How to Keep His Sabbath Kadosh (Holy)
How to Keep His Sabbath Kadosh (Holy)
The precepts of Sabbath-keeping are recorded in the Torah Law (first five books of the Old Testament), the Ten Commandments, and throughout the Tanakh (O.T.). Its principles continue to be consistently honored in the Brit Hadasha (New Testament) and were consistently maintained and kept Kadosh (holy, sacred, and set apart) by our Messiah and His disciples. Many of the concepts of Sabbath-keeping have been sustained down through the centuries since that time by the Rabbinical and Karaite Jews, Messianic Jews, and Hebrew Root folks. Some Christian sects, in keeping with the Jews and in opposition to Sunday keeping, have taken up the banner of Saturday as their seventh-day Sabbath. These include the Seventh-day Baptists, the Seventh-day Church of God, and the Seventh-day Adventists.
This article aims to clarify the parameters of true Sabbath-keeping with distinct bullet points as outlined in Scripture. In addition, this article will expose a pivotal and egregious error sustained for nearly 2,000 years among Jews and Christians alike. Although each Sabbath-keeping group mentioned above seeks to keep “Saturday” as their sacred Sabbath on the Roman seven-day weekly cycle, is that how the Sabbath was ordained to be found?
While there is no debate that Saturday is the seventh day of the Roman Gregorian calendar week cycle, did this Roman solar Calendar or its continuous weekly cycle exist at the time of Adam, Abraham, Moses, or our Messiah? Are the terms Saturday or Sunday mentioned even once by name in Scripture, and is the rhythm of the continuous weekly cycle shown to fit like a glove into the Creator’s established New Moon Days, Sabbaths, and Feast Days as prescribed in the Torah Law? This article aims to reveal the TRUTH and expose the long-proclaimed calendar impostors.
Principles of Sabbath Keeping
- Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Kadosh (holy, sacred, and set apart). Exodus 20:8. The Sabbath is one of the set-apart days for sacred assemblies, it is a holy convocation. We should seek to meet and worship with others whenever possible. However, in these times in which we live, if we find ourselves without others, we can know that we worship in unity with all the angelic hosts and other unfallen worlds. Therefore, we are always in good company as we worship Yahuah in His Ruach haKadosh (spirit – power, presence, and promises) and TRUTH. John 4:23-24.
- The Sabbath is a time to rest from our labors. It’s a time of healing from the stress and cares of this world. We shall labor and do all our work for six days, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahuah, our Alahim. Exodus 20:9, Matthew 12, Mark 1, 3, Luke 13-14.
- As we cease from our labors, the Sabbath is a day to focus on our joy and thankfulness for what Yahuah and His Son, Yahusha haMashiach (the Messiah) have done and are doing in us unto Salvation. Genesis 2.
Blow the shofar/trumpet in your lunar appointed times (#4150 – mo’edim – lunar appointed times). Seventh-day Sabbaths are all counted from the full New Moon and are, therefore, lunar appointed times. Numbers 10:8-10.
- We should be reverent and show the eternal Father Yahuah & His Son Yahusha that we love, honor, and respect their authority in our lives. Psalms 89:7, Habakkuk 2:20.
Elaborate food preparation is to be done before the Sabbath hours begin at sunrise so that there is no baking or major cooking on the Sabbath until sunset. This principle is clarified in the story of the manna sent from heaven to feed Moses and the Yasharalites (Israelites) for forty years in the wilderness. It was a feeding schedule to restore the sacred lunar calendar, identifying work days and Sabbaths and that each commences at sunrise. Exodus 16. Three Months in a Row – Part 2
- The Sabbath is a time to lay our mental, emotional, and physical burdens down and rest. We should not do any servile work on the Sabbath, including painting the elderly neighbor’s house, which can be done another day. This includes our entire family, even our servants, beasts of burden, and strangers who live among us. Jeremiah 17; Exodus 20:10; and Deuteronomy 5.
