A Great Sign Appeared in the Shamayim – Revelation 12
A Great Sign Appeared in the Shamayim
Announcing New Year’s Day
Discover in this interlinear Scripture Study the meaning of the woman described in Revelation 12:1. The great sign in the shamayim (heavens) of the woman clothed with the sun depicts the constellation Bethulah (Virgo) rising in the east in the spring. She is arrayed or clothed with the sun as she rises within 12 degrees of sunset. This indicates that the stars rising with her are not yet visible for another half hour. The “brilliant Selene” moon (G#4582) under/at her feet/legs can be no other than the full moon as the “Renewed Moon,” the original and true start of a new year signal. This magnificent lunar phase identifies Bethulah (Virgo) as the first constellation of the year and that Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day), in spring, commences the following morning at sunrise. The tiara, or crown of twelve stars, is defined as crowning her head, revealing that she is the Queen of the shamayim (heavens), ruling as head of the twelve constellations. Then, together, this trinity of lights announces Rosh Hashanah, New Year’s Day in spring.
The Shamayim Declare His Story
It is both fascinating and astonishing to look up at the sky and fathom how His story has been written in the stars. From the first moments of creation and then transcending all human time, Yahuah, our Creator, has imprinted upon the patterns and order of the stars His intricate blueprint. It was established as a road map of salvation to redeem mankind from sin and death and restore us back to the Father. In addition to the Scriptural record, His story appears to be told via a perpetual story wheel that makes its circuit high above our heads from year to year. In poetic grandeur, this great chronicler of the night sky speaks of the principles of divine love and intervention. All of Yahuah’s preordained prophetic events are synchronized to His divinely sophisticated rhythms as beaconed by the sun, moon, and stars. Thus, His Story is signed, sealed, and delivered according to the Creator’s own time signature and relayed to mankind via His brilliant LIGHT display by day and also by night. All His time units— Renewed Moon Day (first day of new month), lunar Sabbaths, Feast Days, astro-lunar years, Sabbaths of years, and jubilees are all measured by the LIGHTS. “For what communion has LIGHT with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14
The weeks are likewise a product of the full New Moon, as they are to be COUNTED from the first day after the Renewed Moon Day for a cycle of four complete weeks of seven days. As a result, the week cycle will never include the first day of each month (Renewed Moon Day, often called New Moon Day) or the 30th day, also called the transition day.
The Creator’s timepiece was bequeathed to His obedient truth-seekers of the earth so that they may worship Him in harmony with the worship rhythms of the New Yarushalom (Jerusalem), His very throne room above. It is by way of His Kadosh (holy, sacred, and set-apart) appointed Feast Day rehearsals, portrayed in their order, that the sacrificial role of His compassion and laws of justice are revealed in His marvelous plan of salvation as preparation for the eternal kingdom.
“The shamayim (abode of the sun, moon, and stars) accurately records the majesty of Alahim (God) and the handiwork of His power from the conspicuous expanse of the firmament. Day unto day gushes forth promises and night unto night demonstrates knowledge. Without promises and without purposeful signs their voice shall not be heard, understood, nor obeyed. Their measuring-line proceeds forth to all the earth, and their discourse to the end of the world. To the EAST Yahuah’s tabernacle was fixed and ordained. And Himself like a bridegroom shall proceed forth from His canopied chamber. He shall rejoice as a mighty warrior to hasten along the well-worn pathway. From the border of the shamayim His going forth is in the EAST, and His revolution—a circuit of time in space unto the end, and nothing shall be hidden from His wrath!” Psalms 19:1-6 (The Creator’s Calendar New Restored Interlinear Text)
Nimrod and Semiramis, Emissaries of Darkness
For hundreds of years, mankind has believed what the religious leaders taught us, that true Scripture (Torah/Tanakh and Renewed Covenant) believers have nothing to do with looking to the stars, the moon, or even utilizing a sundial for measuring and marking the passing of time by way of the traversing hours of the sun. This is because these once divinely ordained beacons of Kadosh (sacred) appointed times became corrupted by Nimrod and his wife Semiramis (Ishtar) of ancient Babylon prior to the Tower of Babel event and the dispersal to all the world that followed thereafter. This ancient husband-and-wife duo was central to the development of nearly all pagan religions based upon an entirely new time-measuring ideology.
