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To the reader… Thank you for visiting the Creator’s Calendar website. 

This website has been created to share exciting discoveries from Scripture, History, and Astronomy.  Its purpose is to restore truths relating to the sacred NAMES and set-apart TIMES & EVENTS of the Bridal Covenant and its sole REMEDY for sinners contained in the annual lunar Feast Days performed by our Messiah alone.

This website is copyrighted. It is not in competition with any other website, person, organization, etc. Meaning it stands alone under Yahusha’s divine guidance. The articles are intended for your consideration and spiritual enlightenment, and knowledge of the truth in preparation for Yahusha haMashiach’s soon RETURN.

While I am happy to answer questions pertinent to furthering your understanding of these subjects, I am not here to debate or respond to questions concerning your beliefs,  paradigms, or criticisms.  

Rather, I encourage you to read and study more than one article and even build one upon another for greater insight, understanding, and edification. None of this has been taught in the churches or synagogues but has been long hidden under the rubble of Roman laws, fraudulent Jewish traditions, and proactive Scriptural translation alterations, which was allowed by the Father “until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” The times of the Gentiles have now been fulfilled. Yahusha’s followers are waking as they hear His voice calling them to come out of all the false systems of worship. PRAISE HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART THAT YOU ARE ONE OF THESE!!!

If you have already read through the FAQ, articles, and Hebrew word studies and still have questions or simply want to dialog with a fellow truth seeker, feel free to email your inquiry:


visit me on Facebook:  The Creator’s Calendar or at Kerrie French