October 22, 1844 and the Crescent Moon
October 22, 1844 and the Crescent New Moon provides evidence tying this honored date to the lunar calendar and the Saturday Sabbath paradox. Each long hidden from Seventh-day Adventist members.
Read More...October 22, 1844 and the Crescent New Moon provides evidence tying this honored date to the lunar calendar and the Saturday Sabbath paradox. Each long hidden from Seventh-day Adventist members.
Read More...The Mounting Weight of Evidence for the Lunar Sabbath is born on the wings of Scripture, History, and Astronomy as an end-time test of faith. This should be of no surprise, considering that Yasharal’s (Israel’s) first test of faith before leaving Egypt on their journey to the Promised Land was TIME. You will find the reference in Exodus 12:1-10 when Yahuah declared to Moses and Aaron fifteen days before the exodus:
Read More...Stunningly, PASSOVER is fixed to SEVEN SCRIPTURAL TIME-CENTRIC GPS EVENTS simultaneously, eternally nailing it along with the authentic seventh-day Sabbath to specific lunar dates.
Read More...While all the world slumbered is a revelation of the testing truth for the end time people of Yahuah who seek an eternal home.
Read More...The Mark of the Beast or the Seal of YAHUAH will be the choice in the final conflict between the Laws of Yahuah and the Laws of Satan.
Read More...No debate, Saturday is the seventh day of the modern Roman planetary week. The elephant in the room is that the calendar itself is a fraud.
Read More...Discover that while all the world slumbered the timepiece revealed by the LIGHTS in the shamayim was pushed aside and an impostor was set up.
Read More...Sabbath fruit of the lunar tree of time, reveals how the authentic Sabbath is only found according to a unique model of time-measuring.
Read More...Scripture’s test of a true prophet is the paramount foundation of all the true prophets of our Eternal Father, and is the tool that exposes the dross. Have you put your prophet to the test?
Read More...Announcing an Official Paradigm Shift illustrates the discovery that neither the dark nor crescent lunar phase meets the Biblical criteria for the start of lunar months. As a result, the years, months, weeks, Sabbaths, and lunar appointed Feast Days will all be out of sync with the Creator. Meaning you will be worshiping alone.
Read More...The Samoan Island Government ruled to move the International Dateline to its east for financial gain creating a sacred seventh-day Sabbath paradox for the Island people. Discover in this article the single way to dissolve this Sabbath conundrum.
Read More...The day begins fresh and new at sunrise after the night has been cut off, as in circumcision and withers away.
Read More...This well documented article traces the hiding of the lunar Sabbath within the SDA Church and even prior to the church’s official organizing in 1864.
Read More...Discover the great Easter controversy cover-up of 1911 conducted by a two Adventist leaders who were determined to hide the lunar Sabbath evidence.