I Can’t Find It!
We were all taught by our teachers, pastors, and parents what Paul said about keeping the focus on “the Messiah” and not majoring in minors, such as the rules or laws of Scripture. But to better explain a profound dichotomy discussed in this article, let us first consider the example of a team sport.
The team may consist of 16 or more players. If every player believed all they had to do to win the game was say the name or focus their eyes on their team captain, a significant loss would be theirs. Rather, for each sport, there are THE RULES OF THE GAME that are under the authority of the TEAM CAPTAIN, which are in place for playing and winning. It is in FOLLOWING THE RULES OF THE GAME that we HONOR THE CAPTAIN and WIN THE PRIZE. For the very same reason, our Messiah declared, “IF YOU LOVE ME, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS.”
Fraudulent Time-Measuring Rules
The rub here is that the RULES we were all taught for time-measuring are as far from Scriptural TRUTH as a wall calendar is from the SUN, MOON, and STARS. Both the Torah/Tanakh (O.T.) and the Brit Hadasha (N.T.) declare time is ruled by the three-part harmony, the trinity of LIGHTS above, and nothing refers to the Roman wall calendar and a Saturday or Sunday Sabbath within the pages of Scripture. This is a discovery of eternal weight for those who seek TRUTH as for buried treasure and desire knowledge that they may walk in it.
But alas, most will go their own way, following the path of least resistance. For, it is easy to pass something off as non-essential when we have embraced an opposite paradigm our whole life, i.e., a Saturday or Sunday Sabbath of the Roman Gregorian calendar kind, adding that this is the same religious power we declare to be the BEAST of Revelation. More still, this unscriptural paradigm is proclaimed by a perceived POPE, modern prophet, Reformer, Rabbi, or Pastor, with whom we have adopted as a chosen minister of truth. But as the Reformation continues forward, so does the revealing of knowledge of the TRUTH. In referring to the very end of time, Daniel 12 tells us that “men shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.” This appears to indicate that at the VERY END OF TIME, KNOWLEDGE WILL INCREASE THE MOST, meaning ERRORS will be exposed, and TRUTH WILL BE RESTORED. Even the perceived prophetess “Ellen White” indicated that there was much more truth to be revealed, to learn and unlearn. Who would have thought that this process of advancing knowledge would ultimately be her undoing?
Divine Designation of the Moon
Utilizing the moon as the beacon of time for sacred worship assemblies is how our Creator designed His lunar months, weeks, and days to synchronize earthlings to His seat of power. Through this unchangeable sequence of time-measuring, earthlings can know how much they are loved and continually invited into assembly with their loving Creator. This lunar arrangement of time-measuring is no more worshiping the moon, than those who keep Saturday or Sunday are worshiping their clock or wall calendar, although it speaks volumes as to who we choose to align our lives with. But strikingly, the sun was not ordained to call the sacred assemblies of Yahuah. Instead, it was the moon.
“He ordained the MOON for SEASONS [lunar appointed times]; the brilliant rays of the SUN reveal and endue it, making known its entrance [in the east].” Tehilim (Psalms) 104:19
“NEVER shall the enumerating repetition of your SUN, and your LUNAR MONTH CYCLES NOT GATHER ASSEMBLIES . . .” YeshaYAHU (Isaiah) 60:20
“It shall be established FOREVER like the MOON, even like the trustworthy WITNESS in the sky. Tehilim (Psalms) 89:37
Christianity’s Babylonian and Roman Principles
ALL CHRISTIANIZED CHURCHES, including yours, are under the fraudulent guidelines of BABYLONIAN/ROMAN “CHRISTIANITY” and their UNIQUELY CRAFTED TIME-MEASURING MODEL that is found nowhere in Scripture. Single-handedly, Roman Emperor Julius Caesar DIVORCED the MOON from ALL UNITS OF TIME in 45 B.C. Then later, the Jews in the 4th century A.D. were pressured to change their calendar to what is now in conformity to the Babylonian/Roman system. At that time, under the direction of Hillel II, the Israelites chose to use the BABYLONIAN calendar model for New Moons and the Roman continuous weekly cycle.
But there was an instant conflict between this new cycling week and the lunar calendar months, causing their newly altered Feast days and Sabbaths to collide. Their only resolve was to craft a mediatory document called the “RULES OF POSTPONEMENT.” This set of rules had never been necessary when Yasharal (Israel) had utilized the authentic and original calendar. Might this be at least one example of why, in Revelation, your Messiah declares: “BABYLON IS FALLEN, IS FALLEN!” “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE?”
Although when I first began my research, I was not looking to escape my perceived belief in Saturday sacredness, I soon discovered that the solar-only ROMAN CALENDAR and all its UNITS of TIME were fraudulent replacements of our CREATOR’S ORIGINAL. This truth set me free from the Babylonian and Roman chains of lies. Yet, with this said, it is a pivotal doctrine that does dethrone some things we may have held dear, such as a Pope, Ellen White as a prophet, the Reformers, the Rabbis, and the word of our Pastor. So, to discover that neither Saturday nor Sunday is the sacred Sabbath of the Bible is an expose` of one of the greatest deceptions of all time, especially against YAHUAH, the Most High, and those seeking to worship Him in Truth. Add to this that our entire calendar paradigm is a LIE, directly from Satan’s seat of government, referred to in Scripture as Babylon the harlot.
