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The Creator’s Astro-luni-solar Calendar

Question 1: Where in Scripture does it explain how the astro-luni-solar calendar works? Just give me one verse that explains the calendar?

Answer:  “Thus says Yahuah; the gate of the inner court that looks toward the east shall be shut the six working days, but on the Sabbath, it shall be opened, and in the day of the New Moon, it shall be opened.” Ezekiel 46:1

From this verse, the Almighty Father is declaring that there are three kinds of days that can never overlap according to His time system (there is also a fourth kind of day). Here are listed New Moon days, Sabbath days, and regular workdays. The description of the gate is open or closed would be similar to a traffic light with all three colors. When it is green, it cannot be either red or yellow. When it is red, it cannot be either yellow or green. When it is yellow, it cannot be either green or red.

In this way, we discover that the current man-made calendar that Rome has successfully promoted is out of harmony with the Scriptural model. Look at your own wall calendar to see for yourself that what NASA defines as the “New Moon” (which is not actually the New Moon) appears to float throughout the solar month, regularly falling on either the workdays or the Sabbath of any given month. The same applies to the full moon, the Creator’s authentic and original New Moon.

Notice that according to the criteria of the Almighty, and sealed with a, “thus says Yahuah,” the New Moon days and Sabbath days can never fall on mere workdays. The open gate identifies his sacred appointed New Moon Days and Sabbaths, while a closed gate identifies the non-sacred work days of the week. Each day of the year, month, and week are defined by this same method.

By default, Roman Gregorian calendation does not meet the Almighty’s recorded criteria, as every day of its year, months, and weeks are defined by its unbroken-successive-weekly cycle. Any calendar or time-keeping system that follows a continuous weekly cycle protocol will, in all actuality, be what is floating throughout the lunar month and will never be in harmony with the appointed time-system standard as ordained by the Creator. This is because this man-made week causes its daily rotation to spin out of harmony with what our Creator has defined with the example of an “open and shut gate/door.”

Article Link: The Creator’s Calendar Units of Time.

Question 2: I have always believed that all calendars are basically the same, so why does it matter what calendar we keep?

Answer: It is well known among theologians that the Hebrews, from the time of Moses to the time of the Messiah, used the astro-luni-solar calendar for their sacred appointed Feast Days. Moses recorded both Genesis and Exodus, so if there had been a discrepancy between the timekeeping from Creation to his own time, he would have questioned Yahuah (YHUH), the Most High. Fifteen hundred years later, the Messiah, Yahusha, kept all the Feast Days and seventh-day Sabbaths according to the Torah recorded by Moses. In fact, His purpose as our Redeemer and Savior was to fulfill all of the seven Feast Days, as these are the Blueprint unto Salvation, the REMEDY to restore mankind back to the Father and His STANDARD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, the Ten Commandments.

Another way to be certain that the calendar of Creation and the Exodus was the same as that of the crucifixion of the Messiah is that the New Year continued to begin in the spring, the month continued to commence with the full New Moon, which set up all the dates, weeks and Sabbaths for each 29 or 30 day period. At the time of the Messiah, this same system was still honored and in effect. Conversely, the modern Roman Gregorian calendar is not in harmony with the phases of the moon as defined by Scripture’s astro-luni-solar calendar and provides no time-centric REMEDY for SIN unto Salvation.

Article/Study Link: Worship at the East Gate.

Question 3: As far as the days of the week are concerned, isn't the calendar that's on our walls today the same as what was hanging on the walls in the Messiah's day?

Answer:  There is no Scriptural or historical record of wall calendars among the Hebrews. It appears from Scripture that the Israelites were instructed to look to the shamayim (heavens) for their calendation.

According to Scripture, Yahuah prepared His calendar prior to creating Adam and Eve in eternity past. By creating Earth’s sun, moon, and stars to rule time on the fourth day of creation, Yahuah synchronized mankind to His own worship rhythm.  All they had to do was to look up into the starry heavens for the conspicuous “full” New Moon. Their loving Creator left nothing to guesswork but placed in the shamayim the sun, moon, and stars for measuring SIGNS, SEASONS (mo’edim – lunar appointed , DAYS, and YEARS (Genesis 1:14). The Fourth Day of Creation

Strong’s Concordance Hebrew description of signs and seasons:

signs = # 226. oth; prob. from #225 (in the sense of appearing); a signal (lit. or fig.), as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc.:- mark, miracle, (en-) sign, token. #225 uwth; a prim. root; prop. to come, i.e. (impl.) to assent :- consent.

seasons = #4150. mo’ed or mo’edim, properly an appointment, i.e. a fixed time or season; specifically, a festival; conventional a year; by implication, an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); technically the congregation; by extension, the place of meeting; also a signal (as appointed beforehand): appointed (sign, time), (place of, solemn) assembly, congregation, (set, solemn) feast, (appointed, due) season, solemnity, synagogue, (set) time (appointed).

Add to this what Psalms 104:19 says, “He [YAHUAH] appointed the MOON for SEASONS.

What this means is that SEASONS [aka mo’edim – H#4150 – specific LUNAR appointed time.]


What becomes apparent from the Hebrew definitions above in connection with the Scripture verses below is that the seventh-day Sabbath is both a sign and a season [ mo’edim – specific lunar appointed time]. The implication of this is that the Sabbath, which punctuates the seven-day week of creation, is, after all, reckoned by the sun, moon, and stars, as specified in Genesis 1:14. In contrast, there is no mention in all of Genesis or anywhere else in Scripture that the Sabbath is reckoned by an unbroken continuous weekly cycle that is wholly disconnected from the rules of time-measuring that is mentioned, i.e., the LIGHTS in the heavens.

Notice it is the Creator speaking, who says that He gave them the Sabbaths to be a sign.

“Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign (#226 oth) between them and Me, that they might know that I am Yahuah who sanctifies them. Yet the house of Israel rebelled against Me in the wilderness; they did not walk in My statutes; they despised My judgments, which, if a man does, he shall live by them; and they greatly defiled My Sabbaths. Ezekiel 20:12-13 NKJV

I am Yahuah your Alahim: Walk in My statutes, keep My judgments, and do them; hallow My Sabbaths, and they will be a sign (#226 oth) between Me and you, that you may know that I am Yahuah your Alahim.’ Ezekiel 20:19-20 NKJV

They also who dwell in the farthest parts are afraid of Your signs (#226 owth); you make the outgoings of the morning and evening rejoice. Psalms 65:88 NKJV

Your enemies roar in the midst of Your meeting place; they set up their banners (counterfeit calendars with unbroken cycles of weeks) for signs (#226 owth). Psalms 74:4 NKJV

We do not see our signs (#226 oth); there is no longer any prophet; nor is there any among us who knows how long (time). Psalms 74:9 NKJV

Here am I and the children whom Yahuah has given me! We are for signs (#226 oth) and wonders in Israel from Yahuah of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion (sacred mountain of time). Isaiah 8:18 NKJV

“Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; do not be dismayed at the signs (#226 oth), of the shamayim (#8064 revolving celestial bodies) for the Gentiles are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are futile . . . Jeremiah 10:2-3 NKJV

Refer to article, Scripture’s Weight of Evidence.

Question 4: Isn't it impossible to tell when the start of the first day of the month is, just by using astronomical calculations?

Answer:   Each lunar phase has a number value, beginning with New Moon Day as #1. The Israelites did not know in advance from one month to the next if the current month would be 29 or 30 days in length. If the current month date was the 29th, and there was cloud cover, they could know with certainty that the following day was either the 30th day of the current month or the first day of a new month, referred to as New Moon Day. So on occasion, they would keep the next day as if it were the New Moon day to make sure they did not desecrate a sacred day.
With astronomical technology available to us today, we can make relatively accurate guesses in advance as to the length of future months. However, I personally believe that in Yahuah’s providence, He didn’t want the Israelites planning out their year too far in advance, as He wanted them to depend upon Him for their future. What He desired was for them to look up often and be led by Him, in this way putting their calendation trust in Him.

Question 5: How can you prove that the week is related to the lunar month?

Answer:  There are multiple pieces of evidence from Scripture that illustrate that the New Moon indeed sets its true and sacred seventh-day Sabbath.

In every place in Scripture where calendar dates can be applied to the seventh-day Sabbath, these are always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, or 29th. The seventh-day Sabbath never falls on any other date. This is not possible when using the Roman Gregorian calendar.

In the story of “Three Months in a Row, the Exodus, the Manna, and the Mountain,” the heavenly Father re-clarified to Israel His time system. It is revealed that in all three months, the seventh-day Sabbaths fall on exactly the same calendar dates (Exodus 12; 16; 19). At the end of Israel’s forty-year wilderness wondering, the book of Joshua clarifies that the manna forever ceased on the day after the Sabbath. The day it ceased was the 16th of the lunar month, making Sabbath the 15th of the month. This final detail by Joshua sheds light on evidence that every month of every year for all forty years, the Sabbath was indeed only located by counting from the New Moon. Three Months in a Row, Part 1.

In addition, the six-month length of time between the spring Feast of Unleavened Bread to the fall Feast of Tabernacles reveals that an unbroken cycle of successive weeks is not in harmony with Scriptural calendation. This is because both the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles always commence on a lunar seventh-day Sabbath and the 15th of the lunar month. To try to connect both feasts with an unbroken cycle of successive weeks renders it broken within these six months, as it cannot fit the Scriptural Criteria. But in fact, the successive week cycle is broken every month because the New Moon day exists, as it is neither a workday nor a Sabbath. Passover to Tabernacles Calendar Challenge. 

These are just a few of the many shreds of evidence from Scripture, for an in-depth look at many more, click here.

Article Link: Worship at the East Gate Article Link: Three Months in a Row Article Link: Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly Dates

Question 6: The continuous weekly cycle is independent of both the Gregorian calendar and the lunisolar calendar. Both the Roman Gregorian calendar and the lunisolar calendar number their days of the month without regard to the days of the week. Doesn't this prove that the weeks cannot possibly be connected in any way to the astro-luni-solar calendar?

Answer:  You are correct that the numbering of the days of the month has nothing to do with the numbering of the days of the week in the Gregorian calendar. But this is not true of the Creator’s authentic astro-luni-solar calendar. The numbering of the month’s calendar dates is always connected to the numbering of the weeks. New Moon Day is the 1st day of the month. This is then followed by four sets of weeks, each and every month. The first day of the first week is always the 2nd day of the lunar month, which causes the first Sabbath to occur on the 8th date of the lunar month. By design, this renders all the seventh-day Sabbaths each lunar month to be located on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th, consistently. It is this Scriptural evidence that unmasks the lie that unbroken cycles of successive weeks have continued since creation. The New Moon refreshes each new month by breaking the cycle of weeks. In other words, the cycle of weeks is broken each and every month by the New Moon Day, which the Scriptures define as a third kind of day. Article Link: Passover to Tabernacles Calendar Challenge Article Link: Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly Dates

Question 7: How do you measure months with an astro-luni-solar calendar if you cannot see the moon?

Answer:   Yahuah’s people today need to follow the example of His people in earlier times when they faithfully and obediently honored His calendar. While it is true that sometimes the pagan months were very long, the Hebrew months were never longer than 30 days and never shorter than 29 days. If no “full” New Moon was conspicuously visible the night of the 30th because of cloud cover, the new month began the next day anyway, as the 30th day is always the last day of the month. Today, we live in the age of modern astronomy in which we can know the accurate Universal Time coordinates of the full New Moon in advance by over a hundred years. This provides no excuse for not utilizing these known time factors. However, it is always best to confirm each New Moon with a personal sighting whenever possible. Also, the longer you study this system, the more tricks you discover for knowing when the next New Moon Day will be. So even without NASA or the USNO, one can be quite accurate.  Step-by-Step Guide for Locating the Full New Moon.

