Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates
Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates

The Creator’s original calendar was uniquely designed to keep the trusting obedient followers of the one true YAHUAH Alahim/Elohim אלהים יהוה (God) consistently synchronized to Himself for the predominant purpose of worship. The Creator’s Calendar time-measuring model predated, by thousands of years, each of the Babylonian, Egyptian, Chinese, Enoch, and Roman calendar systems so popular today.
He pre-ordained His uniquely arranged TRINITY OF LIGHTS alone to be the sign of the one universal omnipotent Creator. Thus, only one time-measuring model can be genuine. By extension, all other calendar systems are fabrications, forgeries, counterfeits, fakes, and simulated reproductions. Each is crafted like an aftermarket imitation, conceived in a dark ally of unholy rebellion against the Eternal Father and His followers.
Each nation’s new calendar system was designed to establish their emperor as a god and their nation as a superpower without the need for the divine or his intervention. It was surmised that “He who rules time rules the world!” Yet, history records the time each nation came to power, revealing evidence that they created a new calendar system entirely their own, which had a beginning. This element alone exposes that they had previously utilized the original astro-luni-solar calendar system.
Daniel’s Prophecy Declares the Changing of Times and Laws
It is impossible to remain in sync with the Creator’s original time-piece when following any human-devised imitation, including the Roman Gregorian calendar hanging on walls today. In A.D. 325, this modern solar time-measuring system was creatively and proactively divorced from all association with the rhythm of the New Moon and its lunar phases. No longer was the moon utilized to order and count the days and Sabbaths of the lunar month spoken of throughout Scripture, “from one new moon to another.” But an entirely new time-measuring system was designed to replace that of His anointing.
If this were not enough, twenty-five years later, the entire calendar of the Jews (Yahudim), including their months, weeks, Sabbaths, and count of days, were entirely rearranged. How could this happen? Because in A.D. 358, the Jews remained in Roman captivity and were ultimately pressured to give up their Scripturally accurate astro-luni-solar time-measuring model. They were then required to align their week of seven days to that of the new Roman cycling week. At that same time, the Jews returned to their Babylonian dark conjunction lunar phase for their New Moon, a visual regression of 180 degrees. So it is that often, their calendar comes in a whole month early plus fifteen days for a total of 45 days before the Scriptural full moon method. Astonishingly, this is the same number of days they claim as the Precession of the Stars (or Precession of the Equinoxes). By simply restoring the full moon as the actual New Moon that marks the feet/legs of the woman constellation Bethulah (Virgo) for New Year’s Day (true Rosh Hashanah), everything falls back into place correctly (Revelation 12:1) and the precession problem disappears.
In the illustration above, notice how the moon actually receives the same amount of light from the sun each day. But from the perspective of Earth, we see it differently every 24 hours. With the added feature of the moon’s progressive positions in its circuit around us, we see it as having ever-changing similitudes divided into four general quadrants of approximately 7 days, along with a full New Moon and then a transition day every other month.
Every single day, the geometric triangle view from the earth of the sun and moon changes. From one full New Moon to another represents one lunation of 29-30 days, one complete journey of the moon around the earth. Each numbered lunar phase above begins its orbit (just short of 24 hours by 13.3 degrees) from this position at sunset (the beginning of the night). It is profoundly self-evident that each unique lunar phase demarcates the 29-30 calendar dates every lunar month.
This image illustrates each of the progressive lunar phases that are visible at the moment of sunset. It also reveals that only two lunar phases reside upon the horizon line at sunset. These are the full moon and the dark conjunction lunar phase. Yet, the full moon alone reflects the fullness of its light to the earth by night. It alone rises in the east together with a unique constellation to rule the entire night along the east-west time continuum. This is the essential requirement set forth in Genesis 1:16. The dark conjunction does not meet any Scriptural criteria. This alone was time’s recipe for all Yahuah’s obedient worshipers and His signature that He alone is the Creator of all.
“Then Alahim (God) made two great LIGHTS: The greater LIGHT (Sun) to rule by the daylight, and the lesser LIGHT (Moon) to rule by the night together with the stars He made the stars also.” Genesis 1:16
Both its position and phase signal its ENTRANCE in the EAST and NOT its EXIT in the WEST.
Psalms 104:19 continues to define the what, when, and how by which the full moon rules the night. This occurs at the point of the moon’s visible entrance in the east, when it is revealed, endued, and made known by the sun’s brilliant rays after sunset.
There are those who would have us believe that Psalms 104:19 is a description of the dark moon as it comes into perfect conjunction with the sun. But the context here is of the BRILLIANT LIGHT of the sun having its full effect upon the moon. The moon was filled with its LIGHT upon its “entrance” to rule and proclaim the appointed times, by night, all night long. This alone corresponds with Genesis 1:16, where the sun rules by daylight alone, and the moon rules all night along the east-west time continuum when the sun is NOT present. This is describing a highly visible event. The grandest display of lunar monthly interaction between the sun and the moon can never be manifested as a measuring instrument by a dark moon or even a crescent. This noble 12-hour display of LIGHT in the night sky belongs to the full moon alone. For it is the only lunar phase that is 1) entirely full of light; 2) rules with the stars when they are both visible by night, along the east-west time continuum; 3) and rules without the presence of the sun, which is a night event occurring after sunset.
“Let there be LIGHTS in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for SIGNS, SEASONS (H#4150 – mo’edim – lunar appointed time), DAYS, AND YEARS.” Genesis 1:14
“He ordained the MOON for SEASONS (H#4150 – mo’edim – lunar appointed time); the brilliant rays of the SUN reveal and endue it, making known its entrance [in the east].” Psalms104:19
This explains what governs the time-element of “SEASONS and/or FEAST DAYS” in Genesis 1:14 and Leviticus 23:2-4. So, although you will not find direct evidence in any concordance or Hebrew dictionary, it is only because the scholars who assembled them were unwilling to stand up for this prominent Scriptural teaching or deviate from their deep-seated Roman Gregorian (solar) Calendar paradigm. Thus, the peer pressure to abide by Roman law has continued, with most folks entirely unaware of how far we have been removed from the truth. So it is that Scripture alone reveals that (H#4150 – mo’edim) strictly refers to the lunar appointed time in both Psalms 104:19 and Psalms 89:37.
“It shall be established FOREVER like the MOON, even like the trustworthy WITNESS in the sky.” Psalms 89:37
The enemy of Yahuah and humankind, who remains at large for yet a little while longer, has been undermining Yahuah’s TRUTH for nearly 6,000 years.
“He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law.” Daniel 7:25
As you read this article, please consider the evidence that much more has been changed than was formerly considered in Daniel 7:25, which states, “He shall change TIMES and LAWS.”
Some church denominations teach that only the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday during the Council of Nicaea and Laodicea (A.D. 325-364). All the while, both are days of the same Roman solar calendar model that came into existence as recently as A.D. 325., whose purpose was to ignore the moon altogether. News Flash! The entire calendar model created and placed in the heavens has, in its entirety, been usurped by the enemy of souls. What is the evidence? And what will you do about it?
Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Monthly Dates
According to the evidence portrayed in the shamayim (heavens) and supported by the Sanctuary model, the sacred seventh-day Sabbaths are forever fixed to the count from one New Moon to the next, causing them to consistently fall upon the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th lunar calendar dates. These four seventh-day Sabbaths are located by counting from the full moon as the original new moon instead of the dark moon. The full New Moon visibly arises at or near sunset and shines all night along the east-west time continuum, one night each month.