Together, they instituted the dark conjunction lunar phase and its twin sister, the first visible crescent named “Sin,” as the New Moon, along with the constellation Pisces (Dagon) for the start of years on the solar zodiac wheel. Scripture clarifies that Dagon was the fish god worshiped by the Philistines. Read what happened when the Philistines took the Ark of the Covenant into the Temple house of Dagon (1 Samuel 5:1-7). For historic reference refer to Uncovered: Lunar Calendar of Ancient Babylon.
Simply put, all time measurement was proactively corrupted and turned upside down. This time measurement system was adopted by those who rebelled against Yahuah Alahim and then spread to all nations of the world. But it didn’t end there. These ancient Babylonians added to their false paradigm, and a sister act of hellish proportions was created. This is known the world over as astrology, with its signs, horoscopes, Tarot cards, Psychic readings, and witchcraft.
Babylon’s new Calendar time-measuring system and tag-along Religion were ingeniously crafted to be used as the imperial system of the Prince of Darkness. It was designed to be in perpetual opposition to the LUNAR APPOINTED TIME ordained by the Eternal Father for His Kadosh (sacred), Renewed Moon Days (New Moons), lunar Sabbaths, and annual lunar appointed Feast Days. In abject rebellion, this new system for measuring time was utilized for Satanic worship services. Over time, all the best-known constellations acquired modified stories designed to identify future events and even the character of those born into that designated sign. All of this was orchestrated by the father of lies, wholly disassociated from the divinely inspired original order of the stars, as marked in the spring by the marvelous LIGHT of the Full Renewed Moon (Selene G#4582 – brilliant moon) rising at/under the feet/legs of Bethulah (Virgo) on the eastern horizon.
The Perfect Plan Corrupted
No doubt, revealed by the Eternal Father to Adam and Eve after the fall, His epic story of LOVE was written among the starry constellations to be treasured and handed down from generation to generation. Its intended purpose was to foster a genuine love for YAHUAH Alahim and a confident expectation beyond the grave for a full restoration to Him, their Creator. A plan made possible only by virtue of Yahusha, the promised Messiah, the only begotten Son of Yahuah, who was to be the Lamb slain for the sins of mankind. Nearly unthinkable! Refer to the book Witness of the Stars.
All things created good, good, and very good at creation have since been counterfeited by satanic design to confuse and undermine all believers to ensure they will miss out on eternal life. The noblest and grandest subjects of our Creator’s times and laws and the Plan of Salvation have become the target of misrepresentation and succumbed to slanderous ruin.
But, these times of ignorance are finished and forever ended. Our Eternal Father is calling His people to lift up their heads, to look up and observe the celestial bodies, His preordained signs that our redemption is drawing nigh (Luke 21:28)! He is now calling our attention to His beacons of marvelous LIGHT that He set up in the visible sky for synchronizing the worship rhythms of the earth with the unmovable time principles of the New Yarushalom (Jerusalem), in preparation for the return of the “Son of Righteousness,” our Melchizedek High Priest. Click on the astroplot image for a larger view.
This is the reoriented and original Scriptural Mazzaroth depiction of what the pagan world today commonly refers to as the Zodiac. (Might this term “Zodiac” originally have referred to the “Zadok” or righteous.) The Lunar-astro Line Time is the only time-measuring system supported by Scripture. This illustrates the sun ruling by day only and the full moon together with the stars ruling by night, measuring lunar astro years and months and demarcating civil calendar dates with its own unique lunar phase. Most importantly, this image depicts the correct starting point for the year as described in Revelation 12:1, as in the spring with the full moon at/under the feet/legs of the constellation Bethulah (Virgo).
