Scripture’s Test of a True Prophet
Scripture’s Test of a True Prophet
There have been many beautiful songs, poems, articles, and books written throughout history in apparent harmony with the Scriptures that were never claimed to be the work of a prophet of Yahuah (יהוה), the Most High. As a result, the sheer fact that many beautiful books were written under the pen name of Ellen White and her staff of creative writers and historians is no guarantee that these are inspired by the Most High. Instead, the STANDARD and TRUE TEST of inspiration must be based on the foundation of Scripture, as defined below.
The following fourteen Scriptural tests of a true prophet can be applied to anyone who claims to have messages from above, from any religious affiliation. However, this article focuses on Ellen White of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The Standard of a True Prophet, as Outlined in Scripture
- The Eternal Father Yahuah Himself will speak to them in dreams, visions, and some face-to-face. Ellen White claimed she received dreams and visions from the Lord.
“And he said, ‘Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I YAHUAH, will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. Numbers 12:6.
- The prophet will give SIGNS AND WONDERS that must ALWAYS come to pass. What prophecies did Ellen White give in her early years that came to pass, establishing her as a prophetess? And then also, which ones were fulfilled to the letter during her later lifetime? Prepare to be shocked! Refer to the article “Life of Ellen White.”
“If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and gives you a SIGN OR A WONDER, and the SIGN OR THE WONDER come to pass…” Deuteronomy 13:1.
- If the SIGNS AND WONDERS come to pass, but the professed prophet teaches you to worship FALSE GODS by other names and break the commandments, then he/she is not a true prophet. If Ellen White had been a true prophetess of Yahuah, the Most High, she would have called upon the Eternal Father and Son by their real and original names (YAHUAH ALAHIM and YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH) as revealed in the Hebrew language. But she taught her followers to pray to “THE LORD,” “GOD,” and “JESUS CHRIST.” Stunningly, each of these is a replacement term that is equally utilized by those who worship Satan and other false gods, having no saving power. Refer to the article “I AM YAHUAH.”
Concerning breaking the commandments, Ellen White kept Saturday as the true seventh-day Sabbath and taught her followers to do the same. In these last years, Saturday has been discovered to be the seventh day of the pagan Roman solar calendar and the twin sister to the pagan Sunday, the first day. Its rhythm is entirely different from the lunar time-measuring model set forth in Scripture. Where the YEAR begins in spring, the MONTH commences with each full New Moon Day, the weeks are counted from one New Moon to the next, and each unique lunar phase demarcates the monthly dates. The authentic seventh-day Sabbath is counted each LUNAR MONTH from the New Moon Day. Refer to the article “Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly Lunar Dates.”
Another sign of Ellen White leading her flock to break the commandments results from her original teaching that “God showed her” that the Sabbath was 24 hours in length and was to commence at 6:00 P.M. She later changed this to go along with the presentation by J. N. Andrews, the period from “sunset to sunset,” but then blamed her original mistake on God. In her desire to keep the Sabbath holy, she assumed that the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews continue to measure their day correctly. She did not recognize that they no longer follow the Scripture’s twelve-hour Sabbath rule, ordained to commence at sunrise and end at sunset, ruled by the sun. Our Messiah clarified this by saying, “Are there not twelve hours in the day?” John 11:9. But the Jews will never be able to utilize this New Testament verse from the Messiah because they have rejected Him, but Ellen White followed their misguided error. Refer to the article “Sunrise or Sunset, When Does the Day Begin?”
“If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and gives you a SIGN OR A WONDER, and the SIGN OR THE WONDER come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, ‘LET US GO AFTER OTHER GODS,’ which thou hast not known, ‘and let us serve them;’ thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for YAHUAH your Alahim proves you, to know whether you love YAHUAH your Alahim with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall walk after YAHUAH your Alahim, and fear Him, and keep His commandments, and obey His voice, and you shall serve Him, and cleave unto Him.” Deuteronomy 13:1-4
- Yahuah will put the words in the prophet’s mouth, and the prophet will not have to glean his/her thoughts or words from other sources as Ellen White has primarily done. At least one entire book (on the life of Paul) was copied word-for-word from another writer without the least reference to its author. It was only pulled after the Publishing House began proceedings to take her to court. Large portions of other works under the pen name of Ellen White have been gleaned from other authors.