Question 8: Is there any place in the book of Revelation that alludes to the astro-luni-solar calendar being a factor in the last and final conflict on earth, before Messiah returns for His believers?

Answer:   This is an excellent question, I am so glad you asked.
And there appeared a great wonder in the shamayim; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. Revelation 12:1 KJV
Each of the celestial terms given in Revelation 12:1 are describing visible lights in connection with the pure woman, His true assembly of believers. All are reminiscent of the Genesis 1:14-18 creation account. It is also significant that this verse depicts the moon under her feet because it signifies that the moon is “visible.” Nothing can be illustrated if it is invisible, as in the conjunction lunar phase, so popular among the Jews. To be a beacon, the New Moon must be a light, described as the lesser light in Genesis 1:16.
This woman pictured in Revelation 12 is descriptive of Yahuah’s true and obedient people, as she is represented by the constellation Bethulah (Virgo/virgin). This great wonder in the shamayim has been discovered to be announcing New Year’s Eve with the presentation of a “full” New Moon for the start of months under her feet. There is only one night per year in the spring when Virgo is standing upright when the moon appears at, under or nearest her feet. All of this occurs on the eastern horizon at sunset when the full moon rises and shines all night along the east-west time continuum.  She has twelve stars above her head, symbolizing the twelve constellations. As she herself is also a constellation, the total number represented is 13.
It is because Bethulah (Virgo) is fully clothed with the light of the sun that we can know that the lunar phase under her feet is indeed the full moon, perfectly reflecting and representing the marvelous light of truth. But in addition, this verse describes this lunar phase under Bethulah’s feet as the “selene moon,” which means “brilliant moon.”
The sun, moon, and stars work together as a trustworthy witness of the Creator’s ordained astro-luni-solar time-keeping system. The same time system used prior to earth’s creation and the same one to perpetually follow in the earth made new (Isaiah 66:23). His obedient people will know without question who they worship, when they worship and why they worship. There is only one deserving of worship– He is the Creator, the Messiah/Redeemer, and Deliverer. Each ministration He performs on mankind’s behalf is tied to a time-centric sacred appointed Feast Day. His people will be in one accord with His laws and time system and in unity with heaven itself and the unfallen worlds.

Question 9: Are there any examples that can be demonstrated in Scripture of three consecutive lunar months in a row? If there were three, it would blow the Gregorian calendar into oblivion, as that calendar can never produce three months in a row with identical dates.

Answer: Yes! In fact, by the providence of the Almighty Father, there are three months in a row, demonstrated in Exodus 12, 16, and 19. Yahuah Alahim reclarified His time system to Moses in the First Month of Abib. Moses and the children of Israel were to count from that visible lunar phase 14 days to Passover.  Then Yahuah delivered His people from Egypt by night on the 15th after sunset when the Sabbath hours were over.

On the 15th of the Second Lunar Month, Yahuah Alahim fed the Israelites quail by night after sunset, when the Sabbath hours were past. The next morning at sunrise on the 16th, Yahuah began a feeding schedule of sending manna from the shamayim (heaven) for six days and none on the seventh day – this made the 22nd a Sabbath. If the 22nd day of the month is a Sabbath, then so also is the 8th, 15th, and 29th of each month/lunation.

In the Third Lunar Month, the Israelites arrived at Mt. Sinai by night on the 15th of Sivan. Leviticus 23:15-22 gives us the answer that defines what day of the week this 15th day was.

The reason it is possible to have “three months in a row” in which the seventh-day Sabbaths fall on the same calendar dates is that each month is refreshed with the full New Moon Day, which is followed by four seven-day weekly cycles. No days are lost or forgotten, as some have suggested, but rather Yahuah has taken a string of successive days since the time of creation and appointed a rhythm to them. He has mathematically calculated these rhythms, in conjunction with the Sanctuary services of types and shadows, to demonstrate His PROPHETIC PLAN OF SALVATION is based upon TIME & EVENT. It is all divinely synchronized like a Swiss clock. Article Link: Three Months in a Row

Question 10: Since the lunar year falls short of the solar year by 11 days each year, wouldn't the first day of Abib commence in the winter on occasion?

Answer:  This seems possible at first glance, but astro-luni-solar time is not the same as a strictly lunar year, which does fall short continually year after year. With the astro-luni-solar time measuring, it will never be out of sync with the solar calendar for more than 22 days but returns on its own with the aid of its thirteenth month every two to three years. The Hebrew astro-luni-solar year is brought back into nearly perfect harmony with the solar year on a cycle of every 19 years. While this cycle has existed from the beginning, it is known today as the Metonic cycle, named for a Greek astronomer and mathematician. Traditionally, the years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 are embolismic years because they each have the added 13th intercalary month in the sequence of the Metonic cycle.

This cycle is said to be so accurate that it can be used to predict eclipses in addition to forming the basis of the Scriptural astro-luni-solar calendar. Since each year commences with the full New Moon rising in the constellation of Bethulah (Virgo) (Revelation 12:1), either under, at, or near her feet, it appears to be the great sign in the heavens that beacons each New Year. Bethulah is depicted as holding barley in her left hand and a palm branch in her right. This event ensures that the barley will be ripe for the Feast of First Fruits on the 16th of Abib, which falls in April or the first of May, but never in March.

  1. There are 235 lunations (lunar months) in a 19 year solar year.
  2. There are 365.25 days in each solar year.
  3. A regular lunisolar (lunar-astro) year has 354.3 days.
  4. An embolismic 13 month year has 384.3 days.
  5. There are 6939 days in 19 solar years.
  6. There are 6938.2 days in 19 lunisolar years, which is less than a day short.

As a result, over a 19-year Metonic cycle, the moon keeps time perfectly with the solar year so that days are never lost, nor does the start of years float around the sun.  Article Link:  A Great Sign Appeared in the Heavens – Revelation 12:1

Question 11: I learned in History class that the only change to the calendar since the time of Christ was made by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, when Thursday October 4, was followed by Friday, October 15. This change was only in the dates of the month, while the days of the week remained the same, and no day was lost. Then from church I was taught that the only explanation for the origin of a seven-day week is that it was an act of Yahuah at Creation. What are your thoughts on this?

Answer:  The calendar was changed from the Julian to the Gregorian, as you have stated, in order to bring the Catholic Easter back into alignment with the vernal equinox. The calendar change you speak of refers only to the change in the Roman Julian/Gregorian calendar by the same Roman power. Therefore it is true that the order of days of the Roman cycling week was not affected. These changes in calendar dates on the Roman construct had no effect on the Biblical layout of the Hebrew astro-luni-solar calendar designed and placed in the heavens at Creation. This time change and restoration we all learned in school only affected the Roman calendar month layout.

There was another calendar change that declared the Hebrew astro-luni-solar calendar to be illegal and replaced it with the Julian/Gregorian calendar at the Council of Nicaea between A.D. 321 and 324. As a result of this complete calendar swap and cover-up by the Roman Emperor Constantine, the calendation and true seventh-day Sabbath of the Creator have all but been lost sight of.

“This change from the lunisolar to a fixed solar calendar occurred in Rome during the repressive measures which were enacted against ALL Jewish customs . . . during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. With the fall of the Nazarene headquarters…at Jerusalem, this new Roman calendar quickly spread throughout ‘Christendom.’ This new calendar not only replaced yearly festival dates such as Passover, but it also revamped the concept of the week and its seventh day.” Iranaeus 2nd Century A.D. “In the years following Clement of Alexandria’s time, an ominous change started to take place that was to radically change the Christian concept of the Sabbath.” Records the Encyclopedia Biblica: “This intimate connection between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom — without paying any regard to the days of the month (i.e. the lunar month) — . . . so that the New Moon no longer coincided with the first day of the month.


Then, on page 4179 of the same encyclopedia, we read: “The introduction…of the custom of celebrating the Sabbath every 7th day, irrespective of the relationship of the day to the moon’s phases, led to a complete separation from the ancient view of the Sabbath…” The MacMillan Company, 1899, p. 5290).

So with this in mind, I have a question for you. There were two calendars in use in the time of the Messiah: the Roman Julian eight-day successive week calendar and the Hebrew astro-luni-solar calendar. Which calendar do you think Yahusha the Messiah used? Article Link: Stunning Historical Evidence

Question 12: The astro-luni-solar calendar system ignores the clearest example in the Scripture showing that the moon was new on the 4th day of creation and the Sabbath was three days later. This would not be allowed in the astro-luni-solar calendar!

Answer:   If this statement were true it would be like a man who went to the store to buy a new clock. When he gets home and pulls the clock out of the box, he would be required to leave the time set according to whatever the clock says when it comes directly from the box. Of course, this is a silly story; because we know that when a person purchases a new clock they are now the owner of the clock. This ownership entitles them to set or advancing the time to whatever they choose. Each day of earth’s creation fell upon a workday of the Almighty Father. These six workdays were sandwiched between His two sacred days. These were the sacred New Moon day and His sacred seventh-day Sabbath. These set-apart days are always rest days, not only for His creations but also for the Creator, himself, that He may avail Himself to receive their worship. As a result, there are never more than six days in a row in which the heavenly Father is free to create. This is in perfect harmony with Exodus 20:10. If you use this approach that it would be impossible for the moon to reflect the eighth lunar phase on the first Sabbath, then you must also apply this same principle to everything for the sun. Since the sun would only be 4 days old the first Sabbath, does this mean it could not be the true Sabbath? Not at all. We know from Scripture that everything Yahuah created was created in its fully mature and “advanced upon” state, and not as seeds, eggs, or babies. Adam and Eve were full-grown adults on their first day of life. Wouldn’t the Creator be consistent with all creation by advancing upon the sun, Earth’s sun, moon, and stars were not created, or their time set and placed in their celestial positions until the fourth day, as a testimony that “time” upon earth was designed after the pattern of, and in harmony with the New Jerusalem. While the above time system is earth’s benefactor, only those who are obedient to its principles are the beneficiaries. Revelation represents this group of people as a pure woman with the following unique qualities:

Now a great sign appeared in the shamayim: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Revelation 12:1-2 NKJV

In the New Jerusalem and the earth made new, the same calendar rhythm instituted at creation will be utilized. According to the following verse, will its week be based on Roman principles that cycle without end, independent of the moon, or will its week be in harmony with the sun, moon, and stars, the principles that rule in the heavens?

And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says Yahuah. Isaiah 66:23

There is no getting around the importance the Yahuah places upon His sacred New Moon days and seventh-day Sabbaths. His New Moon day marks the commencement of each month, week, and year. Try as one might, the Creator’s true Sabbaths cannot be located any other way.

Question 13: Don't you think that if the astro-luni-solar calendar were provable from Scripture, it would be heralded from the seminaries?

Answer:  “There is a way which seems right unto a man . . .” Amazingly, the astro-luni-solar calendar and its true seventh-day Sabbath are provable from Scripture, yet it is not the desire of the masses and the institutions of learning to be out of step with Rome. The lunisolar pattern for New Moons and true seven-day Sabbaths is found in Ezekiel 46:1.

three-kinds-of-days 2 Article Link:  A Case for the Lunar Sabbath Rebuttal

Seventh-day Sabbaths Beaconed by the Full New Moon

Question 14: Is it really that important to keep the Sabbath by the ancient Hebrew calendar? Isn't it good enough to keep the seventh-day Sabbath by the modern calendar we're using?

Answer:  Saturday Sabbatarians, when speaking to Sunday keepers, have always insisted that the precise day for worship most certainly matters. This is because Yahuah’s sign of obedience is demonstrated in those who keep sacred His Sabbath and all the Ten Commandments and believe in the redemptive work of Yahusha the Messiah.) The true Sabbath is a sign between the Heavenly Father and His people forever (Exodus 31:12-17). It would be very inconsistent of Saturday Sabbatarians to now shrug their shoulders and say, “the Roman calendar’s seventh-day Sabbath is good enough for me” in the light of new divine revelations.
Either it is important to keep the correct day, the true Sabbath of the Most High, or it is not. If it is not, then Sunday is as good as Saturday, or any day of any calendar, for that matter.

