Passover and How to Celebrate It
Passover and How to Celebrate It
How to celebrate Passover as YAHUSHA haMashiach taught His beloved disciples that night in the upper room during His “LAST SUPPER.”
Passover was ordained from the beginning to be celebrated on the 14th day, counted from the full moon as the start of Years and Months. It was NEVER connected to nor called “Good Friday” because the planetary names of the Roman solar week had not yet been invented, nor had their modern seven-day cycling week rhythm and order been fixed into a popular paradigm. The Good Friday Deception.
Some have thought that we are to follow this same practice because our Messiah celebrated Passover a day early on the 13th with His Disciples, referred to as the Last Supper. But folks, the time-centric promise was ordained to continue from Eden to the time of its fulfillment by the Messiah on the cross/stake and beyond. Passover was to be kept throughout all generations as an everlasting covenant and sign of Yahuah’s faithful and obedient throughout all the ages. Refer to the article, The Last Supper Question.
Passover’s Seven GPS Fun Facts
1) PASSOVER is counted 14 days from Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day in spring, which is concurrent with the first full New/Renewed Moon Day of the Year) (Exodus 12:1-4).
2) PASSOVER always occurs on “Preparation Day.”
3) PASSOVER is always the 6th day of the second lunar week of the year.
4) The day following PASSOVER is always the lunar seventh-day Sabbath, which is consistently dated the 15th of Abib. All Things Passover
5) PASSOVER is also highlighted at our Messiah’s crucifixion by a 3-hour SOLAR ECLIPSE. Luke describes this as the sun was darkened from the sixth to the ninth hour. (Luke 23:44-45). This is supported by the fact that solar eclipses only occur during daylight when a dark “conjunction” lunar phase comes between the Earth and the sun. The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour
6) The dark conjunction lunar phase was designed to occur mid-month according to Scripture, meaning…7) Our Creator ordained the FULL MOON to beacon His START OF LUNAR MONTHS FOREVER AND EVER!!! Support Evidence for the Full New Moon.
“It [Passover] shall be as a SIGN to you on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes that Yahuah’s TORAH LAW may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand YAHUAH has brought you out of Egypt. You shall therefore keep this ordinance [Passover] on its
season[#4150 mo’edah – specific lunar appointed date] from year to year.” Exodus 13:9-10
Why? Because only the 14th of Abib (Aviv or Nissan), as counted from the full moon nearest the feet of the constellation Bethulah (Virgo), is the authentic SIGN and SEAL of YAHUSHA haMashiach, the only begotten of the Father. He alone is the SON of the MOST HIGH who paid the price for our sins by laying down His life upon the cross/stake on that specific and appointed epic day. And NO OTHER DAY, on any other calendar system, will ever synchronize the sinner with their beloved savior, nor set them on the path to follow the LAMB wherever He goes! No other alternate calendar can synchronize the souls of men with the Great Designer’s RESTORATIVE Robes of His Righteousness and Covering, His time-centric protection from the enemy, and His deceptive Mark of the Beast.
That last night in the upper room on the 13th of Abib gave our Messiah one last opportunity to teach His disciples and all of us these many years later exactly what was about to take place along with its time-centric significance. And just like most of us, much of it went over their heads because “truth is often stranger than fiction,” and they could not fully comprehend what He was revealing to them at that time. The farthest thing from their minds was that He was the LAMB OF YAHAUAH that was appointed to lay down His life the very next day, but not just for them, but for all sinners who have ever lived, and were yet to be born, who seek His pardon and forgiveness of their sins.
First Day and Night
Passover, the 14th day, counted from the [full] New Moon. (Leviticus 23:5)
- Remove all leavening (a symbol for sin) from your house and heart. Keep it out of the house for the entire seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread. Leaven is symbolic of sin. So while you remove the actual leavening, during the 14-day count to Passover, above all, prepare your heart. Take the necessary time to confess all your sins to YAHUAH Alahim, in the name of YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah). This is no small thing. Some have believed that the Renewed Covenant (New Testament) allows for eating leavened bread on Passover, but consider the evidence.