The Sabbath should be a day of delight and rejoicing, in which we forsake our worldly thoughts, plans, and conversations for His thoughts, plans, and Holy Word. Isaiah 56 and 58.
- The Sabbath is a time to do good. We can visit and comfort the sick and the imprisoned. We can do spiritual work of encouragement on the Sabbath, serving others with love, but not by cleaning someone’s basement or yard, painting their house, or anything that can be done on a workday. The principle is to love and honor Yahuah first and foremost and then second to love our neighbor as ourselves. John 5.
- We are to avoid doing our own pleasure on His holy Sabbath, such as art projects, wild dune buggy riding, fishing, playing sports, watching worldly movies, etc. We are to call the Sabbath a delight, not doing our own pleasure, ways, or words. Isaiah 58:13 Why? Because it is Kadosh (holy, sacred, and set apart) and represents a day in Eternity.
- We are not to conduct business as in buying and selling on the Sabbath. Amos 8:5, and Nehemiah 13. When Will the Sabbath be Past?
The Sabbath is a time of prayer, praise, and Bible study, not for birthday party celebrations, long worldly phone conversations, planning our next vacation, or time spent frivolously on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Acts 16:13.
- The Sabbath is a time for deep reverence to our Creator and Savior and to discuss with others the marvels of spiritual principles, as in sharing the word of Yahuah. Acts 17:2, 18:4, 11.
The Sabbath is a time for praising Yahuah and Yahusha for all they have done for us and continue to do for our Salvation. Ephesians 5:19-20, Colossians 3:16, and Psalms 92 are called the “Sabbath Psalm.”
- You shall kindle no fire throughout your dwellings on the Sabbath day.” Exodus 35:3. Does this mean in the winter you must go without heat or fire? Not at all. Rather, this is a criterion ordained by the Creator that defines the parameters of the Sabbath day. At a time when the Jews and most of the Sabbath-keeping world teach that the day begins at sunset or midnight, this verse exposes these as false. How? The belief that the Sabbath begins at sunset requires a fire to be kindled before sunset. Later, when the family members sleep for the night, the fire will, in most cases, go out before they arise. In this case, they would either break the Sabbath or they would not be able to rekindle the fire during the continued Sabbath hours and thus remain cold for the duration of daylight. But in contrast, if the day commences at sunrise and ends at sunset, all one has to do is kindle the fire at dawn during the hour or so before sunrise, when they awaken, and can then keep it going all day long until sunset when the Sabbath ends.
“If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday.
Yahuah will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.
If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of Yahuah honorable, and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words, then you shall delight yourself in Yahuah; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of Yahuah has spoken.” Isaiah 58:10-14
Locating the Authentic Sabbath Day
We have discussed HOW to keep the Sabbath holy, sacred, and set apart, but now we will discuss the deeper aspects of WHEN to keep the Sabbath. In all actuality, keeping it on the correct day as our Creator prescribes is the only way to keep it holy, sacred, and set apart. You will be keeping it alone with any other arrangement, as He is not in it. Any day that is not His kadosh Sabbath or New Moon day is His work day. Don’t take my word for this; it is a compilation of my research. Rather, take this opportunity to do your own due diligence and search beyond this article.
- What are the parameters of the Sabbath day? Is it from midnight to midnight, sunset to sunset, or from sunrise to sunset? According to the weight of evidence in Scripture, the sacred parameters of the Sabbath are from sunrise to sunset. The following two articles go into great detail from different perspectives. A Day in Genesis. Sunrise or Sunset, When Does the Day Begin?
- How are we instructed to locate the authentic seventh-day Sabbath of our Creator and sort out our days correctly? The Sabbath days are to be counted from each New Moon Day. The following article explains this. Appointing Our Days
- Did the Eternal Father, Yahuah Alahim, create His time-measuring mechanism to reflect the rhythms of the pagan Roman Gregorian calendar? No! Did He ordain it to hang on our walls and appoint His seventh-day Sabbaths and Feast Days based on YEARS that commence in winter, with MONTHS, WEEKS, & DAYS all divorced from the moon and its lunar cycles? No!! Are you aware that all the Sabbaths that can be connected with a date occur on one of four specific lunar dates? Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly Lunar Dates.