Although this full New Moon arises at sunset as a brilliant beacon of TIME, the new month does not commence until the following morning at sunrise. As a result, its rising occurs on the last night of the previous month, but at sunrise, the full moon still visible on the western horizon, announces the new month has begun. The sign or beacon that the new month has started is when the full New Moon is seen for the first time on the western horizon, welcoming the sun at sunrise on the eastern horizon.
The New Moon day stands alone as its own kind of day and is never a workday or part of the six-day workweek. But neither is it ever a seventh-day Sabbath (Ezekiel 46:1), meaning these days can never overlap, as some have declared. We have also discovered that although Genesis defines only two kinds of days, workdays and Sabbath days, many other places in Scripture identify three kinds of days.
The fact that the New Moon Day exists breaks the cycle of weeks, refreshing the count of the month’s days and weeks. Therefore, the first Sabbath of each lunar month will be located on the 8th lunar calendar date. In contrast to what the modern Jews and other Sabbatarians have taught, the date and the sacred portion of the seventh-day Sabbath commence at sunrise. The weight of evidence in Scripture illustrates that the night follows the day in a full 24-hour cycle. Refer to the article A Day in Genesis.
At one time or another, we all believed that the calendar we keep today is the same as the one in Scripture, all while attributing the role of the shamayim (heavens) to a paganized Zodiac model. Yet, the evidence gathered from Scripture, astronomy, and history underscores that it is impossible to harmonize the Sabbath’s consistent monthly dates of Scripture with those of the Roman Gregorian wall calendar for five reasons:
- The modern Gregorian calendar, which descended from the earlier Julian calendar, was purposely stripped of its monthly connection to the moon and its lunar phases in the year 45 B.C. by Emperor Julius Caesar. The plan of ignoring the moon altogether allowed the months and weeks to commence and terminate at the discretion of its craftsmen.
“In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Cæsar invited Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar, and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the lunar calendar altogether. Months must be arranged on a seasonal basis, and a tropical [solar] year used, as in the Egyptian calendar.” “The Julian Calendar,” Encyclopedia Britannica.
- The modern Gregorian calendar marks time by the sun during daylight against the backdrop of the twelve starry constellations, which are entirely invisible. The Zodiac constellations follow the ecliptic plane, referred to as the Mazzeroth in Scripture. The starry constellations measured by this system are 180 degrees opposite of the starry constellations that are visible in the night sky on any given night and are, therefore, never visible when they measure time. What makes the Zodiac pagan and illegitimate is the fact that its starting and stopping points for Years, Months, Weeks, and Days are opposite of the Scriptural mandate.
The outline given in Genesis for the “greater light ruling the day, and the lesser light ruling the night with the stars” is position-related. (Genesis 1:16) Every lunar phase is synchronized to two things simultaneously: 1) Its position around the earth’s circuit and 2) Its unique demarcating phase of light. Just as the sun rules from east to west by day, the moon rules from east to west with the stars by night when the sun is not present. The term by night places the moon with the stars in a specific lunar phase and its position in opposition to the sun. The sun is on one side of the earth, and the moon is on the opposite. This identifies, once again, that the Creator’s original New Moon was and still is the full moon, which rules when the sun is neither present nor visible.
The phrase in Genesis 1:16, “He made the stars also,” is an incorrect translation, for it is discovered that the terms “He made” and was added, and the word “also” should be “with.” So, a correct translation would render this verse as “the lesser light to rule the night [together] with the stars.” Dynamically, the Creator planned that the full moon would mark each constellation ruling for its specified month by rising together in the east. This lunar model, in opposition to the sun, is the only one that meets the criteria of the Scientific Method. It is fully visible, entirely measurable, and an exclusively repeatable phenomenon. Conversely, the current Roman Gregorian solar time-measuring model does not meet the Scriptural or scientific requirement.
It is claimed and promoted by Rome that the modern week has been passed down uninterrupted since creation. Yet, this cannot be true because every unit of the Creator’s time mechanism is beaconed by the three-part orchestration of the sun, moon, and stars. Strikingly, the modern week has been purposely and unreservedly disengaged from all astronomical bodies. As a result, it is impossible for this artificial weekly model and its continuous unbroken cycle to be the ambassador of the Creator of the Universe and His magnificent three-part orchestrated timepiece made of LIGHTS that rule along the east-west time continuum.
Illustrating Scripture’s Lunar Calendar Dates
This article reveals the many varied Scriptural stories that consistently define the actual lunar calendar dates for the seventh-day Sabbaths. Interestingly, no Scriptures place the seventh-day Sabbath on any other date.
If the calendar you currently keep does not consistently display the seventh-day Sabbath on the lunar calendar dates of the 8th, 15th, 22nd, or 29th, as counted from the full New Moon, then you can know from this example alone that your calendar is an impostor and your Sabbath is spurious. Only one calendar model is correct and capable of integrating Earth’s time with that of Yahuah’s dwelling in the New Yarushalom.
Our loving Eternal Father is calling His obedient followers, yet sleeping bride, to awake and come out of the false traditions and counterfeit calendation systems as prophesied in Daniel 7:25. The final signs and events of His soon return are only found on His ordained astro-luni-solar calendar and displayed in the details of His highly relevant Kadosh (sacred) appointed Feasts. For the truth-seeker, the choice is simple; the Creator’s calendar and time system are displayed only in the shamayim as a three-part orchestration of the sun, moon, and stars (Genesis 1:14-18).
Our Creator Synchronized Earth’s Sabbath with His
Exodus 20:10 declares, “The seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahuah your Elohim.” Our Creator shared “His Sabbath” with humanity so that we may be in sync with the worship rhythms of heaven, the messengers, and unfallen worlds as they assemble on His pre-appointed sacred days. But in addition to Yahuah sharing His Sabbaths with humanity, He also attributed to earth heaven’s lunar months and astro-luni-solar years via the New Jerusalem’s own New Moon time indicator. How can we know for sure?
Each day of earth’s creation week fell upon a workday of the Almighty Father. These six workdays are sandwiched between His two sacred and set-apart days. These were the full New Moon day and His seventh-day Sabbath. These set-apart days had been sacred rest days for all eternity past, not only for the Creator but also for His creations, Himself, that He may avail Himself to receive their corporate worship. As a result, there are never more than six days in a row in which the Almighty Father is free to create. This is self-evident in Genesis 1 and in perfect harmony with Exodus 20:8-11.
While our Creator is omnipotent, it is a known fact that there is ONE THING HE CANNOT DO. Yahuah cannot lie! However, it has been discovered that there is at least one additional thing that He cannot do, which is significant for establishing the parameters of His preordained calendar rhythms. Our Creator could not create the moon on the New Moon day, which occurred the day before the six days of creation. This is impossible because the New Moon day is a sacred and set-apart day unto Yahuah and the entire universe, rendering it a “rest” day and not a workday. Our loving Creator is both consistent, and He “changes not.”
To create the New Moon on the New Moon Day runs contrary to His sacred laws of time and would be considered a sin. The calendar illustration below demonstrates what occurred during the creation week. On the full New Moon day (in blue), the Creator could not have been creating the earth, as He was both resting and receiving corporate worship from the angel messengers and all the previous creations. Each of the Creator’s six workdays is identified below in green. The first day of creation on earth was the second day of the month for the Creator and His (angel) messengers, whose time rhythms He was to share with Adam and Eve in a few short days.
