Do You Remember the Sabbath Day?
Do You Remember?
“Remember the Sabbath,” the command so clear,
But who among us, still holds it dear?
Some recall with hearts that are pure,
But are they the ones, keeping it sure?
Is Saturday really, the Sabbath of old?
Or have traditions caused, the truth to grow cold?
Sunday’s not it, nor is Saturday’s claim,
As neither in Scripture, are given by name.
In the light of creation, the answer lies,
To find the Sabbath, look to the skies.
The moon and the stars, in their dance so grand,
Hold the secret timepiece, made by His hand.
The Sabbath’s not found, on calendars man-made,
But in lunar cycles, where His glory’s displayed.
The moon’s phases guide, with faithful grace,
To His lunar Sabbath, His time-centric place.
To keep it as holy, unite with Divine,
Or alone, your efforts, will surely decline.
Keep it on His day, or miss the mark,
For it’s the blessed Sabbath, it’s set-apart.
Forget the moon’s phase, forget the plan,
And you’ll lose the Sabbath, and break His command.
Many don’t know, the error they make,
Their traditions blind them, the truth they forsake.
For those who now seek, the Creator are few,
His full moon witness, is faithful and true.
The sun, moon, and stars, a celestial blend,
Sync us to Him, a bond without end.
From His Full Moon Day, the count started,
Seven days to Sabbath, His rest day guarded.
A timeless system, never to change,
Man’s attempts to alter, are simply deranged.
Forget creation’s model, and the Sabbath is lost,
Adhering to man’s ways, comes at a cost.
Messiah kept it true, His faithful as well,
To lunar light they adhered, their devotion did swell.
Rome’s cycling week, has led us astray,
Causing us to forget, YAH’s lunar Sabbath day.
Our Creator’s unique time, in the sky’s array,
Calls us to return, to His ancient narrow way.
Messiah’s vetting test, to enter His gates,
Rests on our will, to accept lunar dates.
The full moon that’s seen, tells us Sabbath’s the eighth,
The fifteenth, twenty-second, and twenty-ninth is the date.
Guardians of the lie, want you to believe,
The rhythm remains set, an aim to deceive.
Passover and Feast Days, sin’s sure remedy,
Is Messiah’s lone passport, to our assured destiny.
Now you know, with evidence clear,
His lunar Sabbath, was given us to revere.
Remember, He said, My Holy Sabbath day,
My faithful alone, are those who obey.
From lies to the truth, we now understand,
The moon and stars rule, together as planned.
By their rhythmic light, His Sabbath’s now shown,
The divine connection, from Earth to His throne.