone keeping a day holy except for Sunday.  Read more . . .


Victoria from Ohio


I believe in this site soooo! Truth is on every page. I can see Yahuah working through you.

At the young age of 70, I have had a lot of experiences. I graduated in 1958 from a Catholic school and was even an altar boy. Later on in life, when standing up for my brother’s wedding, I did a confession to the priest.  Read more . . .

Jerry from Pennsylvania


I am from South Africa. Since 1993 our Heavenly Father has been urging me to discover His true calendar. One day in a very strange manner, I landed on a website where I found the booklet “It’s About Time.” I was NOT looking for a calendar at that time or anything related to the matter. But I started reading the booklet. I had a bit of difficulty with the terms, so I asked my husband to read it.  Read more . . .                         

Reinette from South Africa


In the early 1970s, jobs were plentiful for a young person. My life at the time was free of surrounding concerns. It felt good to hold a steady job, play football a little, and hike in the nearby woods without a care in the world. But one firm, cut-in-stone rule of my Father was that every Sunday, the entire family of seven children was to pile in the car . . .   Read more . . .

David from Equador


I have been a “Seventh-day Adventist” in Australia, and five months ago a friend told me of the Biblical Sabbath, and I have spent every free moment searching for the truth since. My family (husband, three daughters, and theirs) are in the SDA church. My brother was a pastor and is still very involved, as is my elder brother as well.   As I became more and more convicted of the true calendar and its Sabbath, I naturally shared it . . .    Read more . . .

Loretta from Australia

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About 15 years ago, I regularly watched a local comparative religion class on public television. The teacher had different guests from different religions each week, telling about their particular religion. On one Saturday, when I was watching, he had a Wiccan witch as a guest. He asked her about Wiccan holiday celebrations . . .    Read more . . .

Linda from Florida


I want to thank You, Father, for the revelations that you have blessed me with these past ten years. I was led by You to get away from the city and live in the rural area, away from the material madness and to be in nature, away from a crowded lifestyle. I prayed to you for a bible-based church to be part of when I moved to the mountains.   Read more . . .

Charles from California

image-karlaI attended the local church school and then Adventist Academy for three out of four high school years and a quarter at Andrews University. This has been a spiritual journey for which I am most thankful.  After being a member of the SDA Church for 30 years, together with my husband Richard, we left in 1994, resigning all my duties. It was a divine leading to still greater truth, of which I would not have been able to receive had I remained.    Read more . . .                         

Karla from Michigan