This misuse of the writings and teachings of other contemporary Christian authors (of the nineteenth century) is identified in Scripture as a sign that the acclaimed prophetess is a fraud. And if this were not enough, all of Ellen White’s published books have been thoroughly overhauled by hired historians and overwritten by permanently hired creative writers without the least credit provided. Strikingly, much of the honor she received as a prophetess was primarily attributed to her apparent knowledge of historical facts and beautiful writing style, none of which had anything to do with her.
“I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put MY words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” Deuteronomy 18:18.
- Ellen White made many predictions, declaring God had shown her, which was false. The sheer volume of these false prophecies is staggering. Of course, no one is sharing these in your local Seventh-day Adventist Church. Refer to the article, Life of Ellen White
“But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in MY NAME, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the NAME of other gods, even that prophet shall die.” Deuteronomy 18:20.
From Ellen White’s pen, there are several statements she claimed that “the Lord had shown her” concerning the Civil War: 1) That Abraham Lincoln was a bad President. 2) The slaves would never be freed; 3) None of God’s people were to support President Lincoln in prayer, as he had requested, for a positive outcome of the war; 4) She claimed the Civil War marked the commencement of the Time of Trouble, which was never to end until the Second Coming. Refer to the article Life of Ellen White
“When the prophet speaks in the name of Yahuah Alahim, and that thing does not happen, or come to pass, then it was not from Him. So do not listen to this professed prophet.” Deuteronomy 18:22.
Ellen White claimed God showed her that some folks at the 1888 camp meeting would be translated without seeing death. Yet, this statement is entirely untrue in the aftermath, as all have passed away long ago.
- In addition to the many false predictions, she attributed all of them to the “LORD God.” Did you know that in the Church of Satan, His followers worship Him as “the Lord God.” This is another name for Baal. Wikipedia
“I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy lies in My name, saying, ‘I have dreamed, I have dreamed!’ How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Indeed they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart, who try to make My people forget My name by their dreams which everyone tells his neighbor, as their fathers forgot My name for BAAL [another word for LORD]. Jeremiah 23:25-27
- All the while naively giving credit to the Lord (Baal), Ellen White plagiarized the works of many authors of her day. STEALING WORDS FROM HER NEIGHBORS.
“Therefore behold, I am against the prophets,” says Yahuah, “who steal My words everyone from his neighbor.” Jeremiah 23:30 NKJV
- Over and over, Ellen White declared that the Lord had said thus and thus, yet it did not prove true in her lifetime.
“Behold, I am against the prophets,” says the LORD, “who use their tongues and say, ‘He says.’” Jeremiah 23:31 NKJV
- Where is the evidence that Ellen White’s dreams and visions were from the Most High or that they were correct and came true?
“Behold, I am against those who prophesy false dreams,” says Yahuah, “and tell them, and cause My people to err by their lies and by their recklessness. Yet, I did not send them or command them; therefore they shall not profit this people at all,” says Yahuah. Jeremiah 23:32 NKJV
- The following are Jewish fables and commandments of men that Ellen White supported and even taught:
“Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” Titus 1:14 NKJV
- Ellen White bought into and taught, the Rabbinical Pharisee lie that the DAY, which was ordained to be ruled by the sun, was to commence at sunset, when the sun is no longer visibly ruling. In addition, our Creator ordained the moon and stars to rule together by night, without the presence of the sun. Do you see the conflict. In this way, our Creator’s DAY/NIGHT cycle has become a tangled and chaotic mess, no longer reflecting the divine intent of Genesis 1 or the Scriptures (Tanakh) as a whole. Refer to the article, A Day in Genesis.