Question 15: How can it be denied that "Saturday" is the Sabbath when for 40 years in the wilderness the Israelites received manna from the shamayim (heaven) for five days, on the sixth day they received a double portion, but none fell on the 7th day. Doesn't this clearly demonstrate that Saturday is the true seventh-day Sabbath?

Answer:   Saturday Sabbatarians have enthusiastically and successfully used the manna story to illustrate that Sunday is not the seventh-day Sabbath. However, it is also easily demonstrated that Saturday is not the seventh-day Sabbath from this self-same story.  Visit the link below.

Article Link: Three Months in a Row

Question 16: During creation week, the moon was created on the 4th day. The first Sabbath was on the 7th day, three days after the moon was created. That means there was not time for an astro-luni-solar seven-day cycle which would bring the moon into the correct phase to beacon the first seventh-day Sabbath. Don't you agree?

Answer:   If you use this approach for the moon, you must also use it for the sun, as the sun was also created and set in motion on the fourth day. From the fourth day to the seventh day is only three days. But from Genesis, we find that everything Yahuah created was created in its fully mature and “advanced upon” state, and not as seeds, eggs, or babies. This would hold true for the sun, the moon, and the stars, as well. Scripture declares that on the 4th day, Yahuah appointed and advanced upon the placement of the sun, moon, and stars. Like setting a clock, He appointed them for their specific work of measuring time (Genesis 1:14-18). What becomes apparent from the Genesis narrative is that time on earth had its beginnings and was synchronized to the Creator’s time from eternity past. This was illustrated in that the first three days of earth’s creation had no sun, moon, or stars to define its passage of time, yet the Creator defined each unit of time perfectly prior to the orbit of the celestial bodies. Simply because these things are not generally discussed does not mean they are not true. The whole world has bought into the solar time lie and lives according to the time readout on their clocks and calendars rather than the heavens (shamayim). Article Link: Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly Dates Article Link: A Case for the Lunar Sabbath Rebuttal

Question 17: The 4th commandment says we should work 6 days and rest the 7th because the Creator made the world in 6 days and rested the 7th. In other words it points to the creation Sabbath as the reason for keeping the Sabbath.

Answer:  Your statement here actually supports both of our beliefs perfectly. However, there are additional criteria that begin to cause the breakdown of the continuous weekly cycle since creation. No doubt you are aware that Yahuah reinstituted His time measuring system and true seventh-day Sabbath with Moses and the Israelites just prior to leaving Egypt. We have always used the manna story to prove that Sunday cannot be the Sabbath because it is not the seventh day. But surprisingly, this same manna story gives weighty evidence that Saturday is not the Sabbath either. In addition, there are several verses that present evidence that Saturday cannot be the true Sabbath. You are accountable to Yahuah to explore the evidence for yourself.

Article Link:  Three Months in a Row Article Link:  Worship at the East Gate


, Yahusha stood and cried, saying . . .” After you read it in context, John 8:2 states that early the next morning Yahusha the Messiah went to the temple where, later in the day, the Jews tried to stone Him (verse 59.) The very next verse, John 9:1 begins the story of the man born blind and how the Jews got angry at Yahusha for healing on the seventh-day Sabbath. If Feast of Tabernacles ends on the 22nd of the month, then this Scripture passage proves a seventh-day Sabbath actually falls on the 23rd of the month! Doesn’t this prove the lunar Sabbaths are wrong?”]

Answer:  Healing of the Blind Man

  1. The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles always falls on the 21st day and NOT the 22nd of the seventh month: (Leviticus 23:34, 36, 39-41; Numbers 29:12; Deuteronomy 16:13-15; Nehemiah 8:13-18; Ezekiel 45:21-25.)
  2. Yahusha, the Messiah attended the Feast of Tabernacles. (John7:10.)
  3. On the last day of the feast, the 21st of the seventh month, He stood and spoke. (John 7:37.)
  4. He spent that night on the Mount of Olives. (John 8:1.)
  5. The next morning, the 22nd of the seventh month, He returned to the temple. (John 8:2.)
  6. At the temple, Yahusha, the Messiah healed a blind man. (John 9:6.)
  7. The healing of the blind man caused great anger for it was the seventh-day Sabbath. (John 9:14.)

Article Link: Scripture’s Weight of Evidence

Question 19: From the time of Moses to the time of the Messiah, didn't the Israelites keep accurate records of the seven-day cycle and the Sabbath?

Answer:  The Scriptures tell us in over 200 verses that the true Hebrew believers kept track of the Sabbath according to the New Moon. They kept track only until they became disobedient and were then taken into captivity by the Babylonians. They remained in Babylon for approximately 60 years. Then Yahuah raised up Ezra and Nehemiah to restore Israel, not only to their homeland, but also to the truths of His Laws, the Temple/Sanctuary services, and also to His original time-measuring model. The purpose was so that their soul temples would be finally synchronized to that of the temple not made with hands in the heavenlies. It is all about restoring the appointed times of worship. Without doing this, they would be worshiping on days He was not receiving it. This was why they were the restorers of the breach. Every divine institution was to be restored, just as in the end time, one stone of truth upon another.

Question 20: From the time of Yahusha the Messiah to our day, didn't the Israelites and the Roman Christians keep accurate records of the seven-day weekly cycle and the Sabbath?

Answer:  Yes, they have been keeping track, but on the artificial Roman Christian calendar. This calendar swap may have begun as early as A.D. 70 among the Jews, but was made law by Constantine in A.D. 321-325 and then taken to a new level by the High Priest of the Sadducees in A.D. 358 by Hillel II. We can know this for certain because the Julian/Gregorian calendar is not in harmony with the criteria outlined in Scripture. Yahuah has been keeping track of His own calendar, the light of which has been hidden till such a time as this. Scripture remains the empirical standard for calendation and timekeeping as it relates to lunar-astro/luni-solar time. The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Seventh-day Baptists have believed the seventh day is the Sabbath, and this is a correct statement. But this begs the question, upon which calendar is that seventh day to be applied? Is it the Chinese, the Mayan, the Babylonian, the Thai, the Roman, the Greek, the Russian, or the Samoan calendar? Strikingly, the nations of the world have inadvertently applied the seventh-day Sabbath truth to an artificial man-made calendar which has now become the illegitimate standard since A.D. 321, by Constantine. Yet, with this said, recognizing that the seventh day is the Sabbath is the first step in its total restoration. Scripture tells us the true calendar is revealed by the Hebrew ceremonial Temple/Sanctuary mechanism, also known as the astro-luni-solar calendar. Scripture alone must be our standard. The redeemed of Yahuah shall worship before His throne upon the full New Moons and lunar Sabbaths that follow accordingly throughout eternity (Isaiah 66:23). Article Link: Stunning Historical Evidence

Question 21: As a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor, I can only see problems as a result of following a lunisolar calendar. Since the current calendar is working quite well for regular weekly church attendance, and school attendance, what real purpose could there be in changing what is clearly already working? As they say, "If it isn't broke, don't fix it."

Answer:  It has been discovered that neither Saturday nor Sunday is the true seventh-day Sabbath of Scripture. Neither are found anywhere on the pages of Scripture between Genesis and Revelation by name or by rhythm. I believe that in these last days, Yahusha, the Messiah, is restoring all the Scriptural truths that have been lost, which includes His true astro-luni-solar calendar and set-apart days. It has been discovered that the Scriptural calendar follows the phases of the moon rather than solely the sun. Therefore, the timing and algorithms are far different than what we have all been taught and are familiar with. In this way, Yahuah has leveled the religious playing field by showing the world that all the religions have worshiped on the wrong day, including Seventh-day Adventists.

“Yahuah overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.” Acts 17:30 NIV

While Adventists have rightly recognized that Sunday is not the Sabbath, they have inadvertently assumed that Saturday was since it was the seventh day on the same  Roman Gregorian calendar. By not recognizing that the Roman Gregorian calendar is an illegitimate replacement instrument of timekeeping and not the one set up at Creation, as beaconed by the LIGHTS of the sun, moon, and stars, the S.D.A. Church will wake up too late, only to discovering that she has been marching to the beat of the drum of the beast power after all.  The very same one that desired “to change both times and laws.” Daniel 7:25

This is a direct fulfillment of prophecy, as Scripture clearly states, “the whole world wondered after the beast,” and not simply “the whole world,” excluding the S.D.A. Church. The Catholic Church and protestant churches fulfill this prophecy by keeping Sunday sacred, as it is the right arm of the Roman Catholic Church and its Gregorian calendar.
But shocking as it may be, the Jews and Saturday Sabbatarian churches have also fulfilled this prophecy by keeping Saturday sacred, becoming the left arm of the same Roman “beast” power and her counterfeit calendar. This is a wake-up call!  It is now time to recognize this sad but prophetic state of affairs and make a complete calendation U-turn. Only Yahuah’s truly faithful will first hear his call and be willing to take up this cross of truth and follow His appointed and ordained trinity of lights, His sun, moon, and starry constellations for calendation. No doubt, this will be a most difficult and unpopular endeavor in the days ahead. As Sunday Laws are enacted for religious control of the people, only those who seek to “follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes” will remain faithful to Yahuah and His Scriptural celestial calendar. His New Moons and true seventh-day Sabbaths were set forth by the Creator and beaconed from the above.  This time reckoning ordained at Creation has never been changed by Yahuah, but only by man under the satanic influence as it is virtually displayed on wall calendars in every home around the world.  This stands as hard evidence of the extent of the takeover of the powers of evil in this world. As our merciful Father is waking up His followers in all parts of the earth, it appears that they are scattered throughout and not condensed in any one location. These will find themselves apparently walking alone on this path of truth but never in closer proximity to the person of Yahusha, their Messiah, the ever-present Redeemer.  He will hear their cries.

Question 22: Isn't the Sabbath we keep today the same one Yahusha the Messiah kept until His death?

Answer:  No. Traditionally, it has been said that since the time of creation, 6000 years ago, successive weeks, a cycle of six days followed by a Sabbath rest, has never been broken to this very day. In addition, it has been said that our seven-day cycle is a tribute to a seven-day creation week rather than the popular evolutionary process of millions of years. After all, who can argue this point when the Jews still keep this same weekly cycle today, as well as a Saturday Sabbath? But do they? The forerunner to the Roman Gregorian calendar was the Roman Julian calendar, masterminded by Emperor Julius Caesar and Egyptian Astronomer Sosigenes in 45 B.C. This Julian calendar utilized a successive eight-day week cycle. This was just a few short years before the birth of the Messiah. During the Savior’s life, Israel was a sovereign nation and continued unimpeded to uphold the astro-luni-solar calendar for its temple services for years, months, weeks, and calendar dates. In Yahusha’s death, He met all the requirements of the law and died precisely according to astro-luni-solar calendation to demonstrate that He was the promised Messiah and Creator of the heavens and the earth. Indeed, He was the selfsame one who placed the celestial bodies of the sun, moon, and stars in the shamayim for timekeeping (Genesis 1:14-18). Forty years after the crucifixion, Jerusalem was destroyed, and most of the Israelites were taken captive. The Jews, along with the Christians, tried to hold onto the Scriptural calendar but finally surrendered to the pressure to conform to Rome in the fourth century A.D., under the Jewish leadership of Hillel II. Article Link: Stunning Historical Evidence

Question 23: Hasn't Saturday continued to be the seventh-day Sabbath since the time of Moses, even all the way back to the creation week, without interruption?

