Our Messiah’s True Prophetic Birthday
Our Messiah’s True Prophetic Birthday
by Kerrie French
It is stunning that history records the accurate birthdays of many ancient Kings, Pharaohs, and Caesars. Yet, theologians and Scripture scholars are quick to declare there is not one single reference in all 66 books of Scripture that pinpoint the exact day of our Messiah’s birth. This narrative is then repeated long and often from a myriad of church pulpits worldwide, especially as we near the month of December. But did Christmas or December 25 ever have anything to do with “Our Messiah’s True Prophetic Birthday?” Does it matter anyway?
With great pomp and circumstance, most of these same church leaders joyfully celebrate His birthday along with the heathens and infidels on December 25, Christmas Day, often entreating their congregations to put “Jesus Christ” back into it. Yet, this begs the question, “How can we put our Messiah back into Christmas if He was never there in the first place?”
Discover in this comprehensive study of the Birthday of our Messiah how the woof and the warp of Scripture’s details produce a sturdy fabric of truth. This article exposes nearly 2,000 years of lies with regard to this most epic and relevant day. Discover how the Birthday of our Messiah reveals long-lost evidence of our Creator’s original calendar model and why knowing this is so vital for every obedient follower of Yahuah (YHUH) and His dear Son.
Our Messiah’s Birthday has Been Found
The purpose of this article is to illustrate that Yahusha, our Messiah, who came to this earth for the purpose of forgiving sinners and providing the only WAY back to our Eternal Father by way of His shed blood, was born on the precise and appointed prophetic day as prophesied in the Tanakh (Old Testament). The Brit Hadasha (New Testament) then confirms the prophecy with punctuated detail as it provides the intertwined lunar time measurements of both the conception and birth of Yahusha, the Messiah, and His pre-appointed prophet, Yahuchanon (John the Baptist).
Those who held near to their heart the Kadosh (sacred) temple ceremonies with its unique time rhythms for its New/Renewed Moons, lunar Sabbaths, and annual lunar Feast Day appointed assemblies were the ones most likely to anticipate and recognize the first coming of their Messiah and His actual birthday. The same is true today, as these truths are being restored in these last days. Each of the clues relating to our Messiah’s prophetic birthday has been gathered to illuminate the preeminent FACT that His birthday is pragmatically declared in Scripture and only found by utilizing the correct calendar. STUNNINGLY, IT HAS BEEN THERE ALL ALONG!
The evidence further defines the utter impossibility that our Messiah was born on Christmas day, December 25th, as declared by Roman Catholicism and their witty Gregorian calendar invention.
“A truth’s initial commotion
is directly proportional to how deeply
the lie was believed.
When a well-packaged web of lies
has been sold gradually to the masses over generations
the truth will seem utterly preposterous
and its speaker, a raving lunatic.”
Dresden James
The Importance of Birthdays
There are some who declare that keeping track of your birthday and celebrating it every year is a pagan practice and not to be acknowledged by Yahuah’s followers. This may be true in part, but only in how it is celebrated.
I want to suggest, based on the evidence in Scripture, that the Creator of humankind is intrinsically attuned to our need for measuring time and the age of all humanity. This is most easily done by counting birthdays. Are you aware that the patriarchs and prophets of old measured birthdays? But they did so according to the astro-luni-solar time-measuring model marked by the full moon as the original start of the lunar months and according to a specific constellation upon the wheel of stars. This sacred calendar model began and ended on the day following the full moon in the spring and not winter. Conversely, the heathen mark their birthdays on a strictly solar or a lunisolar calendar with a conjunction lunar phase or crescent that highlights a constellation 180 degrees opposite of the model described in Scripture. It is the aim of this article to illustrate the disparity between the true and all the spurious time-measuring models as our Messiah’s true and authentic birthday is highlighted.
If birthdays were not counted in Scripture, we would have no knowledge of the age of Adam, Methuselah, or Noah at their death. Also, we would not have the recorded ages of the Melchizedek lineage at the time their sons were born from Adam to the time of the Messiah. For this is, in part, necessary to validate and differentiate the authentic Messiah from the frauds. (Genesis 5; Genesis 6:10; Genesis 11:10-27; Genesis 22:23; Genesis 25:3; Genesis 25 19; Numbers 26:29; Numbers 26:58; Judges 11:1; Ruth 4:18-22; 1 Chronicles 1:34; 1 Chronicles 2:10-46, Matthew 1:1-16.
Was the Messiah’s Birthday Destined to be a Mystery?
In His master plan, did our Eternal Father not want us to know the year, month, week, or day of our Messiah’s birth? Some even go so far as to claim that knowing His specific birthday would detract from His divinity. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth. For it is in the prearranged prophetic details that we find special care has been given to the birthday of the authentic Messiah so that all will be without excuse.
Discover in this article that the precise season (H#4150 – mo’ed – lunar appointed date) of our Messiah’s birth is unquestionably revealed in Scripture. Then, as a GPS unit, the combined evidence identifies which lunar month, while the little details highlight a specific week. Then, for those of us who believe the clues are explicit, the precise birthday of our Messiah can be known.
Pagan Roots of December 25
History records that December 25 first became a notable date for Nimrod and his wife Semiramis of ancient Babylon, as it marked the birth of their son Tammuz, circa 2,175 B.C. Together, these three, Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz, represent the pagan trinity, which they crafted in their own image. This trinity of pagan gods has influenced the whole world under many other titles. Their pseudo-godhood was masterminded in the pit of hell and has readily replaced the truths regarding the Eternal Father and Son so consistently and effectively in the minds of pagans and churchgoers alike. Most of the world assumes it is all part of the Scripture’s Messiah story. Yet, all along, the December 25 story was tied to the winter solstice and fertility rights of Babylon’s new sun worship cult. It symbolized the rebirth of the solar year, a long-held pagan ritual and tradition. So, how was it transformed and tied to the Messiah of Scripture?
Although the chart below depicts all the pagan god’s birthdays as occurring on December 25, in all actuality, December as a name did not exist until much later, and even then, it was originally called the tenth month of the lunar year, as all ancient nations were established upon the principles of lunar years and months. Most likely, that tenth month was called Shebat or its equal. So many things have been moved around and changed concerning the Roman calendar from the time of Julius Caesar to the present. Today, December 25, coincides with the twelfth month of the solar year.
The first time December 25th was recorded as being celebrated as Christmas by Roman Christians was during the reign of Constantine, Emperor of Rome, in A.D. 336, the year before his death. This was initiated to promote his newly created god, “Jesus Christ,” and the birth of his new Roman religion, “Christianity,” which was designed to combine his favorite tenets of the crucifixion story of the Messiah with his long-held pagan gods and their birthday traditions. All was done with a sleight of hand to mix truth with error. Refer to the article, Constantine’s Creation of Jesus Christ.
The central conflict between Christianity and the New Testament Scriptures is twofold. First, the actual name of Yahusha, our Messiah, was overwritten by this Roman human-made pagan deity “Jesus Christ.” Second, the lunar time-measuring method from which the long-promised Messiah was to fulfill the Torah Law prophetically was eliminated. This was accomplished while succinctly demoting the ancient Old Testament (Torah) of the Jews to the proverbial trash bin. Constantine then combined aspects of the Brit Hadasha (New Testament) with ancient pagan celebrations, such as Saturnalia and the winter solstice, to form the foundation for the new religion, mixing the sacred with the profane, ensuring that no Kadosh (holy) days of Yahuah Alahim would be celebrated consistently by those of his new religion “Christianity.”
December 25 was later adopted as a Christian holiday by both the Eastern and Western Orthodox factions of the new Roman Christian Church. In A.D. 567, the Council of Tours declared the time between Christmas and Epiphany was a unified festival, giving both dates equal importance and providing its followers with the twelve days of Christmas (twelve days of Saturnalia). Thus, December 25 was cleverly woven into the very fabric of the doctrines of most protestant Christian churches, as demonstrated all these centuries later. “The Shocking Truth about Christmas.”
Strikingly, there are NO FACTS from Scripture that would place the grandest and most Kadosh (sacred) event of our Messiah’s birth in the winter months, and DEFINITELY NOT ON DECEMBER 25 of Babylonian origin. We have been provided enough clues to know that December 25 holds NO redeeming qualities unto eternal salvation for the obedient followers of Yahusha, our true Messiah.
If you haven’t tied the two together yet, Revelation 18:4 reveals the Messiah is calling His faithful followers out of Babylon and its false calendar and pagan holiday traditions, including the celebration of Christmas, with the strong command, “COME OUT OF BABYLON, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!”
Scriptural Evidence for Our Messiah’s True Birthday
This evidence of the Messiah’s Birthday was recorded, “That you may know the certainty of those things wherein you have been instructed.” Luke 1:4
Scripture Clues and History Meet to Establish the Year of Our Messiah’s Birth
- Herod was King of Judea during the birth of both YAHUchanon (John the Baptist) and Yahusha, the Messiah (Luke 1:5). He reigned from 40 BC to (somewhere between 4 – 1 BC), but we believe Herod died in 1 B.C.