- Was it the aim and combined effort of Julius Caesar, Constantine the Great, and Pope Gregory, with their modern Roman Calendar invention, to reflect the dictates of the Yahuah’s Torah Law as recorded in Scripture with its New Moon Days, lunar Sabbaths, and lunar-appointed Feast Day celebrations? No! No! A thousand times, No! Their purpose was born of rebellion to oppose the TRUTHS of His Torah Law in every way. The Constantinian Creed
Each person can open their mind to the evidence or be just another casualty of following the masses of deceived sheep over a cliff unto utter destruction. But if your heart desires to take up the banner of truth, consider the following evidence as would a noble Berean during the days of the Apostles.
His Rules of Authentication
First Rule – The first rule to locate the authentic and original Sabbath and accurately number our days is to establish the calendar model designed by our Creator in Genesis 1:14 that was singularly utilized and expanded upon by Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, David, Ezekiel, and all the other prophets as recorded throughout Scripture, including our Messiah. The fact is that honoring the wrong calendar means we will be keeping the wrong Sabbath.
So then the question is asked: if one is worshiping according to an alternate calendar or spurious Sabbath not ordained by the Creator, who are they really honoring and worshiping? Might it be an impostor stepping in to receive their worship? And no matter how thoroughly you keep the wrong Sabbath, you will be celebrating it alone, as neither Yahuah Alahim nor His Son will celebrate it with you.
“So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Tehilim (Psalms) 90:12
Second Rule – It has been discovered that all the Creator’s time units are consistently and accurately displayed by and or counted from the full New Moon. Count to the seventh day on the correct and authentic calendar model beaconed from the Trinity of Lights. As a result, any year, month, week, or day on any calendar not presented by this ordained heavenly light model is a fraud.
Utilize the original and authentic Creator’s Calendar as defined in Psalms 89:37, Psalms 104:19, Genesis 1:14-16, Ezekiel 46:1-3, and Isaiah 66:23. Appointing Our Days
“He ordained the MOON for SEASONS (seasons = #4150 – mo’edim – lunar appointed times); the brilliant rays of the SUN reveal and endue it, making known its entrance [in the east].” Psalms 104:19 (This explains what governs the time-element of the term the translators utilized as “SEASONS and/or FEAST DAYS” in Genesis 1:14 and Leviticus 23:2-4. Because Seasons = lunar appointed times.)
“It shall be established FOREVER like the MOON, even like the trustworthy WITNESS in the sky.” Psalms 89:37
Note: The pragmatic takeaway from the above verses in Genesis 1:14 and Leviticus 23:2-4 is that the Hebrew word mo’edim, translated as “seasons,” emphatically does not mean seasons of the year. Rather, it refers to the lunar months.
Third Rule – This is further supported by the reality that Scripture outlines that the authentic seventh-day Sabbath is always the day following the fourteen-day lunar count to Passover. This places the seventh day Sabbath on the 15th of the first lunar month every year. Passover’s Seven Scriptural GPS Fun Facts.
Fourth Rule – For Three Months in a Row, after leaving Egypt, the Children of Israel kept the seventh-day Sabbath on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of each month. If that weren’t enough, the evidence shows they actually kept the Sabbath on these same dates for the entire forty years they spent in the wilderness until their entering the Promised Land and beyond. Three Months in a Row – The Exodus, the Manna, and the Mountain, and Forty Years Later.
How the Creator’s Calendar Works
Here is an example of how the Creator’s Calendar works.