Answer: The belief that the Gregorian calendar has been in step with the weeks of the Scriptures has been “assumed” by the whole world for the past 1700 years. The fact that Yahuah revealed to the early Adventists that the seventh day was the Sabbath, was the first step in restoring His true calendation and true Sabbath. Notice that Yahuah had allowed the world to keep Sunday, a counterfeit Sabbath, as the sacred day for a full 1600 years before He began to restore it in the mid-1800s. Therefore it is another “assumption” to believe that He would not allow us to continue to keep the wrong day holy forever since then, a full 150 years. As you are aware the Scriptures themselves define the parameters of the sacred things of Yahuah, as He passed them down to us through His prophets. Leviticus gives us the details and parameters for His sacred feast days, whether you believe they need to be kept or not, they are paramount in giving Yahuah’s layout for locating His true seventh-day Sabbath. As you know the spring feast of Passover beginning on the evening of the 14th is followed by a seventh-day Sabbath on the 15th of Abib, every year. In addition, the fall feast of Tabernacles begins on the 15th of Tishrei, which is also identified by Yahuah as a seventh-day Sabbath and High Sabbath, each and every year. This means that this same sequence of calendation timing, was not just for a single year, but for all time, past, present, and future. Adventism has rightly taught that the Messiah, Yahusha, fulfilled these same time-centric criteria in every detail. So, we know that the same details defining the appointed time for the feasts and seventh-day Sabbath in the days of Moses were the same as in the days of the Messiah. But amazingly, down here in 2013, not only do Adventists along with most churches teach that the feasts are no longer obligatory but it is also taught that the Hebrew calendar is no longer binding or of no effect since the cross. Inadvertently, by doing this Adventists are not able and/or willing to see the need for following the astro-luni-solar lunisolar calendar, and thus lack the capacity to comprehend and keep the correct seventh-day Sabbath. This last point can be emphasized by the overwhelming evidence that the Roman Gregorian calendar cannot meet both the placement of the day of the week, as well as the date of the month of the Scriptural criteria. This applies to only the spring feast, or only the fall feast separately for more than 1 year and never for two years in a row.

However, the greatest and most profound evidence regarding the placement of the feasts given to Moses, and kept perfectly by the Messiah is the fact that it is impossible using the Roman Gregorian calendar to connect the Spring feast of Unleavened bread to the fall Feast of Tabernacles with an “unbroken chain of successive weeks.” It simply can never happen, ever. In light of Scripture’s weight of evidence, the concept of “unbroken successive weeks” since creation is proven false. This is one of the pinnacle Scriptural tests for the true calendar and the true seventh-day Sabbath. Article Link: Passover to Tabernacles Calendar Challenge

Question 24: As a Saturday Sabbatarian Pastor, I know of nothing else in the Bible to tell us which day is the Sabbath except the 40 year weekly manna program, and the Sabbaths the Messiah and His disciples kept. However, Ellen White has quite a lot to say regarding the Sabbath being on Saturday. How do you respond to this?

Answer: Discovering that the seventh day is the Sabbath is the first step in restoring the knowledge of the true Sabbath. The 40-year feeding schedule of the manna reveals in detail that the seventh-day Sabbath is beaconed by the New Moon. Utilizing each piece of evidence as given in Exodus 12; 16; and 19, quite a different picture is presented than what most of us were led to believe. Not only is it clear that Sunday cannot be the seventh-day Sabbath, but it is also discovered that Saturday cannot be the true Sabbath either. There are at least ten Scriptural tests that reveal Yahuah’s timekeeping is based on the three-part orchestration of the sun, moon, and stars working together, as ordained at creation (Genesis 1:14-18). The current Roman Gregorian calendar is reckoned based solely on the “sun” in direct defiance of the Creator’s appointed three-part harmony system. Any unit of time that is a fruit of this “single orb” timekeeping system is therefore spurious, of false origin, making neither Saturday nor Sunday true contenders for the Sabbath of Scripture. Article Link: Scripture’s Weight of Evidence Article Link: The Creator’s Calendar Units of Time

Question 25: Certainly the loving Father has protected His seventh-day Sabbath over the past 6,000 years from its seven-day cycle being lost. Don't you believe He can and has preserved it as Saturday?

Answer:  No. Traditionally, it has been said that since the time of creation 6000 years ago, successive weeks, a cycle of six days followed by a Sabbath rest, has never been broken to this very day. In addition, it has been said, that our seven-day cycle is a tribute to a seven-day creation week rather than the popular evolutionary process of millions of years. After all, who can argue this point when the Jews still keep this same weekly cycle today, as well as a Saturday Sabbath? But do they? The forerunner to the Roman Gregorian calendar was the Roman Julian calendar, masterminded by Emperor Julius Caesar and Egyptian Astronomer Sosigenes in 45 B.C. This Julian calendar utilized a successive eight-day week cycle. This was just a few short years before the birth of the Messiah. During the Savior’s life, Israel continued unimpeded to uphold the astro-luni-solar calendar for its temple services, for years, months, weeks, and calendar dates. In Yahusha the Messiah’s death, He met all the requirements of the law, and died precisely according to astro-luni-solar calendation, to demonstrate that He was both the promised Messiah and Creator of the shamayim and the earth. Indeed, He was the selfsame one who placed the celestial bodies of the sun, moon, and stars in the shamayim for timekeeping (Genesis 1:14-18). Forty years after the crucifixion, Jerusalem was destroyed and most of the Israelites were taken captive. The Jews along with the obedient followers of the Messiah (Natsarim) tried to hold onto the Scriptural calendar but finally surrendered to the pressure to conform to Rome between the first and fourth century A.D., under the Roman yoke of Constantine and the Jewish leadership of Hillel II.

Question 26: Isn't it possible that the first day of the month can be a day or so delayed depending on whether the New Moon was visible or if clouds obscured it. So the 14th day of the first month of Abib at the time of the crucifixion could have been a Friday instead of a Thursday as they are saying, right?

Answer:  Actually the 14th of Abib was a Tuesday rather than a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, as it is based upon a full New Moon. Your comment here sounds terrific on the surface, but since Yahuah’s calendar, as defined by Him as fixed to the lunar phases and location in the sky, with its months refreshing with each full New Moon, the 14th and 15th are always in the middle of the month at the time of the dark conjunction lunar phase. The 14th is always the 6th day of the week, known as the preparation, followed by the 15th, which is always a seventh-day Sabbath. Since the previous month is never longer than 29 or 30 days. It is not very easy to get off on the calendation. If this were not enough, the middle of each month is a dark lunar phase, which would be a secondary backup. Supporting this thought, according to the Scriptural narrative, at the time of the crucifixion, the moon was dark and a solar eclipse occurred from the sixth to the ninth hour.  For 4,000 years prior to this darkened day, every time the sun had been darkened at noon, it was at the moment of a solar eclipse, so why would this extreme astronomical event on this most pivotal day of all TIME be any different? Article Link: The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour

Question 27: I have always understood that from the time of Moses until this very day, the Jews have been very careful at counting to seven and keeping Saturday as the seventh-day Sabbath. Can you show me otherwise?

Answer:  This belief has been effectively taught among Saturday Sabbatarian churches for over 150 years, but there are volumes of Scriptures stating otherwise. At the time of Moses, Yahuah reclarified to Israel through setting up the sacred feast days, as well as the manna feeding schedule to illustrate His correct calendar. In His wisdom, and according to His covenant agreement, our loving Father, Yahuah, carefully built a symbolic wall of protection around the ancient Hebrew people. The stones of this great wall were inseparable divine truths, made from His Moral Law; Statutes; Judgments; New Moons; Feast days; and true seventh-day Sabbath. According to their covenant agreement, as long as they remained obedient they would also remain a sovereign and free people. If at any time Israel was to willfully break His Laws, creating a weak link in this wall, Yahuah would chasten them by allowing them to go into captivity. Once in captivity they must succumb to keeping the laws of the ruling nation, along with its calendation system, and sacred days. In this way, and because of their disobedience in keeping their covenant agreement, Yahuah caused them to forget His ways. These divine oracles of truth Yahuah had entrusted to Israel, He would like to entrust to us today. Again, in His wisdom, they would only be safe within the walls of His covenant agreement. Israel’s story of disobedience is our story, and their captivity is our captivity. But Yahuah has a plan to restore all things to those who desire and diligently seek the restoration of His original divine covenant. Only to those who are willing to enter into His covenant will He open the way to discover His long-lost and hidden truths. Article Link: Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly Dates Article Link: Stunning Historical Evidence

Question 28: If Saturday is not the Sabbath, then how on earth could Ellen White be a true prophetess of Yahuah to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as she would be misrepresenting His divine laws? Do you have any clarification on this?

Answer:  There is nearly no one alive who is not a product of a religious belief system, organization, or creed, whether it was atheistic, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, or other.  For me, I was raised a Seventh-day Adventist, and for this, I am very grateful, as there were many foundational truths taught from Scripture.  As a product of this system, I accepted as truth that Ellen White was a prophetess for the last days.  I believed this wholeheartedly until 2012, at which time my eyes were finally opened to what I believe to be the truth.  This was a most difficult discovery to face as it had been the foundation of my belief system for over 50 years.  I did not go looking for this, but rather, to remain honest with myself and Yahuah, I could no longer bolster her up, as I had believed she had simply not been given all the light on several subjects.  Below is a spiritual test of honesty as it relates to the nine points made in Scripture that are the testing principles of a true prophet of Yahuah.

       An Appeal for Spiritual Honesty  

There have been many beautiful songs, poems, articles, and books written throughout history in harmony with the Scriptures that are not claimed to be the work of a prophet of the Most High.  As a  result,  the sheer fact that many beautiful books have been written under the pen name of Ellen White and her staff of editors and creative writers, is no guarantee, in and of itself, that these are inspired by the Most High. Not one of the tests provided below includes beautiful and inspirational writings.  Rather,  the standard  and  test  of  inspiration  must  be  based upon the foundation of Scripture alone, as itemized below:

  1. Yahuah  will  speak  to  them  in dreams, visions,  and  to  some face  to  face (Numbers 12:6).
  2. The   prophet   will   give   signs   and   wonders   that always   come   to   pass (Deuteronomy 13:1).
  3. If the signs and wonders come to pass, but the professed prophet teaches you to worship  false  gods,  and  break  the  commandments,  then  he/she  is  not  a true prophet (Deuteronomy 13:1).
  4. Yahuah will put the words in the prophets mouth, the prophet will not have to glean the thoughts or words from other sources (Deuteronomy 18:18).
  5. If  a  prophet  presumes  to  speak  a  word  in  My  name,  which I  have  not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die. (Deuteronomy 18:20).
  6. When  the  prophet  speaks  in  the  name  of  Yahuah,  and  that  thing does  not happen, or come to pass, then it was not from Yahuah. So do not listen to this professed prophet (Deuteronomy 18:22).
  7. “Therefore behold, I am against the prophets,” says Yahuah, “who steal My words  everyone  from  his  neighbor. Jeremiah 23:30 NKJV
  8. “Behold,  I  am  against  the  prophets,”  says Yahuah,  “who  use  their  tongues  and  say, ‘He  says.'” Jeremiah 23:31 NKJV
  9. “Behold,  I  am against  those  who  prophesy false  dreams,”  says  Yahuah,  “and  tell  them, and cause My people to err by their lies and by their recklessness. Yet I did not send  them  or  command  them;  therefore  they  shall  not  profit  this  people  at  all,” says the Yahuah. Jeremiah 23:32 NKJV

A  belief that trusts Ellen White to be a true prophet without a willingness to test all her prophecies to see if they meet the 100% accuracy standard of Scripture, is not honest.  A true test must include even the materials that fell into disgrace between 1844 and 1864 and in the early years of the church development, which have been long hidden from view by well-meaning folks who seek to save Mrs. White’s reputation,  believing they are protecting the cause of truth.