- Caesar Augustus of Rome made a decree that all his governed territory must be taxed (Luke 2:1). He reigned in Rome from 27 BC to A.D. 14. The Census and taxation most likely occurred in the late summer or early fall, which is supported by the evidence of the priestly course of ZachariYah.
- Cyrenius (full Roman name – Publius Sulpicius Quirinius) was governor of Syria in those days (Luke 2:2). History establishes that His first census was around 2 B.C. This census occurred during a warmer time of year that would afford the people of the land to travel with their families without being overly hot or cold. This most likely occurred in the late summer or early fall, which correlated with the evidence of the priestly course of ZachariYah.
- Yoseph (Joseph) took Mary on a journey to pay taxes and appear for the census in Bethlehem, the City of David, his ancestral home (Luke 1:4). Utilizing the time pointers of King Herod’s reign along with the years when Quirinius was Governor, the YEAR of the Messiah’s birth can be approximated as 2 B.C.
Scripture Clues that Establish the Lunar Month, Week, and Day of the Conception of Both John the Baptist and Yahusha the Messiah
The precise time of year that ZachariYah (the Hebrew version of Zacharias) was officiating as Kohen (priest) in the Temple at Yarushalom is defined as occurring in the week division named AbiYah (1 Chronicles 24:7-18). As illustrated in the chart below, the entire 24-course divisions cycled two times throughout each year. The first 24 courses began on Abib 1 (April) and ended in the autumn. Thus, the nature of the 24-course divisions required that each Kohen serves for one week on two yearly occasions.
ZachariYah’s first course was during the fourth (last) week of the second lunar month, and his second course that followed was during the fourth (last) week of the eighth lunar month. (See Kohenim chart below.) While we are left with two options in which Gabriel may have appeared to ZachariYah, there are several reasons that establish the last day of the first course of AbiYah as the designated lunar appointed time in which the angel Gabriel appeared to ZachariYah (Luke 1:11-20). These are listed below the 24 Prophetic Kohen Courses chart.
- Elizabeth, cousin of Mary, conceived Yahuchanon (John the Baptist) the day ZachariYah returned home at the end of his week’s service in the temple, in the course of AbiYah (Luke 1:23-24). This was the last day (either the 29th or the 30th) of the last week of the second lunar month. The Full New Moon is always witnessed on the last night of the month. The changing of the Kohen courses always occurred at the end of the seventh day Sabbath, after sundown. So ZachariYah would have made his way home on the last day of the Second Lunar Month, between the Sabbath and the New Moon Day.
- Please recognize the intent of Gabriel’s two detailed visits were designed to show forth that both Elizabeth and Mary’s pregnancies were to be MIRACLES from the MOST HIGH, and tied together in one unbroken series of events.
Elizabeth was defined as elderly, meaning she was well past having a monthly ovulation cycle. So the miracle of Elizabeth’s pregnancy DID NOT require a hit or miss conception based upon her monthly period. It says in Luke 1:23, “AS SOON AS THE DAYS of his service were completed (the weekly course of AbiYah) ZachariYah departed to his own house.” Remember, it had been the greatest desire of both ZachariYah and Elizabeth to have a child of their own. So from this very detail, “as soon as the days of his service were complete,” we can know that he was on a mission of the MOST HIGH to fulfill the pending promise, yet imminent miracle on the very evening of his arrival home. This was the last day of the Second Lunar Month, between the Sabbath and the New Moon Day.
This view further is supported in verse 24, where it says, “after those days Elizabeth conceived.” After what days? The “weekly course of AbiYah” in which ZachariYah officiated in the temple. Therefore, there can be no speculation, but full assurance from these two witnesses and Gabriel’s pragmatic miracle visit earlier that week was fulfilled the very night ZachariYah arrived home. Thus Elizabeth conceived according to the promise. Praise Yahuah!
- Elizabeth hid herself for five months after conceiving (Luke 1:24).
- At first glance in Luke 1:26 the reference to the “sixth month” appears to be referring to the sixth lunar month of the year, but it is NOT. Rather, it is a time continuation of verse 25, describing how Elizabeth hid herself for five months, but when she was six months along, the same angel Gabriel appeared to her cousin Mary in Nazareth. (This is further established as a second witness in the following section of this article.) When Elizabeth reached her “sixth
month,” it was the day after her husband ZachariYah’s second course at the temple during the week of AbiYah. This was the last day (29th or 30th) of the Eighth Lunar Month. The sixth month referred to here cannot be the sixth month of the year for the very fact we are told the angel Gabriel didn’t even appear to ZachariYah until the last week of the Second lunar Month in AbiYah. Elizabeth conceived on the day after his service in the temple, and so later on the eighth lunar month she was six months along the very day Gabriel appeared to Mary.
- It was in this second course of AbiYah that the same messenger, Gabriel, visited Mary, announcing that she was to conceive AT THAT TIME by the Ruach (presence) of Yahuah but only with her permission. Gabriel told Mary that Elizabeth her elderly cousin was miraculously six months pregnant on that very day.
- The very nature of the Most High Yahuah is that He does not force His will upon humankind, but instead gives us the freedom to choose. The same is true in the case of the Virgin Mary. Thus, it was necessary for Mary to covenant with the Most High with 100% agreement. The messenger Gabriel represented the covenant of Yahuah and declared that Mary had been chosen to bear the Son of the Most High, the promised Messiah, and savior of the world. This covenant, as presented, could not be ratified without a full verbal consent of Mary. Therefore, the miracle DID NOT occur until Mary uttered the words in Luke 1:38, “Behold the maidservant of Yahuah! Let it be to me according to your word.” It was only then, at that very moment she conceived, then the divine messenger departed from her. There was no other mention of another meeting when the Most High’s presence came upon her. Rather, it was at the very moment that she gave full consent to the plan that she entered into the covenant agreement and conceived by the Ruach haKadosh (Spirit, His power, presence, and provision), and conceived.
- So it was that Mary conceived on that very same day, the last day (29th or 30th) of the eighth lunar month. This was the same day that Elizabeth was six months along, the day Gabriel met with Mary (Luke 1:26, 36) on the day after the Sabbath and the day before the New Moon day of the Ninth lunar Month. Not a week or a month later.
- For Mary made haste to visit Elizabeth (a 4-5 day journey walk from Nazareth to the hill country of Judah) where she stayed for three
months (Luke 1:39, 56). When she arrived at her cousin’s home, Elizabeth’s baby kicked in her womb at the sound of Mary’s voice. This event gave weighty evidence that Mary was already with child, just 4-5 days after Gabriel appeared to her. Apparently, Mary stayed with Elizabeth through the time of John the Baptist’s birth.
- Elizabeth gave birth to Yahuchanon (John the Baptist), a miracle baby, on the full New Moon Day of the twelfth lunar month (approx. February/March, as counted from the spring New Year).
- Six months later, Yoseph (Joseph) and Mary went to Bethlehem for the census and to pay their taxes (a journey of 4-5 days walk). The Inn was full, so our Messiah, Yahusha was born in a stable and was placed in a manger (Luke 2:7).
- The shepherds were watching their flocks of sheep by night, which they only did during the warmer season of the year. Definately not at end of December.
Twenty-four Prophetic Kohen Courses – 1 Chronicles 24:1-19
According to the text itself, beginning in 1 Chronicles 24:1, King David, over 800 years previously, cast lots to set the order of the Kohen (priestly) divisions in the temple service. This same order was maintained throughout the generations of the Levitical Kohenim from King David’s day until the time of the Messiah’s birth and even until His death and resurrection.
We know this same order was maintained consistently for 847 years because the narrative we just read in Luke identifies that Gabriel, the Messenger of Yahuah, spoke with ZachariYah during his Kohen service in the temple, in the division of AbiYah, suggesting the consistent time-continuum of the order of divisions set forth by King David.
As you will soon see, these 24 Kohen courses form the foundation for accurately locating our Messiah’s birthday in astro-luni-solar (according to the sun, moon, and stars) clarity (1 Chronicles 24:7-18). Together with the narrative in Luke 1-2, they indicate the month and the exact week and day of our Messiah’s birth.
Utilizing the clues given in Luke 1:5 above, ZachariYah served in the first apartment of the Temple under the Kohen (priestly) division of AbiYah. From 1 Chronicles 24:7-18, we discover that there were 24 Kohen divisions designed to occur twice yearly. This means that each division of Kohenim (priests) served in the Yarushalom temple for one week from Sabbath to Sabbath for two separate courses for a total of 48 weeks, conforming to the astro-luni-solar year. The ancient Hebrew astro-luni-solar year (regular years) contained precisely 48 weeks.
