Popular and Useful Memes
These popular and useful memes have been provided so you can share them with family and friends to open their eyes and restore YAH’S TRUTHS.
Read More...These popular and useful memes have been provided so you can share them with family and friends to open their eyes and restore YAH’S TRUTHS.
Read More...In the same way the Genesis Creation account provides the answer to this age-old question of which came first the chicken or the egg, many Scripture verses also reveal when the day begins, whether sunrise, midnight, or sunset.
Read More...Scriptures you must ignore to reject the lunar Sabbath article reveals that the honor to YAHUAH and the remedy for sin are tied to the full moon.
Read More...Virtually every Christian church denomination holds “Good Friday” in the highest esteem. Yet, is it in accordance with the time-centric PROMISE of Yahusha the Hebrew Messiah, or is it a detour of ungodly proportions?
Read More...Discover why all the wars in the Holy Land of Israel have continued since the beginning of time. Is it more than a battle of good and evil?
Read More...Since there are three historical periods of the Jewish Calendar, what guarantee is there that it is now accurate and in sync with Scripture?
Read More...Passover’s end-time significance is that it reveals both time and event of the saving work of our Messiah. It is the seal of God (YHUH) and protection from receiving the Mark of the Beast.
Read More...The Mark of the Beast or the Seal of YAHUAH will be the choice in the final conflict between the Laws of Yahuah and the Laws of Satan.
Read More...Discover that while all the world slumbered the timepiece revealed by the LIGHTS in the shamayim was pushed aside and an impostor was set up.
Read More...Who Paved Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot? It was the Jews themselves, as they thought the Fort of Antonia to be the sacred temple mount.
Read More...I now share my dream and journey, and pray it will encourage another seeker of truth as revealed by the Father of Lights (James 1:17).
Read More...The Sabbath and the Bible in a Bottle, reveals that the dogma of Christianity cannot penetrate the pure hearts of the un-indoctrinated. If you were an isolated island dweller, would you be keeping the same Sabbath and Sacred days as the modern Christian Churches if a Bible in a bottle washed up in a language you could read?
Read More...LAW VS. GRACE – an Oxymoron, reveals that the Law and Grace are eternally joined. One cannot exist without the other. Meaning the law never ended at the cross but is the roadmap that leads mankind to grace.
Read More...Click HERE to VIEW VIDEO … Read More…
Restoring Rosh Hashanah, Yahuah’s New Year’s Day in SPRING to its original placement in TIME and as it relates to the Menorah ordered Feast Day Standard.
Read More...VIDEO: The Lunar Sabbath and the Seventh-day Adventist Church Click on the image or HERE to view the video. … Read More…
Our Messiah’s true prophetic birthday has been found. It can only be discovered on the original and authentic lunar calendar.
Read More...Three Unanswerable Objections to the Flat Earth Theory are the daily principles displayed by the sun, moon, and stars that are visible to all.
Read More...Book of Enoch – Fact or Fiction? Discover three reasons why the Book of Enoch is NOT in harmony with the Bible, and what that means for the followers of Yahuah Alahim and His Son.
Read More...Announcing an Official Paradigm Shift illustrates the discovery that neither the dark nor crescent lunar phase meets the Biblical criteria for the start of lunar months. As a result, the years, months, weeks, Sabbaths, and lunar appointed Feast Days will all be out of sync with the Creator. Meaning you will be worshiping alone.
Read More...The Lunar Sabbath’s Stunning Historical Evidence reveals that the Daniel 7:25 prophecy changing TIMES and LAWS has already occurred in A.D. 325. Its effect is more far-reaching than previously known.
Read More...Passover – the true sign and seal of Yahuah shall be a sign to you that the Torah is in your mouth. No Passover, no Torah, and no future beyond the grave!
Read More...The Passover to Tabernacles calendar challenge will illustrate that the modern week cycle and Saturday Sabbath are NOT in sync with Scripture’s calendar.
Read More...This is a detailed rebuttal to an article written by Angel Rodriguez of the Biblical Research Institute of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, on the subject of the lunar Sabbath.
Read More...This well documented article traces the hiding of the lunar Sabbath within the SDA Church and even prior to the church’s official organizing in 1864.
Read More...Discover the great Easter controversy cover-up of 1911 conducted by a two Adventist leaders who were determined to hide the lunar Sabbath evidence.
Read More...In this historical letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar of Rome, there are some inconsistencies with regard to time revealing its likelyhood that it was changed by the correctories of Rome.
Read More...Prepare yourself, as it may come as a shock to discover the true meaning and origin of the Christmas celebration. Who would have guessed it was part of the rebellious sun worship cult that began with Nimrod of the infamous Babylon.