Six workdays (2-7) followed by the FIRST SABBATH – Day 8
Six workdays (9-14) followed by the SECOND SABBATH – Day 15
Six workdays (16-21) followed by the THIRD SABBATH – Day 22
Six workdays (23-28) followed by the FOURTH SABBATH – Day 29
Transition workday – (day 30 occurs every other month.)
Six workdays (2-7) followed by the FIRST SABBATH – Day 8
Six workdays (9-14) followed by the SECOND SABBATH – Day 15
Six workdays (16-21) followed by the THIRD SABBATH – Day 22
Six workdays (23-28) followed by the FOURTH SABBATH – Day 29
Each New Moon Day refreshes and repeats the lunar month layout, plus or minus the 30th day. The very fact that the New Moon Day exists causes it to break the cycle of weeks every lunar month. Interestingly, while the Sabbath is always the seventh day of the week, it is never the seventh day of the lunar month. This illustrates that Sabbaths cannot overlap with New Moon Days, as some solar calendar proponents declare. Refer to the article, The Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates.)
Our Creator’s Invitation to Worship
Exodus 20:10 declares, “The seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahuah your Alahim/Elohim.” Meaning that our Creator has shared with mankind “His Sabbath” from eternity past, which continues today in the present and will remain consistent into the perpetual future. He invited mankind to be included together with His unfallen angel messengers and unfallen worlds as they harmoniously assemble to worship their Creator and benefactor on His pre-appointed sacred days. These worship days and their rhythms preexisted Earth’s creation.
So it is that TIME on earth was then synchronized with Yahuah Alahim’s very throne room during the first week of its existence. This is a foundation stone most often misunderstood and not fully comprehended. This fact that the 7th day of the earth was sequenced harmoniously to the very throne room of our Creator provides accurate accounting for all the other days. Specifically, the first three numbered days that were identified with the boundary markers in Genesis 1 detail “the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day” with the phrase “and evening and morning” before the sun, moon, and stars were created or time set.
The sun, moon, and stars were designed for LIGHTS, TIME, and HEAT, but they also are the very signature of our Creator and declare His MAJESTY above all who would-be gods. Each day of Earth’s creation fell upon a workday of the Eternal Father, a unique cycle of time that pre-existed Earth’s creation. These six workdays were sandwiched between His two sacred and set-apart days.
While many assume that these two sacred days were both seventh-day Sabbaths, is it possible that the first (Rosh, chief) was a New Moon Day? Why? According to Scripture, the Hebrew YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, and DATES were all tied to the NEW MOON DAYS. So when Genesis 1:1 begins with those famous words, “IN THE BEGINNING” (בראשׁית), can we pinpoint exactly where we are in the YEAR, LUNAR MONTH, LUNAR WEEK, and the stunning lunar phase demarcation of DAYS? YES! YES! And YES!
This is no different than finding the beginning of time on a clock, where both hands point straight up at 12:00. Similarly, the first day of the ancient Hebrew Year was also the first day of the lunar month. The four lunar weeks began the next day. This is precisely how our Creator did it. And because New Year’s Day was also the New Moon Day, it was set apart as a sacred REST DAY to receive corporate worship from all His created beings. This necessitated that He begins His work of earth’s creation on the following day, the first day of HIS workweek. This first day of the workweek was also the second day of earth’s first lunar year and the first lunar month.
As a result, there has never been more than six days in a row in which the Eternal Father, Yahuah Alahim, was free to create the earth. This is self-evident in Genesis 1 and in perfect harmony with Exodus 20:10.
It is easy to see why most folks automatically assume that the first week of creation was sandwiched between two seventh-day Sabbaths. This is because “ALL THE WORLD” has been indoctrinated to believe the modern Roman continuous weekly cycle has always existed and was in harmony with Scripture. But this view is only possible if the New Moon Day is wholly ignored and removed from the Creator’s time-measuring equation. But, this traditional interpretation falls apart in light of Ezekiel 46:1-3, Leviticus 23, and Isaiah 66:22-23. For these, identify that the New Moon Day is a Scriptural reality and preordained starting point that must be included in the hypothesis of counting TIME from creation to the crucifixion and onward to modern times. And by so doing, it is discovered that the New Moon Day is a third kind of day that, for the mere fact of its existence, it breaks the cycle of weeks each and every lunar month.