News Flash! The modern Roman calendar consistently has 52 weeks per year, illustrating that these two time-measuring calendar models cannot be harmonized. Only the ancient Hebrew calendar was utilized from the time of King David to the birth of the Messiah, while Israel was obedient. The year’s first course began on Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day) in spring, Abib/Aviv 1 (the full moon as New Moon Day) of the First Lunar Month. This can begin any time in late March to late April, when the full moon, as the New Moon, arises in the constellation of Bethulah (Virgo) by night, announcing the New Year will begin the following morning at sunrise. A Great Sign Appeared in the Shamayim.
Please note that the lunar phases have historically designated the start of years, months, weeks, seventh-day Sabbaths, Feast Days, and the demarcation of all days of the lunar months among the ancient Hebrews. And although the Rabbinical and Karaite Jews today continue to utilize a New Moon Day to locate Feast Days, both sects no longer utilize the ordained full moon as their New Moon and are therefore off by a minimum of 15 days to a maximum of 45 days for all their Feast Days. Support Evidence for the Full Moon as the Start of Lunar Months.
In which of the Two Kohen Courses did Gabriel Meet with ZachariYah?
Although Luke does not overtly state which of the two Kohen (priestly) courses ZachariYah was officiating in when Gabriel, the messenger, appeared to him, we can know with certainty. The first course commenced in spring at the beginning of the year, occurring first in order. All the clues were based upon ZachariYah’s first course in the Temple, as illustrated below:
- Luke 1:10 refers to “the whole congregation” present who are praying at the time that ZachariYah enters the Temple to burn the incense. The fact that there is a multitude present defines that it was a Kadosh (holy and set-apart) day of worship. Some have claimed this to be the Feast of Pentecost, but at this time it appears more likely to be the last seventh-day Sabbath of the second lunar month, the last day of ZachariYah’s Kohen course of AbiYah. As such it would seem the most likely day for Gabriel to meet up with ZachariYah.
Here is a list of reasons it was unlikely that this event occurred during Pentecost: 1) Nothing is stated about the Feast of Pentecost (Feast of Weeks) in these verses. 2) Also, those who utilize the 50 day count from the Wave Sheaf Offering (16th of Abib) to Pentecost would celebrate it a full week after ZachariYah had completed his Kohen course, making His Kohen course of AbiYah of none effect. 3) In addition, Luke 1:24 states, “And after those days…” specifically meaning after the seven days of ZachariYah’s Kohen Course. If this were referring to Pentecost all along, Luke lost three chances to declare it. 4) Luke 1:21 “And the people waited for ZacharYah.” The people specifically were waiting for ZacharYah. If this were Pentecost, there would have been 23 other Kohen Priests officiating, for which ZacharYah would have been far less significant. Yet, all these verses highlight ZacharYah alone and His specific Kohen Course, not a group event including all the Kohen Priests. 5) Those who feel a need to teach that this event was marked by Pentecost, appear to be those that keep a solar calendar of 52 weeks. While all the Priests may officiate for a single Feast week, some have declared that the Kohen Courses were moved forward by a week. It appears this view has been devised to cover-up the four week discrepancy between the 48 weeks of the lunar year and the 52 weeks of the solar year. 6) Consider that the order was never changed by a week, as the scheduled Kohen priest for that special course would have been the Chief Kohen Priest, the guy in charge.
- Although there were two Kohen courses each year, only the first course is discussed overtly. Had the angel Gabriel appeared to ZachariYah in the second course, Luke would have stated that it wasn’t the first course, but the second.
- Yet, it appears that six months later the angel Gabriel did appear in the second course, but this time it was to Mary that he spoke. This meeting was time-stamped by Elizabeth’s being six months pregnant, which correlated perfectly with the second Kohen course.
- But the most significant evidence of all comes by utilizing the timing of ZachariYah’s first course. For it is the only option that allows the Messiah’s birth, which transpired exactly six months after John the Baptist’s birth, to occur during the warmer months. For the Messiah’s birthday had to synchronize with the following events:
4. The shepherds were watching their sheep in the fields by night during the warm time of the year, between spring and fall.
5. The weather had to be warm so families with small children could travel to the cities of their birth to pay taxes and complete the required census, a period from spring to fall.
6. If the second Kohen course were utilized instead, it would place the Messiah’s birth in the winter between February and March. Because of the cold and winter conditions, this would have been a very difficult time for traveling with children, and a time that the shepherds are never with their sheep in the fields at night.
So from these three factors alone, we have to place Gabriel’s visit with ZachariYah during the first Kohenim course in the spring.
The Prophet Came Before the Messiah to Prepare His Way
As we have established, ZachariYah’s first course each year was the fourth week of the second lunar month (around May) called AbiYah, and his second course was the fourth week of the eighth lunar month (end of November), also on AbiYah, as shown in the chart above. Strikingly, the storyline in Luke illustrates that Elizabeth conceived and became pregnant with YAHUchanon (John the Baptist) the day following the first course of AbiYah. Then, six months later, Mary conceived on the last day of the Eighth Lunar Month, the day following the second course of AbiYah. This sequence of events forever tied together both the Messiah and His prophet to the first and second course of AbiYah. This fulfilled the prophecy from ancient times that a prophet (messenger) was appointed to come in advance of our Messiah and prepare His Way. This was accomplished in this single time continuum to fulfill the prophecy in punctuated clarity.
Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and Yahuah, whom you seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom you delight in: behold, He shall come, said Yahuah of hosts. Malachi 3:1
The voice of him that cries in the wilderness, “Prepare you the way of Yahuah, make straight in the desert a highway for our Alahim.” YeshaYAH (Isaiah) 40:3
For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare you the way of Yahuah, make His paths straight.” MatthiYAH (Matthew) 3:3
And thou, child (YAHUchanon or John), shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of Yahuah to prepare His ways. Ore (Luke) 1:76
Four Quarter Lunar Phases
The chart above shows that the approximated quarter lunar phases represented each of the 24 Kohen weekly courses. As illustrated, Israel consistently utilized the moon to measure lunar months. The four seven-day cycling weeks and each regular year comprised twelve lunar months, with 48 weeks. These 48 weeks of Kohenim (priestly) course divisions were not a coincidence, as every event and action taken in the temple pointed to the MESSIAH, THE MARVELOUS PROMISED LAMB, who was to lay down His life to save humankind.
Note: No salvaged record provides the details for how the Kohen weekly courses were handled for the 13-month years (embolismic years) that contained 52 weeks. These occur every two or three years. Seven times in 19 years, a thirteen-month year occurs. Its purpose was to bring the astro-luni-solar year back into harmony with the solar years and was accomplished solely by the moon, with no human interference. Nevertheless, all of the Scriptural Hebrew regular years contained 12 months with 48 weeks. One can only conjecture how the thirteen months would have been handled by the Kohenim divisions in the temple upon their occasional occurrence, as we have no current record of how they scheduled the Kohenim for that intermittent thirteenth month.
It is this evidence put forth by the 24 Kohen courses, cycling two times for a period of 48 weeks and placed in the setting of twelve lunar months, which identifies the Messiah’s birthday was calculated among twelve-month years that did not include the 13th month that occurs seven times in nineteen years.
According to 2 Chronicles 23:8, the changing of the Kohenim guard with respect to the temple course divisions occurred on the seventh day Sabbath, after sunset when the Sabbath hours were passed. According to the weight of evidence in Scripture, the day is only twelve hours from sunrise to sunset, and the night follows the day in a complete 24-hour civil calendar date. So, the sacred portion of the Sabbath was only during the daylight. Refer to the article, Sunrise or Sunset.
This made it possible to include the 30th day (the day after the last Sabbath that occurred six times each year) and the New Moon Day into the first course of each new lunar month. This would have made the first-course division of every month eight or even nine days in length, depending on whether the previous month was 29 or 30 days long. In this way, the Kohen course divisions were harmonized with the lunar count of the seven-day week and the sacred lunar seventh-day Sabbaths.
The New Moon Day stands alone as a preeminent sacred day. It is neither a workday nor a seventh-day Sabbath. It is followed by the first six days of the lunar month and the first Sabbath. The 30th day of the month is a stand-alone day because it is not part of any weekly cycle. And neither is it a sacred day, but a day for whatever one desires.
Mapping out the Time-centric Facts
(For a larger image, click HERE.)
The Fullness of Time
According to the evidence presented in 1 Chronicles 24:7- 18, the foundation for the birthday of our Messiah was laid 847 years earlier, at the time of King David, and even from the foundation of the earth. But still deeper, these Kohen course divisions were entirely based upon the principles set forth at Creation, reflecting that our Creator’s Calendar remained astro-luni-solar and was never ordained to change unto infinity and beyond.
But when the fullness of time had come, Yahuah Elohim sent forth His Son, born of a woman, abiding under the provision of the Torah Law, to redeem only those who are abiding under the provision of the Torah Law, that they might receive the adoption as sons (and daughters). Galatians 4:4-5
It is remarkable to note in Galatians 4:4-5, who it is that shall be redeemed and receive eternal life on that last great day. It is the Torah Law keepers.