It is difficult for humanity today to fathom that from the Creator’s perspective, time was ongoing while Earth’s time had only just begun. The 8th day of the month (in gold) was the seventh day of the week, an eternal seventh-day Sabbath within Yahuah’s existence, past, present, and future. Here again, He would be resting and receiving worship from all His creation, but now, for the first time, earthlings would be included in the Creator’s corporate day of rest and worship, His eternal “sign of the times,” and symbol of unity.
The fact that the sun, moon, and stars were created on the fourth day of the creation week was a most dramatic “sign” to humankind that earth’s “time” was not independent of that of Yahuah’s dwelling and His seat of power. Instead, earth’s “time” was hung from Yahuah’s own portals of time, His own New Moon day. This grand day marked the commencement of EARTH’s new beginning. It was the first day of the year and the first day of the month from which the workdays and seventh-day Sabbaths could be demarcated. From here, the creative works were applied day by day until they were complete, as marked by the first Sabbath rest day on earth. They were synchronized with the continued lunar rhythm of time that had always existed in the New Yarushalom and the very throne room of Yahuah Alahim. Thus, the first Sabbath was the seventh day of the week and the 8th day of earth’s first lunar month. This was designed to harmonize Earth with Heaven forever.
Just as the Tree of Life was placed in the garden, fully endowed with fruit on the third day, all creation was created in its complete form with apparent age. Nothing was created as seeds, eggs, or babies. Likewise, on the fourth day, each celestial body was created and placed in their precise and ADVANCED UPON positions in the shamayim (heavens), reflecting by their locations east to west, the passage of the first recorded days of creation.
Therefore, earth’s first week and month were set as a clock according to Yahuah’s seat of power, and His full New Moon above is not visible to earth. Earth was never intended to operate on an independent time system from that of the entire universe. This was the missing puzzle piece in the Genesis account of the weeks. Yahuah’s own New Moon from His dwelling place above set the count for days, weeks, months, and years upon the earth. Now Genesis can be harmonized with the remainder of the Scriptures.
Likewise the people of the land shall worship at the entrance to this gateway before Yahuah on the Sabbaths and the New Moons. Ezekiel 46:3-4 NKJV
Earth’s sun, moon, and stars were not created nor their time set and placed in their celestial positions until the fourth day as a testimony that TIME upon Earth was designed after the pattern of, and in harmony with, Yahuah’s own dwelling. While the time system of the sacred city above is the earth’s benefactor, only those who are obedient to its principles are the beneficiaries. Revelation represents this group of people as a pure woman with the following unique qualities:
Now a great sign appeared in the shamayim: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Revelation 12:1-2 NKJV
And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before me,” says Yahuah. Isaiah 66:23
There is no getting around the importance the Almighty Father places upon His sacred New Moon Days and seventh-day Sabbaths. The New Moon day marks the commencement of each month and year, but it also starts and refreshes the count of four lunar weeks and a count of 1-29 or 30 days. Try as one might, the Creator’s true Sabbaths cannot be located by any other method. So it is that although “all of the world” has been derailed in its knowledge of the Creator’s true and original calendar, He is now calling His obedient followers back to the roots of true worship according to His celestial time-piece. The first seventh-day Sabbath of Creation was on the 8th day of the first lunar month, so the following Sabbaths of that month also fell on the lunar dates of the 15th, 22nd, and 29th days.
#1- The Exodus – First Month in a Row
At the time of the first Passover, and every year after that, Passover was fixed to the 14th day counted from the first day of the First Lunar Month (Abib) in spring. It was dually fixed to the sixth day of the year’s second week, followed the next day by the seventh-day Sabbath, the 15th. The first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread was called a “High Day” only because it was both the seventh-day Sabbath and the first day of the Feast. (Leviticus 23: 4-16). This caused the Sabbaths for the First Month (Abib) of each year to be consistently fixed to the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th (Exodus 12). Refer to the full article, Three Months in a Row.
This can only occur if the days of each month are refreshed and restarted on the full New Moon Day. The Creator’s purpose in creating the moon’s light was to measure months and years in unison with the starry constellations after sunset when they arise from the east and shine to the west in a panoramic display the entire night.
#2 – Second Month in a Row – The Manna
At the commencement of the Second Month of the Exodus, Yahuah sent manna from heaven, which presents the second detailed calendar layout. This means that Yahuah has given us two months in a row for comparison, each of which establishes details for New Moons, monthly calendation, weekly cycles, and lunar seventh-day Sabbaths. The story of the manna sent from above presents some unique details that will, step by step, reveal an otherwise hidden calendar system.
One month after the Exodus from Egypt, manna was provided each morning for six days, but none was given on the seventh-day Sabbath.
And they [Moses with Israel] departed from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai; and on the fifteenth day, in the second month after their departure from the land of Egypt, all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron. Exodus 16:1-2 Septuagint
The first Sabbath following these first six days of receiving the manna was the 22nd lunar calendar date as counted from the New Moon. This fixed the other Sabbaths for the month to occur on the 8th, 15th, and 29th (Exodus 16). Refer to the full article, “Three Months in a Row.
#3 – Third Month in a Row – The Mountain
Commencing the Third Month, on the precise anniversary of the Exodus from Egypt at night, Israel was led by the pillar of fire by night, to the foot of Mt. Sinai. It was in the third month on the same lunar calendar date as the 15th, after the sacred Sabbath hours had passed (Deuteronomy 16:1; Numbers 33:3; Exodus 19:1-2). So, it is divinely demonstrated that the Sabbath was located on the same consistent lunar calendar dates for three lunar months in a row.
NEWS FLASH! It is never possible to achieve three identical months in a row when utilizing the Roman Gregorian calendar, which all the world currently uses to identify their worship days.
In striking contrast to our modern calendar, all the Creator’s units of time were then, as well as today, proclaimed by the three-part orchestration of the sun, moon, and stars (Genesis 1:14-18). This third month in a row was laid out identically to the previous two months, with the seventh-day Sabbaths falling consistently upon the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the lunar month. Refer to the full article, Three Months in a Row.
#4 – Entering Canaan Forty Years Later
For forty years, manna was perpetually bestowed upon Israel by Yahuah Alahim to sustain His people. All during that time, the manna never fell on the seventh-day Sabbath. Upon entering Canaan, Israel celebrated Passover on Abib‘s (Nissan) 14th lunar calendar date, perpetually coincident with the 6th day of the week, in the Promised Land for the first time. As usual, a double portion of manna was given on that 6th day (Passover’s preparation day) to carry over for the Sabbath. On Sabbath, the 15th lunar calendar date, and the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Israelites ate their regular supply of manna along with the produce of the land for the first time. On the 16th day, when the manna would have typically resumed for the week, it ceased entirely. This was the morning after the Sabbath of the 15th. “Three Months in a Row.“
Stunningly, a full forty years after the manna had first been given, the seventh-day Sabbath continued to be located on precisely the same lunar calendar dates as when the manna had first been provided forty years earlier. As a nail in a sure place, this record of Joshua given forty years after the Exodus confirms that not only were the lunar calendar dates the same for three months in a row at its commencement, but that every month of every year for the full forty years, the Creator’s astro-luni-solar calendar consistently placed the sacred seventh-day Sabbath on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each lunar month, as counted from the full New Moon.
#5 – Two Annual Feasts and their Respective High Sabbaths
According to Leviticus 23 and the Sanctuary astro-luni-solar time model, every year, the Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th, as counted from the New Moon of the First Month of Abib, which is always fixed to a seventh-day Sabbath of the second week of the year.
