Step by Step Guide for Locating the Full New Moon Day
Step-by-Step Guide
for Locating the Full New Moon Day
Welcome to the Step-by-Step Guide for Locating the Full New Moon Day each month. Please note it is not the aim of this article to identify the principles of locating New Year’s Day in the spring. Refer to A Great Sign Appeared in the Shamayim. Also, New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep.
Because the Creator’s calendars posted on this website are always announced in Pacific Standard Time, it necessitates the importance of each person learning how to determine the precise time the apparent full New Moon Day begins in your own geographic (time zone) location (city, state, country). Our Creator’s divine plan and purpose for His full New Moon is to synchronize His obedient and faithful followers of this earth with His eternal worship rhythms above and among all His creations.
[Note: Before we get started, please go to the top of your screen, next to the address bar and refresh your browser. The browser is the 3/4 circle with an arrow on it. To see new or updated material on any website including this one, you must refresh your browser often (daily). In the spring thousands of folks flock to the calendar pages but go away disappointed because they don’t see the newly posted calendar for the next year. Yet, all the while, it is a simple matter of refreshing their browser.]
The Creator’s Lunar International Dateline (C.L.I.D.)
Modern mankind has created an arbitrary dateline in the Pacific Ocean that corresponds to the solar paper wall calendar and clocks that commence their year ten days following the winter solstice, which is marked as January 1. As a result, its dates sequence is out of sync with the Creator’s Lunar International Dateline (C.L.I.D.) beacon, visibly portrayed by the full moon as the Creator’s original New Moon.
Most of the time, each lunar date will be bisected by two Gregorian dates causing some folks to be on one Gregorian date and others to be on a different Gregorian date. But with the full moon as our guide, we are all brought into the same 24-hour civil calendar date of the full New Moon day as it comes to us on our spherical earth. Arising at or near sunset, the full moon announces that the next morning will commence the new lunar month. If all else fails, as a second witness, a visible full moon above the western horizon at sunrise announces a new month has just begun that very morning.
Since each month starts in a new location on earth, personal observation will be very instrumental in gaining an understanding of how it all works. Secondly, it is helpful to utilize modern technology whenever possible as a teaching tool and for verification while it is available.
Updates and Revisions to be Expected
Because we have only been keeping the full New Moon for a short time, some things are subject to revision. As we continue to learn, our understanding of the Creator’s rules will continue to be fine-tuned under His leadership. Each new concept is interrelated and enmeshed with several other concepts, just as every single strand of yarn is woven together into a finely knit cloth, revealing a perfect fabric of truth. No doubt others will discover parallel truths as well, as we do not “hold the market,” so to speak, on all truth, and hopefully, we can learn and share from each other.
Just as the sun marks an imaginary line from the North to the South Pole as the earth rotates to begin each new day, in the same way, the sighting of the full New Moon marks the Creator’s Lunar International Dateline (C.L.I.D.). Whether one is in the northern or southern hemisphere, the full New Moon, when seen, sets an imaginary line from pole to pole as the start of the new lunar month.
This reality allows the entire world to be in harmony with the ever-changing lunar phases, with one phase followed by the next. In this way, the earth revolves only once for each lunar phase, from the rising of the full New Moon through to the next full New Moon phase. The entire world will experience the full New Moon during a single revolution of the earth. It is followed the next morning at sunrise with the celebration of New Moon Day.
See the illustration below for clarification on how a C.L.I.D. calendar date is intercepted by two Roman Gregorian calendar dates most of the time. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
(The process of dividing the world up into the blue or orange divisions each month for posting on our monthly calendar, based upon the C.L.I.D., is no longer being done by this website, but the principles still apply, so the chart above is so important to understand.)
The illustration above shows that two Gregorian calendar dates regularly bisect 24-hour lunar calendar dates as the sun crosses the human-made International Dateline (I.D.L.). In addition to lunar dates being bisected by two Gregorian dates, the same principle applies to Astro-luni-solar years and lunar months. Each new lunar month demarcates each day with a different lunar phase and is perpetually established and signaled to commence upon the appearance of the refreshing full New Moon. Together with the sun, it alone is the ordained tool that fixes the time and location of each lunar month of the Creator’s Lunar International Dateline (C.L.I.D.).
An Added Side Note
The chart below illustrates the contrast between the lunar phases witnessed in the Northern Hemisphere and those viewed from the Southern Hemisphere on the same day and time. Can you see that all the visible lunar phases are total opposites of each other except for one? Yes! The full moon is the only brilliant and visible lunar phase that presents the same view to all the world in both the northern and southern hemispheres on the same night.