This is difficult to take in, but each person must pray for TRUTH, a heart of wisdom to stand firmly upon the foundation of the Creator’s ordained time-measuring model, and the courage to walk away from all doctrinal error and false leaders (Pope, prophets, reformers, and pastors) who were never ordained by the MOST HIGH, no matter how beautiful their writings, or how long you followed this tradition.
Might this issue of TIME-MEASURING methods be the TESTING TRUTH of the last days, by the MOST HIGH, as He sets about to separate His obedient sheep from the rebellious-hearted goats? Who would have thought that in addition to Sunday, even Saturday is not the true Sabbath?
Historical Evidence
“In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Caesar invited Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar, and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the lunar calendar altogether. Months must be arranged on a seasonal basis, and a tropical [solar] year used, as in the Egyptian calendar.” The Julian Calendar, Encyclopedia Britannica.
“It is not easy to draw any rigid lines separating [Orthodox] Jewish Law and Jewish custom. There is an ancient saying that in Judaism, custom becomes Law. And the history of Judaism will reveal many religious laws widely recognized and observed, which had their origin in long-accepted folk practices… When the Jews returned to Palestine after their Babylonian exile (516 B.C.E.), they brought back with them the Babylonian astronomy and way of reckoning time…” What is a Jew, p. 105, 108.
“Later [Orthodox] Jewish calendar: Following the reign of King Josiah (c. 640-609) and especially after the Babylonian exile a number of significant and enduring changes occurred in the Israelite calendar showing that the [Orthodox Pharisee] Jews gradually adopted the Babylonian calendar of the time…The day however, was counted from evening to evening, after the Babylonian fashion…” New Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11, p. 1068.
“In certain spheres of the population the older system [of time-measuring] continued to be in use, either exclusively or side by side with the newer system. Thus in the temple service the older system continued all through the time of the existence of the second temple, and there the day was reckoned from morning to morning…” Rabbinic Essays, Page 447-451.
“The changes in the calendric position of the weekly religious rest day have been few from pre-historic times to the present day. The Sabbath which came down to the Jews from pre-historic [prior to Moses] times was the seventh day of the lunar week. The lunar week and the lunar month gave the simplest form of time division to early man . . . Moon and month meant the same thing. The division of the month into four weeks of seven days . . . and the weekly division begun again at the time of the next new moon. The change from the lunar week to the seven-day week running continuously through the year, while a momentous change, was unrecorded. The use of two styles of weeks seems to have existed together, and the more modern seven-day week slowly, but finally, supplanted its anci
ent . . . competitor. The lunar week was simple and serviceable . . . When the continuous seven-day week was generally accepted, then it was linked with the past, as we now date events before Christ by a scale unknown to the people and historians of those times. . . The lunar Sabbath was succeeded by the seven-day weekly Sabbath without confusion, and the mention of the Sabbath in Exodus 31:13 and elsewhere, may be taken to refer to the lunar day.” Sunday the World’s Rest Day, “The Sabbath, the Day Which Divine Love Established and Human Love Must Preserve,” Theodore Gilman, p. 479. Published for the New York Sabbath Committee, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York, 1916.
With the destruction of the Temple (A.D. 70) the Sadducees disappeared altogether, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees. Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the [Babylonian] Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition supplanted the older priestly tradition (Abot 1:1). [Babylonian] Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future. “Pharisees,” The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol 9, [1901-1906 ed.], p. 666.Pharasaism became Talmudism . . . [but] the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew . . . studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating the arguments used in the Palestinian academies. . . .The spirit of the [Pharisees’] doctrine has remained quick and vital. Louis Finklestein, The Pharisees: The Sociological Background of their Faith, [Jewish Publication Society of America], Vol. 4, p. 1332.
“Several customs which prevailed during the age between the Exodus of the Israelites and the resurrection of Christ had so completely changed by the seventeenth Christian century that the translators of the “Authorized Version” of the English Bible were not able to perceive some important truths taught in the Greek version of the Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. Unseen truth would not be clearly translated into the English Bible. The student, who of necessity was limited in his studies to the English version would not be able to see more truth than was expressed in the English version. . . ibid
Second – Since the Jews for more than sixteen centuries have been observing a Saturday Sabbath, and since Christians have been for more than eighteen centuries having a fixed Sunday Sabbath, it is only reasonable to expect most Sabbath writers to try and interpret all Bible Sabbath teachings on the theory of fixed septenary cycles. But the noted Rabbi Hirsch believes and teaches that “The old (Jewish) Sabbath had no connection with a fixed [cycling] week.” ibid
Third – The passing out of sight of the old Bible lunar calendar and the now almost universal effort to interpret the Bible upon the basis of solar calendars . . . ibid
. . . Sixth – The losing sight of the use of uncounted days in the Bible calendar. . . Because of the failure to note the above mentioned difficulties it has become quite difficult so to write or teach as to be clearly understood about the Scriptural Sabbaths.” Sunday the World’s Rest Day, The Sabbath-The Lord’s Day, by Rev. Samuel W. Gamble, D.D. p. 81-82. Published for the New York Sabbath Committee, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York, 1916.
For those interested, My Testimony is found here: My Dream and Journey.