Spring of 2025 – Spring 2026



[Note: In order to view the coming spring to spring calendar year you must refresh your browser!!!  Please go to the top of your screen next to the address bar. The browser is the 3/4 circle with an arrow on it, then click it. In order to see new or updated material on any website including this one, you must refresh your browser often (I recommend daily). In the spring thousands of folks flock to the calendar pages, but go away disappointed because they don’t see the newly posted calendar for the next year.  All the while, it is a simple matter of refreshing their browser. The new calendars are posted in the winter.  If after refreshing your browser the next year is still not visible, it is because it has not yet been posted.]

New Year’s Day 2025, the true Rosh HaShanah in the spring, will occur on 04-13 -2025 of the Roman Calendar and represents 01-01-5994, the month, day, and year of the Creator’s Calendar, the total number of years since creation.

Passover 2025 will occur on the 14th day counted from the first FULL NEW/RENEWED MOON DAY (the Renewed Moon off Rosh Hashanah), coinciding with Sat., 04-26-2025 of the Roman calendar.

This coming year, beginning in spring, will last twelve months. 

Your Time Zone Affects Your New Moon Day

Remember, these calendars represent the Pacific Standard Time Zone only. This means that depending upon your time zone, the New Moon Day and the four successive Sabbaths may occur on the previous day or the day following the date posted here at TheCreatorsCalendar.com. This reality occurs because the arbitrary man-made International Dateline in the Pacific Ocean continues to regulate the Gregorian calendar dates, intercepting each complete lunar calendar date. Most often, the New Moon Day will cross over two Gregorian dates in a 24-hour lunar cycle. For example, all those living between the International Dateline going west around the globe to California (PST) could have their New Moon Day occur a full day prior to or behind me in California. The same applies to those living between California going west to the International Dateline. The only time we are all on the same date is occasionally when the Full Moon as the New Moon occurs directly over the International Dateline.  (Refer to illustration.)

Because the full moon is mobile, the Creator’s Lunar International Dateline (CLID) is also mobile, causing the true lunar dateline to occur in a different location each month based upon the first observable full New/Renewed Moon location. The easiest way to convert the calendar to your own Time Zone is with this one specifically for the United States. UTC – TIME ZONE CONVERSION CHART. For those outside this country, search online for the one for your time zone. 

Vernal Equinox—The Vernal Equinox occurs on March 20, 2024. However, it has been discovered to have little application in establishing Rosh HaShanah (New Year’s Day). Our Creator has appointed that work to the full New/Renewed Moon and the constellation Bethulah (Virgo). 

Personal Observation – When weather permits, personal observation of each FULL NEW/RENEWED MOON cannot be overstated.

Go to www.timeanddate.com and make sure through a comparison that in your time zone, the first rays of the sun at sunrise occur at least 5-10 minutes prior to moonset. I also recommend a great phone app called “The Moon.”  Read more . . .

The calendar months will be populated soon, including the lunar appointed Feast Days.