Six months later, the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles also falls on the 15th, as counted from the New Moon, which is fixed to a seventh-day Sabbath. As confirmation, this seven-day Feast is followed eight days later by a sacred convocation (seventh-day Sabbath) on the 22nd of each and every single year. So these two seven-day Feast events, separated by 6 months according to Scripture, consistently commence on the seventh-day Sabbath. Both are identified as the 15th of their respective months, a full six months apart exactly.
As a result, ironically, in utilizing the Scriptural criteria above, it is impossible to place both Feasts six months apart and have them both commence on the 15th of the Roman Gregorian calendar month and be a Saturday. If, perchance, one year, it happens to work out successfully, it cannot occur two years in a row and definitely not every year, as is required by Scripture. The problem lies within the Gregorian calendar’s promotion of the floating continuous weekly cycle. This is a perfect example and profound evidence that a continuous weekly cycle cannot be found in Scripture. Over and over again, Scripture demonstrates that it has never utilized an unbroken, continuous weekly cycle. (Numbers 29:12-39; Leviticus 23:5, 6, 34-35). Refer to the full article, Passover, to Tabernacles Calendar Challenge.

#6 – The Lunar Sabbath and Feast Days of Leviticus 23
Directly given from above with a “thus says Yahuah,” Leviticus 23:1-3 references the seventh-day Sabbath as the first of the set-apart lunar appointed Feast days. Yahuah Himself defined two categories of Feast days— the weekly and the yearly. Even though the translators have not applied the correct punctuation to the following verses, it is still recognizable by any novice that, indeed, two types of Feast days are being described, but nonetheless, each corresponds to the “lunar appointed times of assembly.”
“And Alahim said, ‘Let there be LIGHTS in the firmament of the shamayim (heaven) to divide the day from the night; and let them be for SIGNS, and for SEASONS (H#4150 – mo’edim = lunar appointed times), and for DAYS, and YEARS: Genesis 1:14
Did you know that the word translated as SEASONS does not refer to the four seasons of the year? Note that the verse above comes from the Hebrew word mo’edim. In all Hebrew dictionaries, mo’edim is defined as merely “appointed times.” However, it has been discovered that Scripture itself provides a more detailed explanation of SEASONS (H#4150 – mo’edim) than the translators and Dictionary writers care to share. This is the moment to consider why they have been hiding this evidence.
Our Creator made the moon with specific lunar phases to highlight or mark His Kadosh (holy) appointments with humankind and all His creation for worship. In the creation story, we discover what Alahim created and ordained to determine His worship SEASONS (H#4150 “mo’edim” lunar appointed times). This truth is then emphasized by Psalms 104:19
Here we find the uncelebrated evidence in Psalms 104:19, “He ordained the MOON for SEASONS….” Wow! Wow! Wow!
SEASONS literally means “APPOINTED TIMES AS ANNOUNCED BY THE MOON or (#4150 – mo’edim – lunar appointed times)! What a concept!
Have you ever heard of this concept that SEASONS literally means “LUNAR APPOINTED TIMES?”
“He made (H6203 -asah) THE MOON (H3394 – yareak) for lunar appointed times (H4150 – mo’edim).” Psalms 104:19
Scripture itself identifies that all the appointed times include New Moons, seventh-day Sabbaths, and all the Kadosh (Holy) Feast Days. Each is demarcated by this same lunar beacon with a specific lunar phase identifier. So the question is asked, does Leviticus 23:1-5 illustrate that both the Sabbaths and Feast Days are lunar? Let’s take a look.
Leviticus 23:1-5 as it was originall intended to be translated:
“And declared Yahuah unto Moses, saying, speak unto the children of Yasharal (Israel), and command them concerning the lunar appointed times (H#4150 mo’ed) of Yahuah, which you shall proclaim My set-apart (Holy) rehearsal assemblies (H#4744 miqra). THESE ARE MY LUNAR APPOINTED TIMES (H#4150 mo’ed): (COLON)
Six days from sunrise to sunset you shall do your work, but in the day of the seventh, it is the Sabbath-rest to observe the covenant, a set-apart (Holy) rehearsal assembly (H#4744 miqra) in which you shall do no work, for it is the Sabbath unto Yahuah in all your dwellings.
These are the lunar appointed times (H#4150 mo’ed) of Yahuah, the set-apart (Holy) rehearsal assemblies (H#4744 miqra), which you shall proclaim as SIGNS [of prophetic events to be fulfilled by the Messiah alone] at their lunar appointed times (H#4150 mo’ed): (COLON)
In the lunar month (H#2320 chodesh), the first one of the year, in the fourteenth day [counted from] the New Moon (H#2320 chodesh), between (H#996 beyn) the evenings (plural twilights referring to sunrise and sunset) (H#6153 ereb), is the PASSOVER of Yahuah.” Leviticus 23:1-5 and beyond…
- (H#4150 – mo’edim) = Lunar appointed times = sacred holy days for worship AS BEACONED BY THE MOON = Feast Days (Psalms 104:19).
- (H#4744 miqra) = Holy convocations = rehearsal assemblies = include both seventh-day Sabbaths and annual Feast Days.
Even though the translators have not applied the correct punctuation to the above verses, any novice can still recognize that two types of Holy Days (Feast Days) are being described. Nonetheless, each is identified in Leviticus as “lunar appointed times of rehearsal assemblies.”
As demonstrated above, both the weekly seventh-day Sabbath Feast days and the annual Feast days utilize the same rhythm of the lunar appointed time. We can know with certainty that the seventh-day Sabbaths were never to be done away with, as they are a part of the eternal Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:8-11). Our Creator’s sacred Sabbaths will continue to be kept in the earth made new, “from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another.” Isaiah 66:23 However, this very fact that the Sabbath will in the future be kept “from one new moon to another” is yet another binding evidence that it is to be sequenced in precisely the same manner today, counted from one New Moon to the next (Malachi 3:6). A self-evident fact is that the seventh-day Sabbath of Yahuah Alahim is eternally entwined and established by the New Moon in lunar time.
Additionally, the annual sacred Feast days remain viable today, as our Creator designed them to illustrate His ongoing and “daily” divine work of redemption, performed step by step according to the precision of His pre-ordained astro-luni-solar calendar dates in the Sanctuary above. This is testified by our Messiah in Matthew 26:29, Mark 14:25, and Luke 22:18, qualifying that all the Feast Days, both weekly and yearly, are to continue unadulterated into eternity. His bride-elect will celebrate them according to His Full New Moon commencing in the spring.
But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom. Matthew 26:29
So, the questions one should ask are:
1) If the Feast Days (lunar appointed times) represent the redemptive work of our Messiah, and they do, and that work is not yet terminated with the Second Coming of the Messiah, why would the prophetic symbols of His most precious work, His Feast Days, be abolished before they are fulfilled?
2) And since the Feast Days (lunar appointed times) are symbols of the work of Redemption, in which the Redeemed will celebrate with their Messiah throughout all eternity, why would they be null and void during the 2,000 years from His crucifixion to His second coming, when they carry with them the most pragmatic saving promises and the confident eternal expectation?
Do you see the picture? The Kadosh (Holy) Feast Days (lunar appointed times) were never terminated by our Eternal Father. Instead, it has been the loud and persistent voice of Papal and Jewish propaganda aimed at silencing the sacred facts presented within the synchronized seventh-day Sabbaths and their coordinating lunar Feast Days. These lunar appointed times alone bear the supreme testimony of the Greatest Story ever told, a step-by-step witness of the Messiah and His perfectly calibrated lunar time-centric sacrifice for humanity. Salvation and restoration are all about the Creator’s twofold system of TIME and EVENT worked out on our behalf by the Messiah. This unique lunar appointed worship rhythm was manifest through the recorded Word so His faithful followers may celebrate with Him.