A Woman Clothed with the Sun
This story that ends in Revelation had its beginning in Genesis. It is there we learn that through the combined endeavor of the sun, moon, and stars, we are given the beacons for all the Creator’s units of time. Naturally, this pure woman portrayed in Revelation 12:1 is given as a GREAT SIGN by the Creator of the shamayim and earth to punctuate an imperative application for each of these same celestial bodies. Our attention is drawn to her in these end-times for the purpose of restoring the knowledge of the true Creator’s Calendar, His true time-measuring model, which both restores and declares His preordained PLAN OF SALVATION in detail like a road map. For it is found that neither the “Zadok” (Righteous) Creator nor His imperial “Zadok” (Righteous) time mechanism is subject to change, ever.
A Sign Appeared in the Shamayim
Unexpectedly, it is discovered that the constellation Bethulah, the virgin, is the sign and symbol of the pure, virtuous woman of Revelation, the Zadok (righteous) followers of Yahuah, and who “follow the lamb whethersoever He goes.” She makes her appearance, arising from the eastern horizon as a yearly perpetual “sign” in the spring. At nightfall, she can be seen rising in the east in the Northern Hemisphere, in her entirety: her head, shoulders, body, and feet. See the illustration below.
Please note that although each Stellarium image in this article was collected in 2013, the principles they illustrate are perpetual on a 19-year cycle. So what is Bethulah (Virgo) a sign of that is significant for the obedient followers at the end of time?
A Woman Arose Arrayed with the Sun
Every year in the spring, in the month of April, the constellation Bethulah appears and rises in the east in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. She is depicted as standing upright upon her feet.
In this image, Spica, the largest star within Bethulah’s constellation, highlights the barley wave sheaf in her left hand while she carries the palm branch in her right hand. The palm branch is an ancient symbol of rejoicing, triumph, and glorification. Palm branches were waved in jubilation at important events, such as the entrance of a King to his kingdom, and seasonal ceremonies, such as the Hebrew annual spring and fall Feast Days. Strikingly, Yahusha, our Messiah, made His last entry into Jerusalem on a donkey as the common folks waved palm branches during the first month of Abib, just five days prior to Passover, marked by the constellation Bethulah (Virgo).
Consider the fact that both her entrance in spring and exit in fall were pre-ordained to align with the spring and fall lunar appointed Feasts. Might this be because she arises in the lunar month of Abib (or Nissan), announcing the authentic Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day) and the coming spring Feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread, fourteen and fifteen days later? Could it be Bethulah who announces the ripening barley harvest, as the wave sheaf of grain in her hand so aptly depicts? Might she continue her journey for six months through the night sky to make her exit at the Feast of Tabernacles in the seventh lunar month, with the final waving of a palm branch, a promise of the Second Coming of the King of Kings? And all the while, isn’t it Bethulah who represents Yahuah’s people, the Yahudim, who obediently continue to celebrate His Holy appointed seven annual Feast Days perpetually from spring to fall, because in them is the ordered Remedy for sin, the Plan of Salvation? Doesn’t this perfectly harmonize well with the characterization of Bethulah in Revelation 12:1, who is “with child, and cried, travailing in birth and pained to be delivered.” Ironically, today, the Rabbinical and Karaite Jews both identify with the constellation Pisces and the dark conjunction lunar phase in opposition to Bethulah and the full moon. This is 180 degrees opposite of what was ordained in the beginning.
The image below depicts the same night as the one above but from the perspective of facing south with the east and west coordinates in their proper positions. The green line represents the horizon. Here we can see the position of the moon about to rise after sunset. Yet, the full moon can be up to 12 degrees above the horizon at sunset for half of the months of each year.
When Bethulah, as first in the order of the wheel of the stars, rises above the eastern horizon line, we can know that there are six major constellations yet below the horizon, which makes seven, while Aries is descending in the west as the eighth. The modern, pagan terms of Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer follow these. Then Leo brings up the rear as the twelfth month or last constellation of a regular year, but only as it is highlighted by the full moon.
A Shocking Discovery
A most profound and unexpected discovery in this research has been the unearthing of a well-concealed lie that has become a long-held tradition. Who would have thought that the modern Zodiac, which is said to commence with Pisces/Dagon in the spring each year, is actually 180 degrees opposite of its original starting point? How can we know? View the astroplot below.