“You shall not offer the blood of My sacrifice with leavened bread, nor shall the fat of My sacrifice remain until morning.” Exodus 23:18
Also, concerning leavening, read Exodus 12:15, Exodus 12:19, Exodus 13:7, Deuteronomy 16:4, Matthew 16:6, Matthew 16:11, and 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. - To roast a lamb or not? While the Jews deny that their Messiah has come, they continue the tradition of roasting a lamb. I believe that all who are in the Bridal Covenant, who have the Testimony of the Messiah, know He has already come, He has laid down His life, and He has risen again. HalleluYah! Therefore, we no longer need to slay a lamb. And nowhere in the Messiah’s “Last Supper” directions did He define a continuation of the custom of sacrificing a lamb. Instead, His focus for the future generations was on the bread, broken for us, representing His body, and the wine, representing His blood shed for us.
- Purchase the necessary supplies a few days before Passover to have the items you need to prepare the Unleavened Bread. These include spelt flour or whole wheat flour, 100% grape juice, sea salt, and wine. If you need to avoid wine, use 100% grape juice in its place. Of course, bread is not the only thing to eat, so purchase other items to make a nutritious meal.
- Make unleavened bread. Mix and bake your unleavened bread on Passover day of the 14th as part of the preparation. All were determined to be eaten “between the evenings” according to Hebrew as recorded in Leviticus 23:5. The Hebrew word (H996 – בין – beyn – between, among, in the midst of, from between) with (H6153 – הערבים – the evenings, the nights) literally means “between the evenings” or “between the nights.” Yet, it has been changed in our English versions to the twilight or evening after sunset. We will have missed the mark if we follow this modern prescription to keep Passover after sunset. Our Messiah was placed upon the cross/stake at 12:00 P.M. (noon) and died at 3:00 P.M. This is equal to the sixth to the ninth hour as measured upon a sundial and is clearly “between the evenings” or “between the nights.” (An Unleavened Bread recipe is provided below. Add more grape juice to the recipe as needed.)
- Prepare the Table. Each place setting should have a plate for the broken bread and a goblet with a wide enough mouth for dipping your broken bread in if you choose, or eat the bread separately from the wine. Have the wine or grape juice poured into glasses. You can make these the centerpiece with a Menorah or a shofar.
- Foot washing was given to mankind as a testimony of the value of HUMILITY, showing forth His love and compassion until He returns. We are to perform it as an act of humility as we seek to follow His example as part of the Passover requirement. John 13:1-17 Link.
- Light the two outer branch candles on the Menorah (or all of them) and place them so three branches reach to the east and the other three to the west. If you don’t have these, use candlelight if possible. Invite all to be seated at the table. The farthest candle to the east represents the full moon announcing Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day), while the farthest candle to the west represents the conjunction lunar phase announcing PASSOVER, the 14th day of the lunar month of Abib.
- WHEN TO EAT: Although our Messiah was placed on the cross/stake between the evenings at the sixth hour on the sundial and died at the ninth hour (3:00 pm), eating the Passover meal after sunset on the 14th is in harmony with Exodus 12:8, which states they were to eat the Passover at “night.” This is also supported in Mark 14:17 concerning the Messiah and the Last Supper. The reality is that the 14th civil calendar date begins at sunrise on the 14th and ends at sunrise on the 15th. Therefore, even celebrating Passover, we knowingly or unknowingly honor our Creator’s correct day/night cycle layout in that order.
“On the fourteenth day of the first month between the evenings is Yahuah’s Passover.” Leviticus 23:5
“And in the evening (late, afternoon, nightfall), he came with the twelve. And as they sat and did eat…” Mark 14:17
“And they shall eat the flesh (of the lamb) in that night roasted with fire, and unleavened bread, and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.” Exodus 12:8
- Blow the Shofar as a call to the sacredness of the event. (Numbers 10:10) If a shofar is not available, listen to a shofar online at:
- Open with a Passover-centered Prayer.
- Someone in the group can give a narration about the events of Passover.
- Appoint each person to read a portion from your pre-selected Scripture narrative. It can include portions from the time of the first sin in Eden in which the first Passover lamb was slain for Adam and Hava (Eve), Yasharal’s (Israel’s) Passover in Egypt, or stick to the theme of the Messiah, as you see fit and what works best for your group. Below, you will find a wide variety of Scripture verses to read.