All this identifies, to the disgust of the Yahudim (Jews), that indeed the Messiah has come, and to the disdain of the Romans, that it occurred on the lunar calendar and not according to their artificial and witty invention that they so tactfully implanted into our minds and in various ways upon the very pages of Scripture.
#7 – Dedication of Priesthood of Aaron and His Sons
Aaron and his sons were inducted into the Priesthood and sanctified for seven days beginning on New Moon Day (Exodus 40:2, 17). On the eighth day, which was the 8th day of the lunar month, there was an assembly of the congregation. Why? Because it was the Sabbath, the seventh day of the lunar week cycle. During the preceding seven days, they were not to leave the Tabernacle (Leviticus 8:1-13; 33-35; 9:1-5). According to Exodus 40:17, this was the First Month (Abib) of the second year since their departure from Egypt and the month in which the third Passover was to be kept. This is affirmative confirmation that the Sabbaths for this month fell on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the lunar month.
#8 – The Time of Solomon
Solomon consistently kept the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days. On the eighth day, which was the day following the seven-day Feast and also dated as of the 22nd of the lunar month, he brought the people together in a solemn assembly because it was the seventh-day Sabbath. Solomon sent the people away on the 23rd (the first day of the lunar week) after the Kadosh (sacred) Sabbath was passed. In addition, the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles is always fixed to the Sabbath, the 15th day, as counted from the Seventh New Moon each year. So here is a double confirmation that the Sabbath was located on the 15th and the 22nd of the seventh month every year. This automatically places the Sabbath for the seventh month on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th (2 Chronicles 7:8-10).
#9 – The Time of Esther
The 15th of the Twelfth Month was a seventh-day Sabbath rest day, making the 8th, 22nd, and 29th Sabbath rest days as well (Esther 9:18).
#10 – King Hezekiah’s Reform
The people began to sanctify on the New Moon Day of the First Month, but then, on the 8th of the month, they went to the temple because it was the Sabbath. On the 16th of the month, they “made an end,” which was the first day of the workweek (2 Chronicles 29:17). Here again, the Sabbaths are fixed to the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th lunar calendar dates. Refer to the article: Ten Degrees To and Fro on the Sundial
#11 – Three Kinds of Days That Never Overlap
While Genesis 1:1 gives some details for the first seven days of creation, it does not comprehensively identify the commencement and termination of years or months. Therefore, each reader is forced to glean from other books of Scripture to develop the complete parameters of all units of time on our Creator’s authentic and original calendar. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
This Scriptural rule cannot be accomplished with the use of the Roman Gregorian calendar. According to our modern wall calendars, it is discovered that consistently throughout the year, the Romans devised a continuous weekly cycle that forces the workdays to fall semi-regularly on New Moon days and lunar Sabbaths alike. The following verses are simply shouting out that the Roman Gregorian calendar is a pagan impostor. (Amos 8:5; 2 Kings 4:23; Isaiah 66:23, and Ezekiel 46:1-3.) Refer to the article, Worship at the East Gate
#12 – Twenty-four Prophetic Kohen Courses – 1 Chronicles 24:1-19
In the days of King David, the narrative found in 1 Chronicle 24:1-19 outlines that 24 Kohen (Priestly) course divisions cycled through the temple service twice each year, first in the wilderness tabernacle and later in the permanent temple. Each Kohen course division was measured from Sabbath to Sabbath and from morning to morning (1 Chronicle 9:27) for a total of 48 weeks and Sabbaths each year (2 Chronicles 23:8).
According to the story, King David, along with YahuYada (Jehoiada), cast lots and set up the Kohen division order for all time to come. But did they forget to tabulate the 52 weeks of the Roman Gregorian solar Calendar? Not at all! And they didn’t even try. Here are three reasons:
- Because the Romans were not in Israel at the time of King David.
- The Romans themselves utilized a lunisolar calendar until the year 45 B.C., when Julius Caesar changed their calendar to the solar only time-measuring system for all time to come.
- During the years when Yasharal (Israel) was obedient they only utilized the Creator’s astro-luni-solar Calendar that was passed down from creation to Noah, to Abraham, Moses, David, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and to the Messiah.
The regular years in the Creator’s Calendar contain precisely 48 weeks and Sabbaths. While there are seven years out of 19 that contain 13 months, ALL of them contain twelve months of 48 weeks. There is no description of how the Kohen divisions covered the 13th month when it occurred, but we can only surmise. The bottom line is that the twenty-four Kohen courses define that there are precisely four weeks in each temple month. This calendar method alone assures the perpetual dates for the seventh-day Sabbath each week of the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. Refer to the article, Our Messiah’s True Prophetic Birthday
#13 – At the Fullness of Time, Yahusha, our Messiah, was Born
Here in Luke chapters 1 and 2 is found the miraculous story of the messenger Gabriel’s promise to both ZachariYah (Zacharias) and then six months later to Mary, regarding the birth of YAHUchanon (John the Baptist) and YAHUSHA, the promised Messiah. While no date is specified outright, the paramount clue provided is that the messenger Gabriel came to ZachariYah during the exact week of the lunar month and year when he was fulfilling his priestly service as Kohen in the temple.
This was not a random moment in time but a divinely scheduled appointment. It was based upon the unchanging Kohen divisions arranged by King David over 837 years previously and continued as not only RELEVANT to that time but was an integral foundation stone for identifying the true Promised Messiah. Every week ZachariYah officiated at the temple was always during the Kohen division of AbiYah, the fourth week of both the Second Lunar Month and the fourth week of the Eighth Lunar Month. Each of these fourth-week divisions was the last week of the lunar month; in each case, the dates were the same, from the 22nd – 29th.
This little detail of the Kohen division of AbiYah carries great weight for five reasons:
- First, the Kohen division of AbiYah binds the prophet YAHUchanon (John) to the Messiah with the unbreakable bonds of TIME. It was accomplished by starting the clock of the miracle pregnancy for Elizabeth with Yonah (John the Baptist), the prophetic forerunner of the Messiah.
- Second, it started the miracle pregnancy clock for Mary that began at the time Elizabeth was precisely six months along, and also through the bonds of the same time-centric event, it tied the Messiah with His cousin and prophet, to announce His Ministry.
- This little clue that pinpoints the specific week in the year called AbiYah, places both YAHUchanon (John) and YAHUSHA the Messiah’s Births in accordance with the astro-luni-solar calendar and its 48 weeks and Sabbaths each year as counted from each New Moon.
- It is from this clue that we discover that our Messiah was born in late summer to early fall, on the first day of the sixth lunar month of the Hebrew calendar (Sept.-Oct). His birth occurred no where near winter or December 25. For it is discovered that all the religious Christian denominations of the world that insist on celebrating Christmas and New Years Day in winter, with all months, weeks and Sabbaths divorced from the moon, are NOT yet seeking to be synchronized to the rhythm of the Creator’s Calendar. Stunningly, and ignorantly, most are living their lives in conflict and rebellion to it. Although those who call themselves “Christians” today claim to follow the Eternal Father and His Son, these time-centric rituals reveal a heathen undercurrent.
- The Kohen divisions set forth by King David lays out the Sabbath dates for all the lunar months as the 8th, 15th, 22, and 29th for the period from King David to the Messiah’s birth.
For the full article, refer to Our Messiah’s True Prophetic Birthday.
