My Dream and Journey
My doctrinal paradigms have not changed because of the following story, but rather in Yahuah’s divine plan, He has used it to confirm to me what I have in the last few years discovered through Scripture study and prayer. The first step was to humbly declare my willingness to obediently walk in the new light of Scripture as it would be revealed. With this in mind, I now share my dream and journey and pray it will encourage another seeker of truth as revealed by the Father of Lights (James 1:17).
Part 1
While you were sleeping, time passed quickly by,
First, the sun, then the moon, and all the stars in the sky.
Celestial bodies revolving, ever onward to show,
His magnificent timepiece, from its EAST to WEST flow.
Matthew 25:5; Genesis 1:14-18; Psalms 19:1-3; Psalms 97:6-7.
“The East-West Time Continuum.”
Placed in the heavens, at the Creator´s command,
They brought joy and harmony, throughout the whole land.
If this weren’t enough, He portioned the moon’s light,
For lunar months, lunar days, and lunar Sabbaths delight.
Genesis 1:14-18; 1 Chronicles 23:3-32; Exodus 12:1-3; Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23; Psalms 81:3.
“The Fourth Day of Creation.”
He set for a sign, His Sabbath with care,
To be counted from New Moons, high up in the air.
The full moon that’s seen tells us Sabbath’s the eighth,
The fifteenth, twenty-second, and twenty-ninth is the date.
Exodus 12:1-3; 16; 19; 1 Chronicles 23:3-32; Numbers 10:10; Numbers 28:14; Psalms 19:1-3; Psalms 97:6-7; Genesis 1:14-18; 1 Samuel 20:5; 2 Kings 4:23; Psalms 81:3; Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1-3; Amos 8:5. “Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates;” “Sabbath, the Fruit of the Tree of Time.”
“There are two ways to be fooled.One is to believe what isn’t true;the other is to refuse to accept what is true.”
I discovered that William Miller, of the historic 1844 Great Disappointment, utilized the crescent new moon of the Karaite Jews to locate the Seventh Month for the Day of Atonement that year. This illustrated that the Biblical first lunar month begins around April, and the seventh lunar month regularly commences sometime around October. This is why October of 1844 was touted as the Seventh Month Movement, even though it was the tenth month of the Roman solar calendar year. For these reasons, I began to believe the first visible crescent was the New Moon and the start of months. I no longer believe it to be the true New Moon of Scripture, for I have discovered foundational evidence otherwise that can be traced back to the covenant with Abraham, the Exodus, and the Crucifixion of the Messiah.
Perhaps the most important truth William Miller brought to the Reformation table was that the Scriptural lunar time-keeping model was to continue to this day to be based upon the trinity of LIGHTS as utilized by the Hebrews in antiquity and rested predominantly upon the moon. These were the TIME-MEASURING gears of the sun, moon, and stars that were appointed for YEARS, MONTHS, WEEKS, and DAYS, and not just the sun. Here is what William Miller said:
“Anciently the year did not commence in mid-winter, as now, but at the first New Moon after the Vernal Equinox. Therefore, as the period of 2,300 days was begun in a year reckoned by the ancient method, it was considered necessary to conform to that method to its close. Hence, 1843 was counted as ending in the spring, and not in the winter. Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan, 1888 version, Appendix Note 3, pg. 328.
This narrative above was removed from the 1911 Great Controversy and those versions that followed. For more on this subject, refer to the article, The Great Easter Controversy Cover-Up.
All the given dates for the seventh-day Sabbath in Scripture identify that each month was lunar and actually begins with the full New Moon day followed by the count of four successive weeks, which are to be counted from each New Moon day. As a result, the seventh-day Sabbath always occurs upon the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the astro-luni-solar calendar month and not of the Roman Gregorian time-measuring model. Refer to the article, Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Monthly Dates
I discovered that the continuous weekly cycle since creation was part of an unauthorized calendar replacement designed by the Roman Emperors to keep unsuspecting souls in harmony with her pagan customs and counterfeit holidays, especially Easter Sunday and Christmas. Refer to the article, Creed of Constantinople Church, the Forgotten Foundation of All Christian Churches.
“Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), both periodically recur in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle.” Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol.5, p. 410.
