New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep – Isaiah 66:22-23
New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep – Isaiah 66:22-23
Isaiah 66:22-23
Discover in the context of this interlinear Hebrew word study that the true New Moon lunar phase is revealed in four ways as four separate yet cohesive witnesses. Ascertain the ageless protocol Yahuah’s obedient followers are to use to locate their Sabbaths currently and into eternity. Remarkably, the time-keeping principles of the future reign of our Messiah are no different than those implemented at creation and remain perpetual today as they are synchronized between Earth and the New Jerusalem by way of the true New Moon. For “According to its Abundance, New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep – Isaiah 66:22-23.
“Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), both periodically recur in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle… Originally the New Moon was celebrated in the same way as the Sabbath.” Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Holidays,” Vol. 5, p. 410.
For thousands of years, the entire world has been spoon-fed artificial time-measuring methods and empty New Moons crafted by the ancient Babylonians and their Rabbinical Pharisee followers, which are 180 degrees opposite of the ordained WAY OF THE MOST HIGH. This is further driven by the egregious changes made in all the translations of Scripture, which serve to conceal the fact that every mention of the “month” always refers to a lunar month.
In spite of this, Yahuah’s true followers, those who seek truth with all their hearts and obey, will be restored and come forth triumphant from earth’s dark pit of deception into His Kingdom and marvelous FULL LIGHT OF TRUTH.
Perspective on Isaiah 66:22-23
These multidimensional verses in Isaiah 66:22-23, as portrayed by the modern translations, have carried much weight in the circles I have lived in for the first 50 years of my life. These verses established that the Sabbath was more than a commandment which many denominational churches tried to dismiss as unnecessary, as they proceeded to sweep each commandment, one by one, under the proverbial rug.
This verse was also a useful proof text because in most modern translations, it identified the Sabbath as existing into the future, when the earth would be restored or made new. Thus, it established the Sabbath as relevant and binding today.
I recall as a child, between the ages of 8 and 10, the first time reading this verse and being stunned by the concept of worshiping from one New Moon to another. Up to that point, my only connection to the concept of the New Moon was through watching the TV show “Daniel Boon.” His Indian friend, played by Ed Ames, on at least one occasion spoke about meeting up with Daniel Boon on the New Moon. But when I asked the adults about the New Moon in Isaiah, they were quick to dismiss this as of no great importance but emphasized that the Sabbath only was to be kept throughout all eternity with no connection to the moon.
Even then this did not sit well with me because the verse plainly identified the same future significance was applied to the New Moon as to the Sabbath. So, for years, I stored up a huge question mark in my mind about the truth of these two verses in Isaiah, as it appeared the New Moon and the Sabbath were to be eternally intertwined. Perhaps some of you have had a similar experience.
All these years later, the truth was finally realized by degrees as I was able to accept the reality that the Creator’s unique time-measuring mechanism in the shamayim (heavens) announced YEARS, LUNAR MONTHS, the count of four WEEKS, and the lunar phase demarcation of DAYS from 1-29 or 30. For it is predominately based on the moon. Together with the stars by night, the FULL MOON RULES along the east-west time continuum when the SUN is not present.
Many voices continue to scoff and seek to dismiss the significance of the ordained New Moon (#2320 חדשׁ Chodesh) as being nothing more than a description of a Roman “solar month.” But the truth is that Chodesh (H#2320) literally means “new moon, lunar month, or the first day of the lunar month.” Consider a string of 30 pearls. It always has two ends that cannot be separated from its entire substance. As illustrated in this Hebrew word study, the reference materials identify Chodesh as one of three things: 1) the New Moon lunar phase, 2) the first day of a lunar month, or 3) a lunar month. But never does Chodesh refer to a solar month, as is popularly presumed today. Try, try as one might, the New Moon can NEVER be removed from the lunar month any more than “an end” can be removed from a rope, stick, or measuring device.
Far and away the mass majority of folks who read this article will be tempted to dismiss the evidence for the simple reason that it does not support their current views. But the truth be told, if it was found in these two verses that the sun, dark lunar phase, or crescent were identified as the Creator’s preeminent guiding light or true New Moon, at least the modern Jews, Messianics, and Hebrew Roots folks would be shouting it from the mountain tops. So, I encourage you to be honest and utterly fair. Let these two verses speak for themselves in their Hebrew mother tongue to reveal the unadulterated truths originally intended from the mouth of the Eternal, Yahuah Alahim.
“The surest barrier to advancing truth
is the conviction one already has it!”
If you are currently participating in a calendar style maintained or embraced by the Pope, other religious leaders, including Ellen White, or seemingly inspired writings such as the Book of Enoch, which utterly ignore the New Moon of our Creator for His lunar months and the start of years, then you have been deceived. This includes nearly every one of us at one time in our lives. Revelation 13:3 tells us that “all the world wondered after the beast.”
And all the world will receive the Mark of the Beast except those who obediently keep the Torah Law of Yahuah and exalt the testimony (sacred Feast Day Prophetic assemblies unto Salvation) of Yahusha the Messiah (Revelation 12:17). The Torah Law outlines all Yahuah’s Kadosh (sacred) days and the Messiah’s fulfillment of each of the first ones in real-time. Each of His Feast Day “testimonies” is proactively met according to the true full New Moon. It is these set-apart Feast Days that declare our Messiah’s testimony by the Ruach of prophecy in every detail from first to last (Revelation 19:10). For Yahusha the Messiah is the Alpha and Omega, the Aleph and Tav, the First and Last of our salvation (Revelation 1:8). By obediently keeping the set-apart Feast Days we participate from first to last as witnesses and the Redeemed, in the salvation mechanism of restoring mankind back to the image of the Eternal Father. In this way, we affirm that the Messiah’s prophecies are true and that He is returning soon. The fact that you are still alive provides you the opportunity to turn it all around before it is too late.
As you read through these Fatal Errors of the modern translations of Isaiah 66:22-23 and the article in general, please refer often to the Hebrew Word Study table as this is the crux of the whole matter.