The link below is to the book prepared and written as an honest attempt to record the facts by one who was there. Here the reader may judge for himself/herself from Ellen White’s own quoted words, and  from  her  own  pen,  as  to  whether  she  was  a  divinely  appointed  prophet  of  the  Most  High. Anyone not willing to test the spirits according to the pattern presented in Scripture is destined to be  deceived.  The  heavenly  Father  has  never  required  blind  faith,  but  from  the  standard  of  His sacred  Word  has  given  a  detailed  model  for  recognizing  a  true  prophet  so  that  none  may  be  led astray.

Having a lengthy and sincere belief in someone or something simply does not make it true.

“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of Yahuah shall lift up a standard against him/her.”  Isaiah 59:19

Book link:  The Life of Ellen White Article link:  Announcing an Official Paradigm Shift

Question 29: If Ellen White is inspired then how do you explain what she said about Sabbath commencing on Friday at sundown at the time of the Crucifixion?

Answer:  This is an excellent question which applies mostly to Seventh-day Adventists and the modern Jews who believe that the day begins at sunset, and more specifically that the Sabbath begins at sunset and ends the following day at sunset. However, there is conflict between these words of Ellen White and the Scriptures themselves. Many are discovering that the weight of evidence in Scripture supports the natural day commences at sunrise and terminates at sunset. The civil calendar date also commences at sunrise, but it terminates the following sunrise.

With great sorrow, this website no longer views Ellen White as a prophet or her writings as inspired. We have discovered far too many discrepancies between her writings and Scripture, and they both can’t be true. We have resolved to follow the sacred Scriptures as our guide.

Article Link:  Sunrise or Sunset: When Does a Day Begin? Article Link:  A Day in Genesis

Question 30: As a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor, I know of nothing in Scripture regarding the solar year, lunar month or anything else to prove empirically which day was the original seventh-day Sabbath of Creation. What evidence has my Seminary overlooked?

Answer:  First, Andrews University Seminary never revealed that every mention of the word “month” (H2320 chodesh – חדשׁ) in Scripture always refers to 1) a new moon day; 2) first day of the lunar month, or 3) lunar month.   Also, we can know with certainty which day was the original Sabbath of Creation. This is self-evident in the fact that Moses is the undisputed author of Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus. If there had been conflict in the time-centric details that Yahuah gave at the time of the Exodus that conflicted with the Genesis account, or the later lunar appointed Feast Days and their time-centric relation to dual principles of both the lunar monthly dates and the count of the week and seventh-day Sabbath, Moses would have noticed. But rather, all three Scriptural accounts are in near-perfect harmony. Therefore there is empirical evidence that the true seventh-day Sabbath was and remains the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th day of each lunar month as counted from the full New Moon of every year and not merely at the time of the Exodus or the time of the Cross of our Messiah and Savior. Ex. 12:1-15; Ex. 16; and Ex. 19; Lev. 23:5-9; John 19:31-32; Matt. 27:62; Mark 15:42-44; Matt. 28:1-2; Mark 16:1-3; Mark 16:9-16; 1 Cor. 15:23. Article Link:  Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly Dates

Question 31: From my studies of Daniel and Revelation it appears that the final test for Yahuah's obedient followers will be over the true day of worship and a counterfeit day. But most people don't seem to realize that Scripture doesn't give the "Gregorian names" on any of the days in question. What are your thoughts on this?

While the Seventh-Day Adventist Church has long taught that the final test for mankind would be between Saturday and Sunday worship, it has been discovered not to be true as both Saturday and Sunday are twin sisters of the Roman solar replacement calendar.  As it turns out, our Creator’s Calendar has always been beaconed from His full New Moon to start His YEARS and MONTHS.  His Sabbaths are counted from the Full New Moon Day, and each calendar date is demarcated by its own unique lunar phase.

This is very much like a Cinderella story, and the seventh-day Sabbath is like the glass slipper. It only fits one narrative, and although never popular among the masses, the lunar calendar alone carries the STANDARD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Neither Saturday nor Sunday is mentioned even one time in Scripture, but also, neither is their continuous weekly cycle.  Would the Creator of the Universe, who desires that all would be saved, consider a final judgment between two days (Saturday or Sunday) that are not even in the Bible?  NEVER!

So what does this mean?  It means the Saturday/Sunday test is a FALSE assumption. And while the test is between who you serve and honor in worship, it will be over whose calendar you keep, the Creator’s lunar calendar or the Roman solar calendar designed as a replacement system to undermine your worship of the Creator.

Refer to:

Constantine and the Week

Support Evidence for the Full New Moon

The New Moon and the Beginning of Each Month

Question 32: Doesn't the story of the Messiah healing the blind man at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles prove a Saturday Sabbath?

Answer:  Healing of the Blind Man

  1. The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles always falls on the 21st day and NOT the 22nd of the seventh month: (Leviticus 23:34, 36, 39-41; Numbers 29:12; Deuteronomy 16:13-15; Nehemiah 8:13-18; Ezekiel 45:21-25.)
  2. Yahusha, the Messiah, attended the Feast of Tabernacles. (John7:10.)
  3. On the last day of the feast, the 21st of the seventh month, He stood and spoke. (John 7:37.)
  4. He spent that night on the Mount of Olives. (John 8:1.)
  5. The next morning, the 22nd of the seventh month, He returned to the temple. (John 8:2.)
  6. At the temple, Yahusha, the Messiah, healed a blind man. (John 9:6.)
  7. The healing of the blind man caused great anger, for it was the seventh-day Sabbath. (John 9:14.)

Article Link:  Scripture’s Weight of Evidence

The Full New Moon and the Start of Each Month

Question 33: I was always taught that when Isaiah 66:23 states that, "from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another," it simply meant, from month to month and from week to week. Isn't this correct?

Answer:   Yes, this is what we were led to believe. But some interesting truths have since been discovered hidden deeply in Isaiah 66:22-23 that cements both the New Moon as the full moon and the Sabbath as reckoned by the full moon.

“For according as the shamayim (starry abode), the New Moons, and the earth: The New Moon that I fashioned and placed in its order was appointed for My chief corner [stone],” declares Yahuah. “Wherefore, it establishes and confirms your name and your descendants. And it shall come to pass from its abundance— New Moon by New Moon you shall keep; and from its abundance— Sabbath by Sabbath you shall keep. It shall lead all flesh to prostrate in worship, according to My chief corner [stone],” declares Yahuah. Isaiah 66:22-23 The Creator’s Calendar Restored Interlinear Text

Article Link: New Moon by New Moon you shall keep – Isaiah 66:22-23

Question 34: The New Moon is taken as the basis for the lunisolar calendar, from which the Sabbath comes after working six days. But the words "New Moon" are not found in Scripture until 1 Samuel 20 and it is not shown to be the basis of counting to Sabbath, a word which is found 36 times before 1 Samuel 20. It seems so unlike our loving Father to use something so insignificant as the "New Moon" appears to be, to declare His annual appointed sacred Feast Days and weekly seventh-day Sabbaths. Can you please explain?

Answer: The Hebrew word for “New Moon” in Strong’s Concordance is Chodesh:

#2320 – chodesh (kho’-desh); from OT: 2318; the new moon; by implication, a month: month (-ly), new moon.

You stated above that the term New Moon does not appear in Scripture until 1 Samuel 20, however it actually appears 91 times prior to 1 Samuel and approximately 300 times between Genesis and Revelation. Compare this number with the Sabbath only appearing 36 times prior to 1 Samuel and 150 times between Genesis and Revelation. There is no way around the importance that Yahuah the Most High placed on the New Moon, and its reckoning of time in the sky above. Things are not always what they appear to be on the surface. Below are the Scriptures for the New Moon prior to 1 Samuel 20: Some of these verses contain the word “new moon” more than once. Gen 7:11; Gen 8:4: Gen 8:5; Gen 8:13: Gen 8:14; Gen 29:14; Ex 12:2; Ex 12:3; Ex 12:6; Ex 12:18; Ex 13:4; Ex 13:5; Ex 16:1; Ex 19:1; Ex 23:15; Ex 34:18; Ex 40:2; Ex 40:17; Lev 16:29; Lev 23:5; Lev 23:6; Lev 23:24; Lev 23:27; Lev 23:32; Lev 23:34; Lev 23 :39; Lev 23 :41; Lev 25 :9; Lev 27 :6; Num 1 :1; Num 1 :18; Num 3 :15; Num 3 :22; Num 3 :28; Num 3 :34; Num 3 :39; Num 3 :40; Num 3 :43; Num 9 :1; Num 9 :3; Num 9 :5 ; Num 9 :11; Num 9 :22; Num 10 :11; Num 11 :20; Num 11 :21; Num 18 : 16; Num 20 :1; Num 26 :62; Num 28 :14; Num 28 :16; Num 28 :17; Num 29 :1; Num 29: 6; Num 29:7; Num 29:12; Num 33:3; Num 33:38; Deut 1:3; Deut 16:1; Deut 21:13; Josh 4:29; Josh 5:10. Article Link:  Scriptures Weight of Evidence

Question 35: What is the premise for establishing the full moon as as the New Moon, rather that the first visible crescent, the dark conjunction phase, or last visible crescent?


  1. From its ABUNDANCE, New Moon by New Moon you shall keep.
  2. The night of the Abrahamic Covenant was “DARK.” This recorded “dark night” occurred 430 years prior to the Exodus, to the very day.
  3. A prophetic solar eclipse occurred at noon on the day of the Crucifixion.
  4. All ruling luminaries shine from east to west, across the whole sky.
  5. He apportions the face of the full moon for set time.
  6. The moon in shamayim and the new earth regulates the fruit on the tree of life and the twelve gates.
  7. The Shamayim’s twelve whole pearl gates link to the rhythm of the twelve full New Moons.
  8. The stone rejected, the pearl gates, and the full New Moon as one and the same, symbolize the Messiah.
  9. The woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, and 12 stars above her head, is the announcement of New Years Day.
  10. You shall sound the blast with the New Moon shofar in the full moon for the day of our feast. Psalms 81:3
  11. It is shown that the Hebrew word “chag” includes all feast days and not simply the pilgrim feasts.
  12. The Father of Lights is represented only by luminaries with no shadow of a turning orbit.
  13. The full moon is discovered to be metaphorically, both the start and the finish line for the obedient followers.

Question 36: If the months start with the full New Moon, wouldn't you sometimes get an 8 or 9 day week?

Answer:  No, because according to Scripture, the workweek was never longer than six days followed by a seventh-day Sabbath. Six days plus a Sabbath was the definition of a week or Sabbath complete. Anything shorter or longer than this model is not a week according to Scripture. Depending on whether the month is 29 or 30 days long, either the last seventh-day Sabbath is immediately followed by a New Moon Day or it is followed by a single workday, which is then followed by a New Moon day. Every time the full New Moon comes around, it refreshes the cycle of weeks. In other words, the lunar cycle of weeks is broken by the New Moon every month, causing the count to start over. So, there are always four seven-day weeks in each lunar month that begin on the day following the full New Moon day. The New Moon day and the 30th day, known as translation day, belong to the year and month count and not to the weekdays. Neither of these days are part of the Creator’s week. But they are part of His month and year. Ezekiel 46:1 clarifies that according to the heavenly Father, there are three kinds of days and not just workdays and Sabbaths.

“Thus says Yahuah Alahim: “The gateway of the inner court that faces toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and on the day of the New Moon it shall be opened.” Ezekiel 46:1-2 NKJV

Article Link:  Worship at the East Gate Article Link:  Samoa’s Dateline Paradox

Question 37: Is it ever possible to see the dark conjunction phase?