History reveals that the moon was removed from the Roman time-measuring system as early as 45 B.C. Then, over 300 years later, at the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 321, the Great Easter Controversy was designed to eradicate from their empire all lunar time units, including that of their captive Jews. The target was the original New Moon, the lunar week, and the authentic seventh-day Sabbath of Creation. As a result, the Sabbath of the Bible has been entirely lost for nearly 1,700 years. This occurred when Emperor Constantine arranged that Sunday, “Dies Solis,” must mark the day of Easter, his version of the Resurrection of our Messiah. At this same time, the Julian Calendar received its new seven-day planetary week cycle, and the old eight-day week was forever discarded. Constantine decided it was necessary to align the events of the Passover/Easter story to His new cycling week so Scripture would appear to be synchronized to His new calendar model. He determined that Dies Solis (Sunday) was to correlate to the day of the resurrection, the first day of the week. This, by default, caused Dies Saturnis (Saturday) to mark the seventh day of the new continuous weekly cycle.
The Great Easter Controversy’s monumental effect on our modern calendar is in how it single-handedly determined to the untrained eye and the ignorant of history’s past that the Scriptural seventh-day Sabbath is now and has always been “Saturday.” This was accomplished simply by ensuring that every year, Easter occurs on Sunday, the first day of the new Roman planetary week cycle, thus, by extension, causing Saturday of the same week cycle to appear as the seventh day. Yet, it had never been so, according to Scripture or History.
A little-known fact is that Easter Sunday, since its inception, has always been the product of two calendar systems. First, it is determined by the solar calendar in that it is placed on the first Sunday after the first full moon, after the Vernal Equinox. Second, it is determined by the lunar calendar in that it is the first Sunday after the first full moon. Then, add to this that the lunar Metonic nineteen-year cycle is also employed to place Easter Sunday appropriately during the thirteen-month lunar years. But how could this be?
Easter Sunday was proactively designed because of Emperor Constantine’s hatred for the Rabbinical Jews, their Torah Law, New Moon Days, lunar Sabbaths, and lunar Feast Days. Passover, the 14th of Abib (Nissan), counted from the New Moon, had historically been the Feast Day that was honored by the faithful and obedient Hebrew people as Yahuah led them. It was this prophetic Feast Day that typified the sacrificial death of the true Messiah. The Lamb promised to be slain from the foundation of the earth. The first time it is mentioned by name in Scripture is in the story of the Exodus when the children of Israel were led out of captivity in Egypt on a forty-year journey to the promised land. But it began in Eden when the first lamb was slain, the 14th of that very first month of creation.
The Romans desired to include the miraculous death and resurrection story of the Messiah together with their other many pagan customs. But they wanted it fully disassociated from all things Jewish, as well as removed from the Torah Law of Scripture. So the Messiah’s name and language were changed, including the day and date, along with the name of the Feast Day marking His death and resurrection. All aspects of His most prophetic work of salvation were proactively changed from a lunar Passover to a Roman Gregorian Easter Sunday with a continuous weekly cycle, but while honoring the thirteen-month years. It also had to be lunar to ensure that Easter Sunday never occurred on the same day as the lunar Passover (the 14th day counted from the New Moon). It was determined and legislated that Easter would occur upon the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox.
This stands today as one of history’s greatest confirmations that the original calendar of Scripture was lunar. Why? The Roman calendar was crafted as a new method of measuring time and a replacement void of all lunar phases except for locating Easter. Not a single unit of time is connected to the moon outside of Rome’s extreme efforts to ensure Easter Sunday would never occur upon Passover, the 14th day of the lunar month of Abib (Nissan). Refer to the article, Constantine’s Easter Controversy.
“The long-term effect was that ‘Easter Sunday’ entered the Christian paradigm as ‘The Day of Christ’s Resurrection.’ The corollary to this realignment of time calculation was that the day preceding Easter Sunday, Saturday, became forever after ‘The True Bible Sabbath.’ This is the true significance of Constantine’s ‘Sunday law’ and it laid the foundation for the modern assumption that a continuous weekly cycle has always existed.” Elaine Vornholt & Laura Lee Vornholt-Jones, Calendar Fraud, “Biblical Calendar Outlawed.”