Fatal Errors in the King James Translation of Isaiah 66:22-23
This section illustrates that these verses were proactively and purposefully turned upside down and inside out to hide Yahuah’s true New Moon and Lunar Sabbath calendar model.
Twelve Fatal Errors in their order:
- The first fatal error found in Verse 22 is with (H#834 asher כ אשׁר). Here only the prefix was utilized and not the word itself. While this is acceptable on occasion, it needed to be mentioned as so many things in these verses were changed. The translators could have utilized “whereas,” but this would cause the verse to lose the context they were resolutely looking for.
- The second fatal error found in Verse 22 illustrates that the word order was rearranged so to place the word “new” (H#2319 chadash ה חדשׁ ים) in front of “heavens” and in front of “earth.” This caused the KJV text to read—“For as the new heavens and new earth . . .”
- The third fatal error highlights the word translated two times as “new” (#2319 chadash חדשׁ), but the evidence shows this is a translation impossibility in both cases. These errors are revealed by their attached suffixes. The first use of the word ה חדשׁ ים has the suffix ים, which identifies the word as a plural noun. The word “new” is not a noun and cannot be under any circumstances a plural noun. Therefore this word choice is hopelessly incorrect. Strikingly, the second time this word is given in the Hebrew text the suffix ה identifies it as a singular noun. Now let’s apply the correct Hebrew word (H#2320 chodesh ה חדשׁ ים), which is a the noun “new moon,” and is spelled exactly the same in Hebrew as (H#2319 chadash חדשׁ). Now both of the words with their suffixes work perfectly, and it reads, “For according as the shamayim (heavens), the New Moons, and the earth: The New Moon that I fashioned and placed in order…”
- The fourth fatal error is with (H#6440 panyim פּנים), a plural word being wrongly applied (H#6434 lapanay ל פנ י), which is not a plural word form. H#6434 is a perfect fit for the word pan פּן. Then by including the prefix and the suffix you will have the phrase ל פנ י — “for My chief cornerstone.”
- In this fifth fatal error, found in Verse 23, the KJV only utilized the prefix and not the Hebrew word (H#1767 me dahee מ די). This word that is completely missing is the word “abundance.” It is this word that identifies which lunar phase is the true New Moon and chief cornerstone of Yahuah’s time system.
- The sixth fatal error, is exactly the same as the one above, but because the translators ignored this word a second time, it punctuates a proactive attitude to cover-up this word “abundance.” The second time this word is used it identifies that the Sabbath is to be reckoned from the abundant (waxed) Full New Moon. But additionally this truth about the Sabbath exposes the false calendar styles set up by both the Rabbinical Pharisees and Romans alike, and so by necessity they must camouflage it, causing it to simply disappear.
- The seventh fatal error is the removal of the word New Moon (H#2320 chodesh ה חדשׁ ה) the second time it was to be used. In its place the word “to another” was interjected. While this technically means the same thing, there is an undermining of the importance placed upon the New Moon.
- Similar to the one above this eighth fatal error inserted the word “to another” to replace the word (H#7676 Sabbath ב שׁבת ו). This illustrates that the translators willfully chose a word that had no relation to the Hebrew text.
- The ninth fatal error is regarding the second use of the word (H#2320 ב חדשׁ ו) chodesh New Moon in Verse 23. Both the prefix and the suffix were completely eliminated. This suffix comes with a command from Yahuah that defines “you shall keep.” So applying this to the sentence we get, “And it shall come to pass from its abundance (waxed lunar phase)— “New Moon by New Moon you shall keep. . .”
- The tenth fatal error is exactly like the ninth, but it applies to the second use of the word “Sabbath” (H#7676ב חדשׁ ו). The translators eliminated both the prefix and the suffix. No doubt this was imperative to protect their counterfeit calendars, because here again the suffix contains the command of Yahuah, “from its abundance (referring to the “Waxed” Full New Moon)—Sabbath by Sabbath you shall keep.” It is in this portion of the verse that the remarkable truth regarding how to locate the authentic and Kadosh (Holy) seventh-day Sabbaths becomes crystal clear. They are to be counted from the full New Moon. Because the suffix defines that this Sabbath should be “kept,” makes it impossible to explain away the connection between the New Moon and Sabbath, by saying “from month to month or week to week.”
- This eleventh fatal error for (H#935 bow י בוא), utilized only a portion of the prefix “shall,” but entirely ignored the “it or He” that is part of the prefix, rendering “he shall, or it shall.” We know this must be the word “it,” because it is being declared by Yahuah. Further, by ignoring the main word בוא the context and truth was lost that the New Moon shall lead all flesh in when to worship for New Moon days, Feast Days, and seventh-day Sabbaths.
- The twelfth fatal error (H#6440 panay ל פנ י) is exactly like the fourth. But here the subject has shifted to when mankind is to worship Yahuah. Here the truth is provided by applying the correct word ל פנ י, which means “according to My chief cornerstone.” So the entire sentence is harmonized with the previous text, “It shall lead all flesh to prostrate in worship, according to My chief corner [stone],” declares Yahuah.”
Between these two verses of Isaiah 66:22-23 the word “New Moon” was removed three times, twice in Verse 22 and once in Verse 23. As it turns out, the focus of Verse 22 is not on a “new” heaven and “new” earth, after all, but rather on an ongoing perpetual time-keeping model as seen from earth and that is to continue into the millennial kingdom and beyond.
The corruption of this verse is an all-out attack by the enemy of souls to hide the impressive importance of Yahuah’s lunar appointed times and full New Moon. Through these translation attacks, the Sabbath was caused to appear to harmonize with the continuous week, which cycles without end according to the Roman Julian/Gregorian witty calendar invention.
It wasn’t until I completed this detailed Hebrew Word Study on these verses in Isaiah 66:22-23 that the magnitude of this calendar cover-up within the very pages of Scripture was clearly realized. These verses were slaughtered in every imaginable way for the purpose of removing the following SEVEN FACTS.