This pagan Zodiac that we are all familiar with today remains relatively the same as it was in Samaria and Babylon nearly 4,000 years ago. It was uniquely designed to be measured and viewed from the earth through the alignment of the dark conjunction lunar phase and the SUN to mark the start of the year to commence in Pisces or Aries. It is the belief of this website that this is the altered version of the Creator’s original Mazzaroth time-measuring system, having been changed by 180 degrees by Nimrod and Semiramis for their ingeniously crafted pagan sun cult.
This manipulated time system was based upon a syzygy (alignment of 3 or more heavenly spheres) of the dark (invisible) moon, the sun, and the constellation of Pisces on the opposite side of the universe during the daylight when it was also utterly invisible. In contrast, the Creator’s timepiece is fully visible. It was preordained to be measured by the full moon rising in the east against the backdrop of the starry constellation of Bethulah (Virgo) by night when the sun is in opposition and not present. Meaning the full moon was the ordained ruling lunar phase, which was designed to rise in the east in a perfect syzygy with the earth and the constellation Bethulah (Virgo) to start the year. Each successive month thereafter will occur in the same way but with the next constellation in its order.
The Hebrew names for some of these constellations are Bethulah (Virgo), Moznayim (Libra), Taleh (Aries), and Ari (Leo). Not yet provable, these may be the only remnants of the original wheel of stars. If there were other names and icons for the remainder of the spring, summer, and winter months, they surely have been lost or covered up. One must also question whether the Eternal would have ordained any creature considered unclean, such as scorpions, crabs, or the amalgamation of man and beast for His Mazzaroth constellation icons.
Dagon, the Symbol of Heathen Sun Worship
Knowing how Yahuah Alahim (God) felt about Dagon, the pagan sun-cult fish god, is there any way He would have begun His sacred and prophetic year with the sun marking Dagon to tell His story within the wheel of the starry constellations? 1 Samuel 5:1-7 tells us that because the Philistines inadvertently placed the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple of Dagon, the next morning, Dagon’s head and hands were broken off at the very threshold of the temple or house of Dagon.
Might this have been recorded for the purpose of declaring that Yahuah’s true Mazzaroth, wheel of the stars, has NEVER been represented in any way or commenced its year at the threshold of the house of Dagon/Pisces? There are only two choices: 1) Either new names and constellation icons were supplanted over Yahuah’s original system, or 2) Nimrod’s sun cult used the same symbols but rotated the timepiece by 180 degrees by exchanging the full moon for the dark lunar phase that was aligned with the sun to mark the start of the year. We firmly believe that #2 was the route taken.
The Tanakh’s (OT Scripture) time system was established upon the foundation of the sun, ruling alone by day, and the full moon, together with the stars ruling in unison by night, to measure time and announce the new day that occurred at sunrise. All constellations were ordained to follow their order.
Some believe that the constellations have changed their positions over time because they are trying to utilize the wrong lunar phase for the New Moon. It is only as the brilliant full moon is recognized as the New Moon that the entire sky is restored to its consistent and correct position. Otherwise, there will be a 15 – 45-day discrepancy that will cause it to appear that the constellations have plummeted ahead by one day every 70 years since the time of Moses, which many are declaring today called the Precession of the Stars.
We must remember that our Creator patterned Earth’s clock/calendar after the one that circles the New Jerusalem for the purpose of keeping His followers from the Earth in sync with His worship rhythms. To believe that this clock is losing time presumes that the Most High is incapable of maintaining it or too busy to notice. Rather, we can have confidence when He says, “I am Yahuah, I change not. . .,” that He means it. Malachi 3:6.
The Appointed Times, via the LIGHTS (sun, moon, and stars), is the very signature of Yahuah’s creative power, testifying that He is who He is, and His clock will NEVER lose time. We must recognize that mankind, under the leadership of the Prince of Darkness, artificially crafted the New Moon change by 180 degrees simply by choosing either the mostly dark crescent moon or the fully dark (occulted) conjunction as the New Moon. And each is born out of rebellion.
The Moon Under Bethulah’s Feet
The brilliant moon shows up under Bethulah’s feet or legs most years. This event is announced the following morning at sunrise as New Year’s Day. Passover is always counted fourteen days later, which will always fall on the sixth day of the second week, followed by the seventh-day Sabbath. This illustrates that our Creator’s original calendar time-measuring model for YEARS, MONTHS, WEEKS, and DAYS has always been displayed in the heavens by the lunar phases.