- The sun rises and sets 365.25 days each solar year, but was designed to be brought into harmony with the lunar cycle every 19 years. For mankind to follow only the sun’s circuit for calendation each year is like using only the hour hand on a clock for keeping time. Although the moon is on a completely different yearly cycle than that of the sun, it also designates years, astro-lunar-solar years, which are 354 days in length on regular years, then 384 days on years that have the 13th month. The true time-measuring of our Creator (Genesis 1:14-17) is kept according to the sum of all the parts, not simply one part.
- While the sun gives us 12-hour natural daylight and 24-hour civil calendar dates, the full New Moon announces each New Year, new month, and the count of weeks, and it demarcates each day with a date and its own unique lunar phase each month. Simply put, together with the stars by night on the night of the full New Moon, the moon measures the Years, Months, Weeks, and days. The week and its seventh-day Sabbath is a simple subdivision of the lunar month. With each New Moon, the month dates and week cycle refreshes.
- Whether one believes Ellen White is a prophet or not, all her references to the Sabbath were in regard to it being the seventh day, and she clearly assumed that the seventh day was synonymous with Saturday of the Roman Gregorian calendar. Can someone be a prophet of the Most High and still teach error of this magnitude?
- Some months later, I discovered in the first Adventist Yearbook, published in 1883, that “Not all objections to the Saturday Sabbath could easily be met with Scripture. For it was even known in 1883 that there existed at least ‘one unanswerable objection to a Saturday Sabbath, the cross.'” The crucifixion date (Passover, the 14th day of Abib, and the sixth day of the second-week cycle) consistently occurred on this two-part time application from year to year, counting 14 days from the New Moon Day. Because the modern Roman calendar weeks float from month to month and year to year, no two Roman months or Roman years keep the same week cycle consistently to allow them to meet the requirements of Leviticus 23 for any of the Kadosh Feast days which are each identified as they relate to their count from the New Moon and orientation to the seventh-day Sabbath. The true lunar Sabbath always occurs on the 15th day of the first lunar month, which falls the very next day after Passover, the 14th, every year.
Because of this, I realized that I was not willing to uphold a single doctrine that clearly had a flaw and, to its discredit, even one known Scriptural objection. How could I stand before kings and courts against a future Sunday or calendar legislation while knowing that Saturday also is not founded on the ROCK of YAHUAH ALAHIM, on the clear word of truth, specifically with a “thus says Yahuah” from Scripture, in a similar manner as Sunday? Neither day is named anywhere in Scripture, nor is the rhythm of the pagan continuous weekly cycle they are each chained to.
- I discovered three identical months in a row were outlined by Yahuah, beginning with Israel’s exodus from Egypt. This is one of the most amazing and self-evident examples from Scripture that the seventh-day Sabbath can be neither Saturday nor Sunday, and it comes directly from the story of the Exodus from Egypt and the forty years of receiving manna on a lunar cycle with all Sabbaths consistently occurring on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days from one New Moon to another. Refer to the article, Three Months in a Row.
- It became evident that this preordained calendar truth is the light that dispels the darkness and confusion of Babylon and all her false pagan holidays and traditions. Every single pagan holiday falls right off the calendar as the Creator’s original celestial timepiece replaces the Roman artificial time system. Only then can each appointed Feast Day of Yahuah be reclaimed and restored to its rightful place unencumbered by replacement theology, false calendation, and traditions of men.
- This very fact that the Roman holidays, which are honored worldwide, can never be harmonized with the astro-luni-solar calendar of Scripture is in itself evidence that these two calendars are light years apart. The exact opposite is also true of the Scriptural Feast Days of Yahuah. It is an utter impossibility to locate the Biblical Feast Days on the Roman Gregorian calendar consistently for more than a single isolated month. The reason is that all the appointed Feast days are counted from their respective New Moon Days and tied to a lunar-dated Sabbath. The one consistent feature of the Roman calendar that first began as the Julian and then was tweaked several times until now is that it divorced its YEARS, MONTHS, WEEKS, and even the DAYS from the MOON. It all started as early as 45 B.C.E.:
“In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Caesar invited Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar, and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the lunar calendar altogether. Months must be arranged on a seasonal basis, and a tropical [solar] year used, as in the Egyptian calendar.” Encyclopedia Britannica, “The Julian Calendar,” paragraph 1. See also:
than familiar is synonymous with right.