- The Lunar-Astro-Line Time (full New Moon) perspective from earth by night vs. the Lunar-Solar-Line-Time (dark conjunction or crescent New Moon) perspective from earth by day.
- The authentic full New Moon was placed in a specific order among the lunar phases at Creation.
- The full New Moon was appointed as the chief cornerstone of TIME to rule together with the stars by night, as designed by the Creator, and NOT THE SUN, the CRESCENT MOON, or the DARK MOON.
- The correct New Moon establishes who the obedient followers of Yahuah Alahim will be when He returns, and who their descendants are.
- “From ITS ABUNDANCE (meaning waxed lunar phase), New Moon by New Moon you shall keep,” identifies the New Moon lunar phase as FULL, and a sacred day of worship.
- “From ITS ABUNDANCE (meaning waxed lunar phase), Sabbath by Sabbath you shall keep.” This identifies that the Sabbaths were designed to be counted from the full New Moon each lunar month, and were never intended to cycle without end.
- This full New Moon shall lead all flesh to prostrate in worship to the Eternal Yahuah, fulfilling its role as the chief cornerstone of YAHUAH’S KADOSH (Sacred) LUNAR APPOINTED WORSHIP TIMES.
As you read through this study, please refer often to the Hebrew Word Study, as this is the central point.
The Lunar-Astro-Line Time Perspective from Earth
Right out of the gate, Verse 22 begins by establishing a foundational order for both verses by stating:
“For according as the shamayim (starry abode), the New Moons, and the earth: The New Moon that I fashioned and placed in this order . . .”
Notice that the sun is entirely missing from this phrase identifying the order of Yahuah’s appointed lights, as well as from the entire two verses of this study. This is NOT an oversight! This is a detailed revelation of Yahuah’s prescribed order of the lights from Earth’s perspective that defines His New Years and New Months and the demarcation of His calendar dates and Sabbaths. This alone is the protocol for how Yahuah’s mandated time-measuring mechanism works.
This portion of Verse 22 provides an example of Lunar-Astro-Line Time, which is the Creator’s ordered prescription for measuring time, as found in both Genesis 1:14 and Psalms 136:7-9. There are a total of four extraordinarily unique New Moon Scripture identifiers. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Lunar-Astro-Line Time (full moon for the start of lunar months) is the Creator’s standard for time-measuring that is confirmed by Scripture in multiple places and ways. This is the perspective as viewed from the earth by night by an imaginary straight line drawn from earth through the full moon to mark a ruling starry constellation or vice versa. From earth’s perspective, on the last night of each luni-astro year, this occurs when the full moon rises at the feet of the woman Bethula (Virgo) or near her waist (Revelation 12:1), announcing the New Year will begin the following morning at sunrise. For on that night along,e the full moon rises in the east in line with its appointed constellation. The next morning is marked as the first day of the new month as it is the first morning the moon in its fullness is visible in the west before setting at sunrise.
Additionally, each lunar month, the full moon rises in the east and marks the ruling constellation for that specific month. This commences on the night that the brilliant (#G4582 Selene) full moon rules the sky from east to west and from sunset to sunrise.
Click on the Astroplot to view a larger image.
The above astroplot illustrates the Scriptural Lunar-Astro-Line Time model for measuring time as seen from Earth at sunset. Not surprisingly, it is the exact opposite of Luni-Solar-Line Time and Solar-Line Time, as shown below. As a result, the New Moon lunar phase utilized to depict the Scriptural Lunar-Astro-Line Time is strikingly contrasted to all the forms of solar reckoning whether they utilize a New Moon or not, as with the Gregorian and Enoch calendar, and whether they follow the dark occulted lunar phase or the crescent. Below are three astroplots depicting that any system for time-measuring that utilizes an imaginary straight line through the “sun,” whether it utilizes the moon or not, by its very nature, is a polar opposite of Yahuah’s authorized Scripturally mandated calendar model.
Note: This website now believes in Geocentrism, the earth centered model of the universe. However, you will find each of the four astroplot illustrations continue to reflect the Heliocentrism model for the mere reason that it is easier to illustrate. This does not affect the fact that all the Solar-Line Time methods remain 180 degrees opposite of Yahuah’s sacred and set-apart method of time measuring. However, these illustrations may change in the future.
Also, note that it is impossible to accurately depict the spiral lunar orbit as it changes length from year to year. Some years contain 354 days and other years 384. But even so, the full New Moon holds the key that consistently marks the constellation Bethula as the start of each year.
Modern Gregorian Time is based upon the Solar-Line Time
The modern Roman Gregorian calendar time measuring system has been adopted by most of the world today. It is based upon the principles of time-measuring that utilizes the imaginary Solar Line as viewed from Earth at noon, through the sun, and marks the ruling constellation of the Zodiac that is not even visible. This system begins in winter instead of spring and declares Sagittarius as the first constellation of the year, although not visible in the night sky at this time of year. It only enters the visible sky on the eastern horizon in mid-summer.
The Roman calendar model continues to ignore the relevance of the moon, remaining true to Julius Caesar’s decision to remove the moon from Roman timekeeping in 45 B.C. However, in the years preceding this date, the Roman Empire, like all other nations, originally measured months and years according to the moon.
“In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Cæsar invited Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar, and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the lunar calendar altogether. Months must be arranged on a seasonal basis, and a tropical [solar] year used, as in the Egyptian calendar.” “The Julian Calendar,” Encyclopedia Britannica.
Make no mistake, it was by removing the moon as a beacon of time that the Romans started in the footsteps of the first-century Egyptians on a journey of measuring only the sun against the backdrop of the constellations and developing their own model of month length, that also allowed the weeks to drift throughout the months and years with no relevant connection to either. This had always been the role of the moon to designate months, weeks, and demarcate days. Then, they sold this to the entire world as having existed since the dawn of creation. The world bought into this lie because the Scriptures appeared to support this view. Ironically, the Romans, together with the Jews, had their hands on the sacred manuscripts. It indeed appears that some things relating to time have been changed in both the oldest manuscripts as well as the translations.