Answer:  There are not just one, but two reasons why the dark conjunction lunar phase is not only dark but also never a visible light. The first reason is phase-related, with the sun only shining on the moon’s backside as viewed from earth. The half of the moon facing the earth is therefore dark with an overabundance of light shining from the sun all around it. The second reason the conjunction phase is never visible is position-related. This dark lunar phase cannot be seen because it comes between the earth and the sun, and most often on separate latitudes from the sun. Both the phase and its position work together to ensure consistency, thus it will never be a visible light. This is because each lunar phase is also bound by physical laws to its position in the heavens. Outside of latitude variation, each specific lunar phase consistently appears in its exact longitude position every time that specific phase comes around. If the ancient Hebrew people were to look for the dark conjunction lunar phase as the New Moon, they would have had to go out at sunrise and face the east looking for the moon. While the moon would not be visible, this could have too easily been confused with sun worship. The act of facing the sun at sunrise was considered an abomination to Yahuah. This is exactly the opposite of what He taught through the ceremonies of His Temple/Sanctuary. At sunrise, the priests were to face due west toward the Qodesh of Qodeshim, the most sacred apartment of the Temple. With all of this said, at noon on the day of a solar eclipse the dark conjunction lunar phase is visible as a black disc shrouding the light of the sun, as occurred on the day of the crucifixion according to several Scriptural eye-witnesses.  This is the shamayim testimony that the conjunction lunar phase marks the middle of the month and not the beginning, as the solar eclipse occurred on the 14th of the month of Abib. Article Link:  The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour

Question 38: When and where in the sky are we to look to observe the full New Moon?

Answer:  Rules for finding the full New Moon.

  1. The moon must visibly appear full on the last night of the month.
  2. The eastern and western horizons are the lines of demarcation.
  3. The moon is considered full on the night the sun sets in the west and the moon is anywhere from 12 degrees above the eastern horizon to 12 degrees below the eastern horizon at sunset.
  4. The moon in its fullness brilliantly shines the whole night through, together with the stars. This one night alone, the moon is visible in the night sky longer than any other lunar phase.
  5. The surest sign confirming that the New Moon day has commenced is the first appearance of both sun and moon on opposite horizons in the morning sky.
  6. The actual New Moon day must be the first morning that both the sun and the apparent full moon greet each other, prior to moonset, from their opposite horizons to demarcate that indeed the moon has crossed the path of opposition with the sun.

Article Link:  Step by Step Guide

Question 39: What is translation day? What does it mean and what do you do on it?

Answer:  Translation day is simply the astronomical term for the 30th day of a lunar month. In other words, it is the day that occurs between the last Sabbath of the month and the full New Moon day. There are some who teach that translation day is part of a two-day New Moon that occurs approximately six times each year. They get this belief from 1 Samuel 20:1-42. However, after an in-depth look into these verses, it is revealed that there is a one-day New Moon only, which has two meals that are placed as bookends preceding and following it, a palace tradition at the time of King Saul. If the translation day were a day of rest, it would have been clarified in Scripture. Since it is not, it can safely be assumed that the translation day is a mere workday or free day. It is an important day that belongs to the completion of both the month and the year. It has nothing whatever to do with the length of the weeks and NEVER affects the count to each seventh-day Sabbath. Article Link: Tomorrow is the New Moon – 1 Samuel 20:1-42

Lunar Weeks vs. Continuous Weekly Cycles

Question 40: If the continuous weekly cycle did not begin at Creation, then when did it begin?

Answer:   An unbroken continuous weekly cycle was first generated among the pagans in 600 B.C. The Julian calendar of 45 B.C. applied this same unbroken continuous weekly cycle to their new eight-day week. At the time of Yahusha, the Messiah, and the apostles, Rome’s weeks were eight days in length, making it impossible for the Hebrew’s astro-luni-solar calendar to have harmonized with the Roman time sequence. This continuous eight-day week remained in place until the fourth century B.C. when Constantine officially changed the length of the week to seven days but kept the pagan unbroken cycling weekly system in place. In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Caesar invited Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar, and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the lunar calendar altogether.

Months must be arranged on a seasonal basis, and a tropical (solar) year used, as in the Egyptian calendar. “The Julian Calendar,” Encyclopedia Britannica.

This change from the lunisolar to a fixed solar calendar occurred in Rome during the repressive measures which were enacted against ALL Jewish customs. . . during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. With the fall of the Nazarene headquarters…at Jerusalem, this new Roman calendar quickly spread throughout ‘Christendom.’ This new calendar not only replaced yearly festival dates such as Passover, but it also revamped the concept of the week and its seventh day.  Iranaeus 2nd Century A.D.

In the years following Clement of Alexandria’s time, an ominous change started to take place that was to radically change the Christian concept of the Sabbath.” Records the Encyclopedia Biblica: “This intimate connection between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom — without paying any regard to the days of the month (i.e. the lunisolar month) . . . so that the New Moon no longer coincided with the first day of the month. Then, on page 4179 of the same encyclopedia, we read: “The introduction . . .of the custom of celebrating the Sabbath every 7th day, irrespective of the relationship of the day to the moon’s phases, led to a complete separation from the ancient view of the Sabbath. . . Encyclopaedia Biblica,1903 p. 5290.

The modern seven-day week came into use during the early imperial period, after the Julian calendar came into effect, apparently stimulated by immigration from the Roman East. For a while it coexisted alongside the old 8-day nundinal cycle, and fasti are known which show both cycles. It was finally given official status by Constantine in 321. Roman Calendar Encyclopedia, Days of the Week

A Profession Of Faith From The Church Of Constantinople in the year 325 C.E. (A.D.) Under The Emperor Constantine: I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms. unleavened breads & sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspersions, purifications, sanctifications and propitiations and fasts, and new moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants and observances and Synagogues, and the food and drink of the Hebrews; in one word, I renounce everything Jewish, every law, rite and customand if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with the Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable. And may I be anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils. Source: Parks, James The Conflict Of The Church And The Synagogue Athenaeum,New York, 1974, p. 397-398.

“The present Jewish calendarwas fixed in the fourth century.”Jewish Theological Seminary of America,Letter by Louis Finkelstein to Dr. L. E. Froom, Feb. 20, 1939. Regarding the present Jewish calendar.

Article Link:  Stunning Historical Evidence

Question 41: In the book Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 111, Ellen White, messenger to the Adventist Church, clarifies that the week originated at creation, and has been preserved. That first week was a sample for successive weeks to the end of time. This seems pretty clear that the week is an unbroken chain of successive weeks since Creation. Your thoughts please?

Answer:  This is a very good question. It appears that Ellen White believed in the unbroken cycle of successive weeks. She also believed Saturday is in sync with the true seventh-day Sabbath since creation. Each of which  can now be shown from Scripture to be in error. For those who believe Ellen White to be a prophet, might it be that in Yahuah’s wisdom, He only revealed to her the first step in the full disclosure. This was that the seventh-day was the Sabbath. Might the second step, reveal that His sacred seventh-day Sabbath could only be found by using the astro-luni-solar calendar of Scripture, and was to be the message reserved for the remnant at the very end? This was the same calendar used in the Hebrew Temple/Sanctuary services. It was the one discarded by the Jews by the fourth century A.D. as they adopted the Roman calendar, that had removed the moon from all time measuring.

“In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Cæsar invited Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar, and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the lunar calendar altogether. Months must be arranged on a seasonal basis, and a tropical [solar] year used, as in the Egyptian calendar.” The Julian Calendar, Encyclopedia Britannica.

Article Link:  Stunning Historical Evidence Article Link:  New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep Increased evidence illustrates that indeed Ellen White learned of the lunar Sabbath, but rejected it. Refer to article, The Great Easter Controversy Cover-up.

Question 42: Haven't the Jews preserved the knowledge of when the true Sabbath occurs?

Answer:  Certainly many have believed this, but that does not make it true. Only those obedient to Yahuah are rewarded with the preservation of the sacred oracles of truth. The Jews as a nation rejected the promised Messiah. Forty Years later they went into captivity under the rulership of Roman law. In the fourth century, it was the Jews themselves, who set aside the Hebrew astro-luni-solar calendation altogether, under the intense persecution by the Roman power. This led ultimately to a schism in Judaism. It was the rabbinical sect which, predominates today that followed the leadership of Hillel II, tying their annual feasts to the astro-luni-solar calendar yet clasped hands with Rome by utilizing her brainchild, the unbroken cycle of successive weeks. In 1844, their Day of Atonement was Sept. 23.

The Karaites (or Caraites) were an opposing sect who denounced the Talmud and the oral traditions, insisting upon a return to a strict keeping of the Mosaic law. “A fundamental part of [their] reform was the abandonment of the fixed rabbinical calendar as contrary to the Mosaic regulations, together with reinstatement of the original form of lunisolar calendation” (L. E. Froom, Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1948, Vol. II, 197-198.)

A third view is that neither of these groups adheres to the true New Moon, which we now believe was the original full lunar phase as Scripture is revealing. Article Link:  The Night was Dark 430 Years Prior to the Exodus Article Link:  The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour Article Link:  A Great Sign Appeared in the Heavens – Revelation 12:1

Question 43: As a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor, locating which day was the Sabbath during the seven-day march around Jericho, has always been a mystery. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Answer:  The calendar that can identify the timing of the march around Jericho without occurring during the sacred hours of the New Moon or Sabbath is none other than the true Creator’s Calendar. We know that for seven calendar dates/or days in a row the Israelites put on their entire battle garb, assembled in formation for marching, and then marched around Jericho. We know that on the seventh day of marching, they marched a full seven times around the city, followed by plundering and killing all the people old and young, except Rahab and her family. This is hard to conceive that Yahuah would instruct Israel to do either the marching or the plundering and killing on His sacred seventh-day Sabbath or the New Moon day.

Compelling evidence now reveals from the “Book of Jasher,” chapter 88:14, that the first day of marching began on the New Moon day of the Second Month. As a result, the seventh day of marching would have occurred on the sixth day of the week and not on the seventh-day Sabbath. Stunningly, it is revealed in Joshua 6:15 that Israel arose at “dawn” (Shachar #7836), the period prior to sunrise, which is called the “Fourth Watch of the night,” and compassed Jericho in the same manner for all seven days. But on the last day, they compassed the city seven times.

Another important point is that if either the sacred New Moon or Sabbath actually commenced and terminated at sunset, then there was no for Israel to avoid marching during the sacred hours on one of those days. But since it has been discovered that the sacred hours are only between sunrise and sunset, then we can see why they had to rise early and march around Jericho prior to sunrise. In this way, Israel could have marched around Jericho every morning for thirty “calendar dates” and never broke the Sabbath or New Moon day.

Sunrise is the commencement of the day. Therefore the sacred hours of the Sabbath and the New Moon occur between sunrise and sunset. Dawn is the time prior to sunrise and is recognized as a mixture of light and darkness. Allegorically, dawn is compared with the mixture of truth and error. This time period is identified in Scripture as the “Fourth Watch of the night.” There is no portion of the night that is designated as sacred. Article Link:  Sunrise or Sunset: When Does a Day Begin?

Appointed Set-Apart Feast Days

Question 44: I was taught that all the Hebrew Feast Days were nailed to the cross, so why would I need to know how to count to Pentecost/Feast of Weeks (Shabuoth)?

Answer:   Things are not always as they appear. Mankind is now living at the pivotal “appointed time” of prophetic fulfillment, and it is not business as usual. Yahuah’s obedient followers must not leave even one doctrinal stone unturned as we prepare our hearts and minds for the additional light of truth, as it will fall like rain from the shamayim. What ended at the cross was the earthly Temple system, the human priestly system, and the animal sacrifices. Each of these was fulfilled by the Messiah in real-time and in the Temple system not made with hands. These had functioned as types and shadows of the work of the promised Messiah. No more animals would be slain for the sins of mankind because the prophetic lamb, our Messiah bore our sins and was slain once and for all.

. . . but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering . . . Daniel 9:27 NASU

The Messiah was nailed to the cross, but this marked the beginning and not the end of his seven-phase ministry in the shamayim Temple for the full and complete atonement and restoration of mankind. This multi-level system of restoring mankind back to the Father is defined by His sacred appointed feast days. It is in faithfully following these feast days that we are “following the Lamb whithersoever he goes.” Article Link:  A Case for the Lunar Sabbath  (question #4)

Question 45: Isn't it true that the Feast Days of Yahuah ended either at the cross or at the destruction of Jerusalem, as my church teaches at the seminary?