(Note that every time a verse says “month” (H#2320 – chodesh – חדשׁ) in Scripture, it literally means: The New moon, Renewed moon, lunar month, or first day of the lunar month. It never refers to a Roman solar month. Neither Saturday nor Sunday are found in Scripture. Also, notice that the Roman holiday of Easter cannot be found in Scripture. It was designed to replace this sacred set apart Resurrection day, Resheet (Firstfruits Wave Offering).
Scripture’s Background Narrative of Passover
- Genesis 3:21 – This verse describes the first Passover sacrifice for sin in Eden, in which our Creator, Yahuah Alahim, the Most High covered Adam and Eve with the symbolic Robes of His Righteousness as a promise of the coming Messiah. It was ordained to be celebrated every year on the same specific date. Is this first Passover event, date stamped the 14th, as counted from the New Moon, as are all other Passover events? Passover’s Blood-Stained Trail of Promise
- Exodus 12:1-4 – This identifies that the first test of Yasharal’s (Israel’s) obedience and faithfulness before leaving Egypt was time itself. The Creator’s Calendar had to be restored before the Children of Yasharal (Israel) could locate Passover. Utilizing the wrong New Moon Day (the dark conjunction), so popular in Egypt, to count 14 days to Passover would yield the wrong results and the loss of their firstborn sons. Getting the New Moon Day right through obedience and restoring their calendar by two weeks or 180 degrees to the full moon meant being freed from Egyptian bondage with an invitation to the Promised Land. This will be the experience of those at the end of time as well.
- Leviticus 23:5 – “In the fourteenth day of the first lunar month (H#2320 – chodesh – חדשׁ) between (H#996 – beyn – בין) the evenings or nights (H#6153 – ereb – ערבים) is Yahuah’s Passover (Pasch).”
- Numbers 9:2 – “Let the children of Yasharal (Israel) also keep the Passover (Pasch) at His
appointed season(H#4150 – mo’ed – במועדו – specific lunar date).” Also, read Numbers 9:3-6. - Numbers 28:16-18 – These verses establish the 14th, 15th, and 16th, later to be utilized by the Messiah as the three days and three nights riddle in the tomb. It can only be solved when we start the day at the right time and consistently locate the Sabbath on the 15th, the first day of Unleavened Bread. But additionally, the 16th day must be included as nearly 24 hours, with the Messiah’s resurrection occurring just prior to sunrise on the 17th. Refer to the article Three Days and Three Nights.
- Numbers 33:3 – The Exodus from Egypt occurred on the 15th, the day after Passover. So, did they travel during the Sabbath hours? (see below)
- Deuteronomy 16:1-6 – Answering the question above, the Children of Yasharal (Israel) were brought out of Egypt by NIGHT. This is the night following the twelve-hour Sabbath daylight of the 15th. The previous verse in Numbers states that the 15th is the morrow after Passover, the 14th. So, in contrast to the modern Jewish view that the night precedes the day, an entire calendar date included the daylight followed by the night.
- Joshua 5:10-12 – The manna that had continued for forty years during Israel’s wilderness wandering was designed as a feeding schedule to outline the lunar month week divisions with no manna on the Sabbaths of the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days ceased forever on Sabbath the 15th. No manna was given on the New Moon Day because it was a monthly fast day. Three Months in a Row, Part 2 – The Manna, also Part 4 – Forty Years Later
- 2 Kings 23:21-23, 2 Chronicles 35:1-20.
- Luke 2:41-52 – The story of Yahusha, who attended Passover with His parents when He was twelve. His parents, having lost track of Him, found Him teaching in the temple three days later.
- Isaiah 53:3-5 Prophesy of the coming anointed Messiah. Despised and rejected by men, a man of pains and knowing sickness. And as one from whom the face is hidden, being despised, and we did not consider Him. Truly, He has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains. Yet we reckoned Him stricken, smitten by Alahim, and affected, but He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our crookedness. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes, we are healed.