Lunar Week
The full New Moon, as the consistently visible beacon, sets the dateline for an entire lunar month, from one New Moon to another (Isaiah 66:23). The four weeks and Sabbaths cycle within the parameters of each refreshed New Moon. Refer to the article, The Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates.
“The Sabbath which came down to the Jews from pre-historic [prior to Moses] times was the seventh day of the lunar week. The lunar week and the lunar month gave the simplest form of time division to early man . . . Moon and month meant the same thing. The division of the month into four weeks of seven days . . . and the weekly division begun again at the time of the next new moon.” Sunday the World’s Rest Day, “The Sabbath, the Day Which Divine Love Established and Human Love Must Preserve,” Theodore Gilman, p. 479. Published for the New York Sabbath Committee, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York, 1916. [Emphasis mine]
The Traditions of Men
I am fully aware that most of the world today, who continue to depend on the “New Moon” to mark the start of their YEAR, MONTH, or HOLY DAYS, do so according to either the dark conjunction or first visible crescent lunar phase. In fact, I was a first visible crescent adherent for six years before my discovery that from Genesis to Revelation, a consistent picture of the full moon as the Creator’s original New Moon is portrayed. Only through means of deception will anyone follow error, for neither TIME nor TRADITION can ever transform a LIE into TRUTH.
Five Different Methods for Locating the Full New Moon Day
Here are five different methods utilized by some full New Moon believers to identify their Rosh Chodesh (New Moon Day), the first day of the lunar month. Each method produces its own results. With each method shown below, there are some months in which they will all commence Rosh Chodesh on the same day and months when they will be a day different. I have shared my thoughts on each one as it relates to consistent, observable markers. But at the end of the day, each person must make this a matter of prayer and decide for him or herself. Ultimately, Yahuah will, in His compassion, unite us all upon the correct day. And please consider that while we serve a detailed Eternal Father, in His great compassion for us, He does not count our sometimes misguided efforts against us while we seek to get ever closer to Him through His Son and their ongoing revelations.
- The Book of Enoch Method.
This method teaches that the true full moon only occurs on the night that it arises from below the eastern horizon after sunset, in contrast to already being above the horizon at sunset. The full New Moon Day will always commence the following morning when the first full moon and sun greet each other from opposite horizons. Yet, in charting this method out over a complete year period, it was discovered that less than half of the months each year produce the Book of Enoch DUAL EVENT results, and half the months do not. In seven out of 12 months of waiting until the full moon rises from below the horizon in the east, the following sunrise will be the second morning that the moon greets the sun from opposite horizons. This system simply does not consistently work with the dual event markers it proclaims. Add to this the other many inconsistencies on other subjects, and we have found no value in utilizing the Book of Enoch as a source for truth. (Click on image to enlarge it.)
- The first full moon that arises after sunset
announces the New Moon Day will begin the next morning at sunrise Method.
Similar to the Book of Enoch Method, this view utilizes only the first of the two-part dual event. This method utilizes as its single observable marker the full moon lunar phase that arises in the east from below the horizon at sunset. It is this visible night event that announces the New Moon Day (Rosh Chodesh) will commence the next morning at sunrise. If however, the full moon is already in the sky at sunset then another day is added, making this month a 30 day month. This method only utilizes the full moon rising at sunset marker and pays no attention to what occurs just before moonset the next morning. Therefore No attention is paid to whether this commencement of the month is begun on the first or second day that the moon greets the sun at sunrise.
- The Astronomical full moon flash during the dark of night Method.
If the astronomical full moon flash (not a visible flash) takes place between sunset and sunrise, the full New Moon day will begin on that very next sunrise. However, if the astronomical full moon flash takes place during the daylight hours, the full New Moon day will begin the following sunrise. This method is ONLY viable with modern technology, as it is not based upon any observable event with the naked eye for either the full moon night or full New Moon day. For the astronomical full moon flash (the split second that the moon is in opposition to the sun) cannot be discerned with the naked eye, and thereby could not have been utilized in antiquity. This view ignores the surest evidence that the full moon has occurred no matter what NASA says. For when we can observe the sun and moon on opposite horizons at sunrise, this testifies that the line of opposition (invisible line running from the center of sun through the center of the spherical earth to the center of the full moon) has been crossed by the moon. On the previous morning at sunrise, the moon is not visible above the horizon, and the following morning is the second day that the sun and moon are visible at the same time on opposite horizons.- The Jerusalem Longitude Method. Those few in this category believe the astro-luni-solar year, lunar month and even the calendar date commence and terminate only in Jerusalem, making Jerusalem the real International Dateline every month of every year. However, there are many problems with this method: 1) The Creator created a spherical earth. 2) He told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiple and fill the earth. 3) Those occupying other continents for 95% of the last 6,000 years had no way to communicate with Jerusalem, nor were they even aware of their existence, and by extension were not able to synchronize themselves with Jerusalem 4) Today, by way of technological advances, we can know when the month begins for Jerusalem, yet it is illogical to believe that this method was ever required by the Creator previous to the last 100 years. 5) If the Creator intended Jerusalem to be the commencement of His clock/calendar for ALL THE WORLD, the moon would consistently become full in that location first, but it does not. 6) If the moon did not exist at all, we could surmise many things. But the fact that the moon does exist, we find that it is the appointed observable instrument in the shamayim (heavens) to beacon the true mobile Creator’s Lunar International Dateline (CLID) and demarcate days with each unique lunar phase. But strikingly, time exists in the present, in the place where one lives.