Here in Ezekiel 46:1-3, we discover that not only is the Sabbath a Kadosh (holy, sacred, and set-apart) day of worship, but so is the New Moon Day.
Note that most of the same principles that apply to Sabbath-keeping also apply to keeping the New Moon Day holy, sacred, and set apart. The only two differences are that the New Moon Day is always the first day of the lunar month and never the seventh day of a week or month. The other difference is that New Moon Day is a fast day, without food between sunrise and sunset. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t eat something before sunrise. This is supported by the story of the manna provided for Israel one month after they left Egypt. Manna was given for six days; on the sixth day, a double portion was provided for food for the Sabbath. But no manna was given on New Moon Days.
“Each New Moon was celebrated with a fast.” Jewish Family Celebrations, p. 35.
“…The sacred festival of the new moon, which people give notice of with trumpets, and the day of fasting, on which abstinence from all meats and drinks is enjoined…” Philo, Vol. 26, p. 159
The Forgotten Foundation of All Christian Churches
Add to this that the Constantinian Creed (A.D. 325) was devised as the foundational legacy for His new religion called Christianity. This creed was predominantly designed to abolish all things related to the hated Yahudim (Jews) within the Roman Empire, but it covertly undermined and ended obedience to the Scripture’s (O.T.) Torah Law. Tossed in the trash bin was the very LAW created as an instruction outline that testified to the time-centric prophetic revelation of the Messiah’s mediatorial work of salvation. Just like that! This ancient path of truth, specifically recorded for His obedient and faithful followers through the ages, was now destined to be lost and hidden under the rubble of Constantine’s Christian Creed.
Constantinian Creed
“I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspirations, purifications, sanctifications, and propitiations, and fasts and New Moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants, and observances, and synagogues.
Absolutely everything Jewish, every [TORAH] Law, rite and custom and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Cain and the leprosy of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable. And may I be an anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils.” Stefano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium Martyrum Orientalium at Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105. [Emphasis mine]
From this evidence alone, do you recognize how it is impossible that the Roman continuous weekly cycle, so popular today, was ever proactively designed to synchronize to the Creator’s Calendar, His New Moon Days, or His lunar Sabbaths as recorded in Scripture’s Torah Law? Do you see that it simply does not fit the Scriptural criteria on any level? The Constantinian Creed, the Forgotten Foundation of All Christian Churches.
The Popular Roman Replacement Calendar
The seventh-day Sabbath, as all have understood it, took a dive and was changed when the Roman Julian/Gregorian calendar intercepted and replaced the astro-luni-solar calendar, its New Moon Days, seventh-day Sabbaths, and all its lunar appointed Feast Days. The very calendar that the Hebrew people were entrusted to guard and protect was wholly abolished. Although its demise or attack began with Julius Caesar in 45 BC, its downward spiral developed at intervals over the next 400 years. The second step occurred when the Jews were taken captive by the Romans in A.D. 70 and, over the centuries, were ultimately pressured to accept much of the new Roman calendar model legislated by Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. and forced upon the Rabbinical Jews in 358 A.D.
After this was accomplished, it was only a matter of time until all the world was coerced to drink the same cool aid. “And all the world wondered after the Beast.” Revelation 13:3. This landslide from our Creator’s Calendar TRUTH to the debauchery of Rome’s replacement calendar is captured in the following poem. Here, you will find Scripture and historical references and support articles for deeper study.
While All the World Slumbered
While you were sleeping, time passed quickly by,
First the sun, then the moon, and all the stars in the sky.
Celestial bodies revolving, ever onward to show,
His magnificent timepiece, from its EAST to WEST flow.
Matthew 25:5; Genesis 1:14-18; Psalms 19:1-3; Psalms 97:6-7.