- I had not shared my divine encounter in the form of a dream all these years because I could not support it with details, as all the specific details were removed from my memory as I awoke. Yet, in these last years, all the details have been restored with clarity as Yahusha, the Messiah, has continued to open the WAY of TRUTH.
- It is my desire that sharing my experience may bring honor to the Creator.
- Many more advancing Scriptural truths have come to light on the subject of the astro-lunar-solar calendar, the Full New Moon, the year beginning with the full moon at the feet of Bethulah (Virgo), lunar Sabbath, placement of Feast Days, as well as the Kadosh (Holy) names of the Most High Father and Son.
- If my personal testimony has had a special influence on you, or you would like to share your testimony of COMING TO THE LIGHT of the lunar Sabbath, I invite you to email me at, as I would love to hear from you.
Part 2
How I Discovered the Full Moon as
the Authentic Start of Months
When I first came out of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2007, I found myself facing the question of which lunar phase is the authentic New Moon that announces the New Moon Day, the first day of each lunar month. I shared with another who had come out of the same church a year earlier that I believed the full moon seemed to meet most of the Scriptural criteria. No sooner did that leave my lips than she reminded me that Ellen White, the prophetess of our former Seventh-day Adventist church, had identified the first visible crescent as the New Moon, as it was the one used to calculate the Day of Atonement for October 22, 1844, of the Millerite Movement. At the time, I still believed she was a prophet, so those words quieted the spirit of inspiration that had led me to that early understanding of the full moon as the original New Moon. But such as things are, sometimes we must go the long and slow way around to arrive at the truth.
On a side note, I never sought to leave the Adventist church. In fact, I was happy with my fellow believers, family, and friends, content, and at peace. I believed it to be the one true church that would go through to the end. But my loving and compassionate Messiah had other plans.
Because these new truths were so exciting, I felt a calling in the spring of 2008 to create a website to share the many things I was learning to make it easier for others to grasp concepts that had been hidden for so long, were hard to find or, for the most part, did not even exist in contemporary literature. Soon, I was creating calendars for several time zones each year, a daunting task that I am happy now to leave to others. But after five years of doing this, I found it impossible to harmonize the Southern Hemisphere with the Northern Hemisphere on the same crescent New Moon day. I was totally frustrated and felt the weight of so many who put their trust in my working out the kinks and resolving the calendar.
In discussing my frustration with a fellow believer in Alberta, Canada, I jokingly said, “The New Moon is either the dark conjunction lunar phase or the full moon.” Then we both laughed heartily, as we knew the dark conjunction lunar phase did not meet even one piece of evidence in Scripture. With regard to the full moon, well, suffice it to say, it was totally off the radar, as not one organized Bible-believing group was utilizing it. It seemed the full moon was as a wayfaring stranger that I did not know, nor had I been properly introduced.
While this is how I felt, early on, I did read a 13-page article floating around the internet from a man in New Zealand titled “It’s About Time.” It was somewhat compelling, but I discounted it for three reasons: 1) because I continued to esteem Ellen White as a prophet of God (Yahuah), 2) because it was off the grid of focus by simply everyone, and 3) Because some of the finer points of his article were off.
During the summer of 2012, I felt a growing compulsion to confront the question of whether Ellen White was a true prophet and whether I should value her stated views on the lunar calendar, sacred names, and others. I knew I could not remain on the fence for long, as I felt hindered in my spiritual growth.
Well-meaning family and friends had warned me that if I ever read the books that had been written against her, it would be like opening Pandora’s Box, changing my life forever from which I would free fall into a downward spiral. They also stated that if I left the Seventh-day Adventist Church, there was nowhere else to go. But I had come to an impasse, and I had long believed that wisdom lay with hearing both sides of any issue and then making the final decision based upon the weight of evidence and guidance from above. So why would I allow my entire belief system to be held in check by hearing only one side of the story?
