Modern Discoveries


Please click on this link, as it is one of the most important videos you will ever see in your life.  At the very end, the speaker questions the authenticity of a choice of words used by Ron Wyatt at the end of the video, declaring him to be inconsistent, saying that the angel told him the tables of stone would be shown to the world when the Mark of the Beast is given.  Yet, at other times Ron says to his S.D.A. friends that the tables of stone would be shown when the Sunday Laws are enforced. Please note this is not an inconsistent set of statements as Ron Wyatt and the entire S.D.A. church believe these to be one and the same event. I once believed this too, but no longer do.

It’s About Time: A Brief History of the Calendar and Time Keeping


From Conception to Birth


Samoa’s Dateline Change – the Effect on Seventh-day Adventists


The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus –


“The Lord’s Prayers” in its original Hebrew – sung by Andrew Hodkinson



The Real Noah’s Ark Found in Turkey: Phenomenon Archives Documentary

Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia


The 2,000 Year-Old Computer – The Virtual Reconstruction of the Antikythera Mechanism  (for more videos on this subject click HERE)


Star Clock BC : The Antikythera Mechanism


The 2000 Year-Old Computer – Decoding the Antikythera Mechanism


The New Testament was Originally Written in Hebrew – Part 1 ~ by Ahlayan

The New Testament was Originally Written in Hebrew – Part 2 ~ by Ahlayan

The New Testament was Originally Written in Hebrew – Part 3 ~ by Ahlayan

The New Testament was Originally Written in Hebrew – Part 4 ~ by Ahlayan

The Ark of the Covenant found in Jerusalem based upon Ron Wyatt discoveries