“The East-West Time Continuum.”
Placed in the heavens, at the Creator´s command,
They brought joy and harmony, throughout the whole land.
If this weren’t enough, He portioned the moon’s light,
For lunar months, lunar days, and lunar Sabbaths delight.
Genesis 1:14-18; 1 Chronicles 23:3-32; Exodus 12:1-3; Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23; Psalms 81:3.
“The Fourth Day of Creation.”
He set for a sign, His Sabbath with care,
To be counted from New Moons, high up in the air.
The full moon that’s seen, tells us Sabbath’s the eighth,
The fifteenth, twenty-second, and twenty-ninth, is the date.
Exodus 12:1-3; 16; 19; 1 Chronicles 23:3-32; Numbers 10:10; Numbers 28:14; Psalms 19:1-3;
Psalms 97:6-7; Genesis 1:14-18; 1 Samuel 20:5; 2 Kings 4:23; Psalms 81:3; Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1-3; Amos 8:5.
“Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates;” “Sabbath, the Fruit of the Tree of Time.”
Each light in its place, as the hands of a clock,
His trustworthy witness, Scripture’s mysteries unlock.
Neither fame nor fortune, these tidings designed,
But to declare YAH’s obedient, among those of mankind.
Psalms 89:37; John 11:9; Revelation 12:1.
“He Ordained the Full Moon for Appointed Times.”
In the first century B.C., in the city of Rome,
Caesar thought to remove TIME, from YAH’s celestial dome.
Sinister plans then began, for an all-out-and-out-lie,
For of TIME man must be master, and not the full moon in the sky.
Encyclopedia Britannica; Encyclopaedia Biblica, 1903p. 5290; Genesis 1:14-18; Daniel 7:25;
“The Lunar Sabbath’s Stunning Historical Evidence.”
While all the world slumbered and all the world slept,
The Julian calendar was crafted, and on walls has been kept.
Through the hands of Constantine, and Pope Gregory it passed,
T’was perfected and honed, and in cement, it was cast.
Matthew 25:5; Roman Calendar Encyclopedia, Days of the Week;
“No Matter How You Read Your Bible…”
Solar years, solar months, solar weeks were declared!
As from a long string of pearls, days were divided and pared.
The moon and her phases were erased from the books,
Even from Torah Scriptures, by those dirty crooks.
Iranaeus 2nd Century A.D.; Daniel 7:25;
“Support Evidence for the Full Moon as New Moon.”
YAH’s New Moons became “months,” to confuse every saint,
Lunar weeks became “cycles,” a Satanic calendar taint,
Years beginning in spring soon began “fall” or “winter,”
And sunrise to sunset, “a midnight or sundown splinter.”
Exodus 12:1-3; Leviticus 23:1-44; Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23; Psalms 136:7-9;
“The Creator’s Calendar Comparison Chart.”
Floating unbroken cycles, of successive weeks,
Reflect not of creation, but of the counterfeit, it speaks.
While the theory of evolution must be avoided at all cost,
Cycling weeks are not an option, or the world will be lost.
Exodus 12:1-28; Exodus 16:1-36; Exodus 19:1-25;
Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23: Leviticus 23:1-44.
“Constantine and the Week.”
Appointed Feast Days of YAH, were replaced with the new,
Passover became “Easter,” on a counterfeit day too.
While Sunday has never, been the Sabbath it´s true,
Neither Friday night nor Saturday, as kept by the Jew.
Exodus 12:1-8; Leviticus 23:5; Psalms 74:3, Psalms 74:7-8; Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1
Patrick Madrid, Catholic Priest on EWTN, Global Catholic Radio Network;
“No Debate, Saturday is the Seventh Day of the Roman Calendar.”
Arbitrary, is man’s dateline, a Pacific Ocean location,
Changed at his will, for Rome’s calendar accommodation.
But, YAH’s dateline is lunar, and always will be,
His trustworthy witness, His New Moon is key.