Answer:  Which is easier to do: Change the Roman Gregorian calendar or teach that the Feast Days of Yahuah were done away with at the cross? The reason is that the two simply cannot be harmonized. It doesn’t take an astronomer to see that the set-apart Feast Days cannot be placed on a Gregorian calendar and still meet all of the Scriptural criteria. Just like oil and water, they don’t mix. No man can serve two masters. Scripture illustrates that an unbroken successive weekly cycle cannot exist for 6,000 years, 6 months, or 6 weeks when accurately placing Yahuah’s sacred Feast Days. The New Moon day is a third kind of day that automatically breaks the cycle of weeks just because it exists. Article Link:   Passover to Tabernacles Calendar Challenge

Question 46: If one were to continue keeping the ancient Feast Days of Scripture, wouldn't a lamb sacrifice and a temple, also be necessary?

Answer:   After the Messiah’s death on the cross, as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, His own disciples continued to keep all the feast days. In fact, it was the risen Messiah who asked His disciples to tarry in Jerusalem that they may participate in this feast and be filled by His Ruach (Spirit) at Pentecost/Feast of Shabuoth. Acts 2:1, Acts 20:16, 1 Cor.16:8 The sacrificial system reached its fulfillment the moment the Messiah said, “It is finished,” and died. At His death, the curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom by an unseen hand, and the lamb ran away. Mankind now has the freedom to the seat of compassion through none other than our risen Savior who now mediates in the Sanctuary above as our High Kohen Melchizedek. No longer was there a need for the blood of bulls and goats, and innocent lambs, as they and their deaths were symbolic of the work of the promised Messiah, who would lay down His life to take away the sins of the world.

Behold the Lamb of Yahuah, which take away the sin of the world. John 1:29 KJV

Passover had a two-fold meaning, first as a memorial of the first Passover when the death angel passed over the homes of all who had faithfully placed the blood of the lamb on their doorpost. Second, it was an annual prophetic reminder, highlighting the work of the coming Messiah, our Redeemer, and Savior. Just as our Messiah’s ministry changed at His death to be our High Kohen Melchizedek in the Sanctuary above, the sacrifices changed as well. Today rather than the blood of bull, goats, and lambs, the loving Father, in His eternal temple, not made with hands, requires the sacrifice of a meek and humble Ruach (spirit).

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the compassions of Yahuah, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Yahuah, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1

Article Link:  Passover’s Blood Stained Trail of Promise

Question 47: I understand that it is impossible to locate the correct days of the year for the Yahuah's sacred appointed Feast Days. Am I correct?

Answer:  This is true if you are trying to locate them using the Roman Gregorian calendar. However, they are easy to find using the correct astro-luni-solar calendar, fitting as perfectly as a hand in a glove. The precision of the sun, moon, and stars has been a conspicuous marker for astronomers since antiquity. Perfect records have also been kept. Every 19 years the Creator’s astro-luni-solar calendar comes into harmony with the solar calendar. Astronomical science supports the astro-luni-solar calendar. The sun and moon still shine today to beacon Yahuah’s algorithms of time. They still consistently demonstrate the exact time for His sacred appointed feast days and His true seventh-day Sabbaths. It is also these astronomical beacons that reveal evidence that while Yahusha died in A.D. 31, on the 6th day of the week and rose on the 1st day, it was not a Friday crucifixion and a Sunday resurrection, as those day designations did not exist then, nor are they in sync with one another. Article Link:  The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.

Question 48: Where do you get the idea that Passover is always supposed to be on the 14th of the month of Abib and the 6th day of the week?

Answer:   This is only possible using the correct calendar. With the astro-luni-solar calendar, the 14th of the month is always the 6th day of the week and the 15th of the month is always the seventh-day Sabbath. This doesn’t just occur once a year at Passover, but each and every month. Remember, our Messiah died on Passover the 14th of Abib, which was also the 6th day of the second lunar week and rested in the tomb on the Sabbath, which was the 15th of the month. When we celebrate Passover it is always two things: the 14th of the lunar month of Abib, and the 6th day of the second lunar week. In 2009 it was only coincidental that Passover landed on the 6th day of the Gregorian calendar as well. However, notice that the date of the Gregorian month was not the 14th, which is the Scriptural requirement from Exodus 12:1-3; Leviticus 23:5, 6. For those of us keeping the Creator’s astro-luni-solar calendar, it is both the 6th day of the second week as well as the 14th of the month.

“In the New Moon the first, in the fourteenth of the New Moon between the evenings, is the Passover of Yahuah.” Leviticus 23:5 The Creator’s Calendar Restored Interlinear Text

Now when evening had come, because it was the Preparation Day, that is, the day before the Sabbath. . . Mark 15:42 Now it was the Preparation Day of the Passover, and about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews, “Behold your King!” John 19:14

Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. John 19:31

Question 49: How can I discover for myself the keys for the Creator's true time-keeping system?

Answer:   The first key is to identify and recognize the true full New Moon. The secondary keys are in the details for reckoning the sacred Feast Days, where it has been discovered how the Creator’s months and weeks were originally structured. They illustrate how the seventh-day Sabbath is inlaid within the lunar month, just as a precious gem is placed in its specially designed setting. All the Creator’s units of time are measured by the same standard of His one and only time-keeping system that He ordained at Creation – which is orchestrated by the three-part harmony of the sun, moon, and stars. While the sun gives us the beginning and end of each day at sunrise and sunset, the moon demarcates the monthly calendar date and apportions to it the day of the week. One principle given by Yahuah to Moses, aptly applies to calendation, as it is a moment-by-moment measure of time. This principle states that Israel was not to have two differing weights and measures, but only one that is accurate and honest. Most assuredly Yahuah would be in keeping with His own standard. This means one calendar system identifies His months, weeks, days, and years. We are not to utilize two calendars, one for months, days, and years and another for weeks and Sabbaths.

Do not have two differing weights in your bag–one heavy, one light. Do not have two differing measures in your house–one large, one small. You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land Yahuah, your Alahim is giving you. For Yahuah, your Alahim detests anyone who does these things, anyone who deals dishonestly. Deuteronomy 25:13-16 NIV

Article Link:  New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep Article Link:  The Creator’s Calendar Units of Time Article Link:  A Case for the Lunar Sabbath

Question 50: I understand that in order to locate Pentecost correctly, I must first nail down Passover exactly. How can this be done when there are so many views of when it is? Also, didn't the Crusades have something to do with calendation change?

Answer:  There was great aggravated controversy over the time reckoning for Easter, the Roman replacement for the Scriptural “Passover.” The calendar wars officially began with Pope Victor I A.D. 193-202, because of the calendars that the differing factions held to. The west followed the Roman Julian calendar and was amiable to keeping an Easter Sunday, while those of the east remained obedient to the Scriptural astro-luni-solar calendar, observing “Passover” on the 14th, as counted from the full New Moon. Those obedient to the Scriptural calendar and the astro-luni-solar timing for Passover became known as Quartodecimen among the Romans.

“Quartodecimanism (“fourteenism”, derived from Latin) refers to the practice of fixing the celebration of Passover for Christians on the fourteenth day of Nisan in the Old Testament’s Hebrew Calendar (for example Lev 23:5, in Latin “quarta decima”). This was the original method of fixing the date of the Passover, which is to be a “perpetual ordinance . . . Since the Bible’s calendar is lunisolar and the Roman/Western calendar is only strictly solar, it is difficult to calculate Nisan 14 in the western calendar without knowledge of how a lunisolar calendar system works. For various reasons, the Church eventually chose to use a different method from the one that the Jews had used for their Passover. A controversy arose concerning whether it should also be a resurrection holiday, and thus whether it should instead be celebrated on one particular Sunday each year, which is now the floating holiday that is commonly called Easter Sunday. Quartodecimanism was popular among Christians in Asia Minor and it is generally believed that this was the method specifically preferred by the followers of John the Apostle, since it was advocated by Polycarp who was a disciple of either John the Apostle or John the Presbyter, assuming they are not the same person.” Theological Dictionary.

The very fact that there is a need for rules of postponement among both the Jews and Catholics in locating their version of how to locate Passover or Easter, is the surest sign they are using a fraudulent system. The Gregorian calendar can never be harmonized with the calendar of the shamayim, for it is founded upon the artificial witty invention of man. If we remain true to follow the principle of sola Scriptura we can not go wrong.

Question 51: What does the High Sabbath have to do with defining the true calendar of Scripture?

Answer:  There are two High Sabbaths that occur every year. This is when a sacred appointed Feast Sabbath commences on a weekly seventh-day Sabbath, such as in the case of the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the spring and on the Feast of Tabernacles in the fall. Counting from the New Moon both feasts begin on the 15th and end on the 21st day.

“Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, the fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto Yahuah.” Leviticus 23:34

Both feasts always begin on the seventh-day Sabbath and end on the sixth day of the week, so there is no variation when they begin or end. Contrary to popular belief it is clearly stated in Leviticus 23:34 that the Feast of Tabernacles is a seven-day feast and not an eight-day feast. Yahuah in His wisdom makes it plain by stating in Leviticus 23:36 the following eighth day is to be a sacred convocation. We find in Leviticus 23:2, 3 that the seventh-day Sabbath is this sacred convocation. The fact that the eighth day which follows the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles is a sacred convocation does not automatically make the Feast of Tabernacles an eight-day feast, but rather it is making a calendation distinction. The first day of the Feast is a seventh-day Sabbath as well as the day following the seven-day feast. However, what it accomplishes is that it acts as Yahuah’s checks and balances to show that the sacred seventh-day Sabbaths continue intact to be legislated by the moon. This is because the seventh-day Sabbath is the day after the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles each and every year and not just once in a while. This cannot be accomplished using the Gregorian calendar.

Question 52: It has been explained to me that the Feast of Unleavened Bread can begin on any day of the week. What are your thoughts?

Answer:  If you are using the Gregorian calendar with “unbroken chains of weeks” then it will appear to begin on any day of the week. However, Scripture is our standard and it states that the spring Feast of Unleavened Bread commences on the day following Passover the 14th, as counted from the New Moon. This is the 15th day of the month of Abib and always commences on the seventh-day Sabbath, making the first day of this seven-day feast, a High Sabbath each and every year. Another identifier is that the moon will be in its dark conjunction lunar phase because the New Moon is the full moon. This feast ends on the sixth day of the week, the 21st day of the month, which is also appointed as a sacred convocation, but not a seventh-day Sabbath. The day following the 21st is the seventh-day Sabbath each and every year. The Feast days, together with the seventh-day Sabbaths create a GPS for discovering the structure of the Creator’s appointed and true calendar.

“And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to Yahuah; seven days you must eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall have a sacred convocation; you shall do no customary work on it. But you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahuah for seven days. The seventh day shall be a sacred convocation; you shall do no customary work on it.” Leviticus 23:6-8

Question 53: I don't understand why you insist that the Sabbath is on the first day of the spring Feast of Unleavened Bread and the fall Feast of Tabernacles are seventh-day Sabbaths?