- Ellen White continued in the Roman Julian/Gregorian solar calendar tradition, teaching that the WEEK, as crafted by Roman Emperors was to cycle without end, irrespective of the New Moon and its lunar months (H#2320 – chodesh – lunar month, New Moon, first day of the [lunar] month) as declared in Scripture 349 times. She was ignorant of the fact that Julius Caesar, in 45 B.C., had utterly divorced the week of the Roman Empire from the moon and all the lights placed in the heavens by our Creator for signs, seasons (H#4150 – mo’edim – lunar appointed dates) lunar appointed dates, days, and years. Refer to the article, “Constantine and the Week.”
Yet strikingly, many verses identify that the unique qualities of our Creator’s original WEEK, was lunar. Each week was to consist of seven days, no more and no less. Each week was designed to contain two kinds of days, six work-days and one Sabbath. Four weeks were to be the subdivisions of each lunar month. There are four weeks that cycle from New Moon Day to New Moon Day, at which time the new month is refreshed and begins anew. Neither the New Moon Day nor the intermittent 30th day are part of the week. Instead these are additional kinds of days. So while weeks contain only two kinds of days, 29 day lunar months contain three kinds of days and the 30 day lunar months contain four kinds of days. (Genesis 1:16; Leviticus 23:all; Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1-3). (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
- Ellen White believed Saturday of the Roman calendar to be in harmony with the original Sabbath of Creation. It appears that she trusted this to be accurate for the sheer fact that Saturday is kept as the Sabbath by the modern Karaite and Rabbinical Pharisee Jews, to this day. Yet, the Romans had proactively removed themselves from the lunar calendar model in 45 B.C. and crafted an eight-day week that cycled without end. And later, when the Rabbinical Pharisee Jews rose to power when in Roman captivity, they gave up their original lunar week and adopted the new Roman continuous seven-day week that also cycled without end. This is evidenced by their creation of the Rules of Postponement, a document necessitated to bring harmony out of chaos between two opposing calendar models used simultaneously by the Jews. This continues to be utilized to this day, illustrating that the current Jewish calendar is seriously flawed and bares no reflection of the Biblical lunar standard. Refer to article, “Sabbath’s Consistent Lunar Month Dates.”
- Ellen White believed that YEARS are to commence in winter, MONTHS according to Rome’s whim, WEEKS cycle without end, and DAYS commence at sunset. Yet, not even one of these pagan time-measuring units reflect that of Scripture. Refer to article, “Restoring the Creator’s Calendar.”
- Ellen White taught that Sabbath was the only sacred day to be honored week to week and year to year. Yet, Scripture identifies that the New Moon Day was also a perpetual Kadosh (holy) day along with all the annual lunar appointed Feast Days, the actual mechanism and REMEDY for sinners unto Salvation. (Genesis 1:16; Leviticus 23:all; Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1-3, and Amos 8:5). Refer to article, “When will the New Moon and Sabbath be Past.”
- Ellen White worshiped the LORD, GOD, and JESUS CHRIST, and believed the HOLY SPIRIT to be the third person of the godhead. However, to her credit, on occasion she did refer to God as “Jehovah.” Yet, there are no vocalized “J” sounding letters in the Hebrew language. These are Roman Catholic “Christian” teachings that are not found in the Tanakh (O.T.). The term Holy Spirit is the replacement term for the Ruach haKadosh, which is the actual power, presence, and provision of the Most High, Himself, and the Son, and not a third individual. There is no evidence in all the Old Testament of a third person of the godhead. This is a pagan teaching that ties Christianity to Babylon’s trinity religions comprised of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz. Refer to the article, “I AM YAHUAH.”
- Ellen White believed that the crescent lunar phase that appears only in the western sky after sunset, as held sacred by the Karaite Jews, was the true New Moon. This was the New Moon declared by Samuel Snow and William Miller for locating the Day of Atonement. It was this lunar phase that led their count to the 10th day of the Seventh Month as the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), which was for them October 22, 1844. Yet, Scripture teaches that all the ruling LIGHTS rule on the east-west time continuum. This means that the original and authentic New Moon must begin its rule in the east and rule all night together with the stars. Refer to the article, The East-West Time Continuum (Click on the image.)