This may sound ridiculous to many of you, but this was a much more difficult process for me to work through with regard to whether Ellen White was a prophet than any of the lunar calendar material and sacred name revelations that I had come to believe. I began reading intently the book by D. M. Canright (PDF now posted on this website) titled “The Life of Ellen White.” He knew her well and, as an early convert and Pastor, had worked side by side with both James and Ellen White. As I read, I felt he was fair in the evidence he presented, mostly from letters and manuscripts she had written, illustrating things were far different than the Adventist Church membership and I had been led to believe all these years later. From the evidence he revealed, both James and Ellen had wielded her elevated position as “Prophetess of God” for power and control. This flew in the face of what we had all been taught: that she never claimed to be a prophet, but that her calling from above was overwhelmingly evidenced by her beautiful written works.
As this misrepresentation and so many more were exposed, I knew where the weight of evidence lay. I could see that its power over me lay in how I was led to believe the many lies and that she was the author of the beautiful prophetic works. As it turned out, the beautifully written books under her name were the masterpieces of her highly educated hired creative writers, Marian Davis and Fannie Bolton. Yet, beautifully written works are nowhere to be found as a test of a true prophet in the Bible. Additionally, much of the content of the books she had published had been acquired from other published authors and simply rewritten, a known impropriety called plagiarism.
“Therefore behold, I am against the [presumed] prophets, says Yahuah (YHUH), that steal my words every one from his neighbor.” Jeremiah 23:30
After searching Scripture for all the verses that set the Biblical Standard for a true prophet, I could see that Ellen White did not meet the attributes of a true prophet of the Most High Eternal Yahuah. The details of which are written in the following article. Refer to Scripture’s Test of a True Prophet.
Other books revealing the truth about Ellen White include “The White Lie” by Walter Rae, and “Ellen White, a Psychobiography” by Steve Daily. (Note: the book by Steve Daily carried many psychological truths, but he himself appeared to be seeking to be disengaged from Saturday as the Sabbath, wishing instead to move into harmony with his Sunday-keeping peers.)
So there it was. The truth about this long-held lie had been set before me. With great agonizing pain, I denounced her as having any power over my life because I now saw that since it was impossible for her to be a prophet of YAHUAH Alahim (YHUH) the Most High on many fronts, she had been, therefore, a secret agent of the enemy of souls. She could not be both. She continues exercising her power over the Seventh-day Adventist Church even so long after her death through her many books to keep the unsuspecting locked in a prison of false teachings with regard to the REMEDY unto SALVATION.
A predominant teaching of the S.D.A. Church is the theory that “Saturday” is the authentic seventh-day Sabbath of creation and Scripture. Yet, from Genesis to Revelation, neither Saturday nor Sunday nor their continuous weekly cycle can be found even once. Add to this that they make this day that doesn’t even exist in the Bible the primary test of faith, teaching it to be the antidote to receiving the Mark of the Beast, which they claim is Sunday worship. This view leads S.D.A.’s to entirely ignore Revelation 12:11, that “We will overcome him (Satan and the Mark of the Beast) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony…” which is a testament to celebrating PASSOVER and the other lunar appointed Feast Days. So, by default, this fraudulent belief system, having no Biblical support, funnels its naive members directly into Satan’s camp and to receiving the Mark of the Beast by way of the Roman calendar and its continuous weekly cycle, of which Saturday and Sunday are twin sisters of the illegitimate kind.
From behind the scenes, Satan continues to utilize Ellen White’s adoption of the Roman solar calendar along with the errant Jew’s crescent New Moon and Saturday Sabbath teachings to stand as an overwhelming obstacle to detour undiscerning folks from discovering the Creator’s Biblical time-centric calendar truths. His time measuring model was predominantly lunar as defined in Genesis 1:14-16, Ezekiel 46:1-3, Isaiah 66:23, and Leviticus 23:1-44, and as portrayed in the yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily Temple services of ancient Yasharal (Israel).
How deceived I had been all my life, born into the fifth generation of this delusion. But the Adventist Church is not alone. Simply, all the churches, unaware, take their seat at the round table of misguided teachings to play their part as guardians of the lie. But as it turns out, YAHUAH Alahim, the Most High, allowed this to occur “until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” Luke 21:24.