#14 – The Messiah Healed the Blind Man on the Sabbath
Only because the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles is fixed to the lunar month date of the 15th do we know the seventh day of the feast, also known as “the last great day,” is tied to the 21st. (Leviticus 23:34, 39) This occurs in this manner every year into perpetuity.
Once this is established, when we read in John 7-9 the story of our Messiah, we discover that not only His months were lunar, but also His weeks and Sabbaths, as illustrated below.
- The Messiah, Yahusha, attended the seven-day Feast of Taberna
cles (John 7:10).
- On the last day of the seven day Feast, the 21st of the Seventh Month, Yahusha stood and spoke, reading from Isaiah (John 7:37).
- The Messiah spent that following night on the Mount of Olives (John 8:1).
- The next morning, the 22nd of the Seventh Month Yahusha returned to the temple. Why? Because it was the seventh-day Sabbath (John 8:2).
- At the temple the Messiah, Yahusha, healed a blind man (John 9:6).
- The healing of the blind man caused great anger among the Priests, for the very reason that it was done on the seventh-day Sabbath (John 9:14).
Notice that the Feast of Yom Shemini occurs the next day after the Feast of Tabernacles has ended. The Feast of Tabernacles extends from the 15th day of the lunar month through the 21st day. This seventh day of the feast is called “the last great day” because it is the last Feast Day called Yom Shemini. The Feast of Yom Shemini (the Eighth Day) falls on the seventh day Sabbath. It is because this occurs every year, and Yahusha, our Messiah, healed the blind man on that day that we know it always a lunar Sabbath, the 22nd of the month. This is the only layout of days that meets all Scriptural criteria. (Leviticus 23:34-43; John 7:10; John 7:37; John 8:1; John 8:2; John 9:6; John 9:14.)
This places the weekly seventh-day Sabbaths in our Messiah’s lifetime consistently on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the lunar month yet again.
#15 – The Abrahamic Covenant of Circumcision
The rite of circumcision was divinely designed for males as an Abrahamic Covenant with Yahuah. Baby boys were to be circumcised on the eighth day from birth (Leviticus 12:3). Joshua testifies to all the Hebrew males being circumcised upon entering the Promised Land on the “tenth day” of the First Month, four days prior to the Feast of Passover (Joshua 4:19-5:10). Evidently, it did not matter what day circumcision was performed, but infants were to be circumcised according to the eight-day rule. As a result, it appears that there were to be circumcisions performed by the priests in the temple every day of the week, including the seventh-day Sabbath.
In the verse below, Yahusha, the Messiah, responds to the priests, who are angry because He has just healed the blind man on the seventh day Sabbath, the day after the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Refer to the story above regarding the healing of the blind man.
“Moses therefore gave you circumcision (not that it is from Moses, but from the fathers), and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath. If a man [male] receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses should not be broken, are you angry with Me because I made a man [male] completely well on the Sabbath?” John 7:21-24 NKJV
On the first day there shall be a sacred convocation [seventh-day Sabbath]. You shall do no customary work on it. For seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahuah. On the eighth day you shall have a sacred convocation [seventh-day Sabbath], and you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahuah. It is a sacred assembly, and you shall do no customary work on it. Leviticus 23:35-36 NKJV
#16 – Time of the Crucifixion
The Messiah’s crucifixion occurred on Passover, the sixth day of the week, and Abib’s 14th lunar calendar date, as counted from the first full New Moon in spring (the Hebrew New Year’s Day or Rosh Hashanah). Luke defines that on this day, the sun was darkened from the sixth to the ninth hour. This is a qualifying definition of a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses only occur during the day and are caused by a dark conjunction lunar phase coming between the earth and the sun. This epic darkened sun event also identifies that the original New Moon, fourteen days earlier, was the full moon.
This was followed by His resting in the tomb on the 15th lunar calendar date, the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which was also a High Sabbath. (A High Sabbath occurs when an appointed Feast day Sabbath falls on the seventh day Sabbath. This naturally is scheduled to occur only two times every year.) Thus, there has never been a need for the Five Rules of Postponement utilized by the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews since the 4th century A.D. to bring harmony to their two opposing calendar systems.
By implication, it has been demonstrated previously that each and every year, Passover commenced on the 6th day of the week, also known as the preparation day. This monumental event was highlighted by a supreme solar eclipse lasting from the sixth to the ninth hour (12:00 noon to 3:00 P.M.). The 14th was always followed by the seventh-day Sabbath the next morning, which consistently coincided with the 15th of the lunar month, counting from the New Moon. There is not one shred of evidence that Passover ever occurred on any weekday other than the 6th day of the week, which is fixed to the 14th calendar date of the lunar month. Achieving these results is not possible when using the Roman Gregorian calendar. Mark 15:42; John 19:31; Leviticus 23:6-7; Leviticus 23:11, 15; John 19:42. Refer to the article, The Sun was Darkened From the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.
The day Yahusha lay in the tomb was the 15th of Abib, a seventh-day Sabbath. Therefore, the last month before His death and the first month after His resurrection, the seventh-day Sabbaths occurred on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the lunar month.
#17 – The Three Days and Three Nights Riddle of our Messiah
This riddle of “three days and three nights,” as given by our Messiah shortly before His crucifixion, was a prefigured SIGN and way-mark of truth for His obedient followers from then until the end of time. But, for nearly 1,700 years, these three days plus three nights time sequence has been a source of contention among scholars, religious leaders, and non-specialists alike. They have all struggled to appropriate Roman or Jewish artificial time units to define this most monumental preordained time event.
Utilizing Scripture and this chart, it is discovered that our Messiah’s marvelous resurrection occurred during the “fourth watch of the night” on the 16th. This happened 1-2 hours before the sunrise of the 17th, rendering an additional 24 hours to the time sequence. Only in this way was the resurrection able to be harmonized with the events of the Feast of First Fruits and the three days and three nights criteria of the example of Yonah (Jonah).
Days are only twelve hours long, from sunrise to sunset, followed by the four watches of the night to complete each 24-hour civil calendar date.
For the entire article, refer to – Three Days and Three Nights. Matthew 20:1; Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:1-2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1.
#18 – According to Scripture
According to Scripture, the Sabbath existed before the creation of this Earth, even among unfallen worlds and the dwelling place of Yahuah Alahim. It will continue as an eternal tribute of worship beyond humankind’s restoration unto the Father and the earth made new. However, this begs the question of which calendar/time-keeping model the seventh-day Sabbath will be regulated by following redemption and the new earth. Will the Sabbath be synchronized to the Roman Gregorian solar calendar of man’s devising? Will the Sabbath follow another unique and altogether new rhythm or time sequence? Or, will the divinely preordained Scriptural model remain steadfast, which has previously been utilized by all the unfallen worlds for times of presenting themselves before their Creator three times every year?
Several examples of this are found in Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7, “. . . when the sons of Elohim came to present themselves before Yahuah, Satan also came among them to present himself before Yahuah.” This was likely either the Feast of Unleavened Bread or the Feast of Tabernacles. This time model was first given to Adam, then Abraham, and then reintroduced to Moses to regulate the time-centric Sanctuary service shown Him on the mount, which was according to the shamayim pattern not made with [human] hands.
Notice in the verse below that the wilderness Sanctuary and each of the earthly temples made by the hands of men were nothing more than copies, types, and shadows of the correct and Kadosh (sacred) shamayim model. The earthly sanctuary ceremonies were given to illustrate to Israel in visual rehearsals the detailed ministry and work of the Messiah in restoring humanity back to the Father. His divine ministry and set-apart work to be accomplished in the shamayim Sanctuary could not commence until the Messiah, our Savior and Redeemer, had laid down His life as our ransom lamb. This was accomplished at Yahusha’s death on the cross. The cross marked the commencement, not the termination, of His grand and sacred work of restoring humankind through the system He designed to be fulfilled within the context of the shamayim Sanctuary alone. Thus, there is only one way to Yahuah, and not many as is popularly proclaimed.