This view of the Gregorian Solar-Line Time does not fit the Scriptural model, as the Creator’s signs, seasons, days, and years were each to be governed by the sun for days and by the moon with the stars by night for years, months, the count of weeks, and demarcation of dates for the purpose of bearing testimony of the Creator of the shamayim and earth. It is an utter impossibility for a week, which cycles with no relevant connection to the celestial orbit of the shamayim, to be the SIGNPOST for Creation or an ambassador of the Creator.
Enoch’s Solar-Line Time as Measured through the Sun
This astroplot below illustrates the ever-growing-in-popularity, Enoch solar calendar with its Solar-Line Time entirely independent of the moon. It is similar to the modern Gregorian calendar in that it is based upon the principles of a 365.25 solar year with no connection whatsoever to the lunar phases. But this is where the similarities end. The Enoch calendar is all about the sun and the vernal equinox with consistent 30-day months, which eliminates the New Moons. Each quarter of the year, one day is added to bring its total to 91 days. Then, an additional day is added on the last day of the year, bringing the total number of days of the year to 365.
While this calendar entirely disregards the New Moon of Scripture, it is surprising how many folks claiming “sola Scriptura” are choosing this form of time-keeping. Its primary time indicator is the sun, which continues to mark the ruling constellation of stars on the opposite side of the universe by day when they are neither visible nor ruling according to Scripture’s standards. Remember, according to Scripture ,the sun was designed to rule alone and never with the stars, while it was the full New Moon that the Creator designed to perpetually rule together with the stars by night.
So it is that any method that falls short of the Creator’s template for time-keeping is unlawful within His Kingdom. Anyone continuing to follow a Solar-Line-Time system once they have been shown ample evidence to the contrary in the Tanakh is in rebellion against their Creator. Please take the time today to review these revealed truths. The Messiah has already made a way of escape and is now restoring His divine truths to those who will be obedient.
To the Torah and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no LIGHT in them. Isaiah 8:20
The Torah is the first five books of the Tanakh (OT), and the testimony are the seven sacred Feast Days that include the Renewed Covenant account that verifies that indeed the Messiah did come and He fulfilled the Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread perfectly. These Feast Days were ordained to tell the Messiah’s salvation story every year from beginning to end and from full New Moon to full New Moon. The Torah and the testimony are like a GPS Unit that pinpoints where the truth may be found. If the Book of Enoch, or any other writings considered to be inspired, come between a person and the TRUTH as found in the Torah and the testimony, then they can no longer claim Scripture as their foundation or guide, and there is NO LIGHT in them.
Lunar-Solar-Line-Time as Measured Through the Sun
In essence, this Lunar-Solar-Line Time, as shown below, measures both the dark lunar phase and the crescent. The New Moon Day, in both cases, must first commence with the lunar conjunction as the occulted moon event. Each group may have differing beliefs on this. Even though the moon is part of this equation, it is nullified by the sheer fact that this system of measuring time is aimed through the sun and thus flies in the face of the Creator.
From earth at noon on this day, shortly after the vernal equinox, the moon is not visible because it lies in the visual path of the brilliant sun. Several times a year, the sun can even be eclipsed by the occulted moon, rendering it also invisible as the occulted sun. But most striking of all is that every single month following the imaginary Lunar-Solar-Line Time, the starry constellations are NEVER visible. The ruling constellation can only be deduced via an astroplot, such as the one below, while utilizing the Lunar-Solar Line marker.
In the astroplot below, DAGON, also known today as Pisces, is ruling the first month of each year. This illustration reflects the position of the modern Jews, who combine the Lunar-Solar-Line Time to mark the commencement of their adulterated version of the sacred Feast Days but also continue to adhere to the Gregorian calendar for years and weeks. Read the story of Dagon and how the Eternal felt about this pagan god. (1 Samuel 5:1-8)
Dagon, the Pagan Fish God
“…Another symbol of the Christian church and its savior, Jesus, is the fish. Many people put the “Jesus fish” on the back of their cars …with little idea of what it really means. The fish does not represent Jesus; rather, it represents the constellation of Pisces. In 2005, an ancient church was discovered buried under prison grounds in Uriah, Israel. A large mosaic tiled the floor and depicted two fish facing opposite directions and stacked on top of each other. This two-fish picture is a classic representation of the age of Pisces. In the Scripture, the Messiah comes across two fishermen and says, ‘Come, and I will make you fishers of men,’ and later feeds an entire crowd of people with a few loaves of bread and two fish. Eventually, the fish would come to represent Messiah’s replacement, “Jesus,” as the fish god of the Christian religion.
Jesus,however, Dagon was the Piscean fish God. The Catholic Pope does not represent [the true Messiah]Jesus, he represents Dagon, In fact, the mitre he wears is shaped like a fish and is the official fedora of Dagon…” A new Order of the Ages: Volume One: A Metaphysical Blueprint of Reality and an Expose On Powerful Reptilian/Aryan bloodlines – Colin Robert Bowling, Bloomington, IN 47403: IUniverse (2011)
Carrying this thought forward of Pisces as Dagon, here is an artist’s rendering of the attire worn by the High Priest Caiaphas at the time of the Messiah. Notice He is depicted as wearing the Dagon miter with a crescent moon in front of it instead of the full moon miter designated by the Eternal Yahuah to Moses and Aaron. This illustrates a Lunar-Solar-Line time marker. While this is in harmony with modern Judaism today, it is my current belief that Israel at the time of the Messiah’s first coming was, for the most part, keeping the correct Lunar-Astro-Line Time calendar, but shortly thereafter adopted the Lunar-Solar-Line Time that they continue to keep today. The three points that can be drawn from this are:
Note the difference between this full moon miter (headdress) and that of the crescent Dagon followers.