Progression of Bethulah Rising at Sunset with the Full Moon
It must be understood when discussing the attributes of stars in the shamayim (heavens); the sun must be in the set position in the west for the succession of starry constellations to arise in the east to commence their night of ruling. The sun and stars rule opposite portions of each 24-hour period. Genesis 1:16 declares the “sun to rule by day and moon and stars to rule by night.” Therefore, this principle must also apply to Revelation 12:1 in its description of Bethulah and the moon rising.
- Bethulah rises with the moon at/near her feet/legs at sunset. The sky is still bathed in the light of the sun, causing the starry constellations to not be visible for 30 minutes or so. The greatest clue that this is the night of the full moon is that this constellation is depicted as being bathed in the sun while it is arising and because the moon is in proximity to her feet it must also be bathed in the full light of the sun. As a second witness, the only lunar phase that can arise at or nearest sunset is the full moon. So while Bethulah is invisible when clothed for an hour at sunset, the moon is at its maximum brilliancy, in a marvelous, complete and perfect display.
- Within 30 min, Bethulah’s brightest star, Spica, becomes visible and is visible all night from the eastern horizon to the western, where she sets with the full New Moon shortly after sunrise.
- The brilliant full moon arises below Spica near the position of Bethulah’s feet/legs announcing three things: 1) This is the last night of a twelve or thirteen month year. 2) The following morning at sunrise is New Year’s Day. 3.) The full moon is the New Moon after all, and begins the first month New Year with Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day) the following sunrise.
- Only after the sun has been set for over an hour will the twelve stars of Bethulah’s crown be visible. Each night thereafter as the moon diminishes in light and moves further away, her tiara of twelve stars will become more visible to the naked eye.
These four facts of the sun, moon, and stars work in concert to identify that the full moon is the only possible lunar phase at Bethulah’s feet, announcing the Renewed Moon (New Moon Day) and New Year’s Day.
Sunrise in the Fall
What might be the implications of Revelation 12:1 being fulfilled by Bethulah arising in the fall at sunrise, clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and twelve stars above her head?
- Bethulah is a constellation of stars, as such they are never visibly ruling the sky during the daylight.
- Neither a conjunction nor crescent lunar phase would be visible at sunrise for the sheer fact that this lunar phase is so close to the sun.
- No stars are visible above Bethulah’s head, because her head is made of stars that are not visible during the daylight.
Below is an image of what this would look like. Can this really fulfill any part of Revelation 12:1, which begins with the words, “Now a great sign appeared in the shamayim. . .?” The only thing that appears in this image below is the sun.
Each of the Stellarium images below illustrates the beginning of the night after the sun has set in the west.
In the Fall, Bethulah Sets with the Sun
The only time that the sun rises and sets in the constellation Bethulah is in the fall. So, the question is: Can the reference to Bethulah in Revelation 12:1 be describing an event that occurs at sunset in the fall when she is upside down and her head is no longer above the horizon (exhibited by the green horizontal line)?
In the image below, both the sun and the moon are at Bethulah’s feet at the time of conjunction in the fall. (The dark occulted conjunction moon appears bright, so we can see it in this image, highlighted with red marks, but it is invisible and dark.)
In the image above, both the sun and the moon are at Bethulah’s feet at the time of conjunction in the fall.
Some assert that Revelation 12:1 is fulfilled with Bethulah setting with the western sun in the fall. If this were true:
- One would have to ignore the fact that all the luminaries’ voices are only heard when they arise in the east until they set in the west. This is the period of time Genesis says that they are ruling.
- The entire constellation of Bethulah, including both her head and body, have already set with the sun and thereby, are not visible above the horizon.
- There is no visible lunar phase as it is still too close to its conjunction with the sun. The only time the sun can ever be directly upon Bethulah, she will be upside down in the fall.