The set-apart appointed Feast Days are the rehearsals of each prophetic event, which are to occur precisely on their preordained astro-luni-solar calendar dates. Just as Yahusha, the Messiah, fulfilled the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread precisely on time to the very day, so too will He complete the fall Feast Days with precision on a specific day.
It is boldly declared among Christianized scholars of most church denominations that the divinely appointed Feast Days, along with their astro-luni-solar calendation, were done away with at the cross by divine design. However, if this were true, there would be no more need to worship our Creator at all. This is because those sacred days found only on His celestial time-piece, which they claim were done away with, were the Creator’s appointed worship days: 1) Full New Moon days, 2) seventh-day Sabbaths, 3) as well as the annual Feast Days, all of which synchronize earth with Yahuah’s sacred city above. But since we know that all the Feast Days have not yet been fulfilled and the worship days continue as a practical necessity until the second coming of our Messiah and into the earth made new, a fundamental truth becomes apparent. Yahuah DID NOT do away with His preordained astro-luni-solar time mechanism.
This evil task, the dismantling of ALL the Creator’s units of time, which affected each sacred and set apart day, was the mastermind of Lucifer, but accomplished by the two-part amalgamated union of the Jewish leaders and Romans between A.D. 31 and A.D. 325. Together, these form a portion of the “beast power” spoken of in Daniel 7:25, which was to change Yahuah’s “times and laws henceforth.” This appears to be the same Beast power mentioned in Revelation 11:7, which was to kill the righteous followers of Yahusha in the same city where He was crucified. The earthly counterparts of the Sanctuary/Temple were nullified and void at the cross of Yahusha at the epicenter of time and not the Temple model above in the shamayim. 1) These included the animal sacrifices primarily, as there was no need for another animal to die on behalf of sin; 2) The Levitical priestly order; 3) The temple itself, for these were mere shadows of the truth.
In contrast, the heavenly Sanctuary/Temple system commenced full throttle at the Cross without skipping a beat according to lunar time. The Messiah, Yahusha, was to perform every duty in the Sanctuary above, first as the Lamb, then as High Kohen (Priest), then as Prince, and finally as the omnipotent King of Kings.
. . . “who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He said, ‘See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.'” Hebrews 8:5 NKJV
Was this not the same time-centric system that was given from the shamayim for which the Savior of the world laid down His life precisely on the day and hour of Passover, as counted from the New Moon, confirming Him to be the Messiah, the Son of Yahuah, and the redeemer of humankind? Was this not a nail in a sure place? Would the rhythm of the Creator’s celestial timepiece, as portrayed in the original Sanctuary/Temple above, not be the very one to continue perpetually, untouched, designating when all the sons of men from the entire universe were to present themselves before their Creator to worship Him?
“Assuredly, according to the order of the shamayim (starry abode), the New Moons, and the earth: The New Moon that I appointed and set in order remains firmly the chief corner [stone],” declares Yahuah. Wherefore, it establishes and confirms your name along with your children.”
And it shall come to pass according to its abundance (waxed lunar phase)— New Moon by New Moon you shall keep; and according to its abundance (waxed lunar phase)— Sabbath by Sabbath you shall keep. And I shall lead all flesh to prostrate in worship, according to this chief corner [stone],” declares Yahuah. Isaiah 66:22-23 The Creator’s Calendar Restored Text.
#19 – Lunar Month or New Moon Designations
Some have declared that the New Moon reference in Isaiah 66:23 only means “month.” They believe we shall continue to worship Yahuah from month to month and from week to week. No doubt, this is mainly due to faulty English translations of the word (#2320 Chodesh) and a proactive assault on this verse to hide any traces of the genuine and original time-measuring model. This is a way of ignoring that all the references in Scripture to the terms “month” and “New Moon” refer to lunar months.
This is true because the word “month” is derived from the word “moon.” The Scriptural “lunar month” is made up of 29-30 lunar phases, which commence with the full New Moon. The New Moon is simply the first lunar phase of the lunar month.” The “month” cannot be separated from the “New Moon” any more than the sun can be separated from the term “daylight” or its physical attributes of gas, fire, heat, and light. And finally, the only known “months” utilized by all the Tanakh (OT) prophets and Renewed Covenant (NT) apostles, through to the time of the Messiah and Savior, were lunar months.
So, Isaiah 66:22-23 establishes the signal for the start of the month is in the specific order of alignment from the outside inward: 1) the stars; 2) the full moon as the New Moon; 3) the earth. This is the astro-lunar-solar sign for each new month as they mark each new ruling constellation. This system of time measuring will then remain the established system for all eternity. The full moon is the only lunar phase that is in perfect opposition to the sun when it rules by night and meets the criteria of Isaiah 66:22, with its placement between the starry constellations and the earth.
The week and true seventh-day Sabbath will cycle four times, beginning after each New Moon day. The choice of words, lunar month or New Moon here does not change the meaning of the Isaiah 66:23 text in the least because each lunar month commences upon New Moon day.
Can it be refuted that all of the set-apart Feast Days, as defined in Scripture, were located within the parameters of lunar calendar dates as they were counted from the full New Moon? For those of you with connections to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, you may be interested in the admission of Angel Rodriguez, former head of the B.R.I.:
“The Israelite calendar was lunisolar, that is to say, time was measured on the basis of the new moon (the rotation of the moon around the earth) and also the sun (the rotation of the earth around the sun). A lunar calendar of 12 months is about 11 days shorter than the solar calendar, which is approximately 365 days. In the ancient world this was solved by adding an extra month seven times in 19 years. In the Bible the moon calendar was used to fix the time for the festivals-for instance, 14 days after the new moon came Passover (Numbers. 28:16).” Angel Rodriguez, Biblical Research Institute
Not for a moment does Angel Rodriguez support or keep a lunar Sabbath today, but here he admits the Israelite calendar was lunisolar, as given by the Creator. Tell me, what is the definition of a hypocrite? At the very minimum, this should stimulate questions about why all the churches that utilize the Scripture as their authority, including the Seventh-day Adventist Church, have abandoned this foundational truth of our Creator and His Bridal Covenant.
One must ask, “Who is behind this abandonment of the sacred time system that was instituted by our Creator, especially when at the very hour the details are being fulfilled in the shamayim Sanctuary above by our Messiah in real-time? Furthermore, can it be disproved that each of the seventh-day Sabbaths, as listed in this article in connection with the sacred Feast Days, are NOT located on the specific lunar rhythm and dates of the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th? Also, is there one human argument that can destroy what was pre-ordained by our Eternal Creator regarding His shamayim celestial time-piece (Genesis 1:14-18)? The sacred and set-apart seventh-day Sabbath has always been and will continue to be the honored SIGN, as it is numbered from the New Moon of the original astro-luni-solar calendar of Creation.
Now a GREAT SIGN appeared in the shamayim: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Revelation 12:1-2 NKJV
The article, Scripture’s Weight of Evidence, reveals that the divinely ordained astro-luni-solar time-piece was placed in the shamayim (heavens), out of reach of man and beast, at the time of creation. This has been the celestial regulator upon earth of time eternal, in which all sacred worship days are fastened. As illustrated throughout this article, no other calendar or time-system model is in sync with His heavenly (shamayim) time-centric specifications. Yahuah’s divinely ordained protocol was designed to demonstrate consistent harmony with all His previous creations before earth even came to be.