- This Dagon miter represents modern Jewish timekeeping. Pisces is Dagon the constellation. The crescent together with the sun marks Dagon as the first and supreme ruling constellation of the year for them. According to this sign of Dagon, all the feasts of Yahuah are currently reckoned by the Jews, Messianics, and some luni-solar Sabbatarians. This illustrates that all who follow this system of time reckoning are doing so entirely based upon occult paganism, falling outside the pail of the Creator’s authorized time measuring protocol. And even though this is only a drawing, it is clear the connection was made that Pisces is Dagon the fish god.
- The second point, long suspicioned, is that the Jews current Lunar-Solar- Line Time measuring is 100% of the time paying homage to Dagon in league with Rome. Rome may even be their supreme ruler. But the reverse may be true, as the Zionist Kabbalah ordains the Jews as rulers of the whole world. Strikingly, ALL Roman Bishops and Popes are priests according to the order of Dagon, and not Melchizedek as are Yahusha the Messiah and His true followers.
- The modern Jewish calendar will NEVER identify the true set-apart worship days of Yahuah via this line of measure through the dark or crescent New Moon, through the sun, and onto Dagon. All this will produce is erroneous non-sacred days, and its worship will be received by Satan, the prince of darkness. Might this have been what was troubling Yahuah when Israel went into idolatry in the days of the Prophet Isaiah, and He declared in His frustration?
“Your New Moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates; they are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them.” Isaiah 1:14
I contend that the change from the original full New Moon of Creation to this occult deception from the PIT OF HELL took root off and on throughout Israel’s history. This became their fixed system of time measuring between the first and fourth century A.D., during the rise to power of the Rabbinical Pharisees. It appears to have been accomplished with the aid of Roman influence, beginning after the crucifixion of the Messiah. So, together with Rome, Pharisees continue to renew their covenant with Satan each and every spring when the occulted moon, together with the sun, marks the occulted constellation Pisces, paying homage to the pagan god Dagon.
The New Moon Placed in a Specific Order
. . . The New Moon that I fashioned and placed in this order was appointed for My chief corner [stone]. . .” Verse 22
This next revealing phrase in Verse 22 identifies Yahuah’s original New Moon, which He fashioned at creation, He also placed in a specific order among the 29-30 lunar phases that occur throughout the lunar month. Just any lunar phase will not do, no matter how long it has been traditionalized, charted, and perpetually kept by millions of Muslims, Jews, and other sincere followers. Sincerity is not a sign of truth. Every pagan religion is full of brilliant and sincere folks. Neither of these are factors that demonstrate Yahuah Alahim’s TRUTHS. If it were, then all the thousands of religions of the world, no matter their beliefs, could by all intents and purposes, be a WAY unto salvation. But Scripture is the only guide, and the Messiah declared that He alone, as the Aleph and Tav is that WAY and that no one can come to the Father except through Him. And even while there are errors in Scripture, the truth can be found through the weight of evidence. Each of us needs to become better students of His WORD so that we may discern for ourselves the truth from error and the correct New Moon from the counterfeit.
In the eyes of the world, there are only two contenders for the true New Moon, but now we propose a third.
- This includes the dark conjunction lunar phase, for the reason that it aligns with the earth and sun every 29 to 30 days.
- The next is the crescent lunar phase, for the mere fact that it is the first lunar phase to visibly appear following the dark conjunction. So for this reason it is considered first in order by many.
- And the third is the full moon. This is a candidate for the sheer fact that 1) In its fullness, it is a bold and brilliant light (G#4582 Selene), creating a marvelously visible display. 2) It is the only lunar phase that rules the entire night, arising in the east and setting in the west following sunrise. 3) This is the only visible lunar phase that appears exactly the same in both the northern and southern hemispheres within the same 24 hour period. All other lunar phases occur in the opposite perspectives. Is it not the Creator’s will that all the world should have access to the same New Moon lunar phase on the same night?
The full moon is like a pizza pie. One must start with a whole pizza before it can be divided. 4) Also, the full moon is perfectly symmetrical, whole, and fully lit, as defined by the following Scripture verse. Strikingly, there is only one lunar phase that qualifies as the perfect day. All other lunar phases are liminal.
But the path of the just is as the shining LIGHT, that shines more and more unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble. Proverbs 4:18
While there are three basic categories of lights in the shamayim (heavens) that include the sun, moon, and stars, the only LIGHT that exhibits changing phases with progressive waning and waxing phases is the moon. This verse beautifully illustrates a comparison of all of Yahuah’s obedient and righteous followers being likened to the MOON that shines more and more unto the perfect day. So the question that remains is, what is the perfect day? Well, according to this verse, it is the most important and revered of all the lunar phases. So, without partiality and simply following the text, this can only be referring to the true and original New Moon as being the full moon. As a result, this is the second of three New Moon identifiers held within these two verses of Isaiah 66.
There is one thing this text does not say: “The light wanes, becoming less and less until the perfect day.” If it did, this would be profound evidence for a dark conjunction, New Moon, and many would quote this verse. But the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, and because the truth has been hidden for so long, many have come to believe the lie and will be unwilling to be moved by any amount of objective evidence. For them, whatever the modern Jews believe is the New Moon and Sabbath is good enough for them. As they may declare, how could all the Jews have lost these so important truths?
The Chief Corner Stone
“For according as the shamayim (starry abode), the New Moons, and the earth: The New Moon that I fashioned and placed in this order was appointed for My chief corner [stone],” declares Yahuah…” Isaiah 66:22
A Cornerstone
The cornerstone (or foundation stone) idea is derived from the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation. This is most significant since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thereby determining the position of the entire building.
Over time the cornerstone became a ceremonial masonry stone, set in a conspicuous position on the outside of a building, often with an inscription on the stone indicating the construction dates of the building with the names of architect and builder. The custom of laying a cornerstone is an important cultural component of eastern architecture and metaphorically in sacred architecture generally.