YAHUSHA Stood and Read His Prophetic Fulfillment
- Isaiah 61:1-6 “The Rauch of the YAHUAH Alahim is upon Me because YAHUAH has anointed ME to bring besorah (good tidings of hope) to the meek. He has sent ME to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of YAHUAH, and the yom (day) of vengeance of our Alahim, to comfort all who mourn, to appoint to those who mourn in Tsiyon (Zion): to give them embellishment for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. And they shall be called trees of righteousness, a planting of YAHUAH, to be adorned. And they shall rebuild the old ruins and raise up the former wastes. And they shall restore the ruined cities, the wastes of many generations. And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigner be your plowmen and your vinedressers. But you shall be called ‘PRIESTS of YAHUAH, ‘ and ‘SERVANTS OF OUR ALAHIM’ shall be said of you. You shall consume the strength of the gentiles and boast in their esteem.”
Messiah’s Crucifixion Narrative - SONG – RISE AGAIN ~ Dallas Holmes
HE’S ALIVE ~ Don Francisco
(Both of these songs tell the story from start to finish.) - Matthew 26:1-75, John 13:1, John 18 & 19, 1 Corinthians 5:7-8.
- This is My Body Broken for You… and This is My Blood of the Covenant…
Matthew 26:26-75, Mark 14:22-26, Luke 22:19-22, 1 Corinthians 11:24-26. - During this reading of the tokens of His Covenant, pass the bread platter so that each participant can break off a portion and dip it in their wine or grape juice. (No Lamb is killed or served because YAHUSHA haMashiach is ALIVE!!! He is our risen LAMB. Pour wine or grape juice into a wine glass for drinking as well. He arose from the grave three days and three nights later and is ALIVE FOR EVERMORE!!! HALLELUYAH!!! Refer to the article, Three Days and Three Nights.
On the night of the last supper, the Messiah’s remarks give us the understanding that the unleavened bread was dipped in the grape juice or wine.“And he answered and said, ‘He that dips his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.'” Matthew 26:23“And he answered and said unto them, ‘It is one of the twelve, that dips with me in the dish.'” Mark 14:20“I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, He that eats bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.” John 13:18“Jesus answered, ‘He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.'” John 13:26
- Sing a Song relating to YAHUSHA’S shed blood sacrifice that takes away the sins of the whole world.
- Continue further reading or open up a discussion time as you see fit.
Thus, the first day of YAHUSHA, haMashiach’s prophecy about the Sign of Jonah, was completed. This was the first day of the three days and three nights He was to be deceased and explained as in the heart of the earth.
Twelve Additional Passover Articles – All Things Passover
2nd Day and Night
High Sabbath and First Day of Unleavened Bread,
the 15th day of the lunar Month.
Leviticus 23:6-8
This day is to be kept kadosh (holy, sacred, and set apart) as any other Sabbath, with the added reality that it represents the Sabbath day our Messiah lay in the tomb. It was counted as the second day according to the three days and three nights prophecy, as he had declared before His crucifixion.
“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Matthew 12:40
Keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days, symbolizing the putting away of sin and the promise of restoration during the seventh millennium (millennial Sabbath) spent in the New Yarushalom in heaven. The first day of Unleavened Bread is a High day (a double Holy day) because it is consistently both the annual Feast Day of the 15th and the lunar appointed seventh-day Sabbath. The last day of this seven-day Feast is also defined as a Holy Convocation Sabbath, although not the seventh-day Sabbath.
For more reading on this subject, refer to the article, Three Days and Three Nights, The Sign of Jonah Riddle Solved
Wave Sheaf Offering of First Fruits
3rd Day and Night
Leviticus 23:9-14
Firstfruits and Wave Sheaf Offering
By Jonathan Cahn
He took me into one of the chambers inside the school’s main building. I would learn later that it was called the Camber of Scrolls. He led me over to what looked like an ornate upright wooden chest called the ark. Inside the ark was a long scroll, which he removed, unrolled on a large wooden table, and from which he began to read: ‘”When you enter the land…and reap its harvest, you will bring in the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest. And he will wave the sheaf before Yahuah Alahim on the day after the Sabbath.’ This is the Day of Resheet. The Resheet is the firstfruits, the beginning of the harvest, the first grain. The firstfruits would represent all that would be reaped or gathered in the days that followed. So on the Day of the Resheet, the first sheaf of the spring harvest would be lifted up to Yahuah Alahim and dedicated to Him. And since it represented all the sheaves that would follow, by its consecration the entire harvest was consecrated. It would all take place on the day after the Sabbath of Passover. [Passover the 14th, Sabbath the 15th, Firstfruits the 16th.] It was the day of new life, the day that sealed the ending of winter and the beginning of springtime…and a day that contains a mystery of cosmic proportions.”