- The First morning the full moon greets the sun from opposite horizons Method. It is imperative to understand that because the Day begins at sunrise so does the first Day of the lunar month. What this means is that the night that the full moon beacon makes its way across the sky along the east-west time continuum, it is actually the last night of the ending month. The sign therefore of the beginning of the new month must occur at sunrise.
1) The eastern and western horizons are the Creator’s lines of demarcation and orientation. 2) There is a dual requirement that the moon must visibly appear full on the eastern horizon near sunset, and then remain in the sky long enough to greet the sun from the western horizon at sunrise. What this tells us is that the moon has crossed over the line of opposition with the sun. 3) The moon is considered full on the night the sun sets in the west and the moon is anywhere from 12 degrees above the eastern horizon to 12 degrees below at sunset. 4) The brilliant full moon (G#4582 – Selene – brilliant moon) shines the whole night through, from its rise to its set, along the east-west time-continuum, together with a specific starry constellation. Revelation 12:1, Tehilim (Psalms) 72:5-9, MatithYAHU (Matthew) 24:27. 5) Yet the SUREST SIGN confirming that the full moon has indeed occurred and that the Full Moon start of the lunar month (New Moon Day) (Rosh Chodesh) has commenced at sunrise, is on the morning that the first observable full moon greets the sun for the first time from opposite horizons just prior to moonset. 6) When we can observe the sun and moon on opposite horizons at sunrise the first morning of the new month, this testifies that the line of opposition (the invisible line running from the sun through the spherical earth to the center of the full moon also called a Syzygy) has been crossed by the moon. For the previous morning at sunrise, the moon is not visible above the horizon, and the following morning is the second day that the sun and moon are observable from opposite horizons, but it is too high. 7) We have chosen this method because its natural observable markers consistently synchronize the full moon as the authentic New Moon Day (Rosh Chodesh) with the first morning the moon visibly greets the sun from opposite horizons after crossing over the line of opposition. This method alone is illustrated by the agreement between both the sun, and the moon that the new lunar month has begun. (See Isaiah 28:16-19 below.)
Isaiah Says it Best
“Therefore thus says YAHUAH Alahim, ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a foundation a stone [used of the Messiah and the full New Moon], a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation:
And you shall appoint this ordinance and divine law [of the full New Moons] for the measuring-line and righteousness for the plummet. And together, these [full New Moon & Messiah] shall sweep away Yahuah’s judgments, as a refuge from falsehoods and deception, and a shelter of protection.
Waters shall wash away and cancel your alliance with death, and your compact with hell shall not be carried out. A scourge of national judgment will rush in, then they shall cause it to cease to exist [the full New Moon Corner-stone], these [the full New Moons] will become forgotten and trodden under foot.
From out of their abundance [the full waxing New Moons] they shall CROSS OVER [cross over the night sky & syzygy line of opposition to the sun], and it shall be your SIGN MARKER from first to last. For assuredly with sunrise on the morrow, they shall CROSS OVER [cross over the syzygy line of opposition to the sun] in the daylight. But by night it shall be the established beacon, yet surely, an object of controversy to understand and heed the announcement.” Isaiah 28:16-19 The Creator’s Calendar Restored Text
How You Can Achieve These Results in Your Time Zone
Occasionally, N.A.S.A., Time and Date, and U.S.N.O. identify the full moon as occurring after the sun and moon have already greeted each other prior to moonset. Yet, how can this be true, as the only way we can observe these two greeting each other in the early morning sky is because the moon has already crossed the line of opposition, also referred to as full moon flash, Syzygy, or a full moon mo’ed. While this conflict between our calendar model and these astronomical websites can be unsettling for some, we continue to believe and follow this observable manifestation as it remains the BEST and SUREST SIGN that, indeed, the full New Moon Day has begun. This is the very sort of visible marker a loving Creator displays for His trusting and obedient children of all ages, no matter how the numbers are sorted by modern man and their witty calendar invention.