The origins of this tradition are vague, but its presence in Judeo-Christian countries can be associated with at least six quotations from the Tanakh (OT) (Job 38:6, Psalm 118:22, Isaiah 19:13, Isaiah 28:16, Jeremiah 51:26, Zechariah 10:4) and also six citations in the Brit Hadasha (NT) (Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, Ephesians 2:20 and 1 Peter 2:7) and Isaiah 28:16 quoted by the writer of the Book of 1st Peter in chapter 2, verse 6 1 Peter. The writer of the Book of Ephesians makes it clear that “Yahusha the Messiah is the cornerstone,” of belief rather than a building, referred to in Ephesians 2:20. Gathered from excerpts of Wikipedia
I find it of great interest that the chief cornerstone is often engraved with the name of the architect and builder, as well as the year. Applying this to Scripture, the architect is the Creator Alahim (Genesis 1:1, Hebrews 11:10), which is a plural reference to both the Father and Son. Likewise, they are the builders of the shamayim (heavenly) Temple, in which the Messiah carries the roles of Lamb, High Kohen Melchizedek, and is finally crowned the King of Kings by His Father. He made eternal life possible for all who confess their sins to Him and obey His teachings from Genesis to Revelation. Yahusha, the Messiah, accomplished this by dying as our sacrificial LAMB substitute at the appointed time on the 14th day as counted from the New Moon, in A.D. 31. This is the date that will for all eternity be associated with our chief cornerstone, Yahusha the Messiah.
Therefore thus says Yahuah: “Behold, I established in Zion a conspicuous, guiding BEACON SIGNAL, a stone like object, as the CHIEF CORNER-STONE of influence, a FAT and brilliant foundation to test the hearts of mankind. A foundation rendered trustworthy, it shall not hurry or make haste. Isaiah 28:16 [Refer to Hebrew Word Study.]
Three astonishing things become apparent in this portion of Verse 22 regarding the chief cornerstone:
- The first stone set in place defines the layout of the entire structure. It is incredible how this chief cornerstone applies to the true New Moon, which is both a stone and one containing 30 vicissitudes. But only one is the true chief cornerstone of Yahuah’s set-apart appointed fixed time. Yahusha the Messiah embodied each portion of the redemption process according to the New Moon chief cornerstone. By working together, the plan of salvation has a sure foundation. For these two go hand in hand and cannot be separated from one another in their cooperative work of the Temple services as it relates to the salvation of mankind. This is because the true New Moon announces all the set-apart Feast Days that identify each phase of the Messiah’s ministerial work. Together they prophetically announce and fulfill both the set-apart EVENTS and their appointed TIMES with accuracy and assurance. These represent the WHAT and WHEN so that Yahuah’s obedient may follow the LAMB whither soever He goes, and bare His Testimony to the Ruach (Yahuah’s presence) of Prophecy.“It shall be established forever like the moon, even like the trustworthy witness in the sky.” Psalms 89:37
- From the other Scripture verses highlighted in the table above in Psalms and Matthew referring to the chief cornerstone of the earthly temple, we find that the stone that the builders rejected for the temple became the chief. So, for the very reason that the Messiah was rejected, and because He cannot be separated in principle from the true New Moon, which announces His comings and goings, then it is not a stretch of the imagination to conclude that the true New Moon was itself also rejected from that time forward. By extension, this verse suggests that since that time, whatever New Moon has been promoted and traditionally sanctioned by the “builders” (Israel) of Judaism the earthly religious system in the first century following the time of the Messiah, for this very reason CANNOT BE THE TRUE NEW MOON.
- A foundational reality relating to the chief cornerstone of any building project, including the Temples of antiquity is that it must be fully visible and perfectly symmetrical in every way.
The three points in this portion of Verse 22 result in the details relating to the chief cornerstone, pinpointing a third New Moon identifier: the full moon was and still is the authentic New Moon from the time of Creation.
The New Moon Establishes Your Name
. . . “Wherefore, it [the full New Moon & the Messiah] establishes and confirms your name and your descendants.” Isaiah 66:22
It appears that the full New Moon, which beacons the start of the New Year, the New Moon Day, and all the Sabbath Days, both weekly and yearly, shall be mankind’s test of obedience to Yahuah the Most High, as the Plan of Redemption is worked out in real-time. The final sentence of Verse 22 brings home the relevance that the authentic New Moon, together with the Messiah, as the chief cornerstone, is to establish who Yahuah’s obedient followers are by confirming their names in the Lamb’s Book of Life, along with their descendants who remain obedient. This is where names are established and confirmed.
But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Revelation 21:27
At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book. Daniel 12:1
Now is the time for preparation! Now is the time to read and digest the importance of the correct New Moon and its integral relation to the true Messiah!
From Its Abundance – New Moon by New Moon
“And it shall come to pass from its abundance— New Moon by New Moon you shall keep . . .” Isaiah 66:23
Verse 23 opens by identifying that New Moon by New Moon should be kept Kadosh (set-apart) according to the abundance of the full moon lunar phase. The concept of abundance refers to 1) the abundance of LIGHT it displays; 2)The length of time the full moon is in the night sky; 3) The fact that it must rule along the east-west time continuum while visible, and then only set after sunrise. So, the abundance equates with both the full moon lunar phase and the length of time it shines its marvelous and brilliant light throughout the entire night. Shocking, as it may be to some, the only lunar phase that qualifies as the abundant moon is the full moon, which measures the lunar months from full moon to full moon. Each full moon announces the following morning to commence the New Moon Day at sunrise, which is to be kept set apart for worship. This idea that the New Moon Day was intended to be a Kadosh (holy) day by the Creator has a second witness in Ezekiel 46:1-3.
Thus says Yahuah Alahim: “The gateway of the inner court that faces toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and on the day of the New Moon it shall be opened. . . Likewise the people of the land shall worship at the entrance to this gateway before Yahuah on the Sabbaths and the New Moons. Ezekiel 46:1-3
Try, try as one might, neither the crescent nor the dark lunar phase can ever be considered “abundant,” neither in their light display nor in the length of time they rule the night sky. This is because the sun, moon, and stars that the Creator designed and placed in their order in the shamayim have their greatest value when they are fully visible and ruling from horizon to horizon and exhibit marvelous abundant LIGHT.
