Welcome to the Creator’s Calendar Portal, an introduction and journey into the nearly lost and forgotten TIME-MEASURING MODEL preordained by our Eternal Father and His Son.  Read More

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 Click HERE for a Printable 2024 – 2025 Calendar Year



Featured Articles and Scripture Word Studies


A great sign appeared in the heavens, a woman [the constellation Bethulah/Virgo], with the brilliant moon under her feet, announces New Year’s day in the spring.  All Scriptural time commences in the east and flows to the west.


Our Messiah’s true prophetic birthday has been found.  It is discovered to have occurred during the night of Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets). This coincides with the sixth full moon, the original New Moon of Scripture. Around September on the Roman calendar.


Discover that on the day of our Messiah’s crucifixion, the sun was darkened by a solar eclipse from noon to 3:00 PM on Passover, the 14th of Aviv.  Solar eclipses only occur when the moon is in conjunction, so by extension, 14 days earlier, the full moon is identified as the original New Moon.




The Creator’s Calendar Comparison Chart

(Click on the image to enlarge it.)


Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day) in Spring



comic-Reassuring Lie - black and white

my people destroyed