As a result, the Creator has enabled humankind to be in perfect harmony with the rhythms and councils of righteous messengers, the unfallen worlds, including the dwelling place of the Creator Himself. Even the wilderness Sanctuary/Temple that was utilized from the time of Moses to the Messiah was designed to protect and reveal the sacred shamayim rhythm for worship. In other words, our loving Father proactively designed earth’s time-piece to keep humankind in sync with the grand appointed worship events of His very dwelling place in the New Yarushalom, the promised future home of the righteous obedient, and the extended universe of unfallen worlds.
The Call to Come Out of False Traditions
Make no mistake, in the image below is none other than the Crest of Pope Gregory, as it is displayed at the Vatican. Here, we see that, not by mere chance, “THE DRAGON” represents Pope Gregory and the Roman Gregorian calendar, the world power combined with the tool utilized by Satan himself.
In the sixteenth century, Pope Gregory made the final touches to the Roman solar time-measuring system and changed its name from “Julian” to “Gregorian.” Satan will wage war on all those obedient followers who seek to live according to the laws of the omnipotent King of Kings and His Universal time principles under this banner (crest) representing human-made artificial units of time (Revelation 12:1, 17).
These laws include the divinely inspired astro-luni-solar time system as defined by “types and shadows” (prophecies) as illustrated in the earthly sanctuary. The earthly sanctuary was set up as a tribute to and a copy of the mechanism of time-keeping in the shamayim (heavens) original standard, after which it was patterned. Therefore, the preordained shamayim originally defined the time sequence of His eternal Sabbath and annual Feast Days in the New Yarushalom as well as upon the return to earth.
Time, as beaconed by the sun, moon, and stars (Genesis 1:14-18), is discovered to be the very signature of our Creator, Yahuah. Might the catalyst for this battle over worship between the Eternal and His nemesis, Lucifer, which is to be waged in the hearts of every individual, be over the opposing calendar time systems— a human-made counterfeit in contrast to the Creator’s original? Therefore, is it conceivable that the final conflict will be over more than a single unit of time, as some have believed, but rather over the entire TIME-KEEPING mechanism, as a banner of allegiance?
The Creator Himself declared the Sabbaths will continue to be kept by the obedient according to the abundant, full New Moon. (Isaiah 66:23). From the Scriptures alone, no other form of “month” is recognized by our Creator. If the time on earth were changed, by default, the time-keeping for all the universe, including the unfallen worlds, must also be changed. We have it on the good authority of Daniel the prophet that it was to be the beast power of earth that was to “think” to change not only the law of Yahuah but also His time system.
He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and laws. Then the righteous shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time. Daniel 7:25 NKJV
He shall insult the Most High, he shall torment/wear out the righteous ones of the Most High, and he shall attempt to change the calendar and the ordinance. Daniel 7:25 (Twentieth Century Knox translation.)
How great are the things the enemy did wickedly in the Sacred Place. They hated your majesty and splendor in the midst of your solemnities. They placed their signs and banners on the highest places. . . . They burned with fire your Sanctuary; they befouled the tabernacle of your name on earth. The kindred of them said together in their hearts; “make we all the Feast Days of Elohim to cease from the earth.” Psalms 74:3, 7, 8 Wycliffe Bible, 1378
In the last verse above, who was it that said in their hearts, “Make we all the Feast Days of Elohim to cease from the earth?” The first line of this verse gives us the answer. The “enemies” of Yahuah Elohim would “make all the Feast Days of Elohim to cease from the earth.” Who are the people today who are proclaiming the loudest that— “all the Feast Days of Yahuah Elohim have ceased from the earth?” These are the Catholics, the Sunday-keeping Protestants, and the Saturday-keeping Seventh-day Adventist Church. This united effort binds these churches as daughters of the Roman Catholic Church persuasion, commonly referred to as Christians. But according to this verse above, they have chosen to side with the enemy of Yahuah Alahim.
In contrast, His obedient followers (Natsarim, Quartodecimen) are the only ones who will be identified as those who uphold the Feast Days and “who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes.” This is the language and story of the shamayim (heavenly) Sanctuary, which defines those who seek to be in sync with the Lamb, Yahusha, the Mashiach (Messiah), and His sacred and set-apart Feast Days. Each Feast Day depicts a time-centric phase of the Messiah’s work in the courts of the shamayim Sanctuary and culminates with signaling His return.
The 1378 version of the Wycliffe Bible verse above is more correct than the KJV version in verse 8. Instead of the Hebrew word #4150 mo’ed being rightly translated to mean “Feasts,” the KJV and other modern versions define it as synagogues (mere buildings).
The Almighty Father has never ordained that His Kadosh (sacred) Feast Days were to discontinue, especially at the time of the Cross. Each Feast Day was a prophecy of a specific work to be performed by the coming Messiah. At the cross/stake, the earthly sanctuary model of the Tanakh (OT) met the shamayim Sanctuary original, which exemplifies the Renewed Covenant (NT). It was at the cross/stake that the Renewed Covenant, with better promises, was to commence with each set-apart Feast Day in their divinely appointed order. Each Feast Day reveals in detail the work and ministry of the Messiah, Yahusha, in the divine plan and system designed for the restoration of humanity in the Sanctuary, which is not made with hands.
This pre-ordained work of our Messiah/Savior did not commence until the cross, and His three-phase ministry, which includes the seven sacred Feast Days, will not end until His return. His seven sacred and set-apart Feast Days have been targeted for removal by the Papal pagan holidays.
To all appearances, it seems that the satanic agencies have been successful in removing time from the Creator’s shamayim dome. Yet, only now is the artificial time system being exposed, and ultimately, it will fall like a house of cards, according to Daniel 7:25-27. All the while, the Creator’s ordained calendar and divinely designed time-piece continue to stand as a banner waving in the shamayim, declaring to the world that Yahuah is the omnipotent Creator of all and that He changes not (Malachi 3:6). At the end of the day, “ALL THE WORLD have wondered after the beast” (Revelation 13:3) and have followed the beat of a different drum, the rhythm of the beast, and the false prophet of artificial time-measuring.
Wrong New Moon Equals Wrong Sabbath
According to Scripture, the whole world has followed the system of the beast, including the modern Yahudim (Jews) and all Sunday and Saturday Sabbatarians by way of the Gregorian calendar. Not only does the “wrong New Moon equal the wrong Sabbath,” but “NO acknowledgment of a New Moon, as presented by the Roman Gregorian Calendar, also gives way to a fraudulent Saturday Sabbath.”
Yet, full of divine compassion, our loving Father is now urgently calling forth His obedient followers, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4. This long-suffering call to “come out” includes coming out of a false and counterfeit system of time-keeping so that we may worship our Creator and Redeemer according to His divine and preordained rhythms and be in harmony with the unfallen universe and perfect creations beyond earth’s boundaries to know.
Would you like to be considered among the Creator’s righteous obedient and answer His call to come out of the errors and artificial traditions of the earth? Do you wish to be restored to His sacred and set-apart times for worship? Is it your desire, through consistent obedience, to not only be delivered from the plagues that are shortly to come upon the world but to be perfectly restored to the image of our Most High Father and receive His reward of eternal life?
These are they which follow the Lamb [THE TORAH AND HIS FEASTS, NOT THE CALENDAR OF THE BEAST] whither soever he goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto Yahuah and to the Lamb. Revelation 14:4 KJV