But now we are living when the times of the Gentiles have been fulfilled. Revelation 13:3 puts it this way, “…ALL THE WORLD WONDERED AFTER THE BEAST.” But now reform and restoration have begun. Many teachings from all the churches have missed the mark these past 1,700 years. But for all those who seek an eternal home, the call is given to return to “the commandments we learned from the beginning to walk in” (2 John 1:6), which include the Torah Law, sacred names, the statutes, judgments, testimonies, full moon to full moon lunar timekeeping, sacred full New Moon Days, lunar seventh-day Sabbaths, and lunar appointed Feast Days (Deut. 5:31-33, Deut. 30:6, 1 Kings 2:3, 1 Kings 11:38, Jeremiah 7:23, Malachi 4:4, Psalms 119).
Our Creator designed these as a package deal. They are the METHOD, MECHANISM, and REMEDY by which He chose to RESTORE mankind back to HIS UNADULTERATED STANDARD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (the TEN COMMANDMENTS) by way of the ATONING BLOOD OF YAHUSHA, OUR MESSIAH, and LAMB. HalleluYAH!!!
It was necessary for me to face this stronghold in my life and, with the guidance of the Ruach haKadosh (power and provision of YAHUAH and YAHUSHA), gain power over it. This had to occur before I could be free to be led further or be entrusted with greater knowledge of YAHUAH’S MOST SACRED AND ETERNAL TRUTHS.
Which Lunar Phase is the Authentic New Moon?
A few days later, at my wit’s end with regard to which lunar phase was the authentic New Moon, I stood up from my desk and called out in anguish to YAHUSHA haMashiach to open my blind eyes so I could see. I challenged Him, reminding Him that He is the one who has promised and desires to RESTORE His calendar and all the TRUTHS in these last days to prepare a people for His eternal Kingdom to come. I reminded Him of what it says in Daniel 12 about “this book of truth being shut up and sealed to the time of the end, and that we are already there, and here I stand willing to have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Ruach reveals. I desire to be among those running to and fro that knowledge will be increased.” I shared how I desired to be one of these, who will have a part in “turning many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.” I told Him if the full moon is the authentic New Moon of creation, the time of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, and the Messiah, then I will happily accept it as foundational and be joined to that list of faithful. Only then was I at peace, knowing the answer would soon come.
That very night, a seven-part miracle began to occur. At exactly midnight, I was awakened with a couple of Scriptures placed on my mind with regard to the New Moon. So I got up and went to my office to write them down. I would never have thought of those verses on my own and was struck by how they were being revealed.
But it didn’t end there. This same phenomenon occurred each of the following five nights at midnight. Each time, I was blown away by the Scripture verses that created a picture of not only what the moon appeared like but also where it was in the sky when it began to rule and how it worked. All the evidence supported the full moon as the start of years and months. Support Evidence for the Full Moon as the Start of Months.
On the morning of the seventh day, I looked over the list that filled a couple of pages in large print and declared out loud. “I see it, and I believe it! HalleluYAH! “I accept the FULL MOON AS THE START OF YEARS AND MONTHS, but something is still missing from this list!” I exclaimed out loud, “I NEED TO KNOW THE KEY TO THE START OF YEARS?” In that very instant, as a flash of mental lightening, before I finished stating it, the answer came! “REVELATION 12:1!!!”
“Behold a great sign appeared in the heavens (shamayim); a woman [Bethulah/Virgo arose in the east] clothed with the sun and the (G#4582 – selene – brilliant full moon) moon at (H#8478 – tachath – under, at, in place of) her feet, and upon her head was a crown of twelve stars [or starry constellations].” Revelation 12:1
I ran directly to my office and uploaded my Stellarium program. While it was populating, in my mind’s eye, I knew this would place the constellation Bethulah/Virgo standing upright in the east in spring with the full moon near her feet. How had I missed it? But there it was now before me. Simply amazing! I had performed countless tests previously but only utilized the first visible crescent with no success. I had tried to place her in the correct position to fulfill what it says in Revelation 12:1. As I discovered, the only time the crescent is near her feet is in the Autumn. At that time of year, Bethulah/Virgo is upside down, diving headfirst into the dark depths of the western horizon just before setting with the sun. The problem was I had only been focused on the crescent lunar phase as the New Moon.