Psalms 89:37; “Samoa’s Dateline Paradox.”
Constantine’s hatred of Jews, caused him to create,
A foundational CREED, ALL CHRISTIANS must emulate.
“Away with the TORAH, YAH’s LAWS to dispose,”
“We’re under GRACE now, you see,” the deceived will propose.”
“Constantine’s Creed, the Foundation of All Christian Churches.”
Through long centuries of Inquisition, they stamped out the truth,
So the oracles of creation, would be lost from our youth.
While all the world slumbered, and all the world slept,
His commandments were twisted, and the fourth was not kept.
Psalms 74:3, Psalms 74:7-8; Daniel 7:25; Matthew 25:5;
Exodus 20:8-11; John 11:35;
“Who Were the Early Believers.”
The full moon was ordained, the astronomical beacon,
Honoring our Father above, a sign man must weaken.
Together with the sun, and stars in their place,
Try, try as he might, sinful man can´t erase.
Numbers 10:10; Numbers 28:14; Psalms 19:1-3; Psalms 97:6-7;
Genesis 1:14-18; 1 Samuel 20:5; 2 Kings 4:23; Psalms 81:3;
Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1-3; Amos 8:5;
“The Visible Stars Define the Parameters of the Day.”
Amazing and shocking, as this message may be,
The truth still resides, with the full moon all see.
Ordained at creation it declares from above,
YAH´S statutes are unchanging, just as His law of love.
John 8:32; John 14:6; Deuteronomy 4:19; Isaiah 66:23;
Psalms 72:6-7; Genesis 1:14-18;
In the darkness of night, He calls for His bride,
To make ready the wedding, to be by His side.
Yet, all are deceived now, and don´t hear His voice,
Because the enemy’s men, have obliterated their choice.
Revelation 12:1; Isaiah 62:5; Revelation 18:4;
Daniel 7:25; Psalms 74:3, Psalms 74:7-8;
“A Case for the Lunar Sabbath;”
“The Bride in Waiting.”
While all the world slumbered, and all the world slept,
Our loving Father looked down, and with sorrow, He wept.
”Look up! Look up!” with a loud voice He shouted.
”My LIGHTS reveal SIGNS, which the world has long doubted?”
Matthew 25:5; John 11:35; Luke 21:25; Ezekiel 20:12-13;
“Sabbath and the Island Dweller’s Bible in a Bottle;”
“Three Days and Three Nights.”
“My Sabbath was lost, now restored by My moon,
A revealing of truth, My RETURN’S coming soon.
The test will be TIME, revealing those who obey,
It’s man´s final battle, and Salvation’s EAST gateway.”
Exodus 20:8-11; Psalms 74:3, 7, 8; Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23;
Psalms 81:3; Numbers 28:14; Psalms 72:6-7;
While some have believed Sabbath´s truth was complete,
Scripture overtly reveals its false calendar beat.
The seventh it is and always will be,
From NEW MOON to NEW MOON, through all eternity.
Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1-3; Daniel 7:25; Revelation 12:1; Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 410;
Roman Calendar Encyclopedia, Days of the Week
The New Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia, p. 135-136.
The Jewish Encyclopedia, “Calendar;”
“New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep.”
All is not lost now, erroneous beliefs mankind links,
But during times of our ignorance, Yah literally winks.
To follow the LAMB, requires more than mere rhymes,
The temple cornerstone was lunar, His Feasts, prophetic SIGNS of the TIMES.
Acts 17:30; Revelation 14:4; Leviticus 23:1-44; Matthew 16:3;
“Prophetic Feast Days of Yahusha the Messiah.”
If you too are waking and can hear Yah’s faint voice,
Don´t wait on the fence, for the world to rejoice.
Confess on your knees, and ask Him to reveal,
His New Moons, lunar Sabbaths, His Passover Feast, His seal.