Answer:  Each month of Scripture commences with the New Moon day. This is accurately testified in the original Hebrew text of Leviticus 23:5:

“In the New Moon the first, in the fourteenth of the New Moon between the evenings, is the Passover of Yahuah.” Leviticus 23:5 The Creator’s Calendar Restored Interlinear Text

Since each month begins with the New Moon day, then New Moon day is “day one” of the month of 29 or 30 days. The first day of the month is never the first day of the week. The first Sabbath of any given month is always on the 8th day of the month and the second Sabbath is always on the 15th. Now when you read in Ex. 12; 16; and 19 as well as Leviticus 23 you will see that each and every month of each and every year looks exactly the same other than half of the months are 29 days and the other half 30 days. Nowhere in the Scriptures is there a statement that the appointed Feasts of Yahuah float through the week and begin on different days of the week. There is no record of it happening. The reason we can be so certain of this is that the dates are given as a count from the full New Moon day. Also, Passover always occurs on the 14th of Abib at sunset on the preparation day. Each month is fixed to the phases and locations of the moon. Each week is fixed within the parameters of the month. All the dates are fixed on those specific days of the month, and nothing rotates. This is not my system but Yahuah’s divine calendation according to the interaction of the sun, moon, and stars that He set as “His time principles that rule in the shamayim.” Each of Yahuah’s sacred feast days are fixed to a specific day of the week as well as to a specific calendar date as counted from the New Moon. This ensures that the week never cycles without end, but remains fixed in place to the moon. As a result, every year the feast days will occur on the same dates and days of the week and have no variance.

Question 54: I have always been taught that the spring Feast of Unleavened bread is a seven-day feast, while the fall Feast of Tabernacles is an eight-day Feast. Why do you teach that both Feasts are seven-day Feasts?

Answer:  Exodus 12 and Leviticus 23 give the parameters and dates for these feasts and clarifies that both the spring Feast of Unleavened Bread and the fall Feast of Tabernacles are seven days in length. See Leviticus 23:34. They both begin on the seventh-day Sabbath and both end on the 6th day of the following week, which is known as preparation day. Since both feasts begin on the seventh-day Sabbath, then they become High Sabbaths. The last day of Unleavened Bread is appointed as a Sabbath but is not a seventh-day Sabbath. For the Feast of Tabernacles, the last day was not a Sabbath, rather the following day is the seventh-day Sabbath. See Leviticus 23:36. This is evidence that the last day of the feast is always the 6th day of the week. Therefore the first day of both the spring and fall Feast Days are truly seventh-day Sabbaths, which makes them also High Sabbaths each and every year. Article Link:  The Creator’s Calendar Units of Time

Question 55: Didn't Yahuah lead the children of Israel out of Egypt in the first month at Passover, on the 14th day of the month?

Answer:  Passover is defined as being between the evenings of the 14th of Abib.

“In the New Moon the first, in the fourteenth of the New Moon between the evenings, is the Passover of Yahuah.” Leviticus 23:5 The Creator’s Calendar Restored Interlinear Text

Surprising as it may be, Israel was not led out of Egypt until the night of the 15th, rather than the 14th as you have stated. From the detailed record that Yahuah commanded Moses to document, the Israelites left Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth at night, on the day after Passover (Numbers 33:2-4). A second proof that Israel did not leave Egypt on the 14th is that the Almighty Father commanded that the Israelites were not to step outside their doors until morning (Exodus 12:22).  Article Link:  Three Months in a Row.

When Does a Day Begin ?

Question 57: When does Scripture say a day begins?

Answer:  All scholars agree that there is always 24 hours for any given civil calendar date, which encompasses both the daylight and the darkness. But according to Genesis 1:1-5, each calendar date is divided into two parts – light and dark, day and night. Therefore when Scripture defines the parameters of a day it is usually describing the daylight, and likewise, when defining night it is referring to the darkness. Strikingly, it was during the daylight that each event of creation occurred. Following the daylight creation event came the evening (dusk), the night, then the dawn. Then the cycle would begin again.   Article Link:  A Day in Genesis Article Link:  Sunrise or Sunset: When Does a Day Begin? Article Link:  Visible Stars Define the Parameters of Day and Night

Question 58: According to Genesis 1:5, what is the definition given for the word "evening?"

Answer:  The definition for “evening” is not readily apparent in most translations of Genesis 1:5.  We believe it is the evening that occurs at sunset following each full day of the marvelous works of creation.  This is then followed by morning, making a full circle of 24 hours of the earth’s rotation.
  1. Daylight Creation for 12 hours
  2. Each day of Creation terminated at evening (sunset).
  3. The night terminated at morning, the full circle of earth’s 24 hour rotation.
Article Link:  A Day in Genesis

Question 60: According to the entire Renewed Covenant (NT), daylight is divided into 12 basic units of time. What are these units called?

Answer: They are called “hours.” The daylight, from sunrise to sunset, consists of twelve hours. Hours were reckoned by the shadows on a sundial. Even though the days of summer are longer than the days of winter, it always shows up on a sundial as 12 hours.

“And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius.” Matthew 20:9-10 NKJV

Yahusha answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. 10 But if one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.” John 11:9-11 NKJV

Article Link:  Sunrise or Sunset: When Does a Day Begin? Article Link:  Visible Stars Define the Parameters of Day and Night

Question 61: When the sacred Scriptures speak about the break of day in 2 Samuel 2:32, Judges 19:25 and Job 7:4; is this speaking of sunrise or sunset?

Answer:  Both are speaking of sunrise. We can know with certainty that the daybreak spoken of is specific to sunrise because it is clarified that these things occurred all night. The twilight period is known as the fourth watch of the night or the Daybreak Watch. Daybreak itself is synonymous with the sunrise. The Daybreak Watch does not commence but terminates at daybreak.

“Then they took up Asahel and buried him in his father’s tomb, which was in Bethlehem. And Joab and his men went all night, and they came to Hebron at daybreak.” 2 Samuel 2:32 NKJV

“But the men would not heed him. So the man took his concubine and brought her out to them. And they knew her and abused her all night until morning; and when the day began to break, they let her go.” Judges 19:25 NKJV

Article Link:  Visible Stars Define the Parameters of Day and Night

Question 62: If a "night" begins at sunset, occupying the entire dark period, when does a "day" begin?

Answer:  The day was reckoned by the daylight hours only, beginning at sunrise and ending at sunset. If the day also began at sunset, it would be like saying LIGHT equals DARKNESS.  “Alahim called the light day, and the darkness He called night.” Genesis 1:1-5

Article Link:  A Day in Genesis

Question 63: Was the sun created to rule over the day or was it made to rule over the night?

Answer:  It was made to rule over the day and not the darkness of night.

“Then Alahim said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the shamayim to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the shamayim to give light on the earth;” and it was so. Then Alahim made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. Alahim set them in the firmament of the shamayim to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And Alahim saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:14-18 NKJV

Article Link:  Sunrise or Sunset: When Does a Day Begin? Article Link:  Visible Stars Define the Parameters of Day and Night

Question 64: A sundial only works during the hours from sunrise to sunset, what was used to reckon units of time during the dark of night?

Answer:  It is the celestial starry constellations in the night sky above that determine the parameters of the four watches of the night as they arise in the east and make their way to the western horizon. (Mark 13:35). Article Link:  Visible Stars Define the Parameters of Day and Night

Question 65: I have a Jewish historian's testimony that the Sabbath during the days of the Messiah commenced on "Friday" at sunset and ended "Saturday" at sunset. His name is Alfred Edersheim. He was extensively schooled in the Torah and Jewish tradition, then was later converted to Christianity. As a historian he has written a number of books on Jewish history. Certainly he would have knowledge of the true hours of the sacred Sabbath, don't you agree?

Answer:   As you know, nowhere in Scripture, whether in the Tanakh (OT) or in the Renewed Covenant (N.T.), are the words Friday, Saturday, or Sunday used in Hebrew or Greek. These names for Roman pagan deities have never been synonymous with the 6th day, 7th day, or 1st day of the Scriptural Hebrew astro-luni-solar calendar week. They simply are not in sync. Most Jews or trained rabbis today are still deeply entrenched in their oral traditions, which are not Scriptural. They either knowingly or unknowingly have bowed to the Roman-mandated calendation that can be traced back to Hillel II of the fourth century A.D. Notice the following quote from the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. Notice the following quotes from the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, and the Roman Ecclesiastical History by Eusebius:

“. . . Shabbat [weekly Sabbath] originally arose from the lunar cycle, containing four weeks ending in Sabbath, plus one or two additional unreckoned days per [lunar] month.” The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: An Authoritative and Popular Presentation of Jews and Judaism Since the Earliest Times. Volume 10, Simon Cohen (1943; 482-483). “Week,” Isaac Landman [Emphasis mine]

“Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), both periodically recur in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle.” Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 410. [Emphasis mine]

But notwithstanding the decision of the council [of Nicaea] there were some Quartodecimens, as they were termed, who remained pertinaciously attached to the celebration of Easter on the fourteenth of the moon, and among others the Audeans, schismatics of Mesopotamia. They found fault with the council, reproachfully remarking, that this was the first time that the ancient tradition [of properly locating Passover by the moon], through complaisance for Constantine, had been departed from. Ecclesiastical History, Eusebius, Chapter 22 Council of Nicaea. [Emphasis Mine]

Sincerely believing something to be true simply doesn’t make it so. We all come with long-held paradigms.

Article Link:  Stunning Historical Evidence Article/Study Link:  New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep

Question 66: Also, during the Messiah's life it was His custom to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Was this during the light or dark portion of a calendar date?

Answer:  According to Scripture it was His custom to enter the synagogue during the daylight. No where is it recorded that He went to the synagogue to worship during the dark of night. The traditional Jews are not able to utilize this detail, as they don’t recognize the authority of the Renewed Covenant or the Messiah.

“And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.” Luke 4:16 NKJV

Article Link:   Sunrise or Sunset: When Does a Day Begin?

Question 67: Yahusha, the Messiah was the sacrificial Lamb who laid down His life as the sin offering on behalf of all people of all time. After an agonizing trial and beating, He was placed on the cross/stake at the third hour. This begs the question, was this the third hour of the day, or the third hour of the night?

Answer:  If you say it was the third hour of the day, then you must realize that this time continuum is counting from sunrise, making sunrise the beginning of each new day. Thus it would place the Messiah on the cross/stake at approximately 9:00 A.M. However, if you say “night”, because you believe Sabbath began counting from sunset, then you are saying that the Messiah was crucified at approximately 9:00 P.M. and died about 3:00 A.M. (Gregorian time) during the darkness of night. It simply can’t be both ways.

“Now it was the third hour, and they crucified Him.”  Mark 15:25

If this seems confusing, just remember when the term “hour” is used it is nearly always referring to daylight, the period from sunrise to sunset. This is because hours are only produced as the radiant beams of sunlight cast defined shadows upon a sundial. The only reason the Messiah’s body was not embalmed during the dark hours of night that occurred three hours after His death was because the Feast of Passover had begun as it was a sacred convocation, and also called a yearly Sabbath and feast. This was not because a seventh-day Sabbath was to begin at sunset, as many have assumed. Rather, the seventh-day Sabbath began the next morning at sunrise, just as Passover was ending and the Feast of Unleavened Bread was commencing. The traditional Jews are not able to utilize this detail. There was no moon that night of the 14th as it was in the phase of conjunction. Article Link:  Solar Eclipse from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour

Question 68: The Jews and Saturday Sabbatarians believe the day begins at sunset. Isn't this based on Scripture?

Answer:  If the Sabbath day begins at sunset, evening, or at the first light of dawn, as many people believe, then the following verses would make no sense whatsoever. Scripture clearly defines that the corporate praising of the Almighty Father in the shamayim is to be done from sunrise to sunset.

From the rising of the sun to its going down Yahuah’s name is to be praised. Psalms 113:3 NKJV

The Mighty One, Alahim, Yahuah, has spoken and called the earth from the rising of the sun to its going down. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, Alahim will shine forth. Psalms 50:1-2 NKJV

For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name shall be great among the Gentiles; in every place incense shall be offered to My name, and a pure offering; for My name shall be great among the nations,” says Yahuah of hosts. Malachi 1:11 NKJV

Article Link:  Sunrise or Sunset: When Does a Day Begin? Article Link:  Visible Stars Define the Parameters of Day and Night