The FULLNESS OF TIME can mean two things simultaneously: 1) “The arrival of the prophetically chosen day,” or 2) It can also mean the fullness of calendar days, which refers to the full moon as the New Moon Day of the lunar month. At that time, months were measured from one full New Moon to another, and a lunar phase represented each calendar day. The term fullness of calendar days identified the fullest lunar phase, marking that day as day one of the lunar month. (Note: this article is not intended to provide evidence that the full moon was the original New Moon. Refer to Treasury of Evidence the Full Moon Announces Lunar Months.
Luke and 1 Chronicles can pinpoint the exact month, week, and day of our Messiah’s birth like a GPS. Yet, for over a thousand years, all the world has unanimously declared December 25 of the Roman Gregorian calendar the traditional birth date of our Messiah. How can this be in light of the evidence? How is it that scholars and theologians missed the keys that reveal the truth, which has been there all along?
Might there have been a proactive motivation on the part of the first-century Rabbinical Pharisee Yahudim (Jews) to cover up the facts of our Messiah’s actual birthday? For different reasons, might the fourth-century Roman Emperor Constantine have been motivated to intentionally substitute the long-established Saturnalia/Christmas in its place to provide continuity to their new pagan solar calendar model? Might both have been accomplished to provide a method to forget our Messiah’s true prophetic birthday by hiding those clues that were designed to keep the true followers of Yahuah actively REMEMBERING?
In brief, the first-century Rabbinical Pharisee Yahudim (Jewish) desired nothing more than to squelch any evidence in the Torah that identified the true Messiah had indeed already come. No doubt, for the sheer fact of their knowledge and guilt that they were responsible for requiring His death. And 300 years later, at the Council of Nicaea, the Roman Emperor Constantine identified his hatred for all things Yahudim (Jewish) by abolishing the Torah Law, its full New/Renewed Moon, lunar Sabbaths, and lunar appointed Feast Days.
Thus, in a short time, Yahuah’s full New/Renewed Moon and true astro-luni-solar time principles were altogether replaced by a Babylonian dark New Moon/crescent by the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews and Roman solar ideologies that removed the moon altogether for time-measuring. This had a lasting impact on our Creator’s years, months, weeks, and days. Each of these makes it nearly impossible for the Jew or Christian to discover the truth of the Messiah’s birth to this day.
Yes, our Messiah was born at the fullness of time in a manger in Bethlehem at the time Caesar Augustus required all to return to their hometowns for a census and taxation. Under the light of the full moon, they were able to travel by foot and by donkey. Filling the sky on that brilliant and epic night, divine messengers announced His birth and joyfully sang to the shepherds watching their sheep in the countryside around the year 2 B.C.
Were the Kohen Courses and Times and Laws Altered?
We have been warned in advance by the prophet Daniel in chapter 7:25 that TIMES & LAWS would be altered. As a result, is it possible that our Messiah’s birthdate could be included in a colossal cover-up? Absolutely! At the very least, it should be considered.
All of the preceding narrative is based on the assumed accuracy of the Kohen Course Divisions and other support Scriptures. However, in light of the many views as to when the Messiah was actually born, the question must be asked, “Is it at all possible that these preeminent sign markers have been altered by either the Jews or the Romans over the past 1,700 years?”
Those who feel a need that the Messiah’s birthday must coincide with one of Scripture’s seven lunar appointed Feast Days suggest that He was born on one of the following:
1. Passover, the 14th day counted from Rosh Hashanah in spring, the date of His crucifixion.
2. The Feast of Trumpets, the first day of the seventh lunar month, representing His Second Coming.
3. The Feast of Sukkot, the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, symbolizing the 1,000 years in joyous rapture in heaven.
The only way our beloved Messiah at His first coming could have been born on the full New/Moon Day of the Seventh Month (the designated day of His Second Coming), or any of the others, is if there was an alteration made by the lying pen of scribes to the Kohen course divisions as detailed above under the subheading Twenty-four Prophetic Kohen Courses – 1 Chronicles 24:1-19. If it did occur, my belief is that rather than being born on the New Moon Day of the Sixth lunar month, it occurred on the New Moon Day of the Seventh lunar month, just one month later. This means He would have been conceived during the Kohen course of Yahkeem in the winter and born on the seventh full New/Renewed moon of MeziYahu. Yahkeem means established and MeziYahu means from the heart or rescue of Yahuah.
The Prophetic Foreknowledge of the True Name of the Hebrew Messiah
Over 500 years before the birth of the Messiah, the O.T. prophet Zachariah (same name as the father of John the Baptist) answered the question put forth by King David in Proverbs a full 300 years before his own day. He announced His Hebrew name as YAHUSHA (H#3091 – יהושׁע), the High Priest.
The question requires a NAME:
WHO has ascended into the shamayim (heaven), or descended? WHO has gathered the wind in His fists? WHO has bound the waters in a garment? WHO has established all the ends of the earth? WHAT IS HIS NAME, AND WHAT IS HIS SON’S NAME, IF YOU KNOW? Mashali (Proverbs) 30:4
The answer provides the NAME:
For behold, HE WHO forms mountains, and creates the wind; WHO declares to man what His thought is; and fashions the morning LIGHT out of darkness, and walks above the high places of the earth— YAHUAH (H#3068 – יהוה) ALAHIM OF APPOINTED TIMES, IS HIS NAME. Amos 4:13
And He showed me YAHUSHA (H#3091 – יהושׁע), the high priest standing before the angel of YAHUAH, and Satan standing at His right hand to resist Him. ZachariYAH (Zechariah) 3:1
(You can verify this for yourself with a Hebrew lexicon concordance.)
For the entire article on the sacred names, refer to the article, “I AM YAHUAH.”
YAHUSHA haMashiach is not just any High Priest
It is no secret that throughout Scripture, profound spiritual truths are portrayed through its record of real-life examples and in metaphoric comparisons. For instance, in YeshaYAHU (Isaiah) chapter 14, verses 1-23, the reference begins concerning the King of Babylon but becomes a metaphor and parable for Hillel (H#1966 – הילל – Satan/Lucifer) and his proclamation about gaining dominion over all the earth. These verses reveal the heart and intent of Satan to set His throne above YAHUAH Alahim by way of a new Babylonian worship assembly rhythm in opposition to the pre-ordained TIME-MEASURING calendar revealed by the east-west time continuum of the trinity of LIGHTS (sun, full moon, and stars).
So it should come as no surprise then, as presented in the 3rd and 6th chapters of ZachariYAH, that YAHUSHA, YAHUAH’S RIGHTEOUS SON, is our Messiah and Melchizedek High Priest, presented in metaphor and prophetic parable format by NAME, no less. These verses reveal the Messiah’s place of honor, crowned as ruler and judge overall, who was to come to earth as a man, and who, together with His FATHER, was to provide THE ONLY WAY OF SALVATION through the true temple, not made with human hands. They (Father and Son) accomplished this so that humankind may be restored to the ETERNAL FATHER.
The following portrayal may be the most profound prophetic description of our Messiah in the Tanakh (O.T). Still, it is somewhat camouflaged within the storyline of another high priest and translated with the use of a letter “J” that does not exist in Hebrew.
“Then take of silver and gold, and make crowns and place them upon the head of YAHUSHA (H#3091 – יהושׁע), YAHU-ZADOK (YAHUAH’S RIGHTEOUS) SON, THE MESSIAH, THE MELCHIZEDEK HIGH PRIEST, THE GREAT. And you shall speak concerning HIM, to declare “THUS SAYS YAHUAH OF APPOINTED TIMES, saying:
“Behold, a MAN, THE BRANCH, shall come forth, and for the sake of HIS NAME, HE shall grow up and establish the first and last temple of YAHUAH. But by HIMSELF, HE shall establish the first and last temple of YAHUAH.
And HE shall magnify it with divine splendor and majesty, and shall abide and rule according to HIS FULL MOON (#3677 keceh כסא – full moon) seat of authority.
And HE shall be the MESSIAH, THE MELCHIZEDEK HIGH PRIEST according to HIS FULL MOON SEAT OF AUTHORITY. And the COUNSEL OF SHALOM (peace and prosperity) shall be established between the two [YAHUSHA and the Full Moon as New Moon].” ZachariYAH (Zechariah) 6:11-13 (New Restored Hebrew Interlinear Text) (Take a moment to compare this to the KJV)
(You can verify this for yourself with a Hebrew lexicon concordance.)
Full Moon Icon of our Messiah
These verses also reveal another nearly lost and forgotten reality that our Messiah is intrinsically connected to the full moon as the genuine and original announcer of the New Moon (first day of the lunar month) to accurately synchronize ALL TRUE SACRED WORSHIP ASSEMBLIES to the shamayim (heavenly) clock/calendar. Each aspect of the work of the Messiah is both TIME and DATE related, and it was the full New Moon that was ordained to synchronize those events to the exact moments in time.