This Scripture orientation identifies the full moon as the original start of the lunar month. It is the only lunar phase that rises in the east and rules all night before setting in the west at sunrise. Both the crescent and dark conjunction lunar phase, as kept by the Rabbinical Pharisees, are always aligned at or near the sun. The dark conjunction never rules by night because it is invisible and sets with the sun at sunset in the west. The crescent phase is only visible above the western horizon up to an hour after sunset and therefore cannot rule the night. A true prophet would have known this foundational time-centric fact. Refer to the article “When Two Calendar’s Collide.”
- Ellen White believed and taught her entire adult life that this single day event of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) was henceforth to represent the entire period of time from 1844 until the Second Coming. It has now been 178 years and still counting. Yet, the Feast of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is marked as the “10th DAY” as counted from the correct New Moon. This view transpired when the Messiah did not actually return in 1844. This period of time since 1844 is called by her followers, the Investigative Judgment, when each case is decided for heaven or hell. Refer to the article, “When Two Calendar’s Collide.”
- Ellen White continued to teach that all the annual Feast Day rehearsals, as identified in Leviticus, were no longer required to be kept each year. But wouldn’t this also include the annual Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). She believed there was no need to honor this yearly Scriptural Feast Day ever again. Add to this that she taught that the entire period of time from October 22, 1844 until the return of the Messiah was the fulfillment of the anti-typical Day of Atonement. Yet, there is no evidence for this, as all the sacred Feast Days were designed as a day-for-a-day prophecy of the ministerial work of the Messiah, alone to be fulfilled exactly on that day during the final events of earth’s history. Refer to the article, “When Two Calendar’s Collide.”
- Ellen White recommended honoring Christmas by placing a Christmas tree in front of the church. It’s purpose was for placing money on it for the poor. Yet, this seemingly small, but kind-hearted gesture opened the door for her followers to celebrate Christmas right along with the pagans. How was her recommendation of a Christmas tree different than Aaron with regards to the golden calf? It wasn’t. Today most Seventh-day Adventists keep all the Roman Holidays on some level, while relegating all of Scripture’s Holy Feast Days, New Moon Days, and lunar Sabbath’s to the proverbial trash bin. Refer to the article, “The Shocking Truth about Christmas.”
12. Teaching that Saturday is the Holy seventh-day Sabbath, as found on the Roman pagan solar calendar, overtly causes many to break the fourth commandment each week. Yet, only the seventh day of the original and authentic Creator’s Calendar, the Hebrew astro-luni-solar calendar meets all the criteria of the true Sabbath of Scripture. It is counted from each full New Moon Day, and occurs on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of each lunar month. Refer to the article “A Case for the Lunar Sabbath.”
“Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called “least” in the kingdom of the shamayim; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of the shamayim.” Matthew 5:19
“Thus says Yahuah . . . ‘because they have despised the Torah of Yahuah, and have not kept His commandments. Their lies lead them astray, Lies which their fathers followed.'” Amos 2:4
“He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house; He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.” Psalms 101:7
“A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness will utter lies.” Proverbs 14:5
“The elder and honorable, he is the head; the prophet who teaches lies, he is the tail.” Isaiah 9:15
And Yahuah said to me, “The prophets prophesy lies in MY NAME. I have not sent them, commanded them, nor spoken to them; they prophesy to you a false vision, divination, a worthless thing, and the deceit of their heart.” Jeremiah 14:14
Shockingly, it has been discovered that Ellen White realized her Saturday Sabbath error by 1911. The evidence shows she was unwilling to bend a knee of acknowledgment to it, but rather, she eliminated it from her purview and that of her followers. To discover how this was accomplished, refer to the article, The Great Easter Controversy Cover-up of 1911.
- If false prophets were never to present themselves as messengers of truth, there would have been no need for the many warnings in Scripture.