Further support for this view illustrating that the “abundance” refers to the fullness of light on the face of the full moon is found in Isaiah 28:19. While this verse does not actually say this is the full moon, it is in the description of the abundant moon crossing over and then vanishing at sunrise that clarifies it as the full moon. The only lunar phase that begins closest to the eastern horizon, crosses over the entire sky by night to the western horizon, and disappears after sunrise, is the full moon. As a result, this is the sign that announces that New Moon Day begins at sunrise.
“Therefore, thus declared Yahuah: “Behold I established in Zion a conspicuous, guiding BEACON SIGNAL, a stone like object, as the CHIEF CORNER-STONE of influence, a FAT and brilliant foundation to test the hearts of mankind. A foundation rendered trustworthy, it shall not hurry or make haste.
And you shall appoint this ordinance and divine law for the measuring-line [full New Moon] and righteousness [the Messiah] for the plummet. And together, these shall sweep away Yahuah’s judgments, and be as a refuge from falsehoods and deception, and be a shelter of protection. [Like] water [it] shall wash away and cancel your alliance with death, and your compact with hell shall not be carried out. A scourge of national judgment will rush in, then they shall cause it [the full New Moon Corner-stone] to cease to exist, these [New Moons & Messiah] will become forgotten and trodden under foot.
From out of their abundance they [the full New Moons] shall CROSS OVER [the night sky & syzygy line of opposition to the sun], and it shall be your sign marker from first to last. For assuredly with sunrise on the morrow, they shall CROSS OVER [the syzygy line of opposition to the sun] in the daylight. But by night it shall be the established beacon, yet surely, an object of controversy to understand and heed the announcement.” Isaiah 28:16-19 The Creator’s Calendar Restored Text
This is the fourth unique and remarkable identifier that these two verses in Isaiah 66 describe that, indeed, the New Moon is the full moon lunar phase, as no other lunar phase qualifies.
From Its Abundance – Sabbath by Sabbath, You Shall Keep
“And it shall come to pass from its abundance— New Moon by New Moon you shall keep; and from its abundance— Sabbath by Sabbath you shall keep. . .” Isaiah 66:23
Continuing in Verse 23, this may be the most remarkable statement of all within these two verses of Isaiah 66:22-23, as we are each confronted with the evidence that the Creator’s original calendar was not only reckoned from one full New Moon to another full New Moon but His Kadosh (holy) seventh-day Sabbaths are to be counted from the same “abundant” full New Moon each lunar month.
We can gather from this extraordinary verse in Scripture that Yahuah’s weeks are to be counted from the full New Moon, which is always day one, and then this is followed on day two by the beginning of the count of four weeks with their seventh-day Sabbaths. This is yet another scenario defining that the Sabbaths will always fall upon the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of each lunar month. While the truth of this verse in Isaiah 66:23 has been lost in translation for hundreds, if not thousands of years, each person is compelled to stand in AWE of this new reality that the Creator’s weeks have NEVER cycled without end as we were all led to believe. As a result, we discover that all the Kadosh set-apart days of Yahuah, His New Moon Days, His seventh-day Sabbaths, and His yearly Feast Days are reckoned by the full New Moon AND BY NO OTHER METHOD.
While this method of reckoning the Sabbath is a newly discovered testimony from Isaiah 66:23, it does not stand alone, as there are other verses that also testify to the lunar Sabbath, such as Ezekiel 46:1-3 and Leviticus 23:1-40, as nearly all the Feast Days are tied to the date of the lunar month as well as the day of the week. This dual system fixed the Kadosh Feast Days into a weekly system that, by its very framework and structure, cannot cycle without an end. Even Genesis 1:14-16 identifies the four major units of time and connects them to the sun, moon, and stars. For the Sabbath is a sign. While the sun is not capable of identifying weeks and Sabbath signs, the moon is. It does this by first identifying the first day of each lunar month, and in this way, the days and weeks are to be counted following the New Moon day. Refer to the article/study on Ezekiel 46:1, Worship at the East Gate.
Worship Times Reckoned from the Full New Moon
“…It [the full New Moon] shall lead all flesh to prostrate in worship, according to My chief corner [stone],” declares Yahuah. Isaiah 66:23
Completing Verse 23, the “it” was identified in the previous sentences as the full New Moon and was specifically pinpointed as the chief cornerstone in Verse 22. Now we add to these realities another detail that declares the full New Moon as the sign marker in the shamayim, designating when all flesh shall worship Yahuah the Most High. Here we find that, indeed, the full New Moon, as the chief cornerstone, is the marker for when to worship and that those following Yahuah’s sign marker are in no way worshiping the moon but are rightly utilizing Yahuah’s time-measuring tool that He ordained in the shamayim for a reference as to when to worship Him. This is precisely how modern mankind uses a calendar and a clock. No one accuses another who attends regular weekly services or meets timely calendar appointments of worshiping their calendar or clock. Likewise, following the full New Moon for Yahuah’s preordained worship rhythms cannot be construed as worshiping the moon.
Summary of the Evidence
From four uniquely extraordinary testimonies, the true New Moon has been identified as having dimensional symmetry and light and is the only qualified PERFECT chief cornerstone. And although the whole world marches to the rhythm of a different calendar beat, Yahuah’s chief cornerstone, the full New Moon, will continue to bear witness each lunar month to those seeking Yahuah’s eternal Kingdom. Each time the full moon rolls around, it is an invitation to every humble servant of Yahuah to confess the past ignorance of the Creator’s Calendar truths, convert to becoming adopted sons and daughters of Yahusha the Messiah, and receive the inheritance of the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:29).