“How so?”
“The world is fallen. The curse of winter and the shadow of death hang over it. But Yahuah Alahim’s will is to redeem it. And the promise of redemption is that one day the curse of death and the barrenness of winter will be broken. And the firstfruits break the winter…and bring new life.”
He looked up at me. “When did Messiah die?” he asked.
“On Passover, [the 14th] I replied.
“And then He was in the tomb?”
“On the Sabbath.” [the 15th]
“The Sabbath of Passover,” said the teacher. “So then when did He rise?”
“On the day after the Sabbath of Passover!” [the 16th] I said. “On the Day of the Resheet…as the firstfruits! When the firstfruits are lifted up to Yahuah Alahim.”
“The day of His resurrection is the Day of the Resheet. It had to happen on Resheet, the Firstfruits that ends the winter of our lives, which begins spring, and gives us new life. And if the firstfruits stand for all, and if He has overcome death and this world…”
“Then through His offering up as our firstfruits to Yahuah Alahim, so can I.”
The Mission: The Resheet (Yahusha our Messiah) has overcome death and the grave on your behalf. Live today, in full confidence of the Resurrection Day. Leviticus 23:9-11; 1 Corinthians 15:20-23
[Disclaimer: Please note that “The Book of Mysteries” is Jonathan Cahn’s notes from the lessons he received while spending a year under the tutelage of “The Teacher” in Yasharal (Israel). I have found many of these to be worthy to share and will make additional comments on them as needed. Those teachings not supported by Scripture that don’t meet the mark on any level are not shared or posted. We are not followers of Jonathan Cahn as there are many beliefs we don’t hold in common. However, these are shared that you too may be barakah (blessed) by the wisdom of “The Teacher.”]
The Wave Sheaf Offering (First Fruits) occurs on the 16th civil calendar date of the first lunar month of Abib. While this is the second day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, it is the third day that YAHUSHA haMashiach continued to lay in the tomb. So, including the 16th daylight, it has been three days but only two nights. Therefore, we have one night to go to complete the three-day and three-night prophecy of our Messiah.
So what does this mean? It means that His resurrection did not occur on the morning of the 16th. It means that one more night is necessary to fulfill the prophecy explicitly. In contrast to fraudulent Jewish timekeeping methods, the night follows the daylight in a Biblical civil calendar day/night cycle. Therefore, the 16th date ends just as the morning of the 17th begins, providing the full three days and three nights. This is the only way to account for three days and three nights.
Although not apparent in modern translations, there are three keys to unlocking this riddle and apparent conundrum.
- Utilize the lunar-astro-solar calendar rather than the Roman solar calendar system. An illegitimate replacement has been pressed upon the minds of the modern world that the Messiah rose from the tomb at sunrise on Easter Sunday of the Roman calendar. But nothing could be further from the truth.
- Restore the correct day/night civil calendar date cycle.
- Correctly translate the Greek word “proi” as (G#4404 – proi = fourth watch of the night). It has been falsely translated as “early in the morning” instead of “fourth watch of the night.” And this changes everything.
So it is that our Messiah rose from the tomb “while it was yet dark” near the end of the third night and during the fourth watch of the night.
Make no mistake, the time elements revealed in these “three days and three nights” synchronize our risen Messiah at the epi-center of time, punctuating His lunar time measuring model as the original Creator’s time model — ordained from eternity past, with continuity into the present and onto the future. This identified timepiece will be restored among those who seek with all their hearts to “follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes” on earth. This time model alone unveils the placement of the true Kadosh Feast Days, each a manifest work of Yahusha, our Messiah, before His return as King of Kings.
For a detailed explanation of this illustration, refer to the article “Three Days and Three Nights.”
Song: HE’S ALIVE ~ Don Francisco
Other Passover-Related Articles
Passover, the True Sign, and Seal of Yahuah
Passover’s Blood-Stained Trail of Promise
The Bride in Waiting and Two Witnesses
The Mark of the Beast or the Seal of Yahuah Alahim?