So, it appears that the full New Moon is the icon of our Messiah. This dual revelation of HIS NAME and His FULL NEW MOON, as found in the original Hebrew text, is a huge puzzle piece for restoring YAHUAH’S long-hidden TRUTHS. All this is made plain for His obedient people in preparation for His first and second coming.
But most striking of all, both verses found in ZachariYAH (Zechariah) 3:1 and 6:11 unveil before our eyes, with two witnesses, the TRUE Kadosh (sacred) NAME of our long-promised REDEEMER, as YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah). He alone is YAH-ZADOK (YAHUAH’S RIGHTEOUS), SON. In striking contrast, we know that among humankind, “THERE IS NO OTHER NAME UNDER THE SHAMAYIM (HEAVEN) GIVEN AMONG MEN, WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED.” P’yilut Hashaliachim (Acts) 4:12
So it is that just any other name given among men, or a vocalized distortion applied to our Messiah or His Father, is nothing short of an artificial replacement of the original and genuine. Intended to disconnect the would-be followers from the path of salvation.
(You can verify this for yourself with a Hebrew lexicon concordance.)
His Name was Called YAHUSHA
The promised Hebrew Messiah was born at the appointed time in the country of Yashar’al (Israel), the province of Judea, and the city of Bethlehem. His father and mother carry a lineage to David, the Hebrew King of Yashar’al. His parents were knowledgeable students of the Hebrew Torah and Tanakh and of the PROMISED MESSIAH, who was to come through the Hebrew lineage. The country, culture, and primary language were all Hebrew. So naturally, no other option but a Hebrew name was to be given. And not just any Hebrew name, but the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES. Scripture reveals that the Son was to come in the name of the Father. (John 5:43). It was the name of the eternal Father YAHUAH, with the added (שׁ – sh). His name was YAHUSHA, which was also given by the angel before His conception. (Luke 2:21)
Yet, throughout the Greek (N.T.), Yahusha haMashiach’s (the Messiah’s) Shemetic Hebrew name has been replaced with the Greek “Iesous,” the Latin “Iesus,” and its much later (18th Century C.E) English translated counterpart of “Jesus Christ.”
Mary (Mariam), the mother of our Messiah, not only did not name her infant son “Jesus“ because she had never heard such a name. While there is no “J” in Hebrew, “Jesus” would have been pronounced (hay soos), which in Hebrew means “the horse.” This name, Jesus Christ, never existed in any language, specifically English, until the “J” was introduced in the 18th century C.E. This is in part supported by the 1611 King James English version of Scripture, which continued to utilize the Greek/Latin name for the Messiah as “Iesus.” You can quickly look this up for yourself.
Neither the Greeks nor the Romans were motivated to utilize Hebrew names exactly as they were pronounced because they hated the Jews and desired to have nothing to do with them or their Hebrew names. At that time, the Romans spoke only Greek. Latin was not formulated until later. This is, in part, why all the names have been changed in Scripture and are not vocalized anything like the Hebrew originals. Surprisingly, many of the Patriarchs and Prophets had Hebrew names that contained all or part of Yahuah Alahim’s name or that of His Son, Yahusha, haMashiach. For example:
Joshua – Real Name is YAHUsha= “YAHUAH provides Salvation by way of the LAMB (sha)”
Samuel – Real Name is Shemu’EL= “Name of Elohim”
Isaiah – Real Name is YashaYAHU= “Salvation is YAHUAH”
Jeremiah – Real Name is YirmeYAHU= “The Resurrection/Rising is YAHUAH”
Ezekiel – Real Name is YAHchezq’EL= “YAHUAH is a Righteous Eloah”
Daniel – Real Name is DaniYAH’EL “The decision is YAHUAH’s our Eloah”
Hosea – Real Name is HosheYAH= “The Deliver is YAHUAH”
Joel – Real Name is YAH’EL= “YAHUAH is Eloah”
Obadiah – Real Name is ObadYAHU= “The Servant of YAHUAH”
Jonah – Real Name is YonAH= “YAHUAH provides Warmth”
Micah – Real Name is MiykahYAHU= “Who is like YAHUAH”
Nahum – Real Name is NachUm= “Comfort comes from YAHUAH”
Habakkuk – Real Name is ChabaqUq= “Embrace YAHUAH”
Zephaniah – Real Name is TsphanYAHU= “The Secret is YAHUAH”
Haggai – Real Name is ChaggaYAH= “The Celebration is YAHUAH”
Zechariah – Real Name is ZacharYAHU= “YAHUAH Remembers”
Malachi – Real Name is MalachiYAH= “Messenger of YAHUAH”
Job – Real Name is YAHub= “YAHUAH Will Return”
Nehemiah – Real Name is NechemYAH= “Consoled by YAHUAH”
Matthew – Real Name is MatithYAHU= “The gift is YAHUAH”
Mark – Real Name is MarkU= “Man of YAHUAH”
Luke – Real Name is LukAH= “The Light is YAHUAH”
John – Real Name is YAHUchanon= “YAHUAH is Grace”
Timothy – Timotheos= “Dear to ELOAH”
James – Real Name is YAHcob= “YAHUAH rises up”
Peter – Real Name is KephAH= “The Rock is YAHUAH”
Jude – Real Name is YAHUDAH= “YAHUAH’s Worshipers and Followers”
It is my current belief that all the original authors of the Brit Hadasha (N.T.) wrote in their Hebrew mother tongue. This provided continuity of thought and purpose from the PROMISE in the Tanakh (O.T.) to the PROVISION in the Brit Hadasha (N.T.). So, when any of the names above were translated first into Greek, then to Latin, and from there to English or other modern languages, all of their original vocalized names and meanings were purposely discarded. Like breaking the DNA code, no longer connecting the storyline with their intrinsic and awe-inspiring Eternal Father YAHUAH and YAHUSHA, His promised Son.
With this new realization of the marvelous value and virtue placed in the Hebrew names, is it any wonder YAHUSHA, our Messiah, came in the name of His Father YAHUAH, with only the “SH” vocalized sound added? This “sh” provides the key to the promise of our salvation. Our Messiah’s name was exactly like the first Hebrew name listed above: “YAHUSHA“ (H#3091 – יהושׁע),” meaning – “YAHUAH provides Salvation by way of the LAMB (שׁ – sh).” For our Messiah was born into this world to be the long promised “LAMB OF YAHUAH WHO TAKES AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD.” YAHchanon (John) 1:29. In bold contrast, neither the name “Jesus” nor the title of “Christ,” from which “Christmas” gets its name, carry any value or virtue in identifying the Son of the King of Kings.
(You can verify this for yourself with a Hebrew lexicon concordance.)
Mary’s Forty Days of Purification
According to the law of purification found in Leviticus 12:1-7, every woman who gave birth to a son was to be unclean for seven days. Such was the case for Mary, the mother of our Messiah, according to Luke 2:21-24. Then, on the eighth day, all male babies were to be circumcised according to the same law. But the days of purification did not end on the eighth day, for the law states she shall continue in her purification for thirty-three more days, bringing the total number of days of her purification to forty. (There were also laws relating to giving birth to a female, but they are not the subject at hand.)
For Mary, these days of purification commenced at the moment of the Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem. Of necessity, the Messiah must have been circumcised on the eighth day by a local kohen priest in Bethlehem and not Jerusalem because Mary would not be able to travel as of yet.
The law of purification requires the birthing mother to touch no sacred thing nor enter the temple for the entire forty days. But when Mary completed these days of purification, she was to bring her son, and a LAMB WITHOUT BLEMISH, OF THE FIRST YEAR for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering to the temple for “her atonement.”
In the case of Mary, it appears she gave birth on the first day of the sixth month (New Moon Day). She abided by the law of purification for seven days. This made the 8th day of the sixth lunar month the day of our Messiah’s circumcision (a seventh-day Sabbath). Then, thirty-two days later, her forty days were complete on the 10th day of the seventh month. But only then was she free to travel to Yarushalom for the solemn occasion of Yahusha’s anointing. This appears to have occurred after her arrival at the temple in Yarushalom on the 14th or 15th day of the seventh month. It was a six-mile journey from Bethlehem to the Temple at Yarushalom.
So it was that Mary, together with Yoseph, entered the temple, bringing a lamb for her atonement and a turtle dove for a sin offering. But it was the babe in her arms that was the greatest gift ever presented in the temple. While Yahusha was to be anointed by the high priest in the Temple to fulfill the law and the prophetic types and shadows, it was the Temple that was anointed by His presence that fulfilled the Torah Law and the prophetic types and shadows. For the long-promised Messiah had arrived right on time, THE TRUE LAMB AND SAVIOR OF MANKIND, but also their future Priest and KING of KINGS.
Did Mary know then that this law of purification was specifically designed and appointed for the purpose of that very day when she, the woman symbolically representing all Yahuah’s faithful followers throughout time, was destined to bring the true LAMB for herself and their atonement? This alone was the long promised day when the Zadok (righteous) High Priest was to anoint the true and pure LAMB OF YAHUAH, WHO WAS TO ONE DAY TAKE AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD. It was this anointing event that marked the beginning of the Messiah’s presence and provision unto salvation. “Mary, did you know?”