On the eighth day of each month, as counted from the full New Moon, is the first of four monthly seventh-day Sabbaths. Yahuah declares this to be a sign to His obedient followers. This is because finding the true Sabbath is only possible if we have the correct New Moon. The only folks that will find the correct New Moon are those who are seeking it with all their hearts (Jeremiah 29:13).
I believe it was Yahuah’s plan to allow His true New Moon to be lost all these years for the major reason that the Nation of Israel rejected Yahusha as their Messiah. But this has enabled the Most High to take what was lost and restore it for such a time as this, as His time-honored testing truth. HIS TRUTH SHALL BE A REVEALER OF THE HEART.
We have learned that the chief cornerstone was the term applied to both the Messiah and His true full New Moon. So when one is rejected so is the other by default. As we approach the end of all things, if we are seeking to be part of His Kingdom, we must recognize our need to accept His visible sign in the shamayim as our guide for when to worship the Almighty Father. This appears to be His final test for those seeking an eternal home with Him.
“For according as the shamayim (starry abode), the New Moons, and the earth: The New Moon that I fashioned and placed in this order was appointed for My chief corner [stone], declares Yahuah. Wherefore, it/they [the full New Moon & the Messiah] establishes and confirms your name and your descendants. “And it shall come to pass from its abundance— New Moon by New Moon you shall keep; and from its abundance— Sabbath by Sabbath you shall keep. It [the full New Moon] shall lead all flesh to prostrate in worship, according to My chief corner [stone],” declares Yahuah.” Isaiah 66:22-23
The mere fact that the original and authentic New Moon is being revealed after being lost for so long is a sign that Yahusha, the Messiah, will return for His obedient followers sooner than we may realize. My prayer is that as you seek truth with all your heart, you will recognize it and embrace it in preparation for an eternal home with Him.
Significant Truths Found in this Article
- The full moon as the original New Moon and start of lunar months is revealed in four ways in Isaiah 66:22-23.
- The visual boundary markers of full New Moons placed in the heavens are the ageless and perpetual protocol Yahuah gave His obedient followers for locating His authentic seventh-day Sabbaths here on earth and into eternity.
- The time principles of the future reign of our Messiah in the New Jerusalem and the new earth are no different than those implemented at creation here on earth and remain unchanged for eternity.
- “The New Moon is still and the Sabbath was originally dependent upon the lunar cycle…” This means that the New Moon was once celebrated in the same way as the Sabbath.
- For thousands of years the entire world has been spoon-fed artificial time-measuring methods, FAKE NEWS, crafted by the ancient Babylonians and Romans.
- For 1,700 years the Jews have continued to follow the continuous weekly cycle they adopted when in Roman captivity. Length of use cannot turn a lie into the truth.
- This Hebrew Word Study in Isaiah 66:22-23 presents a detailed yet alternate view of the New Moon and Sabbath, never discussed in churches who subscribe to the Roman calendar.
- The Hebrew word Chodesh (H#2320) always means “new moon, lunar month, or first day of the lunar month. None of these can be separated from the other.
- NEVER does Chodesh mean solar Roman calendar month. Yet, in your Bible it is nearly always translated as “month” this paradox causes the casual reader to assume the Bible is in support of the Roman calendar month and continuous weekly cycle. Nothing is further from the truth.
- Twelve fatal errors were found in the KJV translation of Isaiah 66:22-23 that were designed to cover-up seven vital truths of the Creator’s Calendar.
- The Lunar-Astro-Line Time perspective from earth has been lost, but now reclaimed. From earth at night the full New Moon and starry constellation alone are visible to mark the beginning of each New Year and New Month. The sun has no part in Yahuah’s Year and Month designation. This was the first of four full New Moon identifiers.
- The Lunar-Solar-Line Time is 180 degrees opposite of the Creator’s recorded and required method of marking His New Year and New Month. This is the time measuring system all the world wonders after.
- Any time-measuring system that utilizes the Solar-Line Time, as viewed from earth through the sun against the backdrop of the stars on the opposite side of universe during daylight, is in rebellion to the Creator, the Tanakh (OT), and the Renewed Covenant (NT).
- The modern day constellation of Pisces sits in the preeminent position as the ancient pagan fish god Dagon, and as a result cannot be the symbol and starry designation for Yahuah’s first month of the Year. This is because Israel’s calendar at the time of the prophet Samuel was not in sync with their pagan neighbors. (Read the story of Dagon in 1 Samuel 5:1-8)
- The New Moon that was established at creation and set in a specific order was the full moon. Proverbs 4:18 shows that while the moon shines more and more as it waxes with increased light, when it reaches its fullness, it is referred to as the perfect day. This was the second of four full New Moon markers.
- The full New Moon is the only lunar phase that is witnessed precisely the same in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres on the same night. All other lunar phases are either opposites or not visible.
- The requirements for the chief cornerstone of the sacred Temple or any other municipal structure, is that it must be fully visible and perfectly symmetrical. This was the third witness for the full New Moon.
- It was the full New Moon that was appointed as the chief corner stone of TIME, by the Creator, Yahuah Alahim and NOT THE SUN, crescent or dark lunar phases.
- The full New Moon establishes who Yahuah’s obedient true followers and their descendants are.
- “From ITS ABUNDANCE (waxed lunar phase), New Moon by New Moon you shall keep,” identifies the New Moon lunar phase as FULL. This is the fourth witness in these verses that the full moon is the true New Moon.
- “From ITS ABUNDANCE (waxed lunar phase), Sabbath by Sabbath you shall keep,” identifies that the Sabbaths were designed to be counted from the full New Moon each lunar month, and were never intended to cycle without end.
- This full New Moon shall lead all flesh to prostrate in worship to Yahuah, fulfilling its role as the CREATOR’S PREDOMINANT CHIEF CORNERSTONE OF TIME.
- The full New Moon Day is a calendar marker of when to worship, and a sign of obedience to the Eternal Yahuah. It is never a sign of worshiping the moon. Psalms 104:19 identifies that all appointed times are LUNAR, as they are presented by or counted from the MOON.