It is recommended that each of you find when the true full moon will exhibit itself in your local night sky as a gauge to determine when it will appear along with the sun in the morning sky on New Moon Day. We recommend the following links to compare moonrise/sunset and sunrise/moonset times for your location: USNO or Time and Date.
This is all about comparing the moonrise with the sunset on the night prior, but even more importantly, comparing the sunrise with the moonset the following morning for the commencement of New Moon day. Please be advised there are times when the official full moon at sunset does not produce a full moon on the horizon with the sun the next morning.
As mentioned before, there are times, once or twice a year, when the moon will appear together with the sun on opposite horizons for 1-30 minutes, yet and U.S.N.O. show that the moon has not reached its 100% full for 1-4 hours. At this time, The Creator’s Calendar Team believes that when this occurs, we must consistently choose to follow the visible manifestation of the full moon’s appearance together with the sun at sunrise. We believe this to be the best choice because 100 to 6,000 years ago, no one on earth had technical instruments to aid them other than what they could know to be true with the naked eye. So, we maintain that the visible moon in the west, along with the rays of the sun in the east at sunrise, constitutes the commencement of the month.
The moon must be fully visible above the horizon before disappearing (a five to ten-minute period of time), but only the first rays of the sun are required, and not the whole sun, as the day commences with the first rays.
Note: We have not found any visible qualifier for recognizing the moment of Full Moon Flash without the aid of technologies that were not available during the previous 5,900 years.
- While this link to remains a viable source for calculating sunrise and sunset, I have discovered a better website that simplifies the process onto a single page for the United States Naval Observatory Sun and Moon Data for one day:
- Choose the Year, Month, Day, Location, and City, then click on Data. Both the Sunrise and Moonset times are on a single page.
- Verify this by utilizing Stellarium, the free downloadable astronomical software.
For a thorough comparison, it could look something like this:
In all four months shown in this model, the moon rises after sunset the night prior to the moon being yet visible on the opposite horizon at sunrise. In the six months that follow these, the moon rises prior to sunset, yet it remains in the sky the next morning at sunrise to declare New Moon Day has begun.
All of this may be a little tricky at first, but it is all about comparing the moonrise with the sunset on the night prior and, even more importantly, comparing the sunrise with the moonset the following morning. It’s that simple.
The bottom line is that the visible rules predominately support the fact that the most important comparison is not at night after all, but at sunrise the next morning, the commencement of New Moon day itself. If the apparent full moon is visible at sunrise, then this is the best confirmation that the New Moon day has begun. It illustrates visibly that the alignment of the moon, earth, and sun occurred within the previous 24 hours and that the new month has indeed begun. It is recommended to take every opportunity to make this your own visible experience. It is a sanctified and marvelous event to take in the visible display of the full moon rising the last night of the month to make its journey across the sky together with the constellations and culminate together with the sun for the refreshing of a brand new month.
Click HERE to open a Blank Chart for documenting your own sunrise/moonset records like the one below.
After you have completed figuring out what day is the New Moon Day, here is a handy form to fill out with all your gathered info. This is the same one used on the calendar page of this website.
Stellarium Image Illustrations
The following images are from Stellarium software. They illustrate the sunset/moonrise and the sunrise/moonset oriented from the Northern Hemisphere on Pacific Standard Time. The orientation is facing south, and the green line is the visible horizon. Stellarium is a fantastic tool for learning, but it does not seem to be quite as accurate as the USNO website for sunrise and moonset times.
One last chart illustrates Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day) only up through 2031-2032. This chart depicts the nineteen-year cycles, Sabbatical Years, as well as the Jubilee cycle. Note that this is not aligned with any of the Rabbinical or Karaite Jews cycles. I may be wrong, but in my sincerest research, this chart is accurate.
In the end, if you have any questions or input regarding this step-by-step guide, feel free to send an email. Please feel free to share your discoveries as we travel this road together, that the following may be said of us:
Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Paths [of the Creator’s Calendar] to dwell In. YashaYAHU (Isaiah) 58:12
Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the splendor of Yahuah is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but Yahuah will arise over you, and His splendor will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your [the] light and kings to the brightness of your [its] rising. Isaiah 60:1-3
May Yahuah guide you as you seek Him, the Father of Lights. YAHcob (James) 1:17
For details on how to determine which years are twelve or thirteen months long, refer to the article “Twelve or Thirteen Month Years?”