Anointed into the Melchizedek Kohen Order
There were two significant people brought to light in the Luke narrative who testified as eyewitnesses that Yahusha was HaMashiach (the Messiah).
The first was the Zadek (righteous) man Simeon, who Yahuah had promised to see the Messiah before he died. (Luke 2:25-26). Although a Levite, Simeon may have also been the Melchizedek Kohen (priest), preordained to anoint the Messiah into the Melchizedek priesthood with water from the Gihon spring that sprang forth at the Temple site, in like manner as King Solomon was anointed as King of Yasharal (Israel).
The second was Anna, the prophetess of Yahuah, an 84-year-old widow chosen to proclaim the baby Yahusha as the promised Messiah to all who were in the temple at Yarushalom (Jerusalem) on that epic day. (Luke 2:36).
Did the Kings from the East Convey Gifts on December 25?
No study on the subject of our Messiah’s birthday would be complete without mentioning the marvelous story of the wise men from the East. Matthew chapter two is the only place in Scripture that refers to the Kings (Maji or wise men) who traveled great distances to bring their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to honor and worship the newborn Messiah. It seems the star appeared to them on the very day of the Messiah’s birth, allowing them eight weeks of travel time at less than 10 miles per day. After first arriving in Yarushalom and appealing to King Herod for the Messiah’s whereabouts, and after not finding him in Bethlehem, they must have ultimately found the baby Yahusha haMashiach with Yoseph and Mary shortly after they had returned to their home in Nazareth. This was a safe distance from Yarushalom and King Herod. All of this allowed time for the census, the 40 days of Mary’s purification, and the two-week journey home.
What is known is that the star led the wise men “till it came and stood [directly] over where the child was” (Matthew 2:9). This could not have been a star millions of miles high, as these can never mark a particular city, town, or home. Instead, this was a supernatural star designed as a guiding beacon of LIGHT to lead the wise men from the East to the exact place where the Messiah lay. We know from the narrative in Luke that Mary and Yoseph took baby Yahusha forty days after his birth in Bethlehem to Yarushalom to be barakah (blessed) and anointed by the high Kohen (priest). This had to occur prior to the wise men visiting, or the Messiah would have been apprehended and killed upon his arrival to Yarushalom, along with all babies being circumcised. We know that King Herod sent the wise men to Bethlehem, as this was His prophetic birthplace, as recorded in Scripture.
King Herod also had ulterior motives and planned to kill the baby Messiah the moment He was found. But when Herod discovered the wise men had gone home by another route, he was angry. Some folks believe King Herod’s decree to kill all the male babies, two years and under, clarifies that the wise men came two years after His birth. While this is possible, it is unlikely. The historical record shows that King Herod was only alive for 1-2 years after our Messiah was born. From this evidence, it appears the wise men from the East visited Yoseph, Mary, and baby Yahusha shortly after they had returned home to Nazareth, prior to heading to Egypt.
Our Messiah was born at the end of summer by design. It allowed for the star to lead the Kings from Babylon in the East on the 500-mile journey for a short visit and give them plenty of time to return home before winter set in. Therefore, there was no need for the wise men to travel in the winter to bring gifts to the Messiah. Travel in winter was miserable, and the dirt roads were muddy. As a result, there is NO CHANCE that their bearing gifts occurred on December 25.
Immediately after the visit of the wise men, a messenger (angel) of Yahuah appeared to Yoseph in a dream, telling him to take the family and flee to Egypt. Again, before winter sets in. Six months to a year later, after Herod’s death, the messenger (angel) appeared to Yoseph a second time, telling him to return to Yasharal (Israel). He then took his family and returned to Nazareth.
Daniel’s Babylonian Students of Prophecy
Who were these Kings from the East? They were wise men from Babylon. They were students of the prophecies of Daniel. Daniel had been taken as a prisoner to Babylon over 500 years previously, had proven himself an asset, and was given great honor in the King’s court. He was also incredibly honored by Yahuah, who showed him in visions when the Messiah would lay down His life for mankind. He had, in turn, outlined for the Babylonian students and wise men who followed after the appointed time of the promised Messiah’s death and when He would set up His Kingdom, as recorded in Daniel Chapters 2, 7, and 9. These records had been tediously guarded and revered in Babylon but not so in Yasharal (Israel). So it is no surprise that the wise men from the foreign country became the anointed ones counting down the years for the prophetic promise to be fulfilled, and it is no exaggeration that they were proactively watching for a sign and star.
I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth. B’Midvar (Numbers) 24:17
Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself… Dani’EL (Daniel) 9:25-26
While this time prophecy of Daniel targets the crucifixion of our Messiah and not His birthday, it would have assisted the wise men in knowing the approximate time when His birth was near.
So, did the Kings of the East bring forth gifts on December 25? Not according to the evidence in Scripture.
Additional Facts from Nature, Supported by Scripture
Lunar human life-giving time-cycles
- Are you aware that from the moment a young woman begins to have her life-giving period, the menstruation cycle, they are measured from month to month on a lunar calendar? This means that a young woman will ovulate and menstruate on specific lunar phases consistently from month to month, a period of 29.5 days. All she needs to do is keep an eye on the moon.
This fact did not apply to Elizabeth, as Scripture tells us she was both barren and elderly. Her conception was not dependent upon the natural scheme of things but was purely a miracle occurring at the precisely appointed time. Her miracle conception was designed to draw attention to the coming conception and birth of the long promised Messiah, which it did.
However, in the case of Mary, no doubt Yahuah, knowing all things, harmonized her natural lunar ovulation cycle with the second Kohen course of AbiYah. This enabled Mary to conceive at the moment she consented to the plan presented to her by the angel Gabriel. This is illustrated above in the graphic titled “The True Birthday of the Messiah.”
- Astonishingly, from the moment of conception, the gestation or developmental age of all unborn babies (fetuses) is also consistently measured in lunar months. This includes you and me. If conceived on the night of the full moon, the baby will be born nine months later on or close to the full moon.
So what does this mean? Is it merely coincidental that the same lunar calendar model measures menstrual life cycles and unborn babies’ growth cycles?
Stunningly, these same time-measuring principles forever tie both the LIFE of humankind and their ETERNAL LIFE to their Creator and to the Scriptural record. These show that the very fibers of our human bodies, in their progressive life expansion, were knit together in the rhythm of lunar time by our loving and life-giving Creator. This was intended to establish all humanity on the same astro-luni-solar calendar rhythm as their Creator and Messiah.
- As demonstrated by the rhythm of the 24 Kohen course divisions and the account given in Luke 1-2, our promised Messiah and Son of the living Yahuah was also born according to this same lunar time model. HalleluYAH! By the same lunar time model, we all received life, and by this exact method, all who accept His FREE GIFT and seek Him will receive ETERNAL LIFE at our Messiah’s Second Coming. He came that we might have LIFE and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
- Is it any wonder that our bodies were created in sync with the ancient Hebrew astro-luni-solar calendar, as illustrated within the temple services? The temple represented to humanity in types and shadows what our Messiah and His Father Yahuah were to perform in us. This was the restorative work of Salvation and the final removal of sin to prepare forgiven humankind for eternal life in His Kingdom, governed by His consistent astro-luni-solar time-measuring model for rest and worship days. All the focus of the temple and its services was all about our Messiah and the steps of His Ministry in saving humanity from eternal ruin and death. All was to be accomplished in our SOUL TEMPLES on His unique lunar time-measuring model and with our cooperation.
The Soul Temple Preservation or Defilement
There are many ways to defile the soul temple of our bodies, but the focus here is on TIME. Staying in sync with our Creator’s time prescription, of which the wilderness sanctuary/temple was a type, is key to His Eternal Kingdom. To choose a time rhythm outside of His is one sure way to defile our soul temples.
“Do you not know that you are the temple of Elohim and that the Ruach (presence of Yahuah) dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of Elohim, Elohim will destroy him. For the temple of Elohim is Kadosh (sacred), which temple you are.” 1 Corintiyim (Corinthians) 3:16-17
Yahuah sent His only begotten Son to SAVE humankind and restore us to His Father. This same Messiah, Yahusha, has promised to come again and take His obedient followers to live with Him forever, where we will worship both Father and Son “from New Moon to New Moon and from Sabbath to Sabbath” (YeshaYAHU Isaiah 66:23). Refer to the article New Moon by New Moon.
Even then, His timepiece continues to extend the GREAT PROMISE of reuniting through the process of synchronizing our lives, our soul temples with His, the LIFE GIVER, for praise and worship. Although you will never hear this from the church pulpits, the time rhythms shown forth in Scripture emphasize the same.