Some may assert that the crescent moon (marked by red markers) is under her feet in the image below. In this Stellarium illustration, the sun is set by 15 minutes just under the western marker, and the crescent moon is only 8 or 9 degrees above the horizon, causing it to not be readily visible. The following night, the moon is visible, but it is not even close to her feet.
The image below illustrates that Bethulah is rising in the east and clothed with light from a newly set sun in the west. Yet, as the sun’s light fades into the night, Bethulah becomes visible, along with the brilliant full moon at her feet.
It must be remembered that our Creator configured this constellation to display Bethulah in the upright position, upon her feet, to those living in the Northern Hemisphere near Jerusalem. Those choosing to live elsewhere must make astronomical compensation for this one-time signature.
Above Bethulah’s Head is a Crown of Twelve Stars
The Scriptures tell us that there is a crown of twelve “stars” above Bethulah’s head. This appears to be the case after all, as a faint circle of stars encircles her head, announcing Bethulah as the queen or first constellation of the year. On this one night, the brilliant moon will arise in the east under her feet just before or after sunset in the west.
It is discovered that the word star (#792 aster), together with its root word (stronnumi #4766), forms the English word “astronomy.” This string of twelve stars above Bethulah’s head may symbolize twelve starry constellations in addition to the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve disciples, which together represent the obedient followers throughout history.
Strikingly, the full moon highlights the ruling constellation among the twelve, symbolizing the work of the Messiah among the twelve tribes and His twelve disciples.
Whether these stars above her head represent the twelve constellations or not, this twelve-starred tiara still appears to crown her as queen and first in order and rank in the yearly count of the twelve constellations.
Add to this picture the brilliant moon rising one night only every two or three years, and we have discovered a jaw-dropping truth. Here within the harmonious orchestration of the sun, moon, and stars, John, the Revelator, has revealed the sign in the shamayim of when the New Year will begin following a thirteen-month year. But deeper still, this is announcing that all the prophetic events of Revelation 12 commence on a brilliant full New Moon following a thirteen-month year. This narrows down to when these final prophetic events will commence, which will never follow a 12-month year.
Does this mean that in these last days, Yahuah’s obedient believers are given a new and different time to commence their year and a new and unique lunar phase upon which to commence their months? Absolutely not! Rather, He is re-establishing the same system that has been known and kept consistently down through the ages from Adam to the Messiah and throughout His universe.
This Stellarium image below illustrates that during the summer, the constellation Bethulah appears to be flying horizontally overhead above the Southern Coordinates. Each month, she moves approximately 30 degrees to the west. The only lunar phase that will appear near her feet during June is the waxing quarter phase, as shown here. Every time the moon is straight up at sunset, it is always in a quarter phase.
Bethulah with Child
From the moment she arises during the spring after sunset, she may be represented as being three months pregnant, carrying the wave sheaf in her left hand and the palm branch in her right hand. She begins her journey across the sky a little more each night. But, she is not actually delivered until the 15th of the seventh astro-luni-solar month (Oct./Nov.), when she is lying flat on her back.
It is a wondrous thing that she is with a child, as she is a virgin, also defined by her name, Bethulah. While symbolic, she represents the Virgin Mary. This is the identifier as to who the child is, which was a one-time miracle and physical event foretold by the prophets of old and recorded in real-time in Scripture. This wondrous event speaks in prophetic truth of the real physical birth of the Messiah to the Virgin Mary in the fall of the year. But, additionally, this testifies of His Second Coming as birthed by the prophetic fulfillment of His obedient watchers, also in the fall.
Metaphorically, Bethulah represents the pure and dutiful Bride of Yahusha, which includes all who are lovingly obedient to His Word and testify as witnesses of the Messiah’s first coming in word and deed. While under great pain and duress, many throughout history gave up their lives to deliver the truth of salvation in Him alone.
Many of the pure and obedient Bride of Yahusha, our Messiah, will in the days ahead do the same to prepare the way for His Second Coming, which is divinely designed to occur at the time of the fall Feast of Tabernacles, a culmination of His sacred seven months of feasts.