It is amazing how blind we can be, as the answer had been there all along when Bethulah/Virgo was upright on the eastern horizon. It seems I should have easily discovered that there was a six-month difference from the crescent in the west at Bethulah’s feet to the full moon in the east at her feet, which, by extension, would have correctly placed her in the east where she belonged to commence the YEAR and RULE all night. Only the full moon visibly rules the entire night. But I had been utterly blind to it. I had been under the stronghold of Ellen White, but now I could see. HalleluYAH!!!
It is in remembering times like this that helps me empathize with others who are also blind to the truth. But just as I was rescued from my blindness, He has the same power to rescue others who must be willing to reexamine their own hearts and be willing to lay every previous doctrinal belief upon the altar of sacrifice. No one will discover the narrow path of the way, truth, or life without doing this.
As a second witness among many verses provided, a dark conjunction lunar phase was identified to occur in the middle of the lunar month, on Passover, the 14th of Abib/Aviv, on the day of Yahusha haMashiach’s (Messiah’s) crucifixion. Luke portrayed it like this, “the sun was darkened from the sixth to the ninth hour.” Ironically, a similar explanation has been historically given for all previous solar eclipses. So, by extension, with a solar eclipse occurring on the 14th day of the first lunar month in spring, it means that fourteen days and one night previous to that most epic day when our Messiah laid down His life for you and me, the moon was FULL at the START OF THE MONTH.
This was earth-shattering evidence and foundational truth that the full moon was the original and authentic New Moon of our Creator and Messiah. It could not be comprehended as long as I utilized a solar calendar or one of the long-held traditional New Moon lunar phases, as these had all been altered at some point in history. This was the evidence that truly made all the difference. And it was there all along. What a compassionate Messiah we serve. The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.
That week of miraculous revelations changed my life. It brought harmony to all I was learning and also expanded on MY DREAM that I had so long ago as a 13-year-old youth with regard to the sun, moon, and stars. My Dream and Journey.
Immediately, I informed everyone that I was changing from following the first visible crescent New Moon to that of the full New Moon (or Renewed Moon) for the start of Years and Months, as it alone carried the weight of evidence. Every article on my website had to be rewritten to reflect the stunning new LIGHT OF TRUTH. Only a handful continued with me on my journey at that point. But for me, I was no longer bound by popular opinion but by YAHUAH’s GLORIOUS TRUTHS THAT SET ME FREE. From the moment I accepted the full moon as the start of Years, Months, lunar Weeks, and the count of Days, I have NEVER looked back nor wavered. I believe because of this, YAHUAH Alahim, the Most High, has blessed and continued to provide more and more evidence as revealed from the pages of history, astronomy, and Scripture. If not, the very stones would cry out because NOW He is calling His sleeping Bride to AWAKEN in preparation for His soon RETURN. HalleluYAH!!!
By sharing my own story, it is important to me that you recognize YAHUAH Alahim working through His Son, YAHUSHA ha Mashiach, as they are alive and well and very present in the lives of us otherwise hopeless humans. He seeks to lead us and restore His end-times truths now more than ever before as we are willing to be led. And He continues to have compassion upon us and our weaknesses, and when we are under a stronghold of the enemy, He strives with us to bring us to a place where the scales may fall from our eyes, that we may see. How to Break Down the Strongholds of the Devil.
It is by beholding that we may become changed. All PRAISE TO YAHUAH Alahim and YAHUSHA haMashiach for their great love for us to provide the REMEDY for SIN, the Bridal Covenant of Promise, illustrated by the Temple ceremonies of old, but living, vital, and active each year through the seven lunar appointed Feast Days to be fulfilled in their order by YAHUSHA our Messiah alone, unto Salvation. By His merits alone, and through His blood sacrifice of PASSOVER, the pathway to Salvation and an ETERNAL HOME is made possible. May we strive to honor both Father and Son by celebrating these timeless Feast Days according to His preordained time-measuring model NOW and FOREVER!!!
Kerrie L. French