“There shall arise false Messiahs and false prophets.” Matthew 24:24
“Beware of false prophets!” Matthew 7:15
- How do we test the prophets and “try the spirits?” We must prove all their doctrines and teachings from the weight of evidence in Scripture alone. But, additionally, we must be willing to face the music head-on when we discover they are frauds. Might we be introspective and realize that it is possible, in our sincerity, to have been deceived by one or two along the way? And then recognize that if deceived, the truth remains to be discovered with the guidance of the Most High, Yahuah Alahim. HE WILL NOT LET YOU FREE-FALL WHEN YOU SEEK FAITHFULNESS TO HIM ALONE AND DESIRE TO ABIDE IN HIS WILL.
“Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits . . . because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1
“To the TORAH LAW and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20
“No one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity.” Isaiah 59:4
An Appeal for Spiritual Honesty
Make no mistake, as listed above, not one of Scripture’s testing principles of a true prophet is the apparent inspirational beauty of their written works. In addition, Ellen White hired historians and creative writers. Each of these was not the honored instrument of the prophetic gift.
Neither TIME nor TRADITION can transform
a LIE into TRUTH.
~ K.L. French
Since her death, it has become fashionable to declare that, in her humility, she never claimed to be a prophet. Yet, this is provably false. Ellen White sacrificed many rising stars within the church on the altar of character defamation solely because they refused to honor her as their prophet. Refer to the book by D.M. Canright, “The Life of Ellen White.”
Instead, a faith that believes Ellen White or any other self-proclaimed prophet to be authentic, without the willingness to test all their prophecies to see if they meet the 100% accuracy standard of Scripture, is not honest. A genuine test must include even the materials that fell into disgrace on behalf of Ellen White for the twenty-year period between 1844 and 1864, just before organizing the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Also, during the early years of the church’s development, the documents were long hidden from view by well-meaning folks who strove to save Mrs. White’s reputation and the thriving church corporation, believing they were protecting the cause of truth.
The Eternal Father has never required blind faith, but from the standard of His sacred Word, He has provided a detailed model for recognizing a true prophet so that none may be led astray or be without excuse.
“Our beliefs, right or wrong.
If right, to be kept right;
and if wrong, to be set right.”
A lengthy and sincere belief in someone or something does not qualify it as accurate or its author to be a prophet of the Eternal Father, Yahuah. Instead, we must be willing to face the TRUTH by exploring all sides of the issue from several angles, like a GPS. This is the only way to accurately determine the true from the false. Might this be why we are told in 2 Corinthians 13:1, “By the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word shall be established?”
The problem is that most people are afraid to face the truth’s lions, fearing being eaten alive by the discovery that they have been wrong. Yet, is this not the very platform necessary to step out in faith, trusting Yahuah to guide you safely over the beguiling waters of fraud to His secure foundation by walking in the full LIGHT OF TRUTH? Only the truth can set you free from the chains of darkness.
Falsehoods keep folks in bondage. Remember, discovering that something this important has been so deceiving can only mean one thing: that the TRUTH is exceedingly more glorious and indispensable, just waiting to be discovered.
Ellen White or anyone else is only a prophet if they meet with 100% accuracy all the criteria provided in Scripture. Personal feelings and love of a beautifully written book or stacks of books have no place in the testing process.
So what will it be? Bondage to a lie or set free by the truth. The choice is yours.
“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Ruach (power, presence, and provision) of YAHUAH shall lift-up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19
Make the choice today to listen for and follow the still, small voice of the Ruach of YAHUAH (Spirit), who will always guide you back to the weight of evidence, as found in Scripture alone. Truth is never subject to one’s personal feelings on any subject.
“There are two ways to be fooled.
One is to believe what isn’t true;
The other is to refuse to accept what is true.
And finally, the TRUTH is found in what
holds the greatest weight of evidence.”
Discover what the Seventh-day Adventist Church does not want you to know: The Life of Ellen White, by D.M. Canright.