The image below illustrates Bethulah setting with the sun in the fall, in time for the fall feasts. She is lying down on her back in the position for giving birth. Notice her head and shoulders are not even above the horizon. Bethulah has given birth, and her work is done. At this time of the year, the brilliant moon arises in the constellation Aries (a ram) in the east, nowhere near her feet. The full moon is on the green horizon line as the constellation Aries arises in the east, a profound symbol of who the child is who was born at this time of year, but also announcing the Messiah’s imminent second coming from the east.
Using this illustration alone, we find that Bethulah’s setting in the west does not meet each of these criteria:
- A great sign appearing.
- The woman arising.
- The twelve stars above her head cannot be utilized as part of the sign because they are below the visible horizon.
- Neither the star Spica nor the barley wave sheaf are visible, but are both below the horizon.
- While it can be said that Bethulah is clothed with the sun, from earth’s perspective, the moon is on the opposite horizon and no where near her feet.
So, what is the significance of the sign of Bethulah for true believers at the end of time? All who testify of the truth appear grafted in as the pure woman, the Bride of Yahusha. Together and in one accord, these will worship Yahuah in Ruach and truth. In harmony with the courts above, their years are beaconed by the great sign in the shamayim.
Bethulah, as it has been discovered, is the symbolic pure woman of Revelation 12:1-2, fulfilling all its requirements:
- Bethulah is Queen of the Shamayim monthly wheel of starry constellations.
- Together with the sun and brilliant moon (#4583 selene), Bethulah makes her yearly circuit to announce that the New Year is beginning the next day.
- She announces the length of each year in orchestration with the brilliant full moon and sun.
- Her consistency is then relied upon by the prophet John in relation to the final events on earth, which begin at the close of a thirteen month year.
- Bethulah arises in the east each spring fully clothed with the light of the setting sun for an hour until the sky becomes dark.
Because the moon is so near Bethulah’s feet, it is also fully clothed but not in darkness. A fully clothed moon is a moon wholly bathed in the effervescent light of the sun.
One last chart illustrates Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day) only up through 2031-2032 with the full moon at or nearest Bethulah’s feet. This chart depicts the nineteen-year cycles, Sabbatical Years, as well as the Jubilee cycle. Note that this does not align with any Rabbinical or Karaite Jew’s cycles. I may be wrong, but to my greatest research, this chart is accurate.
In Conclusion
It is now seen that Bethulah represents the true obedient witnesses of all ages who testified of the coming Messiah, both His first coming and His second coming, according to His authentic time-measuring model. Many of whom were willing to give up their lives to bear their testimony. She is once again travailing to give birth as things on earth are coming to an end, and the ministry of our Messiah in the shamayim is reaching its completion in preparation for His soon return.
It appears there is a Queen of the Shamayim after all, but this is neither Ishtar nor Mary, but the ruling constellation of the Creator’s great celestial astro-luni-solar clock/calendar in the shamayim. This constellation, known as Bethulah, crowned in the first position within the wheel of the stars, was divinely ordained to rule the year as she arises in the spring to announce the moment of the Creator’s true New Year.
Bethulah testifies to the Creator, as she is the aleph and tav constellation (alpha and omega), the beginning and end of each year. But she cannot announce or demarcate specific days without the aid of the brilliant full New Moon. So it is that the predominant time measuring system for years, months, and specific calendar dates is borne out of the uniquely divine mechanics of the full moon as it relates to each starry constellation, but commencing with Bethulah. This little-understood timepiece has continued unaltered from Genesis to Revelation, and we have it on good authority that it will continue into eternity. The sun is not left out, for its primary role is in measuring each day from sunrise to sunset and shining its marvelous light upon the lunar phases. So in this way, the three-part harmony is achieved, declaring that Yahuah is love.
This rebellious earth is the only planet in the entire universe whose inhabitants are out of harmony with the worship rhythms of the shamayim. On the last day, only those who bear fruit in harmony with all His moral laws, statutes, and principles of time will be included in the great harvest of the earth. Sealed by the living Yahuah, these alone will stand on that day as the chaff is sifted out.
Are you preparing for that great day? Are you willing to give yourself over to Him so that you may be transformed into His image? Are you ready to worship Him in Ruach (Spirit) and in TRUTH according to His unchangeable time principles?
Kerrie L. French
Freelance Writer/Illustrator