Daniel 12:2; Isaiah 52:1-2; Revelation 16:15; Matthew 16:3;
Esther 8:8; Isaiah 8:16; John 3:33; Revelation 7:2-3;
“Five Historic Methods of Time Keeping.”
From Genesis to Revelation, it’s revealed from of old,
That all will not wake, to the truth as is told.
Mostly mankind will continue, to go their own way,
Neither caring nor sharing YAH’s coming Judgment day.
Daniel 12:2; Isaiah 52:1-2; Revelation 16:15; Ezekiel 44:24;
Daniel 7:10; Daniel 7:22; Revelation 14:7;
“The Consequences for Changing Yah’s Set-Time Laws.”
Wheat and tares grow together, for a time YAH’s not fickle,
But when the harvest is ripe, He puts in His sickle.
It reveals what is in a man, to obey is our part,
No greater test will there be, this revealer of the heart.
Matthew 13:38-40; Joel 3:12-13; Mark 4:29; Jeremiah 50:16;
Deuteronomy 16:9; Revelation 14:14-20;
“Passover’s End-Time Significance.”
Over true TIME is the battle, astro-lunar time will be found,
Passover’s time-centric secret, for those eternity bound.
Yet, in accordance with ROME, and a pagan “holiday” feast,
“All the world in complacency, wonder after the BEAST.”
Revelation 16:16; Mark 4:11-12; Leviticus 23:1-44; Psalms 74:3, Psalms 74:7-8;
Acts 18:21; Revelation 13:3-4; Revelation 19:20;
“Appointing Our Days; “The Shocking Truth About Christmas.”
While all the world slumbered, and all the world slept,
The Messiah died on conjunction, Passover’s solar eclipse to project;
The truth as is beaconed, from our Creator’s time-centric space,
Full New Moons are the secret, to see His marvelous face.
Luke 23:44-45; Matthew 25:5; Matthew 26:19; 1 Corinthians 5:7;
Ezekiel 46:1; Isaiah 66:23; Leviticus 23:1-44;
“The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour;”
“The Mark of the Beast or the Seal of Yahuah?”
Poem by Kerrie L. French
Sunday Keeper’s Perceived Exemption
Sunday keepers do not claim to keep Sunday as a sacred Sabbath because they teach the Torah Law was done away with at the Cross of Calvary, and they are now under Grace. For them, Sunday has not equated with the Sabbath or Sabbath-keeping. They do not seek to keep it holy, sacred, or set apart. Rather, most attend church but believe and teach that they are free from any binding claims of sacredness for the remainder of the day.
The Sacred Parameters of the Sabbath Day
But the Kadosh (holy and sacred) lunar Sabbath remains perpetual as a worship day unto our Creator. He has, therefore, given mankind guidelines on how to worship Him in the Ruach of Kadoshim (holiness). What are the sacred hours of the Sabbath? Contrary to what many have claimed, the weight of Biblical evidence defines that all days, including the Sabbath day, commence at sunrise and end at sunset. For He ordained the greater LIGHT to rule the daylight. (Genesis 1:16). Meaning days are 12 hours long, as presented on a sundial. Nights are simply the intermission between one day and the next and are measured according to an entirely different method than days. The night is measured by the movement of the stars from east to west. Our Messiah declared:
“Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walks in the day, he stumbles not, because he sees the light of this world. But if a man walks in the night, he stumbles because there is no light in him.” John 11:9.
Remember, the Jews cannot use this evidence as they neither read the New Testament nor believe that Yahusha, the Messiah, has come.
Additional support verses include: Genesis 1:14-16; Lamentations 3:23; Psalms 113:3; Genesis 8:22; Malachi 1:11; Psalms 110:3; Psalms 50:1-2.
Sunrise or Sunset, When Does the Day Begin?
The Sabbath and the Island Dweller’s Bible in a Bottle
Sabbath, Fruit of the Tree of Time
Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates
The Lunar Sabbath’s Stunning Historical Evidence
Amazing Evidence from Antiquity