It is only by our personal choice that we may opt out of His divine plan. Would it be a mere coincidence that our decision for ETERNAL LIFE may have something to do with aligning our lives to astro-lunar-solar in contrast to the ever-popular solar time-measuring? For strikingly, December 25, along with all its festivities, is established in solar time and perpetually wars against all things lunar. It significantly undermines the GRANDEST EVENTS OF THE AGES, the PROPHETIC, and the long promised birth of our true Messiah, His crucifixion, and resurrection. Even His soon-to-occur Second Coming unto ETERNITY is all sequenced in lunar time according to the perpetual layout of His prophetic sacred Feast Days.
The Scriptural Evidence Contrasts Greatly with the Spurious Christmas Tradition
Luke’s testimony identifies that Yahusha, the promised Messiah, was born near the end of SUMMER (August – September), specifically on the full New Moon Day (first day) of the Sixth Lunar Month. This is a full three to four months before the Christmas season, falsely attributed to His birthday, yet so popular among Christians and heathens alike.
At the end of the day, there is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that December 25 relates to Scripture’s promised Messiah. All the evidence points to His late summer birth, not even with a possibility of being born on the spring Feast of Passover or the fall Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles), as many choose or desire to believe. So why the discrepancy? Why do the Christians insist on endorsing the Messiah (they call Jesus) as the reason for the Christmas season?
Might it be because, in their spiritual blindness, they desire to be in step with all the pagan nations of the world? It is these whose ideology requires the unification of solar time-measuring, along with all its Roman holiday traditions, all the while loving and believing a lie! The whole world has been deceived into taking the wide road, paying homage to the ancient gods of the sun worship cult instead of their Messiah, who paid it all by dying for their sins.
The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason Alahim (God) will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the TRUTH, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Tas’loniqim (Thessalonians) 2:9-12
December 25 has been celebrated non-stop among Babylonian pagans since the days of Nimrod, Ishtar, and Tammuz, including the Romans, for over 4,000 years, long before the birth of our Messiah. Then, when Emperor Constantine formed his new Christian religion in the 4th century A.D., this longstanding tradition was neatly tucked into its annual formal holidays. Only the name was changed from Saturnalia to Christmas (Christ-mass), an innovative method of marrying this ancient pagan custom with the new Christian religion. The historians equate December 25 with the highest honor and worship of Saturn (Remphan and Chiun), the star of Moloch, attributed to Tammuz and the antichrist. (Amos 5:26; Acts 7:43)
“‘YOU ALSO TOOK UP THE TABERNACLE OF MOLOCH, AND THE STAR OF YOUR GOD REMPHAN, IMAGES WHICH YOU MADE TO WORSHIP; AND I WILL CARRY YOU AWAY BEYOND BABYLON.’ Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as He appointed, instructing Moses to make it according to the pattern that he had seen.” Acts 7:44-45
History identifies that the nature of the “superpower” of the Roman Catholic Church has always been to mix the truth with error, then sell it as beneficial to the soul, often for-profit, even to all her daughter protestant churches of both Saturday and Sunday persuasion. No force-feeding on Christmas or Easter was necessary once the Easter Controversy was settled for good in the fourth century A.D. So the only way to sell Tammuz, the star of Saturn, to Scripture believers is to make them think it is about their Messiah, the promised Redeemer. They found that if it was declared long enough, loud enough, and often enough, the “sheeple” would eventually believe and accept it as truth. Christmas was made so enticing even the atheists and infidels love to join in.
Christmas was Outlawed in America
Few are aware that there was a time in America when it was against the law to honor and celebrate Christmas, December 25, in any way. But clearly, they knew something the average American does not know or does not care to value today.
For those of the Seventh-day Adventist persuasion, who have long believed Ellen White to be a prophet, consider that she showed her support of keeping Christmas along with all the infidels and pagans unto eternal ruin. She declared that placing a Christmas tree in the church sanctuary and putting money on it for the poor was a worthy endeavor. How is this different than Aaron, allowing the Yasharalites (Israelites) to set up the golden calf in the midst of their camp for worship? Any abomination to our Eternal Father remains an abomination and cannot be cleansed of its impurity simply because it is placed in a sacred location or utilized for a sanctioned cause. Making such a statement in the full knowledge of Aaron’s ancient crime against the Most High surpasses the original atrocity in its deprivation.
For a historical overview of where the traditions associated with Christmas and December 25 originate, refer to “The Shocking Truth About Christmas.”
The Prophetic Promise Baked into our Messiah’s Birth
Scripture utilizes the analogy that something that cannot change its intrinsic function or purpose is likened to a leopard changing its spots. But another way to describe something that is deeply rooted in something that cannot be changed is to say it is baked in. Nothing could be more exemplary of our Messiah’s Birth than how the prophetic promise is magnificently baked into it. The truth is undeniable because it is revealed in so many ways and utilized like a GPS unit.
For Yahuah Alahim/Elohim so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever trusts in Him shall have everlasting life. YAHchanon (John) 3:16
For Yahuah sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. YAHchanon (John) 3:17
For such an High Kohen Melchizedek (priest) became us (human), who is righteous, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the shamayim (heavens). MashiYAHkim YAHUdim (Hebrews) 7:26
Yahusha said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me. YAHchanon (John) 14:6
That they all may be one, as you, Father art in me and I in you, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that you have sent me. YAHchanon (John)17:21
Fear thou not; for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am your Alahim/Elohim (God). I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. YeshaYAH (Isaiah) 41:10
Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such a high Kohen (priest), who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the shamayim (heavens); a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which Yahuah pitched, and not man. MashiYAHkim YAHUdim (Hebrews) 8:1-2
But the Messiah came as High Kohen Melchizedek (righteous King and priest) of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this (man’s) creation. MashiYAHkim YAHUdim (Hebrews) 9:11
Whoever confesses that Yahusha is the Son of Yahuah, Yahuah abides in him, and he in Yahuah. 1 YAHchanon (John) 4:15-16
If you confess with your mouth the master Yahusha and believe in your heart that Yahuah has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9-10
Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in Yahuah and in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you; and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself that where I am, there ye may be also. YAHchanon (John) 14:3
Looking unto Yahusha, the author and finisher of our assurance (faith); who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the seat of power of Yahuah. MashiYAHkim YAHUdim (Hebrews) 12:2
He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them, and rose again. 2 Corinthians 5:15
But as many as received Him, to them gave he/them power to become the sons (and daughters) of Yahuah, even to them that believe on His [true] NAME. YAHchanon (John) 1:12
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor divine messengers, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of Yahuah, which is in Yahusha the Messiah, the Master. Romans 8:38, 39
For Messiah is not entered into the kadosh (sacred) places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into the shamayim (heavens) itself, now to appear in the presence of Yahuah for us. MashiYAHkim YAHUdim (Hebrews) 9:24
Open the (pearly) gates that the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in. YeshaYAH (Isaiah) 26:2
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which Elohim (God) hath prepared for them that love Him. 1 Corintiyim (Corinthians) 2:9
Summary of Facts
- Scripture illustrates that indeed, birthdays were to be markers of time and events.
- December 25 marks the birthday of Tammuz, son of Nimrod (the last day of the 12 days of Saturnalia), and is a spurious day on the Roman Gregorian wall calendar and has nothing whatever to do with Yahusha ha Mashiach (the Messiah) or His Birthday! This solar date stands in bold defiance to the timepiece of creation and wages war against our true promised Messiah!
- By synchronizing the Kings and rulers, their census and taxation, the approximate year of our Messiah’s birth is found to be 2 B.C.
- Utilizing the 24 Kohen courses, we can know that the same astro-luni-solar calendar used at the time of King David was also the one utilized for measuring time at the birth of both YAHchanan (John the Baptist) and Yahusha our Messiah, and even to the end of time. For all prophecies are based upon the same TIME-STAMPED STANDARD.
- In regular Hebrew years there were 12 lunar months, each containing precisely four weeks for a total of 48 weeks in an astro-luni-solar year. The modern Roman calendar containing 52 weeks is at constant war with this Scriptural calendar model. This illustrates an apparent four week disparity between the two calendar models.
- The 24 Kohen courses were repeated twice each year for 837 years. This highlights that our Creator’s Calendar time-measuring model contained only 48 lunar weeks and Sabbaths each year and not 52 weeks in the regular years. This contrasts with the Roman solar calendar model, so popular today, which was not in use in Israel during this period of 837 years.
- The 24 Kohen courses identify that there were exactly four lunar weeks and Sabbaths each lunar month, and these weeks did not cycle without end, but were refreshed, and began anew in a count from 1-7 in a cycle of four complete weeks, following each full New Moon.
- Four quarter lunar phases approximated the changing of each of the 24 Kohenim (Priestly) courses, which occurred at the end of each seventh-day Sabbath.
- Mary conceived on the self-same day in which Elizabeth was six months along. This occurred on the last day of the second Kohen course of AbiYah, while ZachariYah ministered in the Temple. It is the 24 Kohen course divisions that punctuate that the six months referred to in Luke 1:26 is NOT referring to the sixth lunar month of the year, but the eighth month.
- YAHchanan (John the Baptist) was born in the winter (end of February or March) on the New Moon Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month. He fulfilled the prophecy that the Messiah’s prophet was to precede Him.
- The time continuum of both the prophet YAHchanan (John) the Baptist, and Yahusha the Messiah was forever intertwined. They were linked together in multiple ways to each other and to the same story-line revealing both cousins as having miracle births, from on high. Elizabeth was beyond childbearing years and barren, while Mary gave birth while yet a virgin. Both conceptions occurred during one year and its two Kohen courses of AbiYah.
- Yahusha our Messiah was born on the full moon as the original New Moon Day of the Sixth Hebrew Month, correlating with August – September and one month prior to the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah).
- Yahusha our Messiah was born at the fullness of time, the fullness of calendar days, (the full moon as New Moon) right on time according to the preordained and uniquely designed astro-luni-solar calendar and Kohenim weekly courses in the temple.
- Over 500 years prior to His birth, ZachariYah prophesied that His name would be YAHUSHA (H#3091 – יהושׁע). This was also the name provided by the angel to Mary before He was even conceived.
- At Yahusha’s birth, Mary underwent seven days of purification, then on the eighth day, He was circumcised in Bethlehem, and His name recorded. Mary was to remain in seclusion and in purification for thirty-three more days for a total of forty days, prior to taking him to the temple to be anointed.
- When Mary completed her forty days of purification, she was to bring a lamb without blemish, of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering to the temple for her personal atonement.
- So it was that Mary, together with Yoseph, entered the temple, bringing the long promised LAMB, THE SAVIOR OF MANKIND. Thus, fulfilling the prophetic law of purification (which included forgiveness, atonement, and redemption).
- The anointed order of Melchizedek (Righteous King) appears to have been placed upon Yahusha haMashiach (the Messiah) by the righteous (zadok) man Simeon when the baby Yahusha was taken to the temple for anointing. The Melchizedek (Righteous King) order had long carried the assurance of the coming PROMISED LAMB, THE MESSIAH, who would take away the sins of the world. The true followers of Yahuah from the time of Adam and Eve in Eden, through Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David, Daniel, Amos, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and others, unto the Birth of the Messiah and beyond was recognized by Simeon, through whom the promise was provided and the annointing was given.
- The Kings of the East, according to the evidence in Scripture, traveled during the warm months only, returning home before the rains came. Thus, they could not have arrived on December 25 for any reason.
- King David put forth the question in Proverbs 30:4, “What is His name, and what is His son’s name?”
- Zachariah answered him 300 years later and 500 years prior to the birth of the Messiah. “And He showed me YAHUSHA (H#3091 – יהושׁע), the high priest standing before the angel of YAHUAH, and Satan standing at His right hand to resist Him.” Zachariah 3:1 and 6:11-13
- The true sacred Hebrew name of the Messiah was also given by the angel to Mary prior to His conception. “His name shall be called YAHUSHA (H#3091 – יהושׁע). . .” So that was the name provided at His circumcision. (Luke 2:21)
- The prophecy of Zachariah 6:11-13 identified that the full moon (H#3677 is the same Hebrew spelling as throne H#3678) was to be the icon of the Messiah, for synchronizing lunar TIME with prophetic EVENTS, such as New Moon Days, Sabbath days, and all the Kadosh Feast Days.
- The menstruation and ovulation cycle of all women, including Mary, are based upon lunar months, since the time of Creation.
- The unborn human babies’ gestation periods from conception to birth are measured by nine lunar months. If conceived on the night of the full moon, they will be due on that lunar phase. This was the case for both YAHchanan (John) the Baptist and Yahusha the Messiah.
- All human births are measured on an astro-luni-solar calendar model. Might it be that all of us were designed by the same Creator to carry within our DNA the very rhythm of His Kadosh (holy) temple time-piece? For as Scripture declares, “are we not the temple of the living Yahuah (1 Corinthians 3:16)?”
- Profoundly, the truth regarding the Messiah’s True Name and Prophetic Birthday has been there all along. IT WAS NEVER INTENDED TO BE A MYSTERY! It has only been unrecognized as blinded mankind have continued to cling to false traditions with regard to spurious time-measuring principles handed down by the Romans and Rabbinical Pharisee Yahudim (Jews), the ultimate Beast Power and her pagan holidays.
Our marvelous Creator, who gave you and me LIFE according to His lunar time-measuring ideologies, sent His SON YAHUSHA, OUR MESSIAH, to live and die according to the same. By this same time-centric model, He has promised ETERNAL LIFE for His faithful followers, upon the same principles, “from one New Moon to another.” Isaiah 66:23
So why don’t the theologians and spiritual leaders shout this magnificent reality from their pulpits, headline this in their books and magazines, and broadcast it in their televised programming? Why don’t imposing Christian leaders expose the eternal consequences to their members and eliminate the continued practice of celebrating Christmas as the birthday of their Messiah?
A peek behind the curtain of December 25 reveals the god of ancient sun worship and the winter solstice pagan tradition of Saturnalia, who is none other than Satan. All who keep rhythm with the popularized Roman Papal calendar are funneled into a trap, some in ignorance and others simply because they desire to be in sync with the world.
Enter you in at the strait gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in there-at. Matthew 7:13
Yahuah continues to call His obedient followers out of Babylon, Egypt, and Rome. Yet, the “protestant daughter churches,” together with the infidels, continue to follow their pied piper Roman Catholicism (Christianity) into Christmas celebration and right over a cliff of destruction and eternal damnation.
It All Comes Down to Who You Love and Serve
Do you see how the choice you and I make between celebrating Christmas with the rest of the world vs. honoring our Messiah’s actual birthday reveals who we serve and worship? While the knowledge of this was not previously known, He desires that we know the truth as He is waking up His sleeping bride. Yahuah has taken great care to identify His true Son’s birthday. He has then given us an opportunity to know His actual birthday so we may discern the true Messiah from the false, along with His authentic time-measuring model. It is all about authenticity! Sacred Time and Salvation Events cannot be separated. As Yahuah prepares to lead His people from this earth into the Promised Land, as He did with Joshua (spelled Yahusha) and the Yashralites, all will be compelled to choose.
Will you choose to honor the gods of this world with their December 25th birthday celebrations so enticingly packaged to direct your worship to Satan? Or will you choose Yahusha the Messiah, born on the Full Moon Day and 32 years later, died on the day of the dark conjunction on Passover, 14 days after the full moon, so that you and I may be restored back to the Father and have ETERNAL LIFE? He alone has provided the ONLY WAY by opening His EAST GATE on every full New Moon Day, lunar Sabbath, and annual lunar Feast Day. His greatest desire is to synchronize His faithful followers to Himself and His loving arms for all eternity. HalleluYAH!!!
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The Shocking Truth about Christmas.
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Twelve Scripture Studies Reveal the original New Moon was the full moon:
- The night of the Abrahamic Covenant was DARK. This recorded dark night occurred 430 years prior to the Exodus (on the fifteenth of the month, to the very day, making the full moon the true New Moon.) Article/Study
- Amos prophesied that an occulted sun and moon would occur at noon on the day of the Crucifixion, making the full moon the true New Moon. Article/Study
- Luke reveals that the prophetic solar eclipse did occur at noon on the day of the Crucifixion in the middle of the month, making the full moon the true New Moon. Article/Study
- The full moon is FIRST in order among the lunar phases. Article/Study
- All ruling luminaries shine from east to west, across the whole sky for approximately 12 hours. Article/Study
- The moon in the New Jerusalem and in the new earth regulates the fruit on the tree of life and the twelve gates, illustrating that time on earth is synchronized to the moon of Yahuah’s Kadosh (sacred) city. Article/Study
- The twelve whole pearl gates of the New Jerusalem link to the rhythm of the twelve full New Moons. Article/Study
- The woman clothed with the sun, with the full moon (#4582 selene – brilliant moon) at her feet and stars above her head, is the announcement of New Year’s Day. Article/Study
- Blow the New Moon shofar on the full moon, because it is the New Moon. Article/Study
- The FATHER OF LIGHTS is represented only by luminaries with no shadow of a turning orbit (full sun, full stars, full moon). Article/Study
- He ordained the full moon for appointed times. Article/Study
- The path of the righteous is like the luminary LIGHT that WAXES more and more until the DAY we shall firmly set-aright and constitute as PERFECT. Article/Study
[Disclaimer: The evidence brought forward in this article is significant, illustrating the intention of the Bible authors to reveal the Messiah’s Birthday as it was tied to the first day of the Sixth lunar month. These truths brought to bear are founded on the trustworthiness of the Biblical record and the History surrounding it. If any of these have been altered over the millennia, such as a rearrangement of Kohen priestly course divisions or the historical record of when the Roman rulers were in office, the results would be different. If the records have been altered, my best guess for when the Messiah was born would have aligned with Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets, which occurs on the New Moon Day